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U.S. Department of Education

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387 days
They typically respond 36% slower than other agencies in their jurisdiction
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20 days
On average, they take longer to respond than allowed by law.
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They fulfill 5% more requests than other agencies in their jurisdiction.



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    This is a request pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552 ct seq. As you know, this Act requires public bodies to make available for inspection and copying all public records, except certain exempt public records, within ten working days of a written request. We arc requesting a copy of the following regarding all campuses of The Art Institutes, including The Art Institute of Pittsburgh - Online (hereinafter collectively referred to as "'College,.), dated between January I, 2007 and the present. Please provide all records evidencing, regarding, or relating to the following: 1. Program reviews, findings, and communications between the Department of Education ('DOE") and the College regarding the College's failure to return Title IV funds to the Department, pay Title TV funds to students, or account for any Title JV funds received; 2. Complaints made by any person or organization to DOE, other organizations, or the College itself regarding any aspect of the College's misuse or mismanagement of Title IV funds including any failure to return Title IV funds or pay Title IV funds to students when required to do so by law; 3. All inspections, audits, assessments, evaluations, and findings made by any person or organization as to the College's management and accounting of Title IV funds; 4. Program reviews, findings, and communications between the DOE and the College regarding the College's falsification of attendance records or failure to maintain sufficient attendance records, including records of student participation in onlinc classes, student completion of online program assignments or class work, and documentation of dates and times that students log on to and/or off of the onlinc program classes, materials or platforms; 5. Complaints made by any person or organization to DOE, other organizations, or the College itself regarding any aspect of the subject matter described in question no. 4 above; and 6. All inspections, audits, assessments, evaluations, and findings made by any person or organization as to the subject matter described in question no. 4 above. 7. Any record containing a summary or compilation of facts or allegations contained in unpaid-refund discharge applications based on the College's misuse or mismanagement of Title IV funds including but not limited to failure to return Tille IV funds to the Department or pay Title IV funds to students when required to by law; 8. All applications and documentation submitted by any former student of the College seeking an unpaid­refund discharge (please redact the name, address, phone numbers, email and SSN of each person who submitted the application): 9. All responses and communication regarding the applications described in number 8 above (please redact the name, addresses, phone numbers, email and SSN of each person who submitted the application); and 10. As to the stndent loan unpaid-refund discharge applications filed with a guaranty agency or DOE by former students of the College based on the circumstances described in number 8 above, the number a. granted; b. denied: and c. pending.

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    Current Program Participation Agreement for Strayer University and current Provisional Program Participation Agreement for Capella University. Thank you. (Date Range for Record Search: From 01/01/2016 To 04/30/2021)

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    I am requesting information regarding a Title IX inquiry into a student at the University of Oklahoma, Norman Campus. The name of the student in question is (b)(6). The alleged incident occurred in Kappa Sigma Fraternity House located at (b)(6) during the 2019-2020 school year.

