Alaska Licensure Complaints Against Kimber Olson, LCSW

Evan Anderson filed this request with the Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Development - Corporations, Business & Professional Licensing - Professional Licensing of Alaska.


From: Evan Anderson

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Alaska Public Records Act, I hereby request the following records:

A copy of all complaints against Kimber Olson, LCSW, license no. CSWS447 and 108989 (Board of Professional Counselors).

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 10 business days, as the statute requires.


Evan Anderson

From: Zimmerman, Marilyn A (CED)

Dear Mr. Evan Anderson:

The Division received your email on May 1, 2017, requesting "all complaints against Kimber Olson, LCSW, Lincese no. CSWS447 and 108989."

I will be your point of contact on this request from this point forward.

Such requests are handled in accordance with the Alaska Public Records Act [AS 40.25.100 et seq.] and the regulations promulgated under the Act [2 AAC 96.100 et seq.].

In accordance with 2 AAC 96.325(a), the Division will respond to your request within 10 business days, or by Monday, May 15, 2017.

Please note that in certain circumstances the Division may extend the amount of time it takes to respond to your request in accordance with 2 AAC 96.325(d). I will advise if that is necessary in this case.

If this request requires more than five person-hours to produce, the personnel costs associated with that production would be charged to you in accordance with AS 40.25.110(c). I will advise you if this is the case.

Further, any copying costs associated with producing this request will be charged to you in accordance with 2 AAC 96.240. I will advise you if this is the case.

Also, if responses to your request involve the production of electronic services and products, fees associated with providing those services will be chargeable to you in accordance with AS 40.25.115. I will advise you if this is the case.

Please let me know if you have any questions or need any additional information. My telephone number is (907) 465-1673 and my email address is<>.

Best regards,

Marilyn Zimmerman
Paralegal II
Division of Corporations, Business and Professional Licensing
Alaska Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development
PO Box 110806
Juneau, AK 99811-0806
Phone: (907) 465-1673
Fax: (907) 465-2974<>

Disclaimer: This message may contain confidential or privileged information and is intended only for the use of the addressee named herein. The documents attached to this email are considered legal documents. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, you are hereby notified that you must not use, copy, disclose, or take any action based on this message or information herein. If you have received this message in error, please advise the sender immediately and delete this message. Thank you for your cooperation.

From: Zimmerman, Marilyn A (CED)

Dear Mr. Anderson:

I am writing in response to your April 30, 2017, request for a copy of "all complaints against Kimber Olson, LCSW, license no. CSWS447 and 108989."

Your request is denied in accordance with Art. 1, Sec. 22 of the Alaska Constitution, AS 40.25.120(a)(6)(A-E) and AS 40.25.120(a)(4).

Division Director Janey Hovenden has delegated her authority to deny this request to me.

You may immediately appeal this decision by seeking injunctive relief from the Alaska Superior Court.

Additionally, you may ask Ms. Hovenden for reconsideration. Such a request does not require the posting of an appeal bond. For more on this process, please review the attached regulations, particularly 2 AAC 96.340.

If you choose not to pursue injunctive relief in the Alaska Superior Court, your rights before the Division, including to request reconsideration, will not be adversely affected.

Please let me know if you have any questions or need any additional information. My email address is<>, and my phone number is (907) 465-1673, or you can reach me by mail at the address above.

Best regards,

Chris Hladick, Commissioner
By: Marilyn Zimmerman, Paralegal II
For Janey Hovenden, Director
Division of Corporations, Business and Professional Licensing

Marilyn Zimmerman
Paralegal II
Division of Corporations, Business and Professional Licensing
Alaska Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development
PO Box 110806
Juneau, AK 99811-0806
Phone: (907) 465-1673
Fax: (907) 465-2974<>

Disclaimer: This message may contain confidential or privileged information and is intended only for the use of the addressee named herein. The documents attached to this email are considered legal documents. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, you are hereby notified that you must not use, copy, disclose, or take any action based on this message or information herein. If you have received this message in error, please advise the sender immediately and delete this message. Thank you for your cooperation.

From: Evan Anderson


This is a request for Ms. Hovenden to reconsider her denial of our request.

