A photo of MuckRock's first book,

Get the MuckRock books!

Explore history in a brand new way - in our book series from MIT Press, the most funny, frightening, poignant, and provocative tales about the intersection of surveillance and freedom come to life, as told through primary source documents released through the Freedom of Information Act.

Each subject's file includes brand new introductory material, and we've selected the documents that we feel provide the most interesting view into that person's life, their relationship with the law, or a certain cultural moment in American history.

"An indispensable collection showing us, page by page, that freedom is fragile." - DeRay Mckesson
"As chilling as it is pertinent." - Noam Chomsky

When you buy through the MuckRock store, you'll get an exclusive bonus gift with purchase, including FOIA coasters, redacted magnetic poetry, and stickers, plus the option to get a copy signed by staff.