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    I request that a copy of the following documents or documents containing the following information be provided to me: 1. Correspondence, documents, and emails sent by and/or to the Department of Education (“DOE”) or its employees and/or the National Committee on Foreign Medical Education and Accreditation (“NCFMEA”) or its employees, between January 1, 2019 – December 31, 2019, regarding the DOE’s/NCFMEA’s April 16, 2019 meeting, 3:30pm “Executive Session (Closed to the public)” agenda item related to “Grenada clinical site visits | Alice Coombs and Ghazaleh Gigi Hafizi”. The foregoing request applies only to correspondence, documents, and email sent by and/or to the Caribbean Accreditation Authority for Education in Medicine and Other Health Professions (“CAAM-HP”) or its employees, St. George’s University School of Medicine (“SGUSOM)”) or its employees, the Grenada National Accreditation Board, the Government of Grenada or its representatives, and the Grenada Medical and Dental Council (“GMDC”). 2. Documents with information on the NCFMEA’s April 16, 2019 meeting, specifically, the April 16, 2019, 3:30pm agenda item relating to “Grenada clinical site visits | Alice Coombs and Ghazaleh Gigi Hafizi”. Additionally, any documents relating to meeting minutes or notes taken by NCFMEA or DOE employees during the 3:30pm Executive Session that was closed to the public. Lastly, any notes or documents prepared for or taken at the April 16, 2019 meeting by the NCFMEA’s Alice Coombs and Ghazaleh Gigi Hafizi. 3. 2019 Site Visit Report for CAAM-HP’s full accreditation survey of St. George’s University School of Medicine submitted to the DOE/NCFMEA. The Site Visit Report was created as part of CAAM-HP’s fourth full accreditation exercise for SGUSOM and involved Grenada clinical site visits, a survey of SGUSOM’s basic science campus in Grenada and SGUSOM’s clinical affiliates in the United States and the United Kingdom. CAAM’HP’s site visit took place between March 10-20, 2019 and accorded Accreditation on Probation to SGUSOM, which status was suspended pending a hearing of SGUSOM’s appeal. 4. Documents related to CAAM-HP’s March 10-20, 2019 Grenada Medical School and Clinical Site Visits and/or reports submitted to the DOE/NCFMEA by CAAM-HP related to these the March 10-20, 2019 site visits and full accreditation survey for Grenada by CAAM-HP. (Date Range for Record Search: From 01/01/2019 To 12/31/2019)

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    I request that a copy of the following documents or documents containing the following information be provided to me: 1. Correspondence, documents, and emails sent by and/or to the Department of Education (“DOE”) or its employees and/or the National Committee on Foreign Medical Education and Accreditation (“NCFMEA”) or its employees, between January 1, 2020 – Present Day, regarding the NCFMEA’s decision-making process on determining whether Grenada’s new medical accrediting body, the “Grenada Medical and Dental Council”, has standards comparable to those used to evaluate medical schools in the United States. The foregoing request applies only to correspondence, documents, and email sent by and/or to the Caribbean Accreditation Authority for Education in Medicine and Other Health Professions (“CAAM-HP”) or its employees, St. George’s University School of Medicine (“SGUSOM)”) or its employees, the Grenada National Accreditation Board or its representatives, the GMDC or its representatives, and the Government of Grenada or its representatives. 2. Correspondence, documents, and emails sent by and/or to the DOE or its employees and/or the NCFMEA or its employees, between January 1, 2020 – Present Day, regarding the SGUSOM’s voluntary withdrawal from CAAM-HP and SGUSOM’s membership with GMDC and GMDC’s attempts to gain recognition from the World Federation for Medical Education (“WFME”). 3. Documents related to the Title IV Student Financial Assistance Programs and the final audit report for SGUSOM for the year ending in 2018, 2019, 2020, from the Administrative Actions and Appeals Department of the U.S. Department of Education. 4. Any documents relating to the NCFMEA’s determination of comparability of accreditation standards for SGUSOM and/or the GMDC, as required for medical schools to participate in the William D. Ford Federal Direct Student Loan Program. (Date Range for Record Search: From 01/01/2020 To 04/29/2021)

