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covid-19 policy

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Air Check: Help uncover how well local schools’ ventilation works and where upgrades are overdue

Air Check: Help uncover how well local schools’ ventilation works and where upgrades are overdue

Keeping schools open and safe during the COVID-19 pandemic isn’t simple, but one key to safer environments involves upgraded HVAC systems, which help keep air circulating and fresh.

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Internal health department COVID-19 data shows at least 562 breakthrough infections among Las Vegas casino workers

Internal health department COVID-19 data shows at least 562 breakthrough infections among Las Vegas casino workers

As of Oct. 15, there have been at least 575 breakthrough cases in healthcare workers and 562 in casino workers, with each occupational group representing about 6 percent of the more than 10,000 total reported cases of COVID-19 in fully-vaccinated people.

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How the Indigenous Investigative Collective brought together journalists across the country to investigate missing COVID-19 data

Members of the Indigenous Investigative Collective recently joined MuckRock for a webinar to discuss how they’ve used records laws, data analysis and reporting to understand the impact of COVID-19 on communities, with a particular focus on Navajo Nation, including how a patchwork of transparency laws left key questions unanswered.

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