Defense Logistics Agency
- Address
8725 John J. Kingman Road, Stop 2533, Fort Belvoir, VA 22060-6221
- Available to Pro Users
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- (703) 767-5247
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- None
- Average
- 134 days
- By Law
- 20 days
- Success Rate
- 21.21%
Filed | 66 |
Completed | 15 |
Rejected | 2 |
No Responsive Documents | 4 |
Awaiting Acknowledgement | 3 |
Awaiting Response | 11 |
Requiring Action | 4 |
Overdue | 14 |
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Showing 25 of 1371 Browse all agency FOIA logs →
On 8/8/2023, by Email, Requester agreed to modify request for records from September 2014 to December 2016.
Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, I hereby request the following records:
A copy of the contract -- including any modifications and statements of work -- between Atlantic Diving Supply, Inc. and the Defense Logistics Agency with PIID SPE8EL23F11JV.
We are further requesting copies of all emails with representatives of Atlantic Diving Supply relating to this award.
The date range for the search is August 1, 2022 to June 27, 2023.Sent
Link Original Request
To Whom It May Concern:
This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act. I hereby request the following records:
Your FOIA request logs covering 2016 and 2020, which include a field showing the subject of each request and a field for the final disposition.
Further, I request that these documents be sent in any digital formats in which they exist (such as PDF and Excel). Under the terms of the E-FOIA Amendments of 1996, Section 5, if a document exists in electronic format, it must be released in that format upon request.
This request is for academic research and not for commercial purposes.
In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.
Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 20 business days, as the statute requires.
Ke LiRequest is limited to just solicitation SPM2DE-12-R-0003 and Award Number of SPM2DE-13-D-7256, their attachments and records included by reference into the contract.
Dear FOIA officer:
Pursuant to the federal Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552, I
request copies of all documents requested under DLA‐HQ‐2020‐002051.
I specifically request that you include so-called "non-responsive"
material per the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit
in American Immigration Lawyers Association v. EOIR, 830 F.3d 667 (D.C.
Cir. 2016) which found that FOIA “does not provide for . . . redacting
non-exempt information within responsive records.” As declared by the
court, “once an agency identifies a record it deems responsive to a FOIA
request, the statute compels disclosure of the responsive record—i.e.,
as a unit—except insofar as the agency may redact information falling
within a statutory exemption.”
This request includes all appendixes, annexes, and similar documents. Failure to do provide such documents shall constitute a reason for appeal and a waiver of any rights to said redact documents.
As a representative of the news media I am only required to pay for the
direct cost of duplication after the first 100 pages. Please notify me
by email prior to your incurring any expenses in excess of $ .01.
If my request is denied in whole or part, I ask that you justify all
deletions by reference to specific exemptions of the act. I will also
expect you to release all segregable portions of otherwise exempt
material. I, of course, reserve the right to appeal your decision to
withhold any information or to deny a waiver of fees.
As I am making this request as a member of the news media and this
information is of timely value, I would appreciate your communicating
with me by email, rather than by mail, if you have questions regarding
this request. Please do not close this request, for any reason, unless I
explicitly request it in writing.
I look forward to your reply within 20 business days, as the statute
requires. Thank you for your assistance.
Nick Turse, PhD, MPH0
Contract SP470318F0018, awarded on or about 2-21-18, and all its modifications.
For your convenience, the contract and its 4 mods to date are summarized here: https://www.usaspending.gov/#/award/CONT_AWD_SP470318F0018_9700_GS00F022DA_4732
Thanks, and stay well.Sea Box requests copies of (i) all emails between DLA Troop Support and W K Containers regarding and/or referring to Modification P00002 (dated 20 DEC 2019) to contract SPE8ED-19-P-1015 (dated 17 JUL 2019) and (ii) any determination and/or Memorandum for the Record concerning monetary consideration related to Modification P00002.
This is a DLA Maritime-Mechanicsburg solicitation-classified it as close as I could with drop-down choices.
Will a credit card be an acceptable means of payment? If not, can an invoice be sent to me so fee payment can be generated by my corp. finance dept. ?
Please provide the following information:
-confirmation of qty. & unit price on award to cage 9Y957
-Cages, unit price of all bidders for subject solicitationREQUESTING BID ABSTRACT FOR CONTRACT SPRDL1-19-C-0284
proposal, pre award survey and correspondence with crude energy
On September 24, 2019 the FOIA Requestor submitted an e-mail request to modify this FOIA Request to read, "... to obtain the ship to address (city/state) for orders of 6 National Stock Number (NSN) items/products -- listed on 39 different contracts -- on the the attached spreadsheet and identify the ultimate destination (city/state) to which these NSNs were shipped from DLA Distribution. Data is requested for a three year period (2017,2018 and 2019)."
Requesting a copy of the abstract of offers and offerors listed resulting from this contract.
Thank you
21441We request that utilization data for all pharmaceuticals be provided. I request that the period of the data be from 04/01/2019 to 04/30/2019. Please include the following per line item: NDC, Drug Description, Unit Sold, PV Code, Facility Name, Quantity Purchased, Price Paid, Contract No., and Vendor. Please refer to the provided template file for reference.
