Submit your school to our College Cola Contract Crowdsource

Submit your school to our College Cola Contract Crowdsource

Beverage agreements include everything from tournament parking to vending machine placement

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Edited by JPat Brown

At universities throughout the country, the two big beverage manufacturers, Coca-Cola and Pepsi, contract exclusive rights to stock vending machines and soda fountains with their products, and in September, MuckRock began asking its audience to help us understand just what else ends up in those agreements.

Since then, dozens of people have responded to our call, submitting schools from the University of California (all of them) to the University of Puerto Rico. We now have a collection of more than 90 completed contract requests, revealing the terms dictating vending machine placement, extra perks for cola executives during college sporting matches, and commission rates.

At the University of North Texas, for example, the rates for vending machine beverages are expected to go up a quarter across the board at the end of May this year. The commission percentage due to the University will remain the same.



There’s still time to submit your school! Use the form below to tell us where you’d like for us to look. Find something interesting in your school’s contract? Let us know at

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