Police Officer David Lind Employee #1983 Personnel File – Auburn, Washington 08-01-2022

Seacop filed this request with the Auburn Police Department of Auburn, WA.
Tracking #





From: Seacop

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Washington Public Records Act, I hereby request the following records:


I request a complete nonexempt copy of the personnel or employee file for Auburn Police Sergeant David Lind (Employee ID #1983).

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request.

Please provide all electronic records in their native electronic format. Please do not instead create new records by printing electronic files then scanning and printing the newly scanned prints.

Washington State Law is clear that the use of 3rd party “portals” for a public records request is optional for the requestor. Respectfully we decline. Please provide records electronically via direct email attachment.

Please do not direct us to use, register for, or communicate with your agency via any 3rd party portal including but not limited to FOIAOnline, GovQA, NextRequest, FOIAExpress, JustFOIA FOIADirect, WebForm, or any other online service other than a direct NO PASSWORD REQUIRED, NO REGISTRATION REQUIRED, internet cloud based download link, or electronic email, or via USPS MAIL a USB thumb drive or CD/DVD-ROM Media.

Please ensure any agency redactions or exemptions claimed in the production of responsive records are
accompanied by a complete and detailed exemption log noting the valid legal reason for each
exemption at each redaction location in the record as well as the specific number of pages if any that
your agency redacts or withholds in their entirety.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 5 business days, as the statute requires.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes. Again, this request does not seek a list of any kind and is NOT FOR A COMMERCIAL PURPOSE.

Thank you.


From: Auburn Police Department


This request has been entered into the City of Auburn’s Public Records portal as public records request P028973-080233. You can log into the Public Records Portal at this link. https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=12530414

Shawn Campbell, MMC
City Clerk
City of Auburn

From: Auburn Police Department

--- Please respond above this line ---
RE: PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST of 8/1/2022, Reference #P028943-080322
The City of Auburn received a public records request from you on 8/1/2022. You requested the following:
"I request a complete nonexempt copy of the personnel or employee file for Auburn Police Sergeant David Lind (Employee ID #1983).

Please provide all electronic records in their native electronic format. Please do not instead create new records by printing electronic files then scanning and printing the newly scanned prints." This letter it to inform you the City has provided the 3rd Party Notice below to the responsive employees required under RCW 42.56.250(12). Dear David The City has received a records request from SEACOP on August 1, 2022 for:
I request a complete nonexempt copy of the personnel or employee file for Auburn Police Sergeant David Lind (Employee ID #1983).
Please provide all electronic records in their native electronic format. Please do not instead create new records by printing electronic files then scanning and printing the newly scanned prints. This is a letter to advise you of the request in case you wish to try to obtain a court order to block the release of the information.
Generally, employee address, phone number, personal wireless numbers, emergency contact information, social security number, employee identification number, dependent names and dates of birth, (routine) performance appraisals/evaluations, and employment application are exempt from disclosure.
You may seek to enjoin the release of the records under RCW 42.56.540 or other court order that would prevent the City from releasing the documents. If the City does not receive an injunction by August 18, 2022 these records will be released to the requester.  If you choose to seek an injunction or court order to prevent the release of the records, you must name the City of Auburn and the requester, SEACOP.
If you have any questions, I can be reached at 253-931-3055.
If an injunction in not granted you can expect your records 20 to 25 business days after the deadline. Sincerely,
Shawn Campbell City Clerk City Clerk's Office 253-931-3055

To monitor the progress or update this request please log into the Public Records Center. (https://u8387778.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=6HtRfOYLt5fXvpttM-2FU1HYbgr8M2-2F9TeiqN0KbaY0qjyte0Lp3csaMjjpaUrJPtYxB0BcVqgLFZrXfbyDao8zF6NtZiF5i-2BAQZihfVwtAAL-2BXufGPZnSKHm9El09Pp-2Fc7mAf_EQxQuBsJUBC3SexsPb8RIr-2FdhdFG8Eqgfuq3CklrXgk51FDdoAFPn5W-2FGGILIMeuetF0F-2Fn2ERt7Kwgo9PgDwCw6YgtNCuKyDdtnCQ1JkMUkzgkySFtLlvut6ESyhkbeHNuZNPU-2FaJv3u79aB4dGXsPLgVF7YmgP9w7U5TH4dML7KFn91Txh0FxoFBOZXb1amPVOakKsvncye6G9JSDc-2Fn-2BVcnfeCR-2FKq2jEttzdjgjO2OudUbJ8LTwOhfRDc6l-2BLOErXT-2FUgl4TJb5f3lIpIgiQjiZQ7MIwSC4KuwQO5PHoPZLtyXfmAXGuls2PcLRS5eniHpLTdIflMvNjFmZSPMUzYOO0pIWWKXPSw9rnAP2t-2FDxKr-2Fa8O9ND93jqxN0lPVQAuo0CE3K5I-2B2UZG-2FxDQ-3D-3D)

From: Seacop

TO: Shawn Campbell, City Clerk, City of Auburn [scampbell@auburnwa.gov]

Hello Mrs. Campbell,

I specifically requested NO INFORMATION to be shared with the 3rd party Granicus LLC corporation or GOVQA.com website in this public records request.

The City of Auburn Washington has no right whatsoever to send any aspect of this public records request or my own personal requesting information to any 3rd party corporation, namely Granicus LLC and GOVQA.com.


“Please do not direct us to use, register for, or communicate with your agency via any 3rd party portal including but not limited to FOIAOnline, GovQA, NextRequest, FOIAExpress, JustFOIA FOIADirect, WebForm, or any other online service other than a direct NO PASSWORD REQUIRED, NO REGISTRATION REQUIRED, internet cloud based download link, or electronic email, or via USPS MAIL a USB thumb drive or CD/DVD-ROM Media.”


1. Please name the City of Auburn employee responsible for transmitting this request and its associated data to Granicus LLC and GOVQA.com and please name this employee’s direct supervisor with contact information.
2. Collect, preserve, and provide a complete copy of all data regarding this public records request collected and transmitted to any 3rd party.
3. Remove from Granicus LLC and GOVQA.com all data collected and transmitted regarding this public records request.

