
Oded filed this request with the New York State Office of Court Administration of New York.
Est. Completion None
No Responsive Documents


From: Oded

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the New York Freedom of Information Law, I hereby request the following records:

1. For each suppression hearing held in a criminal case between 2007 and 2023, the name of the judge who presided over the hearing; the date when the suppression hearing was held; and the county where the suppression hearing was held.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 5 business days, as the statute requires.



From: New York State Office of Court Administration

The Office of Court Administration acknowledges receipt of your FOIL request dated 4/29/24, seeking:

1. For each suppression hearing held in a criminal case between 2007 and 2023, the name of the judge who presided over the hearing; the date when the suppression hearing was held; and the county where the suppression hearing was held.
The Office of Court Administration has conducted a diligent search of available records and has not located any records responsive to your request.

No records responsive to your request are withheld or redacted pursuant to any provision of FOIL, and your request is now considered closed.