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    I request that a copy of the following documents or documents containing the following information be provided to me: 1. Correspondence, documents, and emails sent by and/or to the Department of Education (“DOE”) or its employees and/or the National Committee on Foreign Medical Education and Accreditation (“NCFMEA”) or its employees, between January 1, 2019 – December 31, 2019, regarding the DOE’s/NCFMEA’s September 2019 Report (“Sep. 2019 Report”) on the country of Grenada, Grenada’s 2018 statement of information to the DOE regarding its intent to stop using the Caribbean Accreditation Authority for Education in Medicine and Other Health Professions (“CAAM-HP”) as their medical school accreditor, and Grenada’s 2019 “New Comprehensive Comparability Petition” using its new medical school accreditation system, referenced in the Sep. 2019 Report. The foregoing request applies only to correspondence, documents, and email sent by and/or to CAAM-HP or its employees, St. George’s University School of Medicine (“SGUSOM)”) or its employees, the Grenada National Accreditation Board, the Government of Grenada or its representatives, and the Grenada Medical and Dental Council (“GMDC”). 2. Correspondence, documents, and emails sent by and/or to the DOE or its employees and/or the NCFMEA or its employees, between July 1, 2019 – December 31, 2019, regarding the NCFMEA’s meeting on September 27, 2019 and the discussion of the Government of Grenada’s current standards and processes used to accredit medical schools in Grenada. The foregoing request applies only to correspondence, documents, and email sent by and/or to CAAM-HP or its employees, St. George’s University School of Medicine (“SGUSOM)”) or its employees, the Grenada National Accreditation Board or its representatives, the Government of Grenada or its representatives, and the GMDC or its representatives. 3. Documents with information on the NCFMEA’s September 27, 2019 meeting, specifically, the September 27, 2019, 9:30am agenda item relating to the Ministries of Education and health of Grenada. Additionally, any documents relating to meeting minutes or notes taken by NCFMEA or DOE employees. Lastly, any notes or documents prepared for or taken at the September 27, 2019 meeting by the NCFMEA’s Michael Danic and Lynn Eckhert, the DOE’s Charity Helton, and any documents shared with the DOE/NCFMEA by the Grenada Country Representatives for the September 27, 2019 meeting including Hon. Nicolas T. Steel, Robert J. Yearwood, Pauleen, A. Finlay, Lynn Ringenberg, Francine Cournos, Martin Diamond, Johnathan C. Glass, and Thomas J. Monahan. 4. The 2019 “New Comprehensive Comparability Petition” shared with the DOE/NCMFEA by GMDC on behalf of the Government of Grenada detailing Grenada’s standards and processes used to medical schools in the country. This 2019 Petition was discussed in a public DOE document, the Sep. 2019 Report. 5. Documents relating to the NCFMEA's comparability decision for GMDC. (Date Range for Record Search: From 01/01/2019 To 12/31/2019)

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    A copy of OCR's interview notes of requester's initial conversation with OCR in OCR Docket #'s 05-21-2170, 05-21-3001 and 05-21-4024.

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    I request that a copy of the following documents or documents containing the following information be provided to me: 1. Correspondence, documents, and emails sent by and/or to the Department of Education (“DOE”) or its employees and/or the National Committee on Foreign Medical Education and Accreditation (“NCFMEA”) or its employees, between January 1, 2018 – December 31, 2018, regarding the NCFMEA’s 2018 Report on the country of Grenada, the Caribbean Accreditation Authority for Education in Medicine and Other Health Professions (“CAAM-HP”), and Grenada’s/CAAM-HP’s ability to evaluate medical schools in Grenada compared to the standards used to evaluate medical schools in the United States. The foregoing request applies only to correspondence, documents, and email sent by and/or to CAAM-HP or its employees, St. George’s University School of Medicine (“SGUSOM)”) or its employees, the Grenada National Accreditation Board/Jacinta Joseph or other representatives, and the Government of Grenada or its representatives. 2. Correspondence, documents, and emails sent by and/or to the DOE or its employees and/or the NCFMEA or its employees, between July 1, 2018 – December 31, 2018, regarding the NCFMEA’s meeting on September 26-27, 2018 and the discussion of the Government of Grenada’s current standards and processes used to accredit medical schools in Grenada. The foregoing request applies only to correspondence, documents, and email sent by and/or to CAAM-HP or its employees, St. George’s University School of Medicine (“SGUSOM)”) or its employees, the Grenada National Accreditation Board/Jacinta Joseph or other representatives, and the Government of Grenada or its representatives. 3. Documents with information on the NCFMEA’s September 26-27, 2018 meeting, specifically, the September 27, 2018, 10:00am agenda item relating to CAAM-HP’s Update Report submitted on behalf of Grenada. Additionally, any documents relating to meeting minutes or notes taken by NCFMEA or DOE employees. Lastly, any notes or documents prepared for or taken at the September 26-27, 2018 meeting by the NCFMEA’s Thomas Cavalieri and Michael Danic, the DOE’s Charity Helton, and any documents shared with the DOE/NCFMEA by the Grenada Country Representatives for the September 26-27, 2018 meeting including Lorna M. Parkins, Jonathon C. Glass, Pauleen A. Finlay, and Paul Thompson. 4. The 2018 Update Report documents shared with the DOE/NCMFEA by CAAM-HP on behalf of the Government of Grenada detailing Grenada’s standards and processes used to medical schools in the country. This Update Report was discussed in a public DOE document dated December 10, 2018 to Ms. Jacinta Joseph. 5. The appendices to the July 2018 DOE Redetermination Report to Grenada, titled in the report as follows: Appendices: 1 CAAM-HP 2015 Assessment Letter to SGU; 2: CAAM-HP 2015 SGUSOM Site Visit Report; 3: 2016 SGUSOM Progress Report; 4: 2017 SGUSOM Progress Report; 14A: 2017 SGUSOM Progress Report; & 14B (Date Range for Record Search: From 01/01/2018 To 12/31/2018)

