ICE Communications Public Records Requester filed this request with the Alameda County Sheriff's Office of Alameda County, CA.

It is a clone of this request.

Tracking #


Due Oct. 12, 2020
Est. Completion July 8, 2019
Awaiting Response

From: Public Records Requester

To Whom It May Concern:

**Note that every response (including all responsive records) you send may be automatically and immediately visible to the general public on the internet service used to issue this request.**

Pursuant to the California Public Records Act (CPRA), I hereby make the following 5 distinct requests for records from Alameda County Sheriff Department ("agency"):
1. Every communication (including without limitation any message on an agency's officers/employees personal email/devices pursuant to City of San Jose v. Superior Court (Smith), S218066) to or from ICE between Jan 1, 2018 until the date of receipt of request (inclusive) that is a public record pursuant to Govt Code 7283.1(c) which reads in relevant part "All records relating to ICE access provided by local law enforcement agencies, including all communication with ICE, shall be public records for purposes of the California Public Records Act (Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 6250)), including the exemptions provided by that act and, as permitted under that act, personal identifying information may be redacted prior to public disclosure. Records relating to ICE access include, but are not limited to, data maintained by the local law enforcement agency regarding the number and demographic characteristics of individuals to whom the agency has provided ICE access, the date ICE access was provided, and whether the ICE access was provided through a hold, transfer, or notification request or through other means."
2. The contents of any internal tracking mechanism, database, or log your agency uses to manage or related to "ICE access", "Notification requests", "Hold requests", and/or "Transfer requests" (all as defined under Govt Code 7283) showing all items between Jan 1, 2018 until the date of receipt of request (inclusive), pursuant to Govt Code 7283.1(c)
3. Records showing "whom the agency has provided ICE access, the date ICE access was provided, and whether the ICE access was provided through a hold, transfer, or notification request or through other means" pursuant to Govt Code 7283.1(c) , showing all items between Jan 1, 2018 until the date of receipt of request (inclusive)
4. Every inter- or intra-agency memorandum regarding whether or not to comply with an ICE access request of any kind between Jan 1, 2018 until the date of receipt of request (inclusive)
5. Every guideline, policy, ordinance, resolution (incl any 'sanctuary' OR 'non-sanctuary' declarations) that you follow to determine whether or not to comply with an ICE access request of any kind.
6. Every presentation your agency has given to the jurisdiction's governing entity (board of supervisors, council, etc.) or public re: ICE access requests

You have an obligation under CPRA to, for *each* of the 6 requests made, to provide a notice of determination that you: have no responsive records, have disclosed all responsive records, have withheld all responsive records, have disclosed some and withheld some responsive records (incl. redaction), and to provide statutory authority for any records withheld in whole or in part.

I would prefer the request fulfilled electronically, by attachments, if possible.

For all electronic copies, you have an obligation to provide electronic records in the original format you hold them.
Therefore, where emails, text messages, chat logs, or similar are provided, we would like them in a format that provides *all* the parts of the record, namely all headers, metadata, attachments, and inline images.
.eml or .msg message formats are best. However, if you convert messages to PDFs or screenshots of iPhone messages, etc. in order to perform redaction, please ensure you include all headers, metadata, attachments, and inline images when converting; the usual From/To/Subject/Sent headers are not enough. If you withhold parts of e-mail or text records (such as headers) without statutory justification, you may be in violation of the CPRA and we may challenge your response.

Please consider your obligations under City of San Jose v. Superior Court (Smith), S218066 to search personal accounts/devices storing public records -- which we do explicitly request.

Please send only those records available without any fees - since we have asked for electronic copies, we expect all will be available without fees. Nevertheless, for any records for which you would charge fees, instead of copies, please provide us the (free) statutorily-mandated CPRA determination of what records exist, so we may inspect them in person if we so choose to do so, and notify us of the expected costs if we wished to move forward with copies.

Please provide responsive records on a rolling basis as you approve/redact them for disclosure.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter.

I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 10 calendar days, as the statute requires.


Anonymous Person

From: Public Records Requester

**Note that every response (including all responsive records) you send may be automatically and immediately visible to the general public on the internet service used to issue this request.**
This is an additional request, X1: a copy of our original CPRA request in the form you received it.

