FOIA - Covert Surveillance Programs, counterintelligence operations and Domestic Intelligence Activities

Evan L Rees filed this request with the Los Angeles Joint Regional Intelligence Center of Los Angeles County, CA.
Awaiting Acknowledgement


From: Evan L Rees

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the California Public Records Act, I hereby request the following records:

Dear FOIA Officer,

Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C. ยง 552, I hereby request expedited processing of the following records held by the Los Angeles Joint Regional Intelligence Center:

1. Internal memoranda, directives, and communications discussing covert operations, including references to historical programs such as COINTELPRO and MK Ultra.
2. Operational plans, strategies, and guidelines governing surveillance and intelligence-gathering activities, including coordination with community policing initiatives.
3. Records of surveillance operations, including logs, reports, and warrants for monitoring targeted individuals or groups, and any utilized watch lists or databases.
4. Intelligence reports, assessments, and analyses resulting from surveillance and infiltration efforts, including assessments of private contractors involved.
5. Training materials, manuals, and protocols used to educate personnel involved in covert operations, including materials related to community alerts or coordination with neighborhood watch groups.
6. Budgetary documents related to funding and resource allocation for covert surveillance and intelligence activities.
7. Legal opinions, guidance, and interpretations concerning the legality and oversight of covert programs.
8. After-action reports, evaluations, and assessments reviewing the effectiveness and impact of covert operations.
9. Contracts, agreements, and invoices involving third-party contractors engaged in specified activities.
10. Records of complaints, investigations, and disciplinary actions related to the aforementioned activities.

The time frame is cover the date range of 1/1/2006 through 4/16/2024.

Additionally, this request encompasses documents related to activities synonymous with or related to "Cointelpro 2.0," including covert surveillance programs, counterintelligence operations, undercover investigations, disruption programs, counterterrorism measures, covert infiltration tactics, political surveillance programs, coercive intelligence operations, and national security investigations.

I request that all responsive records be provided in electronic format, preferably via email or a secure online portal. Please provide a detailed explanation of any exemptions for documents not disclosed and segregable portions that can be released.

Please include any and all documents including documents specifically for Evan L Rees. I am willing to pay reasonable fees associated with this request. Kindly notify me in advance if estimated fees exceed $50.00.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Evan L Rees

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 10 calendar days, as the statute requires.


Evan L Rees

From: Evan L Rees

Subject: Follow-Up Regarding Outstanding FOIA Request - Request for Records Pertaining to Collaborative Surveillance Operations


I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to urgently follow up on my previous correspondence, regarding my Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for records related to collaborative surveillance operations between federal agencies and the Los Angeles Joint Regional Intelligence Center (LAJRIC).

Despite the urgency conveyed in my initial request, I regret to note that I have yet to receive any response or acknowledgment from your office. This lack of communication is deeply concerning, particularly given the gravity of the subject matter and the potential implications for civil liberties and individual rights.

In light of the absence of a response, I wish to reiterate the critical importance of obtaining the requested documents. Surveillance activities, especially when conducted in collaboration between federal agencies and local entities, have profound implications for privacy, free speech, and the democratic principles upon which our society is founded. Transparency and accountability are essential safeguards against abuses of power and violations of constitutional rights. Therefore, the timely release of the requested documents is not only a legal obligation but also a moral imperative in upholding the principles of democracy and protecting the rights of all citizens.

To provide further clarity on the type of documents I am seeking, I would like to highlight several categories that are likely to indicate the existence of covert surveillance programs or intelligence-gathering activities, without explicitly mentioning terms such as COINTELPRO:

1. Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) or agreements between federal agencies and LAJRIC outlining the terms, objectives, and scope of collaborative surveillance operations.
2. Correspondence and communications exchanged between officials or representatives of federal agencies and LAJRIC regarding the planning, coordination, or execution of surveillance activities.
3. Operational plans, guidelines, or protocols governing the conduct of surveillance operations, including directives or procedures for targeting individuals or groups.
4. Records of surveillance operations conducted in collaboration between federal agencies and LAJRIC, including logs, reports, or documentation of surveillance activities.
5. Intelligence reports, analyses, or assessments produced as a result of collaborative surveillance efforts, including assessments of potential threats, targets, or subjects of interest.

I trust that LAJRIC possesses documents within these categories that are relevant to my FOIA request. Therefore, I urge you to prioritize the review and processing of my request to ensure timely compliance with FOIA requirements.

Please consider this email as a formal request for immediate action on my FOIA request. I expect a prompt acknowledgment of receipt and an estimated timeline for the processing of my request. Additionally, if there are any issues or challenges impeding the fulfillment of my request, I request transparent communication and collaboration to address them expeditiously.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I remain committed to pursuing transparency and accountability in government surveillance activities, and I trust that LAJRIC shares this commitment.

Evan L Rees


There are no files associated with this request.