Andrew Free filed this request with the Atlanta Police Department of Atlanta, GA.


From: Andrew Free

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Georgia Open Records Act, I hereby request the following records:

Good afternoon,

In response to previous Open Records Act request, APD provided a spreadsheet containing metadata of former Deputy Chief Michael O'Connor's emails containing certain search terms.

Using the metadata from that spreadsheet, please provide the following emails:

1. O'Connor, Michael P. <MOconnor@AtlantaGa.Gov> Joe Kruse <joe@peregrine.io> FW: Data Powerpoint 1/17/23 12:29:32 PM EST 1/17/23 12:29:33 PM EST Crime Involving Youth.pptx

2. O'Connor, Michael P. <MOconnor@AtlantaGa.Gov> Joe Kruse <joe@peregrine.io> FW: API registration website 2/17/23 9:02:02 AM EST 2/17/23 9:02:03 AM EST Integration Toolkit Training Pricing.pdf

3. O'Connor, Michael P. <MOconnor@AtlantaGa.Gov> Andrew Grayson <agrayson@axon.com>, Christopher Lindenau <crl@fusus.com>, dan.pohl@acadis.com, Leonard Nerbetski <lenny@peregrine.io>, Mark Wood <mgw@fusus.com>, Morgan Hitzig <morgan@peregrine.io>, O'Connor, Michael P. <MOconnor@AtlantaGa.Gov> Andrew Grayson <agrayson@axon.com>, Christopher Lindenau <crl@fusus.com>, dan.pohl@acadis.com, Leonard Nerbetski <lenny@peregrine.io>, Mark Wood <mgw@fusus.com>, Morgan Hitzig <morgan@peregrine.io> FW: Attendees for the visit next week 4/19/23 6:10:29 PM EDT 4/19/23 6:10:23 PM EDT LAPD Agenda.docx

4. O'Connor, Michael P. <MOconnor@AtlantaGa.Gov> Andrew Grayson <agrayson@axon.com>, Christopher Lindenau <crl@fusus.com>, dan.pohl@acadis.com, Leonard Nerbetski <lenny@peregrine.io>, Mark Wood <mgw@fusus.com>, Morgan Hitzig <morgan@peregrine.io>, O'Connor, Michael P. <MOconnor@AtlantaGa.Gov> Andrew Grayson <agrayson@axon.com>, Christopher Lindenau <crl@fusus.com>, dan.pohl@acadis.com, Leonard Nerbetski <lenny@peregrine.io>, Mark Wood <mgw@fusus.com>, Morgan Hitzig <morgan@peregrine.io> FW: Attendees for the visit next week 4/19/23 6:11:27 PM EDT 4/19/23 6:11:00 PM EDT LAPD Agenda.docx

5. O'Connor, Michael P. <MOconnor@AtlantaGa.Gov> mike.oconnor@peregrine.io FW: [EXTERNAL] FW: Data Article for IACP 5/10/23 10:33:52 AM EDT 5/10/23 10:33:52 AM EDT Manuscript for Police Chief Mag_Quinn_Data Article.docx, Print Layout Police Chief Mag_Quinn_Data Article.pdf

6. O'Connor, Michael P. <MOconnor@AtlantaGa.Gov> Nick Noone <Nick@peregrine.io> Resume 4/10/23 11:21:08 AM EDT 4/10/23 11:21:02 AM EDT O'Connor Resume - MPO.docx

7. O'Connor, Michael P. <MOconnor@AtlantaGa.Gov> Nick Noone <Nick@peregrine.io> Resume 4/10/23 11:23:15 AM EDT 4/10/23 11:23:00 AM EDT O'Connor Resume - MPO.docx