From: Alameda County Sheriff's Office

Dear Anonymous Person,

Pursuant to California Government Code Section 6253(c), we write in response to the inquiry that you made to the Alameda County Sheriff's Office under the California Public Records Act, received by the Alameda County Sheriff's Office on May 6, 2019.

Pursuant to Government Code Section 6253(c)(1), (2), and (3), the Alameda County Sheriff's Office is exercising its right to a fourteen day extension to respond to the Request because as drafted, it requires that ACSO search for and collect the requested records from facilities and offices that are separate from the office processing the request, it implicates a voluminous amount of separate and distinct records, and requires consultation with various ACSO components that have a substantial interest in the subject matter of the request. Our deadline to respond is now May 31, 2019.

Best regards,

Cynthia Wilson - Sheriff's Technician
Alameda County Sheriff's Office - Internal Affairs
1401 Lakeside Drive, 7th Floor | Oakland, CA 94612
office: 510.208.9805|fax: 510.208.9803|qic: 26017<> |

From: Alameda County Sheriff's Office

Dear Anonymous Person,

Pursuant to California Government Code Section 6253(c), we write in response to the inquiry that you made to the Alameda County Sheriff's Office under the California Public Records Act, which we received on, May 6, 2019. We note that the requests are limited only to records in our custody and control.
The Alameda County Sheriff's Office is in the process of gathering and reviewing possible responsive, non-exempt documents in regards to your request. After review, we will have a cost estimate for you (if any), and upon receipt of payment from you (if any), we will produce these materials. If deemed necessary, we may have to produce on a rolling basis.

Best regards,

Cynthia Wilson - Sheriff's Technician
Alameda County Sheriff's Office - Internal Affairs
1401 Lakeside Drive, 7th Floor | Oakland, CA 94612
office: 510.208.9805|fax: 510.208.9803|qic: 26017<> |

From: Alameda County Sheriff's Office

To whom it may concern:

Per California Government Code Section 6253(c), we are required to respond to your initial request within 10 days, which our office did on May 31, 2019, after a 14-Day extension. This request will take a considerable time to compile. We will be in contact with you as soon as some responsive documents are ready for release.


Cynthia Wilson - Sheriff's Technician
Alameda County Sheriff's Office - Internal Affairs
1401 Lakeside Drive, 7th Floor | Oakland, CA 94612
office: 510.208.9805|fax: 510.208.9803|qic: 26017<> |

From: Public Records Requester

Thanks. The MuckRock system will automatically follow up with agencies to prevent them from deeming our requests constructively withdrawn for lack of communication.
Under the CPRA (Govt Code 6253(c)), "the agency shall state the estimated date and time when the records will be made available" within that 10-day/14-day determination notice. Please provide the estimate, and we'll add the date you tell us to the system instead of May 31.

**Note that every response (including all responsive records) you send may be automatically and immediately visible to the general public on the internet service used to issue this request.**

From: Alameda County Sheriff's Office

To whom it may concern:

In regards to the release of responsive documents related to your request, we estimate that release date to be July 8, 2019.


Cynthia Wilson - Sheriff's Technician
Alameda County Sheriff's Office - Internal Affairs
1401 Lakeside Drive, 7th Floor | Oakland, CA 94612
office: 510.208.9805|fax: 510.208.9803|qic: 26017<> |

From: Alameda County Sheriff's Office

Dear Anonymous Person,

Pursuant to California Government Code Section 6253(c), we write in response to the inquiry that you made to the Alameda County Sheriff's Office under the California Public Records Act, which we received on, May 6, 2019. We note that the requests are limited only to records in our custody and control.
I am responding to each of your public records requests. ACSO's responses are as follows:

1. We are currently reviewing roughly 2,000 emails that may be responsive to your request. We hope to have the search complete within 6-8 weeks.

2. Attached you will find I247 forms for the month of July. The other months are currently being gathered. The I247 forms have redacted. The redacted information is exempt from disclosure pursuant to California Government Code §§ 6254(f), and 6255. Production would violate California Penal Code §§ 11076 and 13300 et seq.

