Police data collection request (Atlanta Police Department)

Samuel Sinyangwe filed this request with the Atlanta Police Department of Atlanta, GA.
Multi Request Police data collection request

From: Samuel Sinyangwe

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Georgia Open Records Act, I hereby request the following records:

1. the total number of use of force incidents, separated by year and by type of force used from 2016-2020 (for example, "27 taser incidents in 2016, 3 baton incidents in 2017, etc.)
2. the total number of civilian complaints alleging any form of law enforcement misconduct that were reported and the total number sustained, separated by year (for example, 8 complaints in 2016, 2 complaints sustained in 2017, 4 complaints in 2018, 1 complaint sustained in 2019, etc.)
3. the total number of civilian complaints alleging law enforcement use of excessive force that were reported and the total number sustained from 2016-2020, separated by year
4. the total number of civilian complaints alleging biased policing or racial profiling that were reported and the total number sustained from 2016-2020, separated by year
5. the total number of civilian complaints alleging criminal conduct that were reported and the total number sustained from 2016-2020, separated by year

Note that my requests for civilian complaints are specifically for civilian complaints alleging police misconduct, please do not include complaints filed by one officer/the department against another officer.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 3 business days, as the statute requires.


Samuel Sinyangwe

From: Atlanta Police Department

Mr Sinyangwe,

Good morning. Your request should be sent to the Atlanta Police Departments Open Records Office. I have copied them on this message. Open Records Police <OpenRecords-Police@AtlantaGa.Gov<mailto:OpenRecords-Police@AtlantaGa.Gov>>

Officer Steve Avery
Public Affairs Unit
Atlanta Police Department
226 Peachtree St. SW | Atlanta, GA 30303
Ph: 404-546-6963<tel:404-546-6963> |cell: 404-971-4152<tel:404-971-4152>

From: Atlanta Police Department

Mr Sinyangwe,

Good morning. We had some internal discussion and the APD Public Affairs Unit will be handling your inquiry. I will be the officer assigned to follow up but please continue to use the APD-PublicAffairs@atlantaga.gov<mailto:APD-PublicAffairs@atlantaga.gov> group email so the team can stay up to date on progress. If you have questions or need clarification just send it to the group but address me so we can be sure the right person is answering your inquiry.

Some of the information you are requesting is published on our website in the annual OPS reports. You can find them at www.atlantapd.org<http://www.atlantapd.org> under the Community Tab, Crime Statistics. You may be able to get a start on your work.

I will get these questions to the appropriate people in the Department this morning but it will likely take at least 10 days to get the information back. Once I have an idea of how many records there are I can give you an estimate on the cost to reproduce and redact them will be. My guess is another week unless the batch of records is small. I will update you as soon as I can.

Officer Steve Avery
Public Affairs Unit
Atlanta Police Department
226 Peachtree St. SW | Atlanta, GA 30303
Ph: 404-546-6963<tel:404-546-6963> |cell: 404-971-4152<tel:404-971-4152>

From: Atlanta Police Department



Keisha Lance Bottoms

226 Peachtree Street, SW

Atlanta Police Department


Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Rodney Bryant

(404) 546-7448

Interim Chief of Police

RE: Open Records Request # 21-132, Assigned to G. Nelms

The following is in response to your Open Records Act request, received by the Atlanta Police Department. Please read this email in its entirety as it contains important information about your request.

We will notify you when your records are available.

By default, records will be sent to you by email or mail depending on if they are physical or not (example: 911 audio will be mailed and body worn camera will be emailed). If you wish to pick up your records in person at Central Records, you must respond to this letter within three business days from the date of this letter.

Estimated Time Frame

We are conducting a diligent search for records responsive to your request. If there are any records responsive to your request, it could possibly take us up to 6-7 weeks to make them available depending on what’s being requested. It is important to note that the estimated time frame and charges are subject to revision either up or down depending upon the actual time spent searching for, retrieving, and redacting the records as well as the actual number of pages of records that are retrieved. Exempt material will be redacted pursuant O.C.G.A. 50-18-72.

Fee Estimate

Please be advised requests may incur different charges based on the number of hours worked. Our base line estimate for a single request is $20-$30 based on one hour of labor (not including material fees). Specialized requests such as, but not limited to, bulk incident reports, license and permits, and code enforcement files most likely will exceed $100 (due to the amount of labor involved with fulfilling those request types). Please see below for specific fees;


Your request may incur the following estimated charges:

General Preparation Fees

Paper Copies

$ 0.10 per page


$1.00 per disc (CDs, DVDs)

Mailing Fee

Standard postage

Certified Report Fee

$3.00/certified report flat fee

Record retrieval, review, and copying fee

The hourly wage of the lowest paid person who can retrieve, review and copy records multiplied by the number of hours it takes to retrieve, review, and copy the requested records (Typically this wage is between $14.00 - $21.00/hour. Please note there will be no charge for first 15min)

Commonly Requested Records and Redaction Times

Incident/Accident Reports

Approximately 2-3 pages/report & Approx. 3-5 min. each to redact

OPS File

Approximately 100 pages/file & Approx. 1 hr – 2hr to redact

Personnel Files

Approximately 100 pages/file & Approx. 1hr – 2hr to redact

Investigative Files

Approximately 100 pages/file & Approx. 1hr – 2hr to redact

Taxi Records

Approximately 5 pages/Application & Approx. 30 min. to redact

Code Enforcement Records

Approximately 5 pages/record Approx. 30 min. each to redact

Training History

Approximately 3-10 pages/officer & 30 minutes per officer to redact

911 Recordings

$ 22.00 per disc

Pending Requests (cases still open)

Please be advised that pursuant O.C.G.A. § 50-18-72(a)(4), anything other than the initial incident report is exempt from release for cases that are pending investigation and/or adjudication. In order to obtain documents other than the incident report, you will be required to obtain a subpoena from the City of Atlanta municipal court. This document must be physically dropped off at the Atlanta Police Department headquarters.