Thank you.

From: Auburn Police Department

Re:  Public Records Request concerning PRR P028943-080322
08/04/2022 SEACOP WA RE: PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST of August 01, 2022, Reference # P028943-080322 Dear SEACOP: Pursuant to RCW 42.56.520 and Doe I v. Washington State Patrol, 80 Wn. App. 296 (1996), this letter acknowledges receipt of your public record request addressed to the City of Auburn received by this office on  August 01, 2022.
Please be advised that the City responds to numerous public records requests pursuant to RCW 42.56.520 in the order received. Additional time may be necessary to clarify the intent of the request and/or gather and review records, to determine whether any of the information requested is exempt from disclosure, and to provide third parties with notice and the opportunity to seek a court order to prevent the release of record(s) in response to your request. At this time, we anticipate 30 days to respond or provide an update to this request. A response can be the following:

* A question about your request
* An estimate on when your records will be delivered
* A note explaining why the records cannot be released The documents you requested To view the full details of  this request please log into the Public Records Center. (https://u8387778.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=6HtRfOYLt5fXvpttM-2FU1HYbgr8M2-2F9TeiqN0KbaY0qjyte0Lp3csaMjjpaUrJPtYxB0BcVqgLFZrXfbyDao8zDnM8TGk6GWkszRb5G9Kr0s-3D7FLF_EQxQuBsJUBC3SexsPb8RIr-2FdhdFG8Eqgfuq3CklrXgk51FDdoAFPn5W-2FGGILIMeuetF0F-2Fn2ERt7Kwgo9PgDwHtVhcQDt6qXpw198K7D6JXdiAM7umWVZKZkb5InZ131tIZMBs-2Bvc-2F1maKnxCIjbuAQKb-2B9Bh77l7XGTdoaJogGzLm-2Fj25Oh77G8xH4WrCQ-2BxefR0KfRb1eHUAvviooMYBkTkU0hJmV3yzBeMSf-2FaVvj2w9vdbgVE1Je6FOjV-2B3TG5vpRJbn5Obq-2BDPJ4vpSAe7E7Mu8s3BDc8LjfTfeEnZ-2FvbuFt5wjufulURlyv8VwHVNwoYtk11KTfpo0kG4wOVD5XJ3Em4LnlnCd35vB4SAjSP0jpJ-2F1DmG6LnH3cD-2FfXsVyAvz1mpqWxs-2BYkuVMIQ-3D-3D)

From: Auburn Police Department

Re: Public Records Request concerning PRR P028943-080322
08/04/2022 SEACOP WA RE: PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST of August 01, 2022,
Reference # P028943-080322 Dear SEACOP: Pursuant to RCW 42.56.520 and
Doe I v. Washington State Patrol, 80 Wn. App. 296 (1996), this letter
acknowledges receipt of your public record request addressed to the City
of Auburn received by this office on August 01, 2022.
Please be advised that the City responds to numerous public records
requests pursuant to RCW 42.56.520 in the order received. Additional
time may be necessary to clarify the intent of the request and/or gather
and review records, to determine whether any of the information
requested is exempt from disclosure, and to provide third parties with
notice and the opportunity to seek a court order to prevent the release
of record(s) in response to your request. At this time, we anticipate 30
days to respond or provide an update to this request. A response can be
the following:

* A question about your request
* An estimate on when your records will be delivered
* A note explaining why the records cannot be released The documents you
requested To view the full details of this request please log into the
Public Records Center.

From: Auburn Police Department


The City of Auburn has received your public records request dated August 1, 2022 regarding the personnel or employee file for Auburn Police Sergeant David Lind. The GovQA identification number is P028943-080322

The City desires to provide the fullest assistance to members of the public who make public records request. One of the reasons we use GovQA is to track records requests and to ensure timely responses. For example, staff email may go un-responded to in the event of a vacation or extended leave. In addition, GovQA allows us to merge the electronic redactions with the corresponding redaction log and provide ease of access to the requestor. Other options may be available depending on if you are able to provide specific information as to your concern with GovQA. We are not authorized to use a third party muckrock link/site because of the City’s electronic security practices.

The City will process your public records request, including communications regarding your records request, and provide any responsive documents through the City’s Public Records Portal Public Records Request - City of Auburn (auburnwa.gov)<https://www.auburnwa.gov/city_hall/legal_city_clerks/public_records_request>. If you are unwilling to communicate through the GovQA portal, please send all communication regarding public records requests to cityclerks@auburnwa.gov<mailto:cityclerks@auburnwa.gov>. If you chose this option you must use this email address so the City can ensure timely responses as my City email is not monitored when I am on leave. If you would prefer to receive the documents via an option other than the GovQA portal, the City can provide you the records in paper (fee of $0.15 per page) or electronically via a USB drive(s) (actual cost of device and $0.05 per every 4 attachments) or you can make an appointment once the records are available to view the records in the City Clerk’s Office for free. If you choose to have the records mailed to you, the actual cost of mailing will be charged to you.

Upon reading your email dated August 4, 2022 (below) Item No. 2 appears to be a new records request. This has been entered into GovQA under P028996-080822 “Collect, preserve, and provide a complete copy of all data regarding this public records request collected and transmitted to any 3rd party.” The City is seeking clarification on the what data you are seeking and which request you are seeking records for. This communication will also be sent via the GovQA portal.

If you have concerns or complaints regarding the public records response, please contact City Attorney Kendra Comeau at kcomeau@auburnwa.gov<mailto:kcomeau@auburnwa.gov>.