3. Documents are currently being gathered and reviewed.

4. Attached is General Order Number 1.24 with attachments.

5. Attached is General Order Number 1.24

6. Attached you will find a power point which Sheriff Ahern presented before the Alameda County Board of Supervisors.

Best regards,

Cynthia Wilson - Sheriff's Technician
Alameda County Sheriff's Office - Internal Affairs
1401 Lakeside Drive, 7th Floor | Oakland, CA 94612
office: 510.208.9805|fax: 510.208.9803|qic: 26017<> |

From: Public Records Requester

RE: Req 19-105

> 1. We are currently reviewing roughly 2,000 emails that may be responsive to your request. We hope to have the search complete within 6-8 weeks.

Did you finish this?

From: Alameda County Sheriff's Office

Dear Anonymous,

Pursuant to California Government Code Section 6253(c), we write in response to the inquiry that you made to the Alameda County Sheriff’s Office under the California Public Records Act. We note that the requests are limited only to records in our custody and control.
I have been provided with some responsive documents (Jan 1, 2018 – April 2018). I am not able to send the documents via email because the files are too large and ACSO prefers that I don’t upload the documents to the provided link, would you be able to provide an external drive? If not, I can send you what I have now on a compact disc. You can remit a check made payable to the Alameda County Sheriff’s Office for $1.60 and mail the check to the address listed below. Upon receipt of payment, the records will be provided to you.

Alameda County Sheriff’s Office
Attn: Judea Mulder
1401 Lakeside Drive, 7th Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

Best regards,

Cynthia Wilson - Sheriff's Technician
Alameda County Sheriff’s Office - Internal Affairs (Public Records Request)
1401 Lakeside Drive, 7th Floor | Oakland, CA 94612
office: 510.208.9805|fax: 510.208.9803|qic: 26017<> |

From: Public Records Requester

To Whom It May Concern:

Please find enclosed a check for $1.60 to satisfy the fee associated with the attached public records request.

Thank you.

From: Public Records Requester

MuckRock will send a $1.60 check soon.

**Note that every response (including all responsive records) you send may be automatically and immediately visible to the general public on the internet service used to issue this request.**

From: Alameda County Sheriff's Office

Dear Anonymous,

Send a check for just $1.00. The disc is $1.00. I apologize for the confusion.

Cynthia Wilson - Sheriff's Technician
Alameda County Sheriff’s Office - Internal Affairs (Public Records Request)
1401 Lakeside Drive, 7th Floor | Oakland, CA 94612
office: 510.208.9805|fax: 510.208.9803|qic: 26017<> |

From: Public Records Requester

To Whom It May Concern:

Please find enclosed a check for $1.00 to satisfy the fee associated with the attached public records request.

Thank you.

Check sent by Muckrock Staff

Pay to the order of:

Alameda County Sheriff's Office
PRA Office
12th Floor
1401 Lakeside Drive
Oakland, CA 94612-4305

Amount of: $1.00
  • Created
  • In Transit
  • In Local Area
  • Processed For Delivery
  • Cancelled — 02/20/2020

Check sent by Muckrock Staff

Pay to the order of:

Alameda County Sheriff's Office
PRA Office
12th Floor
1401 Lakeside Drive
Oakland, CA 94612-4305

Amount of: $1.60
  • Created
  • In Transit
  • In Local Area
  • Processed For Delivery
  • Cancelled — 02/20/2020

From: Alameda County Sheriff's Office

Dear Anonymous,

Be advised I did receive your $1.00 remittance for the disk, since then Santa Rita jail has send me four more months of I247-A forms. They are being scanned and redacted. I’ll get them done as soon as possible.


Cynthia Wilson - Sheriff's Technician
Alameda County Sheriff’s Office - Internal Affairs (Public Records Request)
1401 Lakeside Drive, 7th Floor | Oakland, CA 94612
office: 510.208.9805|fax: 510.208.9803|qic: 26017<> |

Check sent by Muckrock Staff

Pay to the order of:

Alameda County Sheriff's Office
PRA Office
12th Floor
1401 Lakeside Drive
Oakland, CA 94612-4305

Amount of: $1.60
  • Created
  • In Transit
  • In Local Area
  • Processed For Delivery
  • Deposited — 03/31/2020