I am submitting a FOIA request for prime vendor sales data for MTFs and the TMOP for the 31-month time period of August 2016 – March 2019 for the NDCs listed on the attached spreadsheet. The requested data elements by month and by individual MTF and the TMOP are:
• Item description
• MTF/facility name
• Quantity delivered
• Dollar value
• Month and year that the sale took place
NOTE: I have previously submitted FOIA requests to Shirley Brown (Shirley.Brown@dla.mil) and Pamela Gordon (Pamela.Gordon@dla.mil). I provide this information to the extent it may be useful in processing this request. I acknowledge and agree to pay administrative charges for processing this request.
My contact information:
Daniel Remund
1535 Tenderfoot Drive, Larkspur CO 80118
Cell: 210-563-3887
Email: daniel@remundgroup.comhope you all are having a great day! I am requesting all of the sales for the administrative contract numbers SPE2DX-15-D-1000, 8000 & 9000. This data should be pulled from March 2019. I would like the below columns included on the data. Region NDC Number Manufacturer Name Drug Name / Description Unit of Measure Size / Count Quantity Purchased Total Dollar Spend Facility Name Facility City Facility State If any administrative fees apply to this research please let us know and we are happy to send you payment. If you have any further questions or concerns please feel free to contact me. Thanks and have a great day!
We are requesting a current copy of the National Contracts Drug List. We have requested and received a copy of this report fro DLA in the past, a copy which is attached to this request.
For the period 1 January 2016 to the present, I seek all documents sent by Supreme to either DLA or the Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals (ASBCA) by which Supreme seeks reimbursement of Defense Base Act (“DBA”) insurance premiums incurred by CRM/Compass as a subcontractor to Supreme under Contract No. SPM300-05-D-3130. Such documents would likely have been sent by Phillip Davis, Eric Leonard, George Petel, Christine Reynolds, Rand Allen, Nicole Owren-Wiest, John Prairie, Tara Ward, or Laura Sherman (Wiley Rein, counsel for Supreme) to either (1) Daniel K. Poling, Esq., John F. Basiak Jr., Esq., Keith J. Feigenbaum, Esq., Kari L. Scheck, Esq. or Theodore E. Lorenz, Esq (Trial Counsel for DLA) or (2) DLA contracting officers for Contract No. SPM300-05-D-3130. Such documents should exist in (1) the file required under 4 CFR § 22.4 the (“Appeal File” or “Rule 4 File”] sent by DLA to ASBCA in connection with an appeal by Supreme for reimbursement of the DBA premiums; (2) the administrative file for Contract No. SPM300-05-D-3130 containing contractor requests for contracting officer final decisions under the Contract Disputes Act; or (3) email communications involving at least one of the persons identified above. Any reference to Supreme includes any of the following entities: Supreme Group B.V., Supreme Group, Supreme Site Services GmbH, Supreme Foodservices GmbH, Supreme Risk Management FZE, Supreme FoodService FZE , and/or Supreme Fuels Trading FZE. Any reference to CRM/Compass includes any of the following entities: CRM Limited, CRM International, Compass Security and/or Compass Service Solutions JLT.
We are requesting pharmaceutical purchase data represented in the attached sample report for the periods of March 1, 2019 through March 31, 2019. The sample report has been previously coordinated with the Pharmacy team at DLA for their concurrence. Please indicate the date the data was exported and file created.
We request that a copy of all existing pharmaceutical DAPA prices, National Contracts, BPA prices, TPR prices and their corresponding contract holder names be provided. We request that the pricing information be your most current. Please include the following per drug: drug description, package size, NDC, vendor, price, and price type (DAPA, NC, BPA, or TPR).
We request that utilization data for all pharmaceuticals be provided. I request that the period of the data be from 03/01/2019 to 03/31/2019. Please include the following per line item: NDC, Drug Description, Unit Sold, PV Code, Facility Name, Quantity Purchased, Price Paid, Contract No., and Vendor. Please refer to the provided template file for reference.
We request an abstract of bids received for SPE8E819V1541, 4610015270101 awarded to JGB Enterprises, Inc. We are willing to pay any reasonable fees associated with this request.
We request abstracts of bids received for SPE7L019V4480, 5340003995301 and SPE5E919V3432, 5315006177132 awarded to Global Logistics Strategies, Inc. We are willing to pay any reasonable fees associated with these requests.
Dear FOIA Officer, Please find the attached letter that is a request under the Freedom of Information Act. The list of requested NDCs in Excel format is also attached. I would appreciate a reply email with an Acknowledgment/Assignment Receipt to confirm that you received the request. I am willing to pay fair and reasonable fees to process this request. Please contact me if you have any questions at (909) 556-9904 or cholcomb@goldcoastmedicalsupply.net. Thank you for your assistance.
Auto Eval Abstract
Solicitation Number: SPE5E4-19-T-3665
Purchase Request Number: 0075202580
National Stock Number: 5340-01-598-8356
Contract Number(s): SPE5E4-19-P-0539
Number of pieces on Solicitation: 40