Andrew Free filed this request with the Atlanta Police Department of Atlanta, GA.

It is a clone of this request.



From: Andrew Free

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Georgia Open Records Act, I hereby request the following records:

Good afternoon,

In response to previous Open Records Act request, APD provided a spreadsheet containing metadata of former Deputy Chief Michael O'Connor's emails containing certain search terms. (See: https://www.muckrock.com/foi/atlanta-325/oconnor-axon-emails-2022-24-161585/_

Using the metadata from that spreadsheet, please provide the following emails:
1. Bryant, Paul <PABryant@AtlantaGa.Gov> Egbert, John <JEgbert@AtlantaGa.Gov>, Joe Kruse <joe@peregrine.io>, O'Connor, Michael P. <MOconnor@AtlantaGa.Gov> sample mayors briefing 1/24/23 3:02:35 PM EST 1/24/23 3:04:39 PM EST Atlanta Police Department Mayor's Briefing 12.16.22.pptx, Atlanta Police Department Mayor's Briefing 12.23.22.pptx

2. Badger, Diane A <DBadger@AtlantaGa.Gov> Egbert, John <JEgbert@AtlantaGa.Gov>, Joe Kruse <joe@peregrine.io>, Moses, John <JMoses@AtlantaGa.Gov>, O'Connor, Michael P. <MOconnor@AtlantaGa.Gov>, Ross, Arlanda <ADRoss@AtlantaGa.Gov>, Sweatmon, Lacrece L <lsweatmon@AtlantaGa.Gov>, Vickers, Jacqueline <JMVickers@AtlantaGa.Gov> Moses, John <JMoses@AtlantaGa.Gov>, Ross, Arlanda <ADRoss@AtlantaGa.Gov>, Sweatmon, Lacrece L <lsweatmon@AtlantaGa.Gov>, Vickers, Jacqueline <JMVickers@AtlantaGa.Gov> FW: API registration website 3/1/23 10:49:09 AM EST 3/1/23 10:48:00 AM EST Integration Toolkit Training Pricing.pdf

2. Bryant, Paul <PABryant@AtlantaGa.Gov> Leonard Nerbetski <lenny@peregrine.io>, Morgan Hitzig <morgan@peregrine.io>, O'Connor, Michael P. <MOconnor@AtlantaGa.Gov> 11/7/22 5:54:25 PM EST 11/7/22 5:54:27 PM EST October 2022-7.jpg

3. Christian Quinn <quinn@innovate-more.com> Leonard Nerbetski <lenny@peregrine.io>, O'Connor, Michael P. <MOconnor@AtlantaGa.Gov> [EXTERNAL] Draft Presentation 5/19/23 1:53:49 PM EDT 5/19/23 1:55:35 PM EDT 2023 IACP Tech Quinn.pdf

4. Christian Quinn <quinn@innovate-more.com> Leonard Nerbetski <lenny@peregrine.io>, O'Connor, Michael P. <MOconnor@AtlantaGa.Gov> [EXTERNAL] Slides Revised 5/24/23 10:15:14 AM EDT 5/24/23 10:17:18 AM EDT 2023 IACP Tech Quinn.pdf

5. Joe Kruse <joe@peregrine.io> O'Connor, Michael P. <MOconnor@AtlantaGa.Gov> Re: [EXTERNAL] Youth Crime Statistics 2021-2022 1/13/23 3:13:31 PM EST 1/13/23 3:17:07 PM EST 1.0.2 - Youth Crime Analysis - Atlanta.pdf

6. Joe Kruse <joe@peregrine.io> Badger, Diane A <DBadger@AtlantaGa.Gov>, Egbert, John <jegbert@atlantaga.gov>, moconnor@atlantaga.gov <MOconnor@AtlantaGa.Gov>, Moses, John <JMoses@AtlantaGa.Gov>, O'Connor, Michael P. <MOconnor@AtlantaGa.Gov>, Sweatmon, Lacrece L <lsweatmon@AtlantaGa.Gov> Egbert, John <jegbert@atlantaga.gov>, moconnor@atlantaga.gov <MOconnor@AtlantaGa.Gov>, O'Connor, Michael P. <MOconnor@AtlantaGa.Gov> [EXTERNAL] Peregrine Integration Tracker 3/16/23 2:45:59 PM EDT 3/16/23 2:47:39 PM EDT Peregrine - ATL - Integration Tracker.xlsx

