Records Related to Individuals Banned from the Massachusetts State House

Jordan Lassiter filed this request with the Massachusetts State Police of Massachusetts.
Tracking #


Due July 5, 2024
Est. Completion None
Awaiting Response


From: Jordan Lassiter

Date: June 14, 2024

Massachusetts State Police
Public Information Office
470 Worcester Road
Framingham, MA 01702

Attn: FOIA Officer

Subject: Comprehensive FOIL Request for Records Related to Individuals Banned from the Massachusetts State House

Dear FOIA Officer,

This is a formal request under the Massachusetts Public Records Law (M.G.L. Chapter 66, Section 10) to access all records related to individuals who have been banned from the Massachusetts State House in Boston, MA, from January 1, 2020, to the present. As an investigative journalist, I seek these records to ensure public transparency and accountability.

Requested Records:

1. Written Orders or Directives:
• All written orders or directives issued regarding the banishment or barring of individuals from the State House.
• Legal Support: Brady v. Maryland, 373 U.S. 83 (1963), supports the necessity for transparency in government actions affecting individuals’ rights, ensuring that exculpatory evidence is disclosed.
2. Internal Communications:
• Any internal memos, emails, or communications regarding specific instances of individuals being banned from the State House, including the dates of these instances and the reasons for banishment, if recorded.
• Legal Support: Giglio v. United States, 405 U.S. 150 (1972), establishes the importance of transparency in government communications, particularly those affecting individuals’ rights and public access to information.
3. Formal Notifications:
• Records pertaining to instances where individuals were formally notified of their banishment from the State House.
• Legal Support: Mathews v. Eldridge, 424 U.S. 319 (1976), emphasizes the necessity of due process, including notice and the opportunity to be heard when individuals’ rights are affected by government actions.

Privacy Considerations:

Please note that the requested records pertain to official actions and decisions made by public officials and do not fall under personal privacy exemptions. The public interest in transparency and accountability outweighs any privacy concerns in this context. The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court has affirmed that privacy exemptions should not be used to withhold records that inform the public about government operations (see Globe Newspaper Co. v. Boston Retirement Board, 388 Mass. 427 (1983)).

Public Interest Justification:

The requested information is of significant public interest, particularly concerning the transparency of government operations and the actions taken to bar individuals from public buildings. Disclosure of these records will promote public understanding and facilitate informed community oversight.

Fees and Document Delivery:

I request a waiver of all fees associated with the processing of this request, as the disclosure serves the public interest significantly and enhances the understanding of government operations without any commercial benefit. I prefer to receive the documents electronically, via email or on a CD-ROM if digital transmission is not feasible.

Response Time and Legal Compliance:

As per the Massachusetts Public Records Law, I expect a response within the statutory timeframe. Failure to comply with this request may result in legal action to enforce the Act’s provisions. I remind you of your obligation to review this request carefully and to disclose all non-exempt portions of the requested records.

Notice of Publication:

Please be aware that all communications related to this request will be published on a public platform to ensure transparency.

Legal Action:

If necessary, I am prepared to initiate legal proceedings to compel compliance with the Massachusetts Public Records Law.


Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your prompt response and the provision of the requested records in accordance with the Massachusetts Public Records Law.


Jordan Lassiter
Investigative Journalist

Enclosure: Fee Waiver Request Letter

Please be aware: All communications related to this request, including incoming and outgoing communications, will be publicly available on Additionally, any correspondence in relation to this request will be instantly published on the platform.

From: Massachusetts State Police

Dear Jordan Lassiter,
Thank you for registering with the Massachusetts State Police MSP Records Portal.  Please log in to the MSP Records Portal to update any contact or password information and to track the progress of your request. (

If you did not submit your request through the public portal but are receiving this e-mail, an account has been created for you where you can track and monitor the status of your request, and receive any documents in response to your request.

If you have never used this system or cannot remember your password you may request a temporary password here: Request Temporary Password (

Please login to My Records Center to update your account information, track the status of your request and receive requested records when they become available. (

This is an auto-generated email and has originated from an unmonitored email account. Please DO NOT REPLY.