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    Proposals of Successful Offerors for 2021 Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I (RFP# 91990021R0001) I would like the following information on these companies: Project Narrative Future Engineers, LLC Contract number:91990021C0015 BrainQuake Inc. Contract number:91990021C0017 Nimble Hiring, PBC Contract number:91990021C0020 Sown to Grow, Inc. Contract number:91990021C0021 Caprock Creative, LLC Contract number:91990021C0016 Edify Technologies Inc. Contract number:91990021C0018 Peerceptiv Contract number:91990021C0019 Lyrics2Learn, LLC. Contract number:91990021C0022 ThinkAUM Contract number:91990021C0023 RockbyRock, LLC Contract number:91990021C0025 Emberex, Inc. Contract number:91990021C0027 Literably, Inc. Contract number:91990021C0024 Myriad Sensors, Inc. (PocketLab) Contract number:91990021C0026 xSell Labs Contract number:91990021C0028 Charmtech Labs, LLC. Contract number:91990021C0029 Scholarcade, LLC Contract number:91990021C0030 Part I. Key Information A) Project Title B) Name of Small Business C) DUNS D) Small Business address E) Small Business phone F) Company website URL G) Typed name, title, contact information (address, phone, and email), signature, and date of signature for the Principal Investigator Part II. Project Narrative – Technical Content 1. Significance a. Problem b. The product, its implementation, and the intended outcomes c. Theoretical and empirical support d. Related R/R&D by the project team e. Uniqueness of proposed product & description of similar products or typical practices and associated costs f. Potential commercial application 2. Project Timeline and Overview 3. Phase I Work Plan a. Development of the prototype b. b. Pilot Research at the End of Phase I c. Potential Problems 4. Project Team – Biographical Summary of Each Key Project Personnel 5. Resources 6. Technical Assistance Plan 7. Cost Breakdown/Proposed Budget 8. Human Subjects 9. Similar or Closely Related Awards or Proposals 10. Documentation and Status of Prior SBIR Phase II Awards Appendices Letters of Agreement and Letters of Recommendation/Support (Date Range for Record Search: From 01/01/2021 To 01/31/2021)