Bulk Incident reports

Depending on the amount of incidents requested, requests might take longer than the estimated 6-7 week time frame.

If you have any questions please call our office at 404-546-7448 or email apdopenrecords@atlantaga.gov<mailto:apdopenrecords@atlantaga.gov>.

From: Samuel Sinyangwe

To Whom It May Concern:

Please find enclosed a check for $22.00 to satisfy the fee associated with the attached public records request.

Thank you.

From: Atlanta Police Department

Good morning,

Attached is a spreadsheet that supplies most of the data you requested. The information on what specific type of force was used in each file is not tracked in the database and would require a manual search of each file. If you wish to have the manual search done please let me know and I can send an estimate for the cost.

Officer Steve Avery
Public Affairs Unit
Atlanta Police Department
226 Peachtree St. SW | Atlanta, GA 30303
Ph: 404-546-6963<tel:404-546-6963> |cell: 404-971-4152<tel:404-971-4152>

From: Samuel Sinyangwe

Hi, thanks for sending this. Can you send me the use of force data by force type in aggregated form then, from a readout from a system like IA Pro showing the number of incidents by type of force each year?


From: Atlanta Police Department

We have received your request and will follow up with you.
Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

From: Atlanta Police Department


I don’t know. Let me ask the team over in OPS about that and I’ll advise.

Officer Steve Avery
Public Affairs Unit
Atlanta Police Department
226 Peachtree St. SW | Atlanta, GA 30303
Ph: 404-546-6963<tel:404-546-6963> |cell: 404-971-4152<tel:404-971-4152>

From: Atlanta Police Department


The report attached is from our Training Academy which tracks use of force reports. The attachment covers 2016 -2019. The report for 2020 is not due to be completed until mid-March and I will forward that to you once it has been completed.

Officer Steve Avery
Public Affairs Unit
Atlanta Police Department
226 Peachtree St. SW | Atlanta, GA 30303
Ph: 404-546-6963<tel:404-546-6963> |cell: 404-971-4152<tel:404-971-4152>

From: Atlanta Police Department


Good morning. The 2020 OPS and 2020 Bias reports are attached here.

Officer Steve Avery
Public Affairs Unit
Atlanta Police Department
226 Peachtree St. SW | Atlanta, GA 30303
Ph: 404-546-6963<tel:404-546-6963> |cell: 404-971-4152<tel:404-971-4152>

Check https://www.atlantapd.org/about-apd/advanced-components/news-list<https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.atlantapd.org%2Fabout-apd%2Fadvanced-components%2Fnews-list&data=04%7C01%7CSMAvery%40AtlantaGa.Gov%7C0093da10c6f54d7410bd08d8eda6d158%7C031a550af1f34b629c643ef02c7798a5%7C0%7C0%7C637520648027536082%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=EfzGcRI0PuGse9hPy1qv4QBlCj7wUJ8x5h9HHbUAKYg%3D&reserved=0> for the latest updates.

Check sent by Muckrock Staff

Pay to the order of:

Atlanta Police Dept
Public Affairs Unit
226 Peachtree St. SW
Atlanta, GA 30303

Amount of: $22.00
  • Created
  • In Transit
  • In Local Area
  • Processed For Delivery
  • Deposited

From: Atlanta Police Department


Good morning. I checked on the previous request and I believe we supplied all the requested information. If we missed something please let me know as soon as you can and I will get started.

Officer Steve Avery
Public Affairs Unit
Atlanta Police Department
226 Peachtree St. SW | Atlanta, GA 30303
Ph: 404-546-6963<tel:404-546-6963> |cell: 404-971-4152<tel:404-971-4152>

From: Atlanta Police Department

Good morning.

All documents responsive to your request have been sent. The final documents were sent to you via Muckrock on March 25, 2021.

If we have missed something in our response to you please specify what is missing. Feel free to contact me directly if you wish. My direct cell number is below.

Officer Steve Avery
Public Affairs Unit
Atlanta Police Department
226 Peachtree St. SW | Atlanta, GA 30303
Ph: 404-546-6963<tel:404-546-6963> |cell: 404-971-4152<tel:404-971-4152>

Check https://www.atlantapd.org/about-apd/advanced-components/news-list<https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.atlantapd.org%2Fabout-apd%2Fadvanced-components%2Fnews-list&data=04%7C01%7CSMAvery%40AtlantaGa.Gov%7C0093da10c6f54d7410bd08d8eda6d158%7C031a550af1f34b629c643ef02c7798a5%7C0%7C0%7C637520648027536082%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=EfzGcRI0PuGse9hPy1qv4QBlCj7wUJ8x5h9HHbUAKYg%3D&reserved=0> for the latest updates.