U.S. Innovation And Competition Act Passed In Senate Giving $52 Billion USD Subsidies To Semiconductors (Senate Office of Public Records)

Syed Muhammad Usman Pirzada filed this request with the Senate Office of Public Records of the United States of America.
Multi Request U.S. Innovation And Competition Act Passed In Senate Giving $52 Billion USD Subsidies To Semiconductors


From: Syed Muhammad Usman Pirzada

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, I hereby request the following records:

Reference to the bill by the White House: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2021/06/08/statement-of-president-joe-biden-on-senate-passage-of-the-u-s-innovation-and-competition-act/

Hi there, please provide:
1. A copy of the complete text of the bill
2. Whether subsidies have yet been approved and what are the timelines?
3. Whether Intel Inc. is getting any subsidies, and if so, how many, and whether any subsidies for this company are in the pipeline?
4. Whether NVIDIA Corporation is getting any subsidies, and if so, how many, and whether any subsidies for this company are in the pipeline?
5. Whether AMD (Advanced Micro Devices) is getting any subsidies, and if so, how many, and whether any subsidies for this company are in the pipeline?
6. Whether TSMC is getting any subsidies, and if so, how many, and whether any subsidies for this company are in the pipeline?
7. Whether GloFo (Global Foundries) is getting any subsidies, and if so, how many, and whether any subsidies for this company are in the pipeline?
8. Breakdown of the $52 billion (which companies/timeline) in subsidies approved by the U.S Senate.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 20 business days, as the statute requires.


Syed Muhammad Usman Pirzada

From: Senate Office of Public Records

Dear Sir/Madame,

Congressional bills are publicly available on both the Senate and House websites. For the Senate website, please visit www.senate.gov<http://www.senate.gov> and click on the link to "Legislation and Records".


Lobby (MN)
Office of Public Records
United States Senate
232 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510-7116
Lobby Line: (202) 224-0758
Main Line: (202) 224-0322
Fax: 202-224-1851
Email: lobby@sec.senate.gov<mailto:lobby@sec.senate.gov>

How are we doing? Click here to give us your Feedback<http://www.senate.gov/legislative/Public_Disclosure/feedback_form.htm>.

From: Syed Muhammad Usman Pirzada

Please see amended request:

Reference to the bill by the White House: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2021/06/08/statement-of-president-joe-biden-on-senate-passage-of-the-u-s-innovation-and-competition-act/

1) Can I please have records/emails/transcripts OR correspondence with these companies OR applications submitted by these companies related to the bill above (or talking about potential subsidies) that discuss the following companies: Intel Corporation, Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), TSMC (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company), GloFo (Global Foundries), NVIDIA (NVIDIA Corp.)?
2) Any record/email/transcript/application from any of the mentioned companies applying for subsidies under the CHIPS for America program (US Innovation and Competition Act hereto mentioned as US ICA).
3) Any record/email/transcripts of the Office of Science and Technology Policy discussing which of these companies to give subsidies to.
4) Any records/emails materially discussing subsidies under the US ICA OR CHIPS for America program.
5) Any records/email/transcripts of a short list of companies that will get subsidies under US ICA OR CHIPS for America program.

From: Syed Muhammad Usman Pirzada

The initial request may have been too broad. Please see the amended request:

All communications between senate and domain names ending in @amd.com; @nvidia.com; @intel.com; @ibm.com. regarding the U.S. Innovation and Competition Act or CHIPs (please note the email may not explicitly mention the act/CHIPS for America but could just be discussing subsidies or the application of the aforementioned companies under the ambit of these bills/act. However, if this makes the request to time-consuming/too broad, feel free to ignore it and stick to comms that explicitly mention US ICA or CHIPs).

The pertinent date range is January 20, 2021 through July 13, 2021.

From: Senate Office of Public Records

Dear Emailer,

Our office does not handle such matters. To learn about what our office does handle, please visit www.disclosure.senate.gov<http://www.disclosure.senate.gov>.

U.S. Senate: Public Disclosure<http://www.disclosure.senate.gov/>
Public Disclosure

Lobby (MN)
Office of Public Records
United States Senate
232 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510-7116
Lobby Line: (202) 224-0758
Main Line: (202) 224-0322
Fax: 202-224-1851
Email: lobby@sec.senate.gov<mailto:lobby@sec.senate.gov>

How are we doing? Click here to give us your Feedback<http://www.senate.gov/legislative/Public_Disclosure/feedback_form.htm>.


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