Cell site simulator acquisition and use (Bellevue Police Department)

Phil Mocek filed this request with the Bellevue Police Department of Bellevue, WA.

From: Phil Mocek

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to RCW Ch. 42.56 (Public Records Act), I hereby request the following records:

Cell site simulators, also known as IMSI catchers, IMEI catchers, GSM interceptors, covert cellular tracking equipment, and digital analyzers, impersonate a wireless service provider's (i.e., mobile phone company's or cellular phone company's) cell tower, prompting mobile phones and other wireless devices to communicate with the simulators instead of with the real cell towers. These devices are often called "Stingrays," the name of one such device produced by Harris Corporation, along with their AmberJack, BlackFin, KingFish, Gossamer, LoggerHead, and TriggerFish devices.

Cell site simulators are commonly used in several ways: to collect unique numeric identifiers associated with each mobile phone in a given geographic area, to determine the precise location of a mobile phone when numbers associated with it are known but only a rough idea of its location is known, or to intercept phone calls and SMS messages.

Each of these uses raises privacy concerns, the most obvious of which is presented by the interception of voice and SMS messages. Collecting unique identifiers of all phones in a particular area inevitably collects location data on many innocent people who are suspected of no crime. Determination of the precise location of a specific phone can reveal that the phone, and thus the person who operates it, is in a constitutionally-protected place, such as a home, that has traditionally been immune from search without judicial approval via search warrant. The locations of people's mobile phones reveal a variety of personal information, such as: with whom they associate, where they assemble, where they spend their days, where they spend their nights, when they are home alone, where they protest, where they worship, and health care providers they visit.

It has been widely reported in recent months that law enforcement agencies use these devices while hiding their use from the public and from the courts.

Despite widespread public interest in the use and misuse of cell site simulators, the public lack information about your agency's use of these devices or about your agency's policy for such use. Information is needed so the public can determine whether use of cell site simulators by your agency complies with the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and with Washington law.

## Request ##

Pursuant to Chapter 42.56 RCW, the Public Records Act, I request:

1. Records regarding your agency's acquisition of cell site simulators, including but not limited to invoices, purchase orders, contracts, loan agreements, evaluation agreements, solicitation letters, correspondence with companies and public agencies that provide the devices, and similar documents.

2. Records regarding any offer, proposal, arrangement, agreement, or memorandum of understanding with Washington State Patrol ("WSP"), Naval Criminal Investigative Service ("NCICS"), Federal Bureau of Investigation ("FBI"), U.S. Marshals Service, FBI's Data Intercept Technology Unit ("DITU"), King County Regional Intelligence Group ("KCRIG"), Pierce County Regional Intelligence Group ("PCRIG"), South Sound Regional Intelligence Group ("SSRIG"), or any corporation, to borrow, permanently acquire from, or use any cell site simulator owned or possessed by the WSP, NCICS, FBI, U.S. Marshals, DITU, KCRIG, PCRIG, SSRIG, or corporation

3. All nondisclosure agreements with Harris Corporation, Digital Receiver Technology (DRT, formerly Utica Systems, now a subsidiary of Boeing Corporation), Septier Communication Limited, Proximus LLC, any other corporation, and any state or federal agencies, regarding your agency's actual or potential possession or use of cell site simulators

4. Records regarding policies and guidelines governing use of cell site simulators, including but not limited to 1) when, where, how, and against whom they devices may be used, 2) logging, retention, purging, use, and auditing data stored in or communicated from the devices, 3) under what circumstances administrative warrant, judicial warrant, or other legal process must, should, or should not be obtained prior to, during, or following direct or indirect use of the devices, 4) under what circumstances the existence or use of the devices must, should, or should not be revealed to judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys, criminal defendants, or the general public., and 5) parallel construction techniques for use in avoidance of disclosure of the initial method of discovery of information gained initially by use of cell site simulators

5. Training materials for use of cell site simulators

6. Records regarding any communications or agreements with wireless service providers (i.e., mobile phone carriers such as AT&T, CenturyLink, CREDO Mobile, MetroPCS, Sprint, Ting, T-Mobile, Verizon, Virgin Mobile, etc.) concerning use of cell site simulators

7. Records regarding any communications, licenses, waivers, or agreements, with federal or state communications regulatory agencies (e.g., Federal Communications Commission, Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission, Idaho Public Utilities Commission, Oregon Public Utility Commission, etc.) concerning use of cell site simulators

8. Records reflecting the number of investigations in which cell site simulators were used, the number of those investigations that resulted in prosecutions, and the number of those investigations that resulted in convictions

9. Records reflecting a list of all criminal cases, with docket numbers if available, in which law enforcement officers or other staff used or arranged for the use of one or more cell site simulators as part of the underlying investigations

10. All applications submitted to state or federal courts for warrants, orders, or other other authorization for use of cell site simulators in criminal investigations, as well as any warrants, orders, authorizations, denials of warrants, denials of orders, denials of authorization, and returns of warrants associated with those applications

11. Records regarding the use of cell site simulators in closed investigations

12. Date and docket number of any responsive records that are sealed

13. All associated metadata

I also request that, if appropriate, fees be waived as I believe this request is in the public interest. The requested documents will be made available to the general public free of charge as part of the public information service at MuckRock.com, processed by a representative of the news media/press and is made in the process of news gathering and not for commercial usage.