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    SUBJECT: FOIA REQUEST – Department of Education Leaders in Key Positions (2001-2021) To Whom It May Concern: This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. 552 et seq. from Professor Anne Joseph O’Connell of Stanford Law School. I have asked Tess Bissell, (b)(6), to submit this request. REQUESTED RECORDS I hereby request the following records: 1. During the time period from January 20, 2001 up to and including April 25, 2021, records that indicate the name and dates of service for all persons who served in the following Department of Education leadership positions (or their equivalent) as a confirmed appointee, recess appointee, or acting official (either under the Federal Vacancies Reform Act of 1998 or under a specific agency succession provision): a. Secretary; b. Deputy Secretary; c. Chief Financial Officer; d. General Counsel; and e. Inspector General. 2. During the time period from January 20, 2001 up to and including April 25, 2021, records that indicate, for each of the above persons and roles, whether the individual was: a. nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate; b. chosen by the President alone because the position did not require Senate confirmation; c. appointed by the President during a recess of the U.S. Congress; d. serving as an acting official pursuant to the Federal Vacancies Reform Act of 1998; e. serving as an acting official pursuant to the agency’s statutory succession provision(s); or f. serving pursuant to another statutory provision or under an Executive Order succession plan. If an individual served under multiple provisions above (for example, (d) and then (a)), please provide the dates of service for each type of service. If an individual served under (d), (e), or (f), please also provide the person’s title immediately prior to taking on the temporary role. 3. During the time period from January 20, 2001 up to and including April 25, 2021, records that indicate the name, title, and dates of service of individuals to whom any non-exclusive duties of the following offices (or their equivalent) were delegated: a. Secretary; b. Deputy Secretary; c. Chief Financial Officer; d. General Counsel; and e. Inspector General. 4. During the time period from January 20, 2001 up to and including April 25, 2021, records of any presidential designations of acting officials under section 3345(a)(2) or (a)(3) of the Federal Vacancies Reform Act for any of the following positions (or their equivalent): a. Secretary; b. Deputy Secretary; c. Chief Financial Officer; d. General Counsel; and e. Inspector General. (Date Range for Record Search: From 01/20/2001 To 04/25/2021)

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    I am writing to request Title IX complaints filed against Cornell University faculty and staff during the time period indicated below. (Date Range for Record Search: From 01/01/2013 To 04/29/2021)

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    Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552, I am requesting the following documents issued by the Office for Civil Rights for the period of March 1, 2021 to March 15, 2021: Copies of letters, letters of finding, substance closure letters, public policy documents, and "Dear Colleague" documents not posted in the public domain in accordance with subsection (a)(1) of the FOIA, including any and all attached documents of resolution and/or agreements involving or applying: 1) Title VI of the Civil Rights Act 2) Title IX of the Education Amendments 3) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act 4) Title II of the American with Disabilities Act with respect to students (preschool through secondary) and/or the public education institutions that they attend, including any and all attached documents of resolutions and/or agreement addressing the allegations, issued by OCR headquarters in Washington, D.C., or any of the regional OCR offices I understand that you will delete any personally identifiable information pertaining to complaints, parents, or children before you release the documents. LRP Publications is categorized as "representative of the news media" on the basis that it provides news in various periodicals (See Appeal No. 18-00010-A-FOIA Request No. 18-00074-F by Chief Privacy Officer Kathleen M. Styles.) Under FOIA, a representative of the news media is defined as "any person or entity that gathers information of potential interest to a segment of the public, uses its editorial skills to turn the raw material into a distinct work, and distributes that work to an audience." 5 U.S.C. § 552(a)(4) (A)(ii). To determine whether a requester qualifies as a "representative of the news media," the requester's past, present, and future work should be considered. Liberman v. U.S. Dep't of Transportation, 227 F. Supp. 3d 1, 11 (D.D.C. 2016). LRP Publications is the national leader in education case reporters, including the Individuals with Disabilities Education Law Report® ; newsletters, including Special Education Law Monthly; pamphlets; books, including What Do I Do When...® The Answer Book on Section 504 and Section 504 Compliance: The Complete K-12 Handbook; national conferences; e-learning; websites; videos; and more. LRP provides news materials in various periodicals, including Section 504 Compliance Advisor and The Special Educator® , as well as on Special Ed Connection® and EducationDaily.com®. The websites are one-stop sources for news, practical advice, best practices, compliance tips, proven implementation ideas, forms, and guidance. By furnishing OCR's LOFs and correspondence on Section 504, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, Title IX of the Education Amendments, and Title II of the ADA, LRP informs the public of government operations and contributes to the understanding of the statutes and their application. See Elec. Privacy Info. Ctr. V. U.S. Dep't of Def., 241 F.Supp.2d 5, 9 (D.D.C. 2003)(holding that a non-profit entity that had previously published seven books containing information derived from various sources beyond FOIA qualified as a representative of the news media), and National Security Archive v. U.S. Dep't of Defense, 880 F. 2d 1381 (D.C. Cir. 1989)(finding that an organization that planned to publish document sets along with indices and other finding aids was a representative of the news media.) For many years, LRP has requested copies of all letters, letters of finding, substantive closure letters, interpretive memoranda, and public policy documents, and "Dear Colleague" documents, involving or applying: 1