From: Massachusetts State Police

Your request for Massachusetts Department of State Police public records was received on 6/21/2024. Your request mentioned:
" Date: June 14, 2024

Massachusetts State Police
Public Information Office
470 Worcester Road
Framingham, MA 01702

Attn: FOIA Officer

Subject: Comprehensive FOIL Request for Records Related to Individuals Banned from the Massachusetts State House

Dear FOIA Officer,

This is a formal request under the Massachusetts Public Records Law (M.G.L. Chapter 66, Section 10) to access all records related to individuals who have been banned from the Massachusetts State House in Boston, MA, from January 1, 2020, to the present. As an investigative journalist, I seek these records to ensure public transparency and accountability.

Requested Records:

1. Written Orders or Directives:
• All written orders or directives issued regarding the banishment or barring of individuals from the State House.
• Legal Support: Brady v. Maryland, 373 U.S. 83 (1963), supports the necessity for transparency in government actions affecting individuals’ rights, ensuring that exculpatory evidence is disclosed.
2. Internal Communications:
• Any internal memos, emails, or communications regarding specific instances of individuals being banned from the State House, including the dates of these instances and the reasons for banishment, if recorded.
• Legal Support: Giglio v. United States, 405 U.S. 150 (1972), establishes the importance of transparency in government communications, particularly those affecting individuals’ rights and public access to information.
3. Formal Notifications:
• Records pertaining to instances where individuals were formally notified of their banishment from the State House.
• Legal Support: Mathews v. Eldridge, 424 U.S. 319 (1976), emphasizes the necessity of due process, including notice and the opportunity to be heard when individuals’ rights are affected by government actions.

Privacy Considerations:

Please note that the requested records pertain to official actions and decisions made by public officials and do not fall under personal privacy exemptions. The public interest in transparency and accountability outweighs any privacy concerns in this context. The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court has affirmed that privacy exemptions should not be used to withhold records that inform the public about government operations (see Globe Newspaper Co. v. Boston Retirement Board, 388 Mass. 427 (1983)).

Public Interest Justification:

The requested information is of significant public interest, particularly concerning the transparency of government operations and the actions taken to bar individuals from public buildings. Disclosure of these records will promote public understanding and facilitate informed community oversight.

Fees and Document Delivery:

I request a waiver of all fees associated with the processing of this request, as the disclosure serves the public interest significantly and enhances the understanding of government operations without any commercial benefit. I prefer to receive the documents electronically, via email or on a CD-ROM if digital transmission is not feasible.

Response Time and Legal Compliance:

As per the Massachusetts Public Records Law, I expect a response within the statutory timeframe. Failure to comply with this request may result in legal action to enforce the Act’s provisions. I remind you of your obligation to review this request carefully and to disclose all non-exempt portions of the requested records.

Notice of Publication:

Please be aware that all communications related to this request will be published on a public platform to ensure transparency.

Legal Action:

If necessary, I am prepared to initiate legal proceedings to compel compliance with the Massachusetts Public Records Law.


Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your prompt response and the provision of the requested records in accordance with the Massachusetts Public Records Law.


Jordan Lassiter
Investigative Journalist

Enclosure: Fee Waiver Request Letter

Please be aware: All communications related to this request, including incoming and outgoing communications, will be publicly available on Additionally, any correspondence in relation to this request will be instantly published on the platform.

Upload documents directly:
Your request is considered a submission pursuant to the Massachusetts Public Records Law.  If the Department determines, given the nature and volume of records being requested, that a fee assessment is necessary, the estimated cost for the production of the requested records, and a request for prepayment, will be calculated and forwarded to you. PLEASE NOTE: the Massachusetts Public Records Law does not require a public agency to create a new record or answer questions.
To monitor the progress or update this request please log into the Records Center.  You will receive an email notification when MSP fulfills your request.
Your request has been assigned the below reference number for purposes of tracking your request.
Tracking Reference No.: P007109-062124

From: Massachusetts State Police

Dear Jordan Lassiter,
Thank you for registering with the Massachusetts State Police MSP Records Portal.  Please log in to the MSP Records Portal to update any contact or password information and to track the progress of your request. (

If you did not submit your request through the public portal but are receiving this e-mail, an account has been created for you where you can track and monitor the status of your request, and receive any documents in response to your request.

If you have never used this system or cannot remember your password you may request a temporary password here: Request Temporary Password (

Please login to My Records Center to update your account information, track the status of your request and receive requested records when they become available. (

This is an auto-generated email and has originated from an unmonitored email account. Please DO NOT REPLY.