In the event that fees cannot be waived, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 5 business days, as the statute requires.


Phil Mocek


Dear Mr. Mocek,
This e-mail is to acknowledge receipt of your public disclosure request for records related to cell site simulators. You have bullet pointed 13 categories of requested items in your e-mail request dated June 25, 2014. I have been forwarded your request from the Records Unit to search for any administrative documents we may have, so I am not sure if the Records Unit has already given you a 5-day response. I apologize if this acknowledgment of your request is redundant.

We are currently searching our records to see if we have any responsive documents. Due to the large list of requested items that require contacting many different units within our department (accounting, training, legal, detectives, etc.) to check if they have any responsive documents, this will take some time. Your request is still considered open; I am writing to address a slight delay in getting any records to you. You should anticipate an additional response by the end of business Friday, July 26, 2014, if not sooner.

If you have any questions regarding your disclosure request or any other matter, please contact the Bellevue Police Department Records Unit at (425) 452-6917 or by e-mail at BPDRecords@bellevuewa.gov<mailto:BPDRecords@bellevuewa.gov>. Thank you for your patience.

Melissa Chin
Bellevue Police Department
450 110th Ave NE
Bellevue, WA 98008
Phone: (425) 452-7826

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From: MuckRock.com

To Whom It May Concern:

I wanted to follow up on the following Freedom of Information request, copied below, and originally submitted on June 25, 2014. Please let me know when I can expect to receive a response, or if further clarification is needed.

Thank you for your help.


Mr. Mocek,
As stated in my previous email, you should expect a response by July 26th. At this point, we have not been able to find any responsive documents as we do not own, operate, have acquired, or inquired about cell site simulators. We will continue our search into our records, but due to such a very broad request, this has taken much time as it is not as easy as searching for a specific document. With that said, do you want us to continue our search for documents related to cell site simulators knowing that we do not and have never owned or operated one? Also, a date range would also help limit our search of any emails. Thank you.
Sent from my iPhone


From: Phil Mocek

Ms. Chin:

I apologize for the needless request for update sent on my behalf on July 11. I'm working through a partially-automated system, Muckrock, which automatically generated that request. I believe the system should have flagged this request as requiring my input and suspended those.

In an effort to research use of these devices, inspired by a similar set of requests placed by various ACLU affiliates throughout the nation (see high-profile stories about Tallahassee PD's attempts to hide their use of cell site simulators from the public and the courts if you're interested) I placed precisely the same request as this one with nearly two dozen law enforcement agencies in Washington, and intend to expand that list with time. Others have not commented on the burden of searching for responsive records, and multiple completed their requests in a week or so.

I do appreciate the implication of all this that you are performing a thorough search (and am a bit concerned that it implies that some of the other agencies did not search thoroughly). Thank you for that.

I am willing to limit the scope of this request to records since 2007. These devices were famously used at the 2008 Republican National Convention, so I do know that they have been available for your department's use since that time and thus that there is a possibility that plans for such might have been developed, even if not yet implemented. I have a general sense that if your agency has not been even dabbling in this topic since then, it very likely was not doing so prior to then.

I would prefer that you conduct a thorough search for responsive records as other agencies have, as I have no less reason to suspect Bellevue Police Department of having information about your potential use of these devices than I do in regard to the others, and I hope to have a consistent set of results for my research.

Phil Mocek

From: MuckRock.com

To Whom It May Concern:

I wanted to follow up on the following Freedom of Information request, copied below, and originally submitted on June 25, 2014. Please let me know when I can expect to receive a response, or if further clarification is needed.

Thank you for your help.


Mr. Mocek,
I apologize, I was out of the country last week. Our department search has not retrieved any responsive documents to your cell site simulator request as I explained we do not operate cell site simulators. However, our global email search has had some hits for the keywords we have used to search. This may have just pulled your email and my emails to the various different department heads to search for records, but I am not sure yet. I have not received the retrieved emails from Records yet, but will have a response ready for you when I receive the responsive emails and review them for compliance with the Public Records Act. I predict a response to you by August 8, 2014.

Melissa Chin
Legal Advisor
Bellevue Police Department
450 110th Ave NE
Bellevue, WA 98008
Phone: (425) 452-7826

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Mr. Mocek,
I have reviewed the emails that were pulled with keywords used to search for emails responsive to your request. Unfortunately, the only emails we have related to cell site simulators, also known as IMSI catchers, IMEI catchers, GSM interceptors, covert cellular tracking equipment, and digital analyzers, are (1) SPAM mail from newsfeeds that mention cell site simulators and (2) your original email request with our communications regarding this request. The SPAM newsfeed emails do not seem to be responsive to your request, but I have attached them anyways. We have no other responsive documents to your request made on June 25, 2014. Your request has now been closed as completed. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you!

Melissa Chin
Legal Advisor
Bellevue Police Department
450 110th Ave NE
Bellevue, WA 98008
Phone: (425) 452-7826

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