7. Leonard Nerbetski <lenny@peregrine.io> moconnor@atlantaga.gov <MOconnor@AtlantaGa.Gov>, O'Connor, Michael P. <MOconnor@AtlantaGa.Gov> [EXTERNAL] Sole source justification letter 10/12/22 4:08:01 PM EDT 10/12/22 4:09:44 PM EDT Peregrine Sole Source Justification Atlanta PD 101222.pdf

8. Luke Jowers <luke@peregrine.io> Freeman, Marshall <MaFreeman@AtlantaGa.Gov>, mafreeman@atlantaga.gov, MOconnor@atlantaga.gov, Morgan Hitzig <morgan@peregrine.io>, O'Connor, Michael P. <MOconnor@AtlantaGa.Gov> Morgan Hitzig <morgan@peregrine.io> [EXTERNAL] Invoice INV-0015 from Peregrine Technologies, Inc. for City of Atlanta 1/27/23 12:13:26 PM EST 1/27/23 12:16:02 PM EST Invoice INV-0015.pdf, Peregrine_-_Customer_Subscription_Agreement_Atlanta_Police_Foundation__18_Nov_2022_Final.doc[50].pdf

9. Luke Jowers <luke@peregrine.io> accounting@atlantapolicefoundation.org, Dwilkinson@atlantapolicefoundation.org, Gmcniff@atlantapolicefoundation.org, Greg McNiff <gmcniff@atlantapolicefoundation.org>, MOconnor@atlantaga.gov, Morgan Hitzig <morgan@peregrine.io>, O'Connor, Michael P. <MOconnor@AtlantaGa.Gov> MOconnor@atlantaga.gov, Morgan Hitzig <morgan@peregrine.io>, O'Connor, Michael P. <MOconnor@AtlantaGa.Gov> [EXTERNAL] Invoice INV-0015 from Peregrine Technologies, Inc. for City of Atlanta 3/1/23 11:25:47 AM EST 3/1/23 11:28:34 AM EST Invoice INV-0015.pdf, Peregrine_-_Customer_Subscription_Agreement_Atlanta_Police_Foundation__18_Nov_2022_Final.doc[50].pdf

10. Luke Jowers <luke@peregrine.io> accounting@atlantapolicefoundation.org, Dwilkinson@atlantapolicefoundation.org, Gmcniff@atlantapolicefoundation.org, Greg McNiff <gmcniff@atlantapolicefoundation.org>, MOconnor@atlantaga.gov, Morgan Hitzig <morgan@peregrine.io>, O'Connor, Michael P. <MOconnor@AtlantaGa.Gov> MOconnor@atlantaga.gov, Morgan Hitzig <morgan@peregrine.io>, O'Connor, Michael P. <MOconnor@AtlantaGa.Gov> [EXTERNAL] Re: Invoice INV-0015 from Peregrine Technologies, Inc. for City of Atlanta 3/10/23 6:03:52 PM EST 3/10/23 6:06:51 PM EST Invoice INV-0015[45].pdf, Peregrine ACH Wire Instructions (CHASE).pdf, Peregrine_-_Customer_Subscription_Agreement_Atlanta_Police_Foundation__18_Nov_2022_Final.doc[50].pdf

11. Luke Jowers <luke@peregrine.io> accounting@atlantapolicefoundation.org, Dwilkinson@atlantapolicefoundation.org, Gmcniff@atlantapolicefoundation.org, Greg McNiff <gmcniff@atlantapolicefoundation.org>, MOconnor@atlantaga.gov, Morgan Hitzig <morgan@peregrine.io>, O'Connor, Michael P. <MOconnor@AtlantaGa.Gov> MOconnor@atlantaga.gov, Morgan Hitzig <morgan@peregrine.io>, O'Connor, Michael P. <MOconnor@AtlantaGa.Gov> [EXTERNAL] Re: Invoice INV-0015 from Peregrine Technologies, Inc. for City of Atlanta 3/10/23 6:59:08 PM EST 3/10/23 6:59:54 PM EST Invoice INV-0015[45][21].pdf, Peregrine ACH Wire Instructions (CHASE).pdf, Peregrine_-_Customer_Subscription_Agreement_Atlanta_Police_Foundation__18_Nov_2022_Final.doc[50][41].pdf