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    See attached. SBPC requests all documents, communications, reports, audits, and records related to Mr. Jeff Courtney’s work for the Department of Education, including but not limited to the “144-page report” and “presentation to Mrs. DeVos in May 2019” mentioned in the following Wall Street Journal article: https://www.wsj.com/articles/is-the-u-s-student-loan-program-in-a-deep-hole-one-banker-thinks-so-11619707091.

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    I am trying to locate request number 21-00524-PA I requested this a few months ago. All of the documentation on my student loans, including loan-by-loan repayment history, income-based applications and approval letters, and any documentation related to my eligibility for PSLF including an account of my qualifying payments to this point

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    1. All records of communications concerning the Department’s January 8, 2021 “Memorandum For Kimberly M. Richey, Acting Assistant Secretary Of The Office For Civil Rights.” 2. All records of communications concerning the Department’s interpretation or application of Bostock v. Clayton County, 140 S. Ct. 1731 (2020). 3. All records of communications concerning Women’s Liberation Front’s “Petition for Rulemaking To Protect The Title IX Rights Of Women And Girls,” dated February 8, 2021 (“WoLF Petition”). 4. All records of communication concerning the Department’s designation of any of the following documents as “archived.” a. “Memorandum For Kimberly M. Richey, Acting Assistant Secretary Of The Office For Civil Rights,” (January 8, 2021) b. Glastonbury Board of Education (CT) (01-19-1252): Revised Letter of Impending Enforcement Action c. Bloomfield Board of Education (CT) (01-20-1003): Revised Letter of Impending Enforcement Action d. Canton Board of Education (CT) (01-20-1004): Revised Letter of Impending Enforcement Action e. Cromwell School District (CT) (01-20-1005): Revised Letter of Impending Enforcement Action f. Danbury Board of Education (CT) (01-20-1006): Revised Letter of Impending Enforcement Action g. Hartford Board of Education (CT) (01-20-1007): Revised Letter of Impending Enforcement Action h. Revised Letter of Impending Enforcement Action: Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Association, Case No. 01-19-4025 (Aug. 31, 2020) 5. All records of communications concerning the letter of congressional support for the WoLF Petition from Representative W. Gregory Steube (March 4, 2021). (Date Range for Record Search: From 06/01/2020 To 04/29/2021)

