Title IX training and professional development materials

Jessica Cabrera filed this request with the University Of Nevada Reno of Reno, NV.


From: Jessica Cabrera

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Nevada Public Records Act, I hereby request the following records:

Current training materials used for professional development and other staff/teacher training as related to Title IX protections against sexual harassment and sexual violence. These materials may include, but do not need to be limited to, links to online resources, PowerPoint or other slideshow presentations, training manuals, lesson plans and any other printed or digital resources used to train teachers and other staff/faculty at the University of Nevada, Reno.

Resources only available in print can be scanned digitally and delivered.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 5 business days, as the statute requires.


Jessica Cabrera

From: Jessica Cabrera

For further clarification, I would like access to the following records:
- "All materials used to train Title IX Coordinators, investigators, hearing officers, decision-makers, and any person who facilitates an informal resolution process" at the University of Nevada, Reno -- as described by the Board of Regents Handbook, Title 4, Chapter 8, Section 14, Sub-section 13 (Recordkeeping, on page 42) (https://nshe.nevada.edu/wp-content/uploads/file/BoardOfRegents/Handbook/title4//T4-CH08%20Student%20Recruitment%20and%20Retention%20Policy%20Equal%20Employment%20Opportunity%20Policy%20and%20Affirmative%20Action%20Program%20for%20NSHE.pdf_
- All training materials distributed for the ongoing "Training on the Prevention of Unlawful Discrimination and Harassment" for all employees at the University of Nevada, Reno
- All training materials provided to new students and employees on primary prevention and awareness training regarding "rape, domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking." Additionally, training materials on "safe and positive options for bystander intervention to prevent harm, including how to intervene in risky situations; the recognition of abusive behavior; and how to avoid potential attacks."

From: University Of Nevada Reno

Good afternoon.

Additional time is needed and the University anticipates responding on or before April 18, 2024.

Thank you,

Jodi Fraser
Manager, Administration
(775) 784-4031

From: University Of Nevada Reno

Good afternoon.

The university will respond tomorrow.

Thank you,

Jodi Fraser
Manager, Administration
(775) 784-4031

From: University Of Nevada Reno

Good afternoon.

With respect to your first request, please see records and materials found at: https://www.unr.edu/equal-opportunity-title-ix/title-ix/team#train and at PRR 2671<https://nevada.box.com/s/gtbzfg2xwva6flbogsgzrul5w82d4ff3>.

With respect to your second and third requests, records responsive to your request are exempt from disclosure as the records are confidential as they are proprietary and/or Trade Secrets. NRS 333.020, NRS 603A.030, NRS 333.020. Additionally, in balancing the University's interests for non-disclosure against the public interest in disclosure, such interest is outweighed as your request seeks materials that are proprietary and/or considered trade secrets. See Donrey of Nevada v. Bradshaw, 106 Nev. 630, 635-36, 798 P.2d 144, 147-48 (1990).

Thank you,

Jodi Fraser
Manager, Administration
(775) 784-4031

From: Jessica Cabrera

I made an identical request to the University of Nevada, Las Vegas for their Title IX training and development materials, and they were able to provide them. Would it be possible to reconsider the use of the trade secret/proprietary information exemption for this request given how the other state university responded to the same request?

Jessica Cabrera

From: University Of Nevada Reno

Good afternoon.

The University has confirmed that UNLV did not provide the training materials for the same reasons the University has not provided them. Such materials are exempt from disclosure as the records are confidential as proprietary and/or Trade Secrets. NRS 333.020, NRS 603A.030, NRS 333.020. Additionally, in balancing the University's interests for non-disclosure against the public interest in disclosure, such interest is outweighed as your request seeks materials that are proprietary and/or considered trade secrets. See Donrey of Nevada v. Bradshaw, 106 Nev. 630, 635-36, 798 P.2d 144, 147-48 (1990).

Thank you,


Jodi Fraser
Manager, Administration
(775) 784-4031