I filed this request on behalf of Grey Faction, a collective dedicated to combating irrational conspiracy theory-based moral panics, modern witch-hunts, and the discredited therapeutic practices that still haunt us from beyond the formally recognized Satanic Panic era. The reason we seek the requested records is because Kimber Olson LCSW believes in the conspiracy theory that some people are the victims of Satanic Ritual Abuse and Mind Control at the hands of a network of powerful people, including government officials. Because we do not expect you to take such an extraordinary claim at face value, the following is the title and description of a presentation that Ms. Olson is scheduled to give at this year's Survivorship ("one of the oldest and most respected organizations supporting survivors of extreme child abuse, including sadistic sexual abuse, ritualistic abuse, mind control, and torture," according to their website at conference taking place later this month:

"The Reversal of Words: Navigating the Complex Therapeutic Relationship
This presentation will address the complexities of the relationship between the RA/MC [Ritual Abuse/Mind Control] client and their therapist. What to look for in a competent therapist, how to understand the words used by your therapist which have been previously twisted by the perpetrator groups, and how to navigate and understand the complex boundaries of a less-traditional therapy while still respecting the professional boundaries of the relationship will be addressed. Many individuals with DID and who have experienced RA/MC have struggled through more traditional "talk" therapies and have expectations for their therapist that should be expanded upon by the learned RA/MC therapist. This workshop will begin with an understanding of the brain and it's capacities for survival and healing, then move into the holding environment of the therapy relationship. The complex ethics of complex trauma can challenge the most qualified and experienced therapist and confuse the most traumatized and distrusting survivor.
Kimber Olson is a board certified, licensed clinical social worker. Her nearly 20 years of mental health experience includes work in outpatient, in-patient, school, home, and hospital based programs, providing city-wide on-call and crisis management services, community health development coordination, and long-term residential treatment. She is currently in private practice in Anchorage, Alaska, where she specializes in the treatment of complex trauma and dissociation."

As of this writing, the above description is available approximately halfway down the page at the following URL:

We believe that her involvement with groups such as Survivorship and the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD) -- a similar group which also peddles conspiracies regarding ritual abuse and mind control -- calls into question Ms. Olson's competency as a therapist. Ms. Olson's beliefs in discredited notions of ritual abuse and mind control may cause her to fail to question a client's delusional claims of being subjected to such horrors. Worse, Ms. Olson may even suggest to a client that they have been subjected to ritual abuse and mind control, which other therapists and psychiatrists affiliated with Survivorship and the ISSTD have done in the past. We do not claim to know whether this is the case, but we believe that the disclosure of records of complaints filed against Ms. Olson would be a step toward finding out.

We take issue with the exemptions cited to deny our request. You cited AS 40.25.120(a)(6)(A-E), which refers to "records or information compiled for law enforcement purposes." As a board of professional licensing is not a law enforcement agency, we do not believe this exemption applies. You also cited AS 40.25.120(a)(4), which exempts from disclosure "records required to be kept confidential by a federal law or regulation or by state law." If there is a law that prevents the disclosure of complaints of this nature, I ask that you please cite the law which exempts these complaints from disclosure.

In sum, the privacy interest that Ms. Olson reasonably enjoys is outweighed by the public interest that will be served by disclosing any complaints that have been filed against her, as Ms. Olson subscribes to bizarre, conspiracy-theory driven notions of Ritual Abuse and Mind Control -- beliefs which may cause harm to her clients.

We therefore ask that you reconsider your denial of my request.


From: Zimmerman, Marilyn A (CED)

Dear Mr. Anderson:

The Division is in receipt of your request for reconsideration of our May 9, 2017, denial of your request for "all complaints against Kimber Olson, LCSW, License Nos. CSWS447 and 108989." Although you sent your request for reconsideration on May 9, 2017, the Division did not receive it until May 10, 2017.

In accordance with 2 AAC 96.345(a), Division Director Janey Hovenden will respond to your request for reconsideration by May 24, 2017.

Please note: The Division may extend the time it takes to respond to your request for reconsideration in accordance with 2 AAC 96.345(b). You will be notified if this is the case.

Please let me know if you have any questions or need any additional information.

Best regards,

Marilyn Zimmerman
Paralegal II
Division of Corporations, Business and Professional Licensing
Alaska Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development
PO Box 110806
Juneau, AK 99811-0806
Phone: (907) 465-1673
Fax: (907) 465-2974<>

Disclaimer: This message may contain confidential or privileged information and is intended only for the use of the addressee named herein. The documents attached to this email are considered legal documents. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, you are hereby notified that you must not use, copy, disclose, or take any action based on this message or information herein. If you have received this message in error, please advise the sender immediately and delete this message. Thank you for your cooperation.

From: Hoskinson, Glenn A (CED)

Good afternoon Mr. Anderson,

Division Director Janey Hovenden has provided a response to your request for reconsideration of the May 9, 2017 denial of your request for "all complaints against Kimber Olson, LCSW, License No. CSWS477 and 108989" in accordance with 2 AAC 96.345(a).

Please see Director Hovenden's written determination, attached.


Glenn Hoskinson
Director's Secretary
State of Alaska
Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Development
Division Corporations, Business and Professional Licensing
(907) 465-2538<>