Shawn Campbell, MMC
City Clerk
City of Auburn

From: Auburn Police Department

--- Please respond above this line ---
Dear SEACOP – The City of Auburn has received your public records request dated August 1, 2022 regarding the personnel or employee file for Auburn Police Sergeant David Lind. The GovQA identification number is P028943-080322
The City desires to provide the fullest assistance to members of the public who make public records request. One of the reasons we use GovQA is to track records requests and to ensure timely responses. For example, staff email may go un-responded to in the event of a vacation or extended leave. In addition, GovQA allows us to merge the electronic redactions with the corresponding redaction log and provide ease of access to the requestor. Other options may be available depending on if you are able to provide specific information as to your concern with GovQA. We are not authorized to use a third party muckrock link/site because of the City’s electronic security practices.
The City will process your public records request, including communications regarding your records request, and provide any responsive documents through the City’s Public Records Portal Public Records Request - City of Auburn (auburnwa.gov). If you are unwilling to communicate through the GovQA portal, please send all communication regarding public records requests to (https://u8387778.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=6HtRfOYLt5fXvpttM-2FU1HdKuZuBzIRxRNVJwDSiwsbnUvNqAyGwmt-2FeSb-2FN-2F7GxgUN8wwjxFGtIe9sUot-2F0EyUmV9VD7XDCAo3RTAoo-2BCNGCmgKjEAhavFdPbua14jMIoe9O_EQxQuBsJUBC3SexsPb8RIr-2FdhdFG8Eqgfuq3CklrXgk51FDdoAFPn5W-2FGGILIMeuetF0F-2Fn2ERt7Kwgo9PgDwDrFP2xyGKhPf4xdvbAAZU1LPITwjjMt050ZtxjcGJcymHwNBTeod9845fbxJv2kuZVJ0Myr60dECcLNJHZrG7hTA-2BZP8t8km18rJ-2FTMs6YkbNMPuGneLJhBtmDBGPRZVya0QHTt4E7pO-2FRP65dIPZFoSUSmUVcMCBp5nA0VfzCc3eFc9bkmwrL9A6wP0nB79hJTYtDwSgRcSDAFdQfDBAZiThEMrEsJZ1NRe5bggfT-2FE4u6-2By3tgEA-2BT9q18IzFqYYDBUt95FOs9iJu-2B01ix2fBcGDMQZ57jDDX3r12nQrnr4KQccpPovS2xJvOJ6SCFQ-3D-3D) cityclerks@auburnwa.gov. (mailto:cityclerks@auburnwa.gov) If you chose this option you must use this email address so the City can ensure timely responses as my City email is not monitored when I am on leave. If you would prefer to receive the documents via an option other than the GovQA portal, the City can provide you the records in paper (fee of $0.15 per page) or electronically via a USB drive(s) (actual cost of device and $0.05 per every 4 attachments) or you can make an appointment once the records are available to view the records in the City Clerk’s Office for free. If you choose to have the records mailed to you, the actual cost of mailing will be charged to you.
Upon reading your email dated August 4, 2022 (below) Item No. 2 appears to be a new records request. This has been entered into GovQA under P028996-080822 “Collect, preserve, and provide a complete copy of all data regarding this public records request collected and transmitted to any 3rd party.” The City is seeking clarification on the what data you are seeking and which request you are seeking records for. This communication will also be sent via the GovQA portal.
If you have concerns or complaints regarding the public records response, please contact City Attorney Kendra Comeau at kcomeau@auburnwa.gov. (mailto:kcomeau@auburnwa.gov)
Shawn Campbell, MMC City Clerk City of Auburn 253- 931-3055
To monitor the progress or update this request please log into the Public Records Center. (https://u8387778.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=6HtRfOYLt5fXvpttM-2FU1HYbgr8M2-2F9TeiqN0KbaY0qjyte0Lp3csaMjjpaUrJPtYxB0BcVqgLFZrXfbyDao8zF6NtZiF5i-2BAQZihfVwtAAL-2BXufGPZnSKHm9El09Pp-2FcseLV_EQxQuBsJUBC3SexsPb8RIr-2FdhdFG8Eqgfuq3CklrXgk51FDdoAFPn5W-2FGGILIMeuetF0F-2Fn2ERt7Kwgo9PgDwDrFP2xyGKhPf4xdvbAAZU1LPITwjjMt050ZtxjcGJcymHwNBTeod9845fbxJv2kuZVJ0Myr60dECcLNJHZrG7hTA-2BZP8t8km18rJ-2FTMs6YkbNMPuGneLJhBtmDBGPRZVya0QHTt4E7pO-2FRP65dIPZFoSUSmUVcMCBp5nA0VfzCcB-2FzO-2BobQ2NKL-2FiRcEvyrwRG9WG6sCFmrm9sKFifFkC-2B-2F3LzNSyAaVCc4ihuh9ze9SYUCM3ZPhFJSJibDqalahY6vS7kk00kCTXFms6rgW3kWs21iSiAL-2FC-2BiOc-2BAXX-2BGH9uxFVJ36U8bfZ3tnKE6bw-3D-3D)

