Federal Communications and Agreements (Office of the Attorney General)

twitter.com/journo_anon Public Records Requester filed this request with the Office of the Attorney General of Arizona.
Tracking #


Multi Request Federal Communications and Agreements
Est. Completion None
Fix Required

From: twitter.com/journo_anon Public Records Requester

RE: Federal Communications and Agreements - our ref# ZX04-739872-01

Pursuant to Arizona Public Records Law, see attached request addressed to: Office of the Attorney General (and your state Dept. of Justice, if applicable). Please read the attachment in its entirety.

** Every response you send or provide (including all responsive records) may be automatically and immediately visible to the general public on the MuckRock.com web service used to issue this request. ** (I am not a representative of MuckRock)

Please contact us PRIOR to performing any services or copies requiring fees, with a fee estimate/break-down if possible. We do not agree to pay fees by virtue of this request. However, please do perform any search and record copying/production that are provided for free in your jurisdiction. If free, also provide a determination of which requests have responsive records and whether we may inspect them in person, if we so choose.

Please respond in no more than: 10 business days.


From: twitter.com/journo_anon Public Records Requester

RE: Federal Communications and Agreements - our ref# ZX04-739872-01

Pursuant to Arizona Public Records Law, see attached request addressed to: Office of the Attorney General (and your state Dept. of Justice, if applicable). Please read the attachment in its entirety.

** Every response you send or provide (including all responsive records) may be automatically and immediately visible to the general public on the MuckRock.com web service used to issue this request. ** (I am not a representative of MuckRock)

Please contact us PRIOR to performing any services or copies requiring fees, with a fee estimate/break-down if possible. We do not agree to pay fees by virtue of this request. However, please do perform any search and record copying/production that are provided for free in your jurisdiction. If free, also provide a determination of which requests have responsive records and whether we may inspect them in person, if we so choose.

Please respond in no more than: 10 business days.


From: Office of the Attorney General

The Arizona Attorney General's office has received your public records request and we will forward for processing. In the future, please complete your public records requests using our online form.
Thank you.


Rachelle Lumpp
Public Information Officer
Arizona Attorney General's Office
2005 N. Central Avenue
Phoenix, AZ 85004

From: Office of the Attorney General

The attached request is overly broad, and needs to be narrowed in order to assist us with processing.

Can you please provide specific email address for each person you are requesting communication with. Searching simply the name would bring up news articles, etc. that we would have to sift through to find the proper responsive records. Providing email addresses will expedite this request.

Regarding the agreements with the Federal Agencies, are you requesting agreements between the Arizona Attorney General's Office and the named Federal Agencies?

From: twitter.com/journo_anon Public Records Requester


Part 1: We don't have email addresses. What other agencies have done is look at the names we have requested in the To/From/CC/BCC fields of their email system. You don't need to provide matches where the names appear only in the subject, body, or attachments. For example, a query of the form (though this may not be what is needed for your exact system):

(from:"Donald Trump") OR (from:"Trump, Donald") OR (to:"Donald Trump") OR (to:"Trump, Donald") OR (cc:"Donald Trump") OR (cc:"Trump, Donald") OR (bcc:"Donald Trump") OR (bcc:"Trump, Donald") OR (from:"Barrack Obama") OR (from:"Obama, Barrack") OR ... etc...

Part 2: Looking for contracts between the named agencies and either the AG's office or any subsidiary departments/units/etc. under the direct or indirect supervision of the AG

** Every response you send or provide (including all responsive records) may be automatically and immediately visible to the general public on the MuckRock.com web service used to issue this request. ** (I am not a representative of MuckRock)

From: Office of the Attorney General


The response to your public records request is attached. Thank

The following files are attached to this message:

- REQUEST.pdf (62.7 KB), Checksum: abd510cdc9365d2899ea222d9ee2d7ff6f53a5eb024b75949cdb935797726da1

- Response Letter 6-26-19.pdf (34.9 KB), Checksum: 805a12140b56985250dd1a6b2cc77e7289d045a985eb7a357a8687d3302829a0

- AG18-0051 MOU FBI Overtime Reimbursement.pdf (931 KB), Checksum: b1db8bea74dbcc5ee4112e05be9136b3f5529198e64916a5bcb6acd34569f13d

- CRA_PXCETF_AZAG_2018.pdf (131 KB), Checksum: ce095c0f96db8bf0b445dae89fd5b0de23e061c816489e3e2ef5f743c61289e2

- Emails.pdf (66.3 MB), Checksum: d4cd67392582e04ab00b55508116c25f47fa0be5a5cbab6b7bfb7a1d6acd7a29

- MOU_PXCETF_AZAG_2018.pdf (680 KB), Checksum: f4128c9f9ef1d28dc6405fffc03797f7253a3e4e3f16e97496e7445fb735896d

- Untitled.2PDF - Adobe Acrobat Pro.pdf (308 KB), Checksum: 71beaa8a22da3a56d4753ea291c7ff6bbd884ceaa6d18c0eb5ae50fd320e9a81

- Untitled.PDF - Adobe Acrobat Pro.pdf (222 KB), Checksum: 3c7001f8b3cc3ee14c33e763de068a09421ae74908c0ef89eb81b37f68c91574

Please click on the following link to download the attachments:

This email or download link can not be forwarded to anyone else.

The attachments are available until: Sunday, 25 August

Message ID: qisMxlYtJzpccFS9PvYejB

From: Beryl Lipton


Thanks so much for your help. Unfortunately, that link leads to a password-protected page. Could you please clarify how to proceed and access the responsive materials?

Have a great weekend.

From: Office of the Attorney General

You will just need to create an account and set up a password. Should work after that.
Let me know if you have any trouble. The file is too large to email. We could send on a CD if you prefer, the fee would be $10.

From: twitter.com/journo_anon Public Records Requester

** Every response you send or provide (including all responsive records) may be automatically and immediately visible to the general public on the MuckRock.com web service used to issue this request. ** (I am not a representative of MuckRock)

Any chance you email the 7 small files while MuckRock figures out how to access the one large email file?


From: Office of the Attorney General

Attached is the response to your public records request. Thank you.

From: twitter.com/journo_anon Public Records Requester


Thanks so much for your help with this request! I really appreciate it.

Anonymous Person

From: twitter.com/journo_anon Public Records Requester

Ms. Lumpp,

Thanks for the upload!
Attached is a response to the deficiencies you pointed out in our request.

** Every response you send or provide (including all responsive records) may be automatically and immediately visible to the general public on the MuckRock.com web service used to issue this request. ** (I am not a representative of MuckRock)


From: Office of the Attorney General

Thank you for providing the additional email addresses. Unfortunately, this search resulted thousands of emails that will need to be reviewed for privilege and responsiveness. This will take a significant amount of time and resources. A great percentage of the email results are press releases, newsletters, administrative emails from the courts, etc. - is there any way you can further narrow your request? If you would
Rachelle Lumpp
Public Information Officer
Arizona Attorney General's Office
2005 N. Central Avenue
Phoenix, AZ 85004

like to give me a call to discuss, my direct line is 602-542-8351. If I know what you're looking for, we may be able to come up with search parameters that help eliminate unresponsiveness records.

Please let me know, happy to help you get what you need. Thank you!