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DOD IG won’t be seeing any of the newly-bolstered Department of Defense budget

DOD IG won’t be seeing any of the newly-bolstered Department of Defense budget

The internal oversight of Inspectors General reportedly help to save 15 dollars for every dollar spent on their budgets. In the face of a new influx of money to the military, it’s unclear how much will actually get allocated to making sure taxpayer money isn’t being abused.

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CIA’s 60 year war with the Government Accountability Office: the '40s to the '60s Part 2

CIA’s 60 year war with the Government Accountability Office: the ‘40s to the ‘60s Part 2

While the CIA had successfully thwarted the Government Accountability Office’s ability to audit the Agency by the early ’60s, the trouble brewing between the two were only beginning. These problems would only serve to further call into question the CIA’s good faith, as testimony and documents demonstrate that the Agency’s issue wasn’t with security concerns, but with the very concept of oversight.

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Police departments across the country are spending millions on riot gear

Police departments across the country are spending millions on riot gear

We’ve all seen the lines of police at protests donning head to toe armor, batons and/or launchers at the ready, glowering down at protesters through face shields. But how much does all that gear cost? According to the early returns on riot gear budgeting requests we have been filing, quite a lot.

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Agency Voice: The Government Accountability Office's Charles Young and John Bielec

Agency Voice: The Government Accountability Office’s Charles Young and John Bielec

For Congress to get the background and facts they need to consider legislation and oversee the operations of the executive branch, it relies on the Government Accountability Office. Earlier this week, MuckRock had the opportunity to speak with Charles Young, Managing Director of Public Affairs, and John Bielec of the GAO Office of General Counsel.

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