From: Auburn Police Department

--- Please respond above this line ---
Dear SEACOP – The City of Auburn has received your public records request dated August 4, 2022 regarding: Collect, preserve, and provide a complete copy of all data regarding this public records request collected and transmitted to any 3rd party. The GovQA identification number is P028996 The City is seeking clarification on the what data you are seeking and which request you are seeking records for. The City desires to provide the fullest assistance to members of the public who make public records request. One of the reasons we use GovQA is to track records requests and to ensure timely responses. For example, staff email may go un-responded to in the event of a vacation or extended leave. In addition, GovQA allows us to merge the electronic redactions with the corresponding redaction log and provide ease of access to the requestor. Other options may be available depending on if you are able to provide specific information as to your concern with GovQA. We are not authorized to use a third party muckrock link/site because of the City’s electronic security practices. The City will process your public records request, including communications regarding your records request, and provide any responsive documents through the City’s Public Records Portal Public Records Request - City of Auburn (auburnwa.gov). If you are unwilling to communicate through the GovQA portal, please send all communication regarding public records requests to (https://u8387778.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=6HtRfOYLt5fXvpttM-2FU1HdKuZuBzIRxRNVJwDSiwsbnUvNqAyGwmt-2FeSb-2FN-2F7GxgUN8wwjxFGtIe9sUot-2F0EyUmV9VD7XDCAo3RTAoo-2BCNGCmgKjEAhavFdPbua14jMIZ7-h_EQxQuBsJUBC3SexsPb8RIr-2FdhdFG8Eqgfuq3CklrXgk51FDdoAFPn5W-2FGGILIMeuetF0F-2Fn2ERt7Kwgo9PgDwDrFP2xyGKhPf4xdvbAAZU1X1-2FXk4lh81uWnL8DCmncax9DELONheF576GZtAxjdejgge3LOTfOuMBGnOZWBt7lWvjaLOpdOyZLGQ01Q2MkF5Pp79QZuYWs-2BAb87elPIO-2Bvz-2BazbxfM62d1GerwGFuhjS3tIB7sjZ1NfhrXQRgj9p5HjpycJDEZV5-2BuZfvCa-2FUSBEccCU3T98VeSAgUZS8-2FLvKnzyPQwwqymMvTfQ-2Fu2zH5EF4EUUpx7vEGLz54s-2FhBfn6mwCn1VSbuB3pL4Ey5zJ1E5yEPoWFDQfjznStkDX2fIM-2Fz88r-2Bz2DwlH2D3xA-3D-3D) cityclerks@auburnwa.gov. If you chose this option you must use this email address so the City can ensure timely responses as my City email is not monitored when I am on leave. If you would prefer to receive the documents via an option other than the GovQA portal, the City can provide you the records in paper (fee of $0.15 per page) or electronically via a USB drive(s) (actual cost of device and $0.05 per every 4 attachments) or you can make an appointment once the records are available to view the records in the City Clerk’s Office for free. If you choose to have the records mailed to you, the actual cost of mailing will be charged to you. (mailto:cityclerks@auburnwa.gov) Shawn Campbell City Clerk
To monitor the progress or update this request please log into the Public Records Center. (https://u8387778.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=6HtRfOYLt5fXvpttM-2FU1HYbgr8M2-2F9TeiqN0KbaY0qjyte0Lp3csaMjjpaUrJPtYxB0BcVqgLFZrXfbyDao8zLvdtYNwzAgmZ7gxecqtx1fpsABltP42TLGd83Pxrpg-2FrMbW_EQxQuBsJUBC3SexsPb8RIr-2FdhdFG8Eqgfuq3CklrXgk51FDdoAFPn5W-2FGGILIMeuetF0F-2Fn2ERt7Kwgo9PgDwDrFP2xyGKhPf4xdvbAAZU1X1-2FXk4lh81uWnL8DCmncax9DELONheF576GZtAxjdejgge3LOTfOuMBGnOZWBt7lWvjaLOpdOyZLGQ01Q2MkF5Pp79QZuYWs-2BAb87elPIO-2Bvz-2BazbxfM62d1GerwGFuhjS3tIB7sjZ1NfhrXQRgj9krETbx2qmdXfRAiqW3CVdXICITjb5QBIo0OCKb7pihfR2OMud-2Bk2VsnNN0E3f44D5O7IP0S4zkZrrXkfAZC40ubO0ES56NS6BA-2BeL-2B9rNCKD4UCweMHcPxDkuZMJ5b9msVZfb6kmLZWgk2LncEF2yA-3D-3D)

From: Auburn Police Department

Re:  Public Records Request concerning PRR P028996-080822
08/12/2022 SEACOP WA RE: PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST of August 08, 2022, Reference # P028996-080822 Dear SEACOP: Pursuant to RCW 42.56.520 and Doe I v. Washington State Patrol, 80 Wn. App. 296 (1996), this letter acknowledges receipt of your public record request addressed to the City of Auburn received by this office on  August 08, 2022.
Please be advised that the City responds to numerous public records requests pursuant to RCW 42.56.520 in the order received. Additional time may be necessary to clarify the intent of the request and/or gather and review records, to determine whether any of the information requested is exempt from disclosure, and to provide third parties with notice and the opportunity to seek a court order to prevent the release of record(s) in response to your request. At this time, we anticipate 30 days to respond or provide an update to this request. A response can be the following:

* A question about your request
* An estimate on when your records will be delivered
* A note explaining why the records cannot be released The documents you requested To view the full details of  this request please log into the Public Records Center. (https://u8387778.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=6HtRfOYLt5fXvpttM-2FU1HYbgr8M2-2F9TeiqN0KbaY0qjyte0Lp3csaMjjpaUrJPtYxB0BcVqgLFZrXfbyDao8zJoAXjzAiq8zY4elOaLSGLY-3DAVTK_EQxQuBsJUBC3SexsPb8RIr-2FdhdFG8Eqgfuq3CklrXgk51FDdoAFPn5W-2FGGILIMeuetF0F-2Fn2ERt7Kwgo9PgDwGbi6j92wReD37AYBODvhru83DrkcbPExzgsbUWrRp-2FGFE9TZxz26dVaIhPnaNx-2Fd2McJQoKlpbDb2jGAsJjQUA7aOME5ccnkT1APljW5ypyfBnQCVFd0-2B50OYVxwYFr2ImPEMiSI7RLUrIYj5e0o8EuOyb2kXbZSB3Qhmy-2BgODXupRoj43yuhfnjHLNiosLgNuaavtPjX4lmrabwXMHQGCP9IPMRvZDKTkAKlJYeCHwpFm2AfOVVuN6VSvKxy58Fcb-2FMnY5lYBkTKtHoIYCEsM-2FsQcNoRmamoX9RTYMotrm1bJp2gGuExIxl74wOFqpAQ-3D-3D)

From: Seacop

“please send all communication regarding public records requests to cityclerks@auburnwa.gov”

VIA EMAIL TO: cityclerks@auburnwa.gov


“We are not authorized to use a third party muckrock link/site because of the City’s electronic security practices.”



Provide all RECORDS AND WRITINGS RE: “City’s electronic security practices”

“Upon reading your email dated August 4, 2022 (below) Item No. 2 appears to be a new records request. This has been entered into GovQA under P028996-080822 “Collect, preserve, and provide a complete copy of all data regarding this public records request collected and transmitted to any 3rd party.” The City is seeking clarification on the what data you are seeking and which request you are seeking records for. This communication will also be sent via the GovQA portal.”