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    Student Defense hereby requests that ED produce the following within twenty business days: 1. The most recent PPA (or PPAs if there are multiple) entered into between ED and Full Sail University. To the extent Full Sail is operating under a PPA entered into by a parent institution, please provide that PPA as well. FOIA presumes disclosure. Indeed, “[a]gencies bear the burden of justifying withholding of any records, as FOIA favors a ‘strong presumption in favor of disclosure.’” AP v. FBI, 256 F. Supp. 3d 82, 2017 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 161516 at *10 (D.D.C. Sept. 30, 2017) (quoting Dep't of State v. Ray, 502 U.S. 164, 173 (1991)). Under the FOIA Improvement Act of 2016, an agency is permitted to withhold materials only in one of two limited circumstances, i.e., if disclosure would “harm an interest protected by an exemption” or is otherwise “prohibited by law.” 5 U.S.C. § 552(a)(8)(A)(i). If ED takes the position that any portion of any requested record is exempt from disclosure, Student Defense requests that you “demonstrate the validity of [each] exemption that [ED] asserts.” People for the American Way v. U.S. Dep’t of Educ., 516 F. Supp. 2d 28, 34 (D.D.C. 2007). To satisfy this burden, you may provide Student Defense with a Vaughn Index “which must adequately describe each withheld document, state which exemption the agency claims for each withheld document, and explain the exemption’s relevance.” Id. (citing Johnson v. Exec. Office for U.S. Att’ys, 310 F.3d 771, 774 (D.C. Cir. 2002)). See also Vaughn v. Rosen, 484 F.2d 820 (D.C. Cir. 1973). That index must provide, for each document withheld and each justification asserted, a relatively detailed justification specifically identifying the reasons why the exemption is relevant. See generally King v. U.S. Dep’t of Justice, 830 F.2d 210, 223-24 (D.C. Cir. 1987). In addition to the records requested above, Student Defense also requests records describing the processing of this request, including records sufficient to identify search terms used (if any); the locations and custodians searched; and any tracking sheets, questionnaires, emails, or certifications completed by, or sent to, ED personnel with respect to the processing of this request. This specifically includes communications or tracking mechanisms sent to, or kept by, individuals who are contacted in order to process this request. Student Defense seeks all responsive records, regardless of format, medium, or physical characteristics. In conducting your search, please understand the terms “record,” “document,” and “information” in their broadest sense to include any written, typed, recorded, graphic, printed, or audio material of any kind. We seek records of any kind, including electronic records, audiotapes, videotapes, and photographs, as well as letters, emails, facsimiles, telephone messages, voice mail messages, transcripts, notes, or minutes of any meetings, telephone conversations, or discussions. Our request includes any attachment to these records. In addition, ED has a duty to construe a FOIA request liberally. In conducting a “reasonable search” as required by law you must use the most up-to-date technologies and tools available. Recent technology advances may render ED’s prior FOIA practices unreasonable. Moreover, not only does this request require the agency to conduct a search, but individual custodians must conduct their own searches in order to make sure that documents are appropriately collected. To ensure that this request is properly cons

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    I have a child at a public school 'Sheridan Elementary school' in Lake Forest IL. They have been remote learning all year and recently put together a "supervised remote learning program" based on a survery they sent out to parents. Some children made the program and some did not and were put on a wait list. The district and the school are not releasing what the determining factor was to put some kids in the program and put some on the waitlist. I think some predetermining fators had to be with the biggest donations given to this public school and favortism. I think my child was discrminated against and would like to see what the factors were to make some participates and other go on a list.

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    I would like to receive any free information and or documents that I could. This is for extra credit and an assignment for one of my college classes. I will take any information and documents that I can get. Thank you so much for your time.

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    05-19-1395 --requesting a copy of the "Letter of Finding" issued by former Enforcement Director Carol Ashley that is referenced in this article. https://nypost.com/2021/03/07/education-dept-curbs-decision-on-race-based-affinity-groups/

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    All reports produced or received by the Department regarding the disbursement of funds from the following Credit Enhancement for Charter Facilities Program grants of the following grantees: Building Hope (Award Years 2020, 2017); Charter Schools Development Corporation (Award Years 2019,2018,2017,2015); Civic Builders (Award Year 2019) and Hope Enterprise Corporation (Award Years 2019,2017,2014) (Date Range for Record Search: From 01/01/2014 To 04/28/2021)

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    OCR Docket # 15-17-1311 (Date Range for Record Search: From 05/01/2017 To 05/26/2021)

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    02-21-2090 CUNY Queens College---copy of the underlying complaint.

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    I am requesting all redacted email addressed to me at (b)(6) (Date Range for Record Search: From 04/01/2016 To 04/28/2021)

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    Hi, I want to request Open Records of: Contract, Program participation agreement and any other documents associated with Federal unsubsidized Stafford loans entered by Texas A & M College Of Dentistry (formerly known as Baylor college of dentistry) and the Department of Education under Title 1V of the Higher Education Act. I only want the documents from the year 2017 to present Thanks, Christy