Oregon Real Estate Agency
- Address
530 Center St NE, Ste 100, Salem, OR 97301
- Available to Pro Users
- Website
- https://www.oregon.gov/rea
- Phone
- (503) 378-4170
- (503) 378-4170
- (503) 378-4170
- Fax
- (503) 378-2491
- (503) 378-2491
- (503) 378-2491
- Average
- 6 days
They typically complete requests 94% faster than
other agencies in their jurisdiction
- By Law
- Unlimited
for more detail about what the law in this jurisdiction says about
response times
- Success Rate
- 100.00%
They fulfill 324% more requests than
other agencies in their jurisdiction.
Filed | 1 |
Completed | 1 |
Recent Requests
Title | Status | Agency | Jurisdiction |
Principal Broker license revocations - 2019-2020 | Completed | Oregon Real Estate Agency | Oregon |