From: Auburn Police Department

Please see the below response regarding this request that was sent to you on August 3, 2021.

Subject: Public Records Request :: P028943-080322
RE: PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST of 8/1/2022, Reference #P028943-080322


The City of Auburn received a public records request from you on 8/1/2022. You requested the following:

"I request a complete nonexempt copy of the personnel or employee file for Auburn Police Sergeant David Lind (Employee ID #1983).

Please provide all electronic records in their native electronic format. Please do not instead create new records by printing electronic files then scanning and printing the newly scanned prints."

This letter it to inform you the City has provided the 3rd Party Notice below to the responsive employees required under RCW 42.56.250(12).
The City has received a records request from SEACOP on August 1, 2022 for:
I request a complete nonexempt copy of the personnel or employee file for Auburn Police Sergeant David Lind (Employee ID #1983).
Please provide all electronic records in their native electronic format. Please do not instead create new records by printing electronic files then scanning and printing the newly scanned prints.
This is a letter to advise you of the request in case you wish to try to obtain a court order to block the release of the information.
Generally, employee address, phone number, personal wireless numbers, emergency contact information, social security number, employee identification number, dependent names and dates of birth, (routine) performance appraisals/evaluations, and employment application are exempt from disclosure.
You may seek to enjoin the release of the records under RCW 42.56.540 or other court order that would prevent the City from releasing the documents. If the City does not receive an injunction by August 18, 2022 these records will be released to the requester. If you choose to seek an injunction or court order to prevent the release of the records, you must name the City of Auburn and the requester, SEACOP.
If you have any questions, I can be reached at 253-931-3055.
If an injunction in not granted you can expect your records 20 to 25 business days after the deadline.

Shawn Campbell
City Clerk
City Clerk's Office


From: Auburn Police Department

I received your new request below for Provide all RECORDS AND WRITINGS RE: “City’s electronic security practices”. Please clarify if you are seeking all of the City’s security practices or just ones that pertain to “not clicking on links sent from anonymous sources”.

Shawn Campbell, MMC
City Clerk
City of Auburn

From: Auburn Police Department

The City received your email on August 17, 2022 regarding Public records request P028943.
Since you are unwilling to accept the records through the GovQA portal, you will need to select a method for delivery from the below options.

* Through GovQA
* Printed on Paper (fee of $0.15 per page)
* Electronically via a USB drive(s) or CD (actual cost of device)
* By appointment. You can make an appointment with the City Clerk’s Office once the records are available to view the records in the City Clerk’s Office for free.
Please note if you choose to have the records mailed to you, the actual cost of mailing will be charged to you.
According to WAC44-14-05001 and Doe L. v Pierce County the City is not required to provide records by a requested method (e.g., by email) The City is only required to provide records by a reasonable method. The City has offered you four different options for receiving the records you have requested once the first installment is available. All the methods except printed copies allow you to view the records in their “native format”. Please indicate the method (from the above methods) in which you would like the requested records provided.
This request is now available for release. Once you have selected a method in which you would like to receive records, the City will move forward with your selected method. If you have not selected a method by August 26, 2022 the City will assume you would like to view the records in person. You will need to call the City Clerk’s Office at 253-931-3039 to make an appointment to view the records. If no appointment has been made by September 9, 2022 we will consider your request abandoned and closed.

Shawn Campbell, MMC
City Clerk
City of Auburn

From: Auburn Police Department

--- Please respond above this line ---
The City received your email on August 17, 2022 regarding Public records request P028943. Since you are unwilling to accept the records through the GovQA portal, you will need to select a method for delivery from the below options.

* Through GovQA
* Printed on Paper (fee of $0.15 per page)
* Electronically via a USB drive(s) or CD (actual cost of device) By appointment. You can make an appointment with the City Clerk’s Office once the records are available to view the records in the City Clerk’s Office for free. Please note if you choose to have the records mailed to you, the actual cost of mailing will be charged to you. According to WAC44-14-05001 and Doe L. v Pierce County the City is not required to provide records by a requested method (e.g., by email) The City is only required to provide records by a reasonable method. The City has offered you four different options for receiving the records you have requested once the first installment is available. All the methods except printed copies allow you to view the records in their “native format”. Please indicate the method (from the above methods) in which you would like the requested records provided. This request is now available for release. Once you have selected a method in which you would like to receive records, the City will move forward with your selected method. If you have not selected a method by August 26, 2022 the City will assume you would like to view the records in person. You will need to call the City Clerk’s Office at 253-931-3039 to make an appointment to view the records. If no appointment has been made by September 9, 2022 we will consider your request abandoned and closed. Shawn Campbell, MMC City Clerk City of Auburn 253-931-3055
To monitor the progress or update this request please log into the Public Records Center. (https://u8387778.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=6HtRfOYLt5fXvpttM-2FU1HYbgr8M2-2F9TeiqN0KbaY0qjyte0Lp3csaMjjpaUrJPtYxB0BcVqgLFZrXfbyDao8zF6NtZiF5i-2BAQZihfVwtAAL-2BXufGPZnSKHm9El09Pp-2FclbuJ_EQxQuBsJUBC3SexsPb8RIr-2FdhdFG8Eqgfuq3CklrXgk51FDdoAFPn5W-2FGGILIMeuetF0F-2Fn2ERt7Kwgo9PgDwHiTwgyMMZ0V21k7HYXHa6pktAOdhHmbDCQB-2B-2FphOfWrOt2F3S8Bvc3l68TfNXIcBrGxsq3jJNduYP-2BkVnaUdTP9q6x12uqx3I0ubjErUF3CXBi054ifFu2YKqRtEv4HwNXUBUY5UDc1RovZi7edAbdjPYKGrH7RFO5YRCZLIKliHXFlxmqvU4C4uHWvIvarjja6lrys-2BfFpx5az6vU-2FtaT-2B6ydlkpUNn1mscosqnUkHMuA3B33k0eguJjRt5INI77qUXeI7KNEzS2H42iRE0O9E6NvFIISGLVvKoXivZfKFY1k2hmfGqm9jivIHYlFSlQ-3D-3D)

From: Seacop

The City is required to treat all requestors equitably.