8. Ross, Arlanda <ADRoss@AtlantaGa.Gov> Badger, Diane A <DBadger@AtlantaGa.Gov>, Bickerstaff, Cierra <Cierra.Bickerstaff@fultoncountyga.gov>, Bryant, Paul <PABryant@AtlantaGa.Gov>, donald.talley@fultoncountyga.gov, Edwards Jr., William <William.EdwardsJr@fultoncountyga.gov>, Egbert, John <JEgbert@AtlantaGa.Gov>, issac.standard@fultoncountyga.gov, Joe Kruse <joe@peregrine.io>, Maierhofer, Matthew <Matthew.Maierhofer@fultoncountyga.gov>, O'Connor, Michael P. <MOconnor@AtlantaGa.Gov>, Rosenberg, Steven1 <Steven1.Rosenberg@fultoncountyga.gov>, Smith, Darren <darren.smith@fultoncountyga.gov>, Sweatmon, Lacrece L <lsweatmon@AtlantaGa.Gov>, Vickers, Jacqueline <JMVickers@AtlantaGa.Gov> Bickerstaff, Cierra <Cierra.Bickerstaff@fultoncountyga.gov>, donald.talley@fultoncountyga.gov, Egbert, John <JEgbert@AtlantaGa.Gov>, Rosenberg, Steven1 <Steven1.Rosenberg@fultoncountyga.gov>, Smith, Darren <darren.smith@fultoncountyga.gov> RE: Fulton County & APD Data Sharing 4/28/23 9:49:01 AM EDT 4/28/23 9:49:21 AM EDT MOU - APD Fulton County Data Sharing (4.14.23).docx

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 3 business days, as the statute requires.


Andrew Free

From: Atlanta Police Department

Good afternoon,

We have submitted a request for these documents to our IT department.

We will follow up with you as soon as we have further.

Please keep in mind that the information released is preliminary in nature and could change as the investigation progresses or new information comes to light.

The latest information on significant incidents will be posted to the Atlanta Police Department’s News List<https://www.atlantapd.org/about-apd/advanced-components/news-list>.

Please submit open records request using the following form: APD Media Open Records Request<https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=ClUaA_PxYkucZD7wLHeYpSfF4TjkfrBPtRhKKcURihpUMEFQTzhPTFVORDc2VE1LM1lUV09aOVJUVCQlQCN0PWcu&wdLOR=cCF6D88AD-E9FF-49E3-B699-B4FEEA403391>

Ofc. J. Predmore
Public Information Officer
Office Hours: 11:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Mobile: (404) 556-4399
Email: jtpredmore@atlantaga.gov<mailto:jtpredmore@atlantaga.gov>
Address: 226 Peachtree St. SW
Website: www.atlantapd.org<http://www.atlantapd.org/>

From: Atlanta Police Department

Good afternoon,

Per your open records request, please see the documents in the shared folder below.

[?Folder icon] Andrew Free - ACPC Email Pull Request - MOconnor@AtlantaGa.Gov<https://cityofatlanta.sharepoint.com/:f:/s/APDPublicAffairs/ErkLGw_JdfdFiS31A9pL9NIBS3RqobTjYAyNA8lTFSfUDg?e=6zu6yY>

Please keep in mind that the information released is preliminary in nature and could change as the investigation progresses or new information comes to light.

The latest information on significant incidents will be posted to the Atlanta Police Department's News List<https://www.atlantapd.org/about-apd/advanced-components/news-list>.

Please submit open records request using the following form: APD Media Open Records Request<https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=ClUaA_PxYkucZD7wLHeYpSfF4TjkfrBPtRhKKcURihpUMEFQTzhPTFVORDc2VE1LM1lUV09aOVJUVCQlQCN0PWcu&wdLOR=cCF6D88AD-E9FF-49E3-B699-B4FEEA403391>

Ofc. J. Predmore
Public Information Officer
Office Hours: 11:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Mobile: (404) 556-4399
Email: jtpredmore@atlantaga.gov<mailto:jtpredmore@atlantaga.gov>
Address: 226 Peachtree St. SW
Website: www.atlantapd.org<http://www.atlantapd.org/>

From: Andrew Free

Thank you!