12. O'Connor, Michael P. <MOconnor@AtlantaGa.Gov> joe@peregrine.io FW: Y over Y 1/13/23 2:35:03 PM EST 1/13/23 2:35:04 PM EST 2023.01.2022 Public Safety Report with APD Edits.docx, Week 52 Citywide and Zone 2_FINAL PPT.pptx

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 3 business days, as the statute requires.


Andrew Free

From: Atlanta Police Department

Good morning,

We have received your open records request for the emails listed below.

I have submitted a request to pull these emails and should be able to provide you with an estimate and turnaround time within one week.

Please keep in mind that the information released is preliminary in nature and could change as the investigation progresses or new information comes to light.

The latest information on significant incidents will be posted to the Atlanta Police Department’s News List<https://www.atlantapd.org/about-apd/advanced-components/news-list>.

Ofc. J. Predmore
Public Information Officer

Mobile: (404) 556-4399
Email: jtpredmore@atlantaga.gov<mailto:jtpredmore@atlantaga.gov>
Address: 226 Peachtree St. SW
Website: www.atlantapd.org<http://www.atlantapd.org/>

From: Andrew Free

Thank you!

From: Atlanta Police Department

Good evening,

Regarding your request, we located approximately 159 pages of documents. We estimate that this request will take approximately 5.3 hours and three weeks to process. Our cost for processing is $23.31 an hour, with the first 15 minutes free. We estimate that this request will cost $117.72.

Please advise me if you wish to move forward with this request.

Please keep in mind that the information released is preliminary in nature and could change as the investigation progresses or new information comes to light.

The latest information on significant incidents will be posted to the Atlanta Police Department’s News List<https://www.atlantapd.org/about-apd/advanced-components/news-list>.

Ofc. J. Predmore
Public Information Officer

Mobile: (404) 556-4399
Email: jtpredmore@atlantaga.gov<mailto:jtpredmore@atlantaga.gov>
Address: 226 Peachtree St. SW
Website: www.atlantapd.org<http://www.atlantapd.org/>

From: Andrew Free

Please provide an address, date and time where I may come and personally inspect/copy these records in accordance with OCGA 50-18-71.

From: Atlanta Police Department

Good afternoon,

If you agree to the fees, we will begin working on your request. We estimate the records can be processed and available in approximately 3 weeks. Once completed, we can provide the records or work to schedule a time for you to come inspect and copy them.

Please keep in mind that the information released is preliminary in nature and could change as the investigation progresses or new information comes to light.

The latest information on significant incidents will be posted to the Atlanta Police Department’s News List<https://www.atlantapd.org/about-apd/advanced-components/news-list>.

Ofc. J. Predmore
Public Information Officer

Mobile: (404) 556-4399
Email: jtpredmore@atlantaga.gov<mailto:jtpredmore@atlantaga.gov>
Address: 226 Peachtree St. SW
Website: www.atlantapd.org<http://www.atlantapd.org/>

From: Andrew Free

I agree to pay the fees, but I cannot agree to the 3 week period you propose unless APD is able to identify any exceptional circumstances involved in this request.

See: https://law.georgia.gov/key-issues/open-government/faq-open-government
How long does an agency have to produce records?
An agency must produce records responsive to a request within three business days absent exceptional circumstances. If the records cannot be produced within three business days, the agency must inform the requestor, in writing, when the records will be produced, the cost to produce the records (if any), and, if applicable, the specific legal authority exempting the records from disclosure, by Code section, subsection, and paragraph. The agency can only add to or amend this legal authority cited as the basis for exemption only once if such amendment is within five days of discovery of an error.
O.C.G.A. § 50-18-72(h).

You have identified no exceptional circumstances in your response.

I note that in response to a request last summer identified as ORR 23-7612 (July 7, 2023), Atlanta's Chief Transparency Officer, Kristen Denius, had to remind APD Open records of this legal requirement.