You are claiming records cannot be delivered via internet link or email. This claim will be investigated and challenged.

Of the 4 records delivery options you have provided I choose:

Electronically via a USB drive(s) or CD (actual cost of device).

The City is also required to zip or compress records in an efficient manner PRIOR to calculating fees.

If fee calculations are inflated because you choose not to zip or compress records prior to calculating your fee request, this also will be challenged.

Thank you.

From: Auburn Police Department


Unfortunately your email was not recognized and has not been routed accordingly.  Please be advised that if you wish to submit a new request or check on the status of an already submitted request, you should visit the Description: TO: "AUBURNWA Support"[auburnwa@govqa.us]

Auburn Police Department
Washington Public Records Act Office
Ste. 201
340 East Main Street
Auburn, WA 98002
August 29, 2022
This is a follow up to request number P028943-080322:
The City is required to treat all requestors equitably.
You are claiming records cannot be delivered via internet link or email. This claim will be investigated and challenged.
Of the 4 records delivery options you have provided I choose:
Electronically via a USB drive(s) or CD (actual cost of device).
The City is also required to zip or compress records in an efficient manner PRIOR to calculating fees.
If fee calculations are inflated because you choose not to zip or compress records prior to calculating your fee request, this also will be challenged.
Thank you.
View request history, upload responsive documents, and report problems here:
If prompted for a passcode, please enter:
Filed via MuckRock.com
E-mail (Preferred): requests@muckrock.com
For mailed responses, please address (see note):
MuckRock News
DEPT MR 132055
263 Huntington Ave
Boston, MA 02115
PLEASE NOTE: This request is not filed by a MuckRock staff member, but is being sent through MuckRock by the above in order to better track, share, and manage public records requests. Also note that improperly addressed (i.e., with the requester's name rather than "MuckRock News" and the department number) requests might be returned as undeliverable.
On Aug. 19, 2022:
Subject: Public Records Request :: P028943-080322

This is an auto-generated email and has originated from an unmonitored email account. Please DO NOT REPLY.

From: Seacop

Subject: RE: Washington Public Records Act Request #P028943-080322

The City is required to treat all requestors equitably.

You are claiming records cannot be delivered via internet link or email. This claim will be investigated and challenged.

Of the 4 records delivery options you have provided I choose:

Electronically via a USB drive(s) or CD (actual cost of device).

The City is also required to zip or compress records in an efficient manner PRIOR to calculating fees.

If fee calculations are inflated because you choose not to zip or compress records prior to calculating your fee request, this also will be challenged.

Thank you.

From: Auburn Police Department

--- Please respond above this line ---
RE: PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST of 8/8/2022, Reference #P028996-080822 Dear SEACOP, The City of Auburn received a public records request from you on 8/8/2022. You requested the following: "Collect, preserve, and provide a complete copy of all data regarding this public records request collected and transmitted to any 3rd party.”" I received your email stating you would like your records via a USB drive. The cost for the flash drive is $6.00 and mailing fee is $1.68 for a total of $7.68. Once payment has been received, I will load the records onto the USB drive. Please indicate if you would like records from requests P028943 and P028996 placed in the same USB drive or if you would prefer the records from each request provided on separate USB drives. If you would like the records provided separately there will be a charge of $6.00 for each request and $1.68 mailing cost or I can place the records on one USB drive, and it will be a total of $7.68 for both requests. If you do not indicate that you would like the records combined on one drive the City will assume you would like them separate. The City will mail the records to the below address unless you provide us with a separate address. MuckRock News
DEPT MR 132055
263 Huntington Ave
Boston, MA 02115 You can mail or bring your payment to City Hall located at: City of Auburn City Clerk's Office 25 West Main Street Auburn, WA 98001 If the City does not receive payment within 15 calendar days, I will close your request as abandoned due to nonpayment. If you have any questions, please contact my office at 253-931-3055. Sincerely, Shawn Campbell City Clerk City Clerk's Office 253-931-3055
To monitor the progress or update this request please log into the Public Records Center. (https://u8387778.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=6HtRfOYLt5fXvpttM-2FU1HYbgr8M2-2F9TeiqN0KbaY0qjyte0Lp3csaMjjpaUrJPtYxB0BcVqgLFZrXfbyDao8zLvdtYNwzAgmZ7gxecqtx1fpsABltP42TLGd83Pxrpg-2F-Vw4_EQxQuBsJUBC3SexsPb8RIr-2FdhdFG8Eqgfuq3CklrXgk51FDdoAFPn5W-2FGGILIMeuetF0F-2Fn2ERt7Kwgo9PgDwId-2BEtsaWJgWtnLTaApQgMBN5Has84CxhchcK-2BDabCwQzDlW3d9I68CqyaabzaAKWt6KXhYiUJxuXOiAacAGDWCYA5-2FanuFzs8yNaB5s35Dor0BCwkTjAj8lKtidg-2BqIjJWkjVg4kWLBOGCUYILwIzYW2e9twNy2Qspvnt88DCfCaRCRUkh3iUAETP64g9eJQT8CCQneafnmFIsfTccuDy1IrO7DAjEYYNfXzKwMFxdwCWxs2DlFUCyKl3-2BZea-2FbaNr79sgurGcrlBxwazn7a9MC7Ch-2Fve3TufebqA0Y3mYYCRVa4ruQHO0og4fgjjtJEQ-3D-3D)

From: Auburn Police Department

--- Please respond above this line ---
RE: PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST of 8/1/2022, Reference #P028943-080322
The City of Auburn received a public records request from you on 8/1/2022. You requested the following:
"I request a complete nonexempt copy of the personnel or employee file for Auburn Police Sergeant David Lind (Employee ID #1983).

