Seattle-Tacoma International Airport Social Media Settings

Adam Steinbaugh filed this request with the Port of Seattle of King County, WA.

It is a clone of this request.

Tracking #




From: Adam Steinbaugh

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Washington Public Records Act, I hereby request the following records:

This is a part of a nationwide survey of how public agencies use social media. I request, with respect to the Facebook page located at and the Twitter account located at, the following records.

1. A copy of the full settings for the Facebook page. These records may be accessed through one of three processes:
The first option:
(a) Log in as an administrator of the page.
(b) Navigate to the Facebook page (i.e.,
(c) On the lefthand side of the page, where it says "Manage Page," scroll to "Settings," located at the lefthand side of the bottom of the page.
(d) Click "General" on the lefthand side of the page.

The second option:
(a) Log in as an administrator of the page.
(b) Go to

The third option:
(a) Log in as an administrator of the page.
(b) Navigate to the Facebook page (i.e.,
(c) Go to this URL:
(d) Click "Download your page"
(e) Select "HTML," "High," and "All time" in the available options.
(f) Make sure only the "Page profile information" and "Page settings" boxes are checked.
(g) Click "Request a download."
(h) When the information is ready to download, enter the password to download it.
(i) Press "confirm."
(j) Provide the files contained in the .zip file.

2. A copy of the list of banned people and pages. This record may be accessed in this manner:
(a) Log in as an administrator of the page.
(b) Navigate to the Facebook page (i.e.,
(c) On the lefthand side of the page, where it says "Manage Page," scroll to "Settings," located at the lefthand side of the bottom of the page.
(d) Click "People and other Pages" on the lefthand side of the page.
(e) On the menu labeled "People who Like this Page," select "Banned People and Pages"

3. A copy of the list of "Page Roles." This record may be accessed in this manner:
(a) Log in as an administrator of the page.
(b) Navigate to the Facebook page (i.e.,
(c) On the lefthand side of the page, where it says "Manage Page," scroll to "Settings," located at the lefthand side of the bottom of the page.
(d) Click "Page Roles" on the lefthand side of the page.

4. A copy of the list of words, phrases, or emojis filtered on the page by way of the "content moderation" function.
(a) Log in as an administrator of the page.
(b) Navigate to the Facebook page (i.e.,
(c) On the lefthand side of the page, where it says "Manage Page," scroll to "Settings," located at the lefthand side of the bottom of the page.
(d) On the line marked "Content Moderation," click the word "Edit." It may also be possible to obtain this list by visiting this URL:

5. For each of the "THREADS" identified below, a copy of any hidden comments, with all comments expanded, as visible when logged in as the page. The records of the hidden comments on the full thread may be accessed through this process:
(a) Log in as an administrator of the page.
(b) Navigate to the url of the thread.
(c) Make sure you are interacting with the page as the page: Click the down-pointing arrow next to the user icon (located near the top of the thread, to the right of the "Like," "Comment," and "Share" buttons) and, on the "Choose How to Interact" menu, select the name of the page.
(d) Click "Most Relevant" (or "Newest" or "All Comments" or "Hidden by This Page") and, on the menu, select "Hidden by This Page".
(e) Make sure the thread is fully expanded: Scroll through the comments and click the links reading "1 reply," "replies," or "View more comments" to expand the thread.

For purposes of this request, "THREADS" means and refers to the posts located at:

6. A copy of the lists of users blocked by the Twitter account. This list can be obtained through this process:
(a) Log into the account.
(b) Visit this URL:
(c) Visit this URL:

7. Any policy concerning public use of, interaction with, or comments posted to the Facebook or Twitter account.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 5 business days, as the statute requires.


Adam Steinbaugh

From: Port of Seattle

Port of Seattle


Your record request #22-493 has been submitted. You can see it anytime at the link below.

The Port of Seattle has received your request. You will receive a further response within 5 business days. 


<em>Questions about your request?</em> Reply to this email or sign in to contact staff at Port of Seattle.<br></br><em>Technical support:</em> See our <a href=''>help page</a>

From: Port of Seattle

Port of Seattle


A message was sent to you regarding record request #22-493:

This is to acknowledge your request for records. We are working with applicable staff as it pertains to your request. 


Pursuant to RCW 42.56, you can expect an update as it pertains to the first installment of records for your request on or before September 19, 2022.


Please be advised that the Port’s estimate for a response to your request is based upon the number of requests and volume of records sought in requests that the Port is already processing. In addition, the records you have requested are those for which certain exemptions from the Washington Public Records Act (Act) are often applicable. As a result, the content of each record needs to be carefully reviewed by Port staff to determine the applicability of potential exemptions for each record. For records where exemptions are applicable, the Port will provide a privilege log as required by the Act.  

<em>Questions about your request?</em> Reply to this email or sign in to contact staff at Port of Seattle.<br></br><em>Technical support:</em> See our <a href=''>help page</a>

From: Port of Seattle

Port of Seattle


A document has been released for record request #22-493 along with the following message:

Hello Adam,

We believe this production is inclusive of all the responsive records to your request. Per the applicable staff, the provided instructions did not accurately get to the requested records, but we believe that we were able to get everything you were requesting through other methods.

The attached documents are responsive to your request. These documents and/or information are provided to you in accordance with the Public Records Act (Chapter 42.56 RCW). By making Port of Seattle documents available to you, the Port is not responsible for your use of the information nor for any claims or liabilities that may result from your use or further dissemination. The Port of Seattle has now completed its response to your request and your request will be closed. Please let us know if we can assist you any further.

* 2022_09_15 01 Request

Document links are valid for one month.
After October 15, you will need to sign in to view the document(s).

<em>Questions about your request?</em> Reply to this email or sign in to contact staff at Port of Seattle.<br></br><em>Technical support:</em> See our <a href=''>help page</a>

From: Port of Seattle

Port of Seattle


Record request #22-493 has been closed. The closure reason supplied was:


We released all of the requested documents.

<em>Questions about your request?</em> Reply to this email or sign in to contact staff at Port of Seattle.<br></br><em>Technical support:</em> See our <a href=''>help page</a>
