Total Number of BRAVE-related Arrests and Breakdown of Charges, 2012-2017

Max Rivlin-Nadler filed this request with the Baton Rouge Police Department of Baton Rouge-East Baton Rouge, LA.
Tracking #


Est. Completion None
Fix Required


From: Emanuel Rivlin-Nadler

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the the Louisiana Public Records Act, I hereby request the following records:

The total number of arrests related to the BRAVE (Baton Rouge Area Violence Elimination) program from January 1, 2012 through October 9, 2017 and a breakdown of the charges filed against each individual arrested.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 3 business days, as the statute requires.


Max Rivlin-Nadler

From: Brandi Lawrence

Good morning Mr. Nadler
Your request is being forwarded to Lisa Freeman. Ms. Freeman is the Legal Advisor to Baton Rouge Police Department. She will respond to your request. Should you have any questions please feel free to contact Ms. Freeman via email and/or telephone at 225-389-3809. She has been copied on this email for ease of reference. Thank you.

Brandi Littles-Lawrence
Senior Special Assistant Parish Attorney
P.O. Box 1471
222 St. Louis St., Room 902
Baton Rouge, LA 70821
225-389-3114 (phone)
225-389-5554 (fax)

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From: Lisa Freeman

Good evening, Mr. Rivlin-Nadler,

We received your records request and are trying to identify possibly responsive documents.

Please clarify if you want information concerning the number of arrests made by the BRPD's "BRAVE Enforcement Unit," which no longer exists, or if you want records regarding the number of arrests made by BRPD's "Street Crimes Unit," which, in early 2015, engaged in department wide anti-violence enforcement support.

Thank you for your attention to this.


From: Max Rivlin-Nadler

Hi Ms. Freeman,

I would like information concerning the number of arrests made by the BRPD's "BRAVE Enforcement Unit," as well as the records regarding the number of arrests made by BPRD's "Street Crimes Unit." If possible, I would also like to see the charges associated with the arrests.

Thanks so much,

Max Rivlin-Nadler

From: Baton Rouge Police Department

Good evening, Mr. Rivlin-Nadler

Thank you, again, for our phone visit on October 20th.

I have received information from our Street Crimes Unit pursuant to your request and will be transmitting that shortly.

As I mentioned during our conversation, there is a distinction between the BRAVE Program and BRPD's Brave Enforcement Unit. Please know that the Street Crimes Unit (formerly known as the BRAVE Enforcement Unit) was not and is not associated with the BRAVE Program, nor did the BRAVE Enforcement Unit receive funding from the BRAVE Program.

I have also confirmed information regarding another point about which you inquired. Please know that to the best of our knowledge and belief, not all persons arrested by the Street Crimes Unit (formerly known as the BRAVE Enforcement Unit) may have been offered BRAVE Program opportunities and resources, insofar as they qualified or did not qualify for those opportunities and resources.

I have been informed that you may want to contact the Office of the District Attorney regarding whether persons arrested by BRPD met federal grant criteria associated with the BRAVE Program.

In the meanwhile, we will work toward concluding your matter and anticipate closure by next week.
Best regards,


From: Max Rivlin-Nadler

Ms. Freeman,

Thank you very much for following up on this and explaining the distinction. I will certainly keep this in mind as I go over the documents.

I look forward to reading them.


Emanuel Rivlin-Nadler

From: Baton Rouge Police Department

Good afternoon, Mr. Rivlin-Nadler,

We have documents ready to be invoiced and transmitted to you at this time.

I need a bit of direction from you, however, about what records you may want.

Please know that although there were thousands of arrests/charges by the BRPD's Street Crimes Unit during the time frame 2012-2017, only 1 page of the 108 pages provided to us, actually contains information regarding dates of arrest, file numbers and the specific charges-as you had requested.

The other 107 pages contain dates of arrest and file numbers, but no information about charges.

Please let us know how you'd like to proceed and we'll be happy to comply with your wishes.

Thank you and a very blessed Thanksgiving to you as well.