Please provide all electronic records in their native electronic format. Please do not instead create new records by printing electronic files then scanning and printing the newly scanned prints." I received your email stating you would like your records via a USB drive. The cost for the flash drive is $6.00 and mailing fee is $1.68 for a total of $7.68. Once payment has been received, I will load the records onto the USB drive. Please indicate if you would like records from requests P028943 and P028996 placed in the same USB drive or if you would prefer the records from each request provided on separate USB drives. If you would like the records provided separately there will be a charge of $6.00 for each request and $1.68 mailing cost or I can place the records on one USB drive, and it will be a total of $7.68 for both requests. If you do not indicate that you would like the records combined on one drive the City will assume you would like them separate. The City will mail the records to the below address unless you provide us with a separate address.
MuckRock News
DEPT MR 132055
263 Huntington Ave
Boston, MA 02115 You can mail or bring your payment to City Hall located at: City of Auburn City Clerk's Office 25 West Main Street Auburn, WA 98001 If the City does not receive payment within 15 calendar days, I will close your request as abandoned due to nonpayment. If you have any questions, please contact my office at 253-931-3055. Sincerely,
Shawn Campbell City Clerk City Clerk's Office 253-931-3055

To monitor the progress or update this request please log into the Public Records Center. (https://u8387778.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=6HtRfOYLt5fXvpttM-2FU1HYbgr8M2-2F9TeiqN0KbaY0qjyte0Lp3csaMjjpaUrJPtYxB0BcVqgLFZrXfbyDao8zF6NtZiF5i-2BAQZihfVwtAAL-2BXufGPZnSKHm9El09Pp-2FcgNyk_EQxQuBsJUBC3SexsPb8RIr-2FdhdFG8Eqgfuq3CklrXgk51FDdoAFPn5W-2FGGILIMeuetF0F-2Fn2ERt7Kwgo9PgDwId-2BEtsaWJgWtnLTaApQgMAdAF6VxKk-2FuKYsblJ8S1Z7c21HSdOxNvaS84Nl9ukqZO1Gg-2FaTXMwpRTpSvKiGDmzjOzMfls1OkVtMLvFAgFPPvEHsb2jLef-2BjB8ExcOj02RtRRZgGy5WQYilFRi6kUPDUuhldaGxJd7oN1L2IklXQHDuAFd4hyg3UqJ-2FBToHK1GD8QSfyMisetCmxJ7zuxoy-2F68cf75wclporbC-2FKD3sPWB-2B3XT-2Fq4erJDBY-2FIfl8JzXoib6mAS-2BWQI-2FMHgQkDyKBMpMVyayojxOqIe2tHHz0WqZeR92gCxKKI6kJF889Dw-3D-3D)

From: Auburn Police Department


The City of Auburn received a public records request from you on 8/1/2022. You requested the following:

"I request a complete nonexempt copy of the personnel or employee file for Auburn Police Sergeant David Lind (Employee ID #1983).

Please provide all electronic records in their native electronic format. Please do not instead create new records by printing electronic files then scanning and printing the newly scanned prints."
I received your email stating you would like your records via a USB drive. The cost for the flash drive is $6.00 and mailing fee is $1.68 for a total of $7.68. Once payment has been received, I will load the records onto the USB drive. Please indicate if you would like records from requests P028943 and P028996 placed in the same USB drive or if you would prefer the records from each request provided on separate USB drives. If you would like the records provided separately there will be a charge of $6.00 for each request and $1.68 mailing cost or I can place the records on one USB drive, and it will be a total of $7.68 for both requests. If you do not indicate that you would like the records combined on one drive the City will assume you would like them separate. The City will mail the records to the below address unless you provide us with a separate address.
MuckRock News
DEPT MR 132055
263 Huntington Ave
Boston, MA 02115
You can mail or bring your payment to City Hall located at:
City of Auburn
City Clerk's Office
25 West Main Street
Auburn, WA 98001

​If the City does not receive payment within 15 calendar days, I will close your request as abandoned due to nonpayment.
If you have any questions, please contact my office at 253-931-3055.

Shawn Campbell, MMC
City Clerk
City of Auburn

The information contained in this electronic communication is personal, privileged and/or confidential information intended only for the use of the individual(s) or entity(ies) to which it has been addressed. If you read this communication and are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication, other than delivery to the intended recipient is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately notify the sender by reply e-mail. Thank you.

From: Auburn Police Department

RE: PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST of 8/8/2022, Reference #P028996-080822
The City of Auburn received a public records request from you on 8/8/2022. You requested the following:
"Collect, preserve, and provide a complete copy of all data regarding this public records request collected and transmitted to any 3rd party.""
I received your email stating you would like your records via a USB drive. The cost for the flash drive is $6.00 and mailing fee is $1.68 for a total of $7.68. Once payment has been received, I will load the records onto the USB drive. Please indicate if you would like records from requests P028943 and P028996 placed in the same USB drive or if you would prefer the records from each request provided on separate USB drives. If you would like the records provided separately there will be a charge of $6.00 for each request and $1.68 mailing cost or I can place the records on one USB drive, and it will be a total of $7.68 for both requests. If you do not indicate that you would like the records combined on one drive the City will assume you would like them separate. The City will mail the records to the below address unless you provide us with a separate address.
MuckRock News
DEPT MR 132055
263 Huntington Ave
Boston, MA 02115
You can mail or bring your payment to City Hall located at:
City of Auburn
City Clerk's Office
25 West Main Street
Auburn, WA 98001

If the City does not receive payment within 15 calendar days, I will close your request as abandoned due to nonpayment.
If you have any questions, please contact my office at 253-931-3055.
Shawn Campbell, MMC
City Clerk
City of Auburn

The information contained in this electronic communication is personal, privileged and/or confidential information intended only for the use of the individual(s) or entity(ies) to which it has been addressed. If you read this communication and are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication, other than delivery to the intended recipient is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately notify the sender by reply e-mail. Thank you.

From: Seacop

To Whom It May Concern:

Please find enclosed a check for $7.68 to satisfy the fee associated with the attached public records request.

Thank you.

Check sent by Muckrock Staff

Pay to the order of:

City of Auburn
City Clerk's Office
Suite 201
25 West Main Street
Auburn, WA 98001

Amount of: $7.68
  • Created — 09/13/2022
  • In Transit — 09/15/2022
  • In Local Area — 09/19/2022
  • Processed For Delivery — 09/19/2022
  • Deposited — 09/21/2022

From: Seacop

All records that fit on USB drive can be loaded on usb drive. Please use most economical methods to deliver records and bundle all records when possible.

