Cooking with FOIA: George Bush's declassified grilling tips

Cooking with FOIA: George Bush’s declassified grilling tips

The former CIA director (and President) shares his secret to the perfect hamburger in a Texas Monthly article preserved in the Agency archives

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Edited by JPat Brown

From fudge to top-secret cupcakes, the CIA’s CREST database contains an abundance of once-classified recipes with often tenuous ties to the agency itself. An article from the May 1976 issue of Texas Monthly is one such example, featuring then-CIA director George H.W. Bush’s guide to making the perfect hamburger.

Apparently, he cooks up a “pretty mean hamburger every Sunday,” claiming the secret is in the meat.

The article goes on to discuss how famous Texans cook up the perfect burger, and one has to wonder how Bush would feel about KTRK-TV reporter Marvin Zindler preferring his meat raw (a trait, incidentally, he shared with former Federal Bureau of Investigation Director J. Edgar Hoover).

No word on Bush’s preference of cheese placement or where the CIA weighs in on the “are hamburgers sandwiches” debate, but it seems Bush’s love for this quintessentially American meal has been passed on to his children.

The full article is embedded below.

Image via Leftovers