Please identify the exceptional circumstances you contend apply here that would give APD the additional time it seeks to produce these emails, which we specifically identified as existing in our request.

Thank you,

Andrew Free

From: Atlanta Police Department

Good afternoon Mr. Free,

I understand your concern has been addressed by our city's Chief Transparency Officer. I want to make sure you would still like us to move forward with fulfilling this request. Please let us know and we will continue working to get you these records.

Thank you,

Sergeant John Chafee

Public Affairs Unit

Atlanta Police Department

226 Peachtree St. SW | Atlanta, GA 30303

ph: 404-546-4280<tel:404-546-4280>| cell: 404-550-8992<tel:404-550-8992>

http://www.atlantapd.org<http://www.atlantapd.org/> | jchafee@atlantaga.gov<mailto:jchafee@atlantaga.gov>

Preferred method of contact: EMAIL

Check https://www.atlantapd.org/about-apd/advanced-components/news-listfor the latest updates.

From: Andrew Free

Yes. Please complete processing of this request.

From: Atlanta Police Department

Good afternoon,

Per your open records request, please see the documents in the shared folder below.

An invoice for this request is attached.

[​Folder icon] ORR - Email Pull - Andrew Free<https://cityofatlanta.sharepoint.com/:f:/s/APDPublicAffairs/EtscwAod2G9Jo5LVN69j_wsBiepqKSCoaN38G735mVJUCQ?e=pNnuEJ>

Please keep in mind that the information released is preliminary in nature and could change as the investigation progresses or new information comes to light.

The latest information on significant incidents will be posted to the Atlanta Police Department’s News List<https://www.atlantapd.org/about-apd/advanced-components/news-list>.

Please submit open records request using the following form: APD Media Open Records Request<https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=ClUaA_PxYkucZD7wLHeYpSfF4TjkfrBPtRhKKcURihpUMEFQTzhPTFVORDc2VE1LM1lUV09aOVJUVCQlQCN0PWcu&wdLOR=cCF6D88AD-E9FF-49E3-B699-B4FEEA403391>

Ofc. J. Predmore
Public Information Officer
Office Hours: 11:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Mobile: (404) 556-4399
Email: jtpredmore@atlantaga.gov<mailto:jtpredmore@atlantaga.gov>
Address: 226 Peachtree St. SW
Website: www.atlantapd.org<http://www.atlantapd.org/>

From: Andrew Free

To Whom It May Concern:

Please find enclosed a check for $117.72 to satisfy the fee associated with the attached public records request.

Thank you.

Check sent by Muckrock Staff

Pay to the order of:

Atlanta Police Dept
Public Affairs Unit
226 Peachtree St. SW
Atlanta, GA 30303

Amount of: $117.72
  • Created — 06/05/2024
  • In Transit — 06/10/2024
  • In Local Area — 06/12/2024
  • Processed For Delivery — 06/13/2024
  • Deposited

From: Andrew Free

$10 bucks an email, huh? Cool, cool. Check's on its way.

From: Atlanta Police Department

Good morning,

These records were released to you on June 5, 2024, at 12:12 p.m.

I actually just checked out mailbox, and we received payment for these records today.

Please keep in mind that the information released is preliminary in nature and could change as the investigation progresses or new information comes to light.

The latest information on significant incidents will be posted to the Atlanta Police Department’s News List<https://www.atlantapd.org/about-apd/advanced-components/news-list>.

Please submit open records request using the following form: APD Media Open Records Request<https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=ClUaA_PxYkucZD7wLHeYpSfF4TjkfrBPtRhKKcURihpUMEFQTzhPTFVORDc2VE1LM1lUV09aOVJUVCQlQCN0PWcu&wdLOR=cCF6D88AD-E9FF-49E3-B699-B4FEEA403391>

Ofc. J. Predmore
Public Information Officer
Office Hours: 11:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Mobile: (404) 556-4399
Email: jtpredmore@atlantaga.gov<mailto:jtpredmore@atlantaga.gov>
Address: 226 Peachtree St. SW
Website: www.atlantapd.org<http://www.atlantapd.org/>