From: Auburn Police Department

--- Please respond above this line ---

RE: PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST of August 08, 2022, Reference # P028996-080822
The City of Auburn received a public records request from you on August 08, 2022. You requested the following:
"Collect, preserve, and provide a complete copy of all data regarding this public records request collected and transmitted to any 3rd party.”"
The City of Auburn has located records responsive to your request. As requested these records have been loaded onto the enclosed USB drive.
Thank you for your patience in awaiting this information, this concludes our response to this request.
Shawn Campbell
City Clerk
City Clerk's Office

From: Auburn Police Department

--- Please respond above this line ---

RE: PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST of August 01, 2022, Reference # P028943-080322
The City of Auburn received a public records request from you on August 01, 2022. You requested the following:
"I request a complete nonexempt copy of the personnel or employee file for Auburn Police Sergeant David Lind (Employee ID #1983).

Please provide all electronic records in their native electronic format. Please do not instead create new records by printing electronic files then scanning and printing the newly scanned prints."
The City of Auburn has located records responsive to your request. The records have been loaded onto the enclosed USB drive per your request.
Thank you for your patience in awaiting this information, this concludes our response to this request.
Shawn Campbell
City Clerk
City Clerk's Office

From: Auburn Police Department

A copy of documents responsive to the request.

From: Seacop

via email : cityclerk@auburnwa.gov

To whom it may concern,

Payment for this public records request was made on 09-13-22.

You claimed on 09-27-22 “The City of Auburn has located records responsive to your request. As requested, these records have been loaded onto the enclosed USB drive.”

It is now 43 days later and we have not received a single record.

A request for identifiable records was made and the fees demanded were timely paid in full.

When are the requested public records going to be produced?

From: Seacop

via email : cityclerk@auburnwa.gov

To whom it may concern,

Payment for this public records request was made on 09-13-22.

You claimed on 09-27-22 “The City of Auburn has located records responsive to your request. As requested, these records have been loaded onto the enclosed USB drive.”

It is now 45 days later and we have not received a single record.

A request for identifiable records was made and the fees demanded were timely paid in full.

When are the requested public records going to be produced?

From: Auburn Police Department

The payment for your records for request P028943 was received on September 20, 2022. The records were mailed via USPS on September 26, 2022 to the address provided by you in the request. The City did not add tracking to this package.

MuckRock News
DEPT MR 132055
263 Huntington Ave
Boston, MA 02115

If you are having difficulty with receiving records at the address provided I can update the address if you would prefer, you can pick up the USB drives at the City Clerk’s Office in person, or we can use the GovQA portal.

Please advise how you would like to proceed.

Shawn Campbell, MMC
City Clerk
City of Auburn

From: Auburn Police Department

--- Please respond above this line ---
RE: PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST of 8/1/2022, Reference #P028943-080322
Dear SEACOP, The City of Auburn has located additional records responsive to your request. The additional responsive record consists of:

* 2019 Performance Evaluation
* 2020 Performance Evaluation 2021 Performance Evaluation Please note this document is exempt from disclosure per RCW 42.56.230(3); RCW 42.56.050. The disclosure of employee performance evaluations that do not discuss specific instances of misconduct is presumed to be highly offensive. See also Dawson v. Daly, 120 Wn.2d 782 , 794-95, 845 P.2d 995 (1993). This concludes the City’s response to this request. Please let me know if you have any questions. Sincerely,
Shawn Campbell City Clerk City Clerk's Office 253-931-3055

To monitor the progress or update this request please log into the Public Records Center. (https://u8387778.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=6HtRfOYLt5fXvpttM-2FU1HYbgr8M2-2F9TeiqN0KbaY0qjyte0Lp3csaMjjpaUrJPtYxB0BcVqgLFZrXfbyDao8zF6NtZiF5i-2BAQZihfVwtAAL-2BXufGPZnSKHm9El09Pp-2Fcdiz9_EQxQuBsJUBC3SexsPb8RIr-2FdhdFG8Eqgfuq3CklrXgk51FDdoAFPn5W-2FGGILIMeuetF0F-2Fn2ERt7Kwgo9PgDwCAApSW-2ByQlZYzxmbVUlsEHBHkM2oeMgZwNc2qjjlrGL4Zf-2FEHi4BWz0mu-2Bh3MzNsnYguzl0hDAAH7ae0vEPs1Vp7pjCLx51u-2F7OIUf8Rn-2F1sbkwFvp2rpLo6oTswo15Yb-2FLzQYLM-2FN-2F6fFNNU0-2FWJXMtcAEyfD4-2BAJJ7zo6shpdBCUSYHWQC5GSuHzftgDC7PJ38gxPhokUmoeUklAQfg5P1-2Fax6X-2BD6p7rRRZJBWTFACFtlXqXTRA0ODTaHM0UlGZBlCCIvE-2BQUswpQ0Zg4GGm3a3pBn63KuNi-2Fy6HYBTxtRJN0ge1oClG3yg-2FOtmUwQ-3D-3D)

From: Auburn Police Department

RE: PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST of 8/1/2022, Reference #P028943-080322


The City of Auburn has located additional records responsive to your request. The additional responsive record consists of:

* 2019 Performance Evaluation
* 2020 Performance Evaluation
* 2021 Performance Evaluation
Please note this document is exempt from disclosure per RCW 42.56.230(3); RCW 42.56.050. The disclosure of employee performance evaluations that do not discuss specific instances of misconduct is presumed to be highly offensive. See also Dawson v. Daly, 120 Wn.2d 782 , 794-95, 845 P.2d 995 (1993).
This concludes the City's response to this request. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Shawn Campbell
City Clerk
City Clerk's Office

The information contained in this electronic communication is personal, privileged and/or confidential information intended only for the use of the individual(s) or entity(ies) to which it has been addressed. If you read this communication and are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication, other than delivery to the intended recipient is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately notify the sender by reply e-mail. Thank you.