Information wrt DBMSs (Information Technology, Montana)

Matt Chapman filed this request with the Information Technology, Montana of Billings, MT.
Multi Request Information wrt DBMSs

From: Matt Chapman

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Montana Freedom of Information Act, I hereby request the following records:

For all DBMSs owned, maintained, operated, contracted with/through, or supported by the Information Technology - or similar - department(s) within your city, please provide me with the following information:

-Underlying engine (eg, postgres, mysql, mariadb, cockroachdb, Mongodb, Oracle database, sybase, MSAccess, SQL Server, VoltDB, RethinkDB, Chronos, Elasticsearch, etcd, cassandra, etc)
-Names of software that connect to each DBMS
-Names of departments that use information within the DBMS
-Schema of database (preferably, with granularity down to column names)
-Contract identifier for each database, if relevant

I understand that the information respondent to this request may require the creation of new documents - if that will be the case, then please provide me with documents that may contain the information (eg, documentation, contracts, etc). I am also happy to narrow the scope of my request if necessary.

Please also let me know if any help is needed with discovering any DBMS services. My background is in distributed systems systems administration and I can offer technical tips or advice if it would be helpful in any way.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes. As I believe the information respondent to this request outweighs the costs and burden, I would like to kindly request a fee waiver.

I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 10 business days.

With gratitude,
Matt Chapman,
Free Our Info, NFP

From: Information Technology, Montana

To Whom It May Concern:

The City of Billings has no Freedom of Information Act Office and I am not it. Please go to the
City of Billings Website( and obtain a public records request form. Then
to submit it to the correct department, there is a department listing on the website. Please stop
sending me these requests, I will be deleting them in the future.

Lori Latta
Software Engineer
City of Billings

From: Information Technology, Montana

Dear Requestor,

The City of Billings does NOT have a Freedom of Information Act Office. Lori Latta is an Information Technology employee and does NOT handle any Public Requests.

To initiate a Public Records Request, please go to the City Clerk's page on our main City Website (see Link Below). On the left side of the menu, is an option to select to download the "Public Records Request Form".
Please download the form, complete it providing details on what you are requesting, and E-mail the request to the Denise Bohlman, our City Clerk. Her Email is<>

By submitting an official Public Records Request Form, we will be able to track and handle your request in an appropriate manner.

City Clerk's Webpage:

David Watterson
Information Technology Director
City of Billings
Work: (406) 657-8330

This e-mail transmission from the City of Billings, and any documents, files, or previous e-mail messages attached to it, are intended solely for the individual(s) to whom it is addressed and may contain information that is confidential, legally privileged, and/or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any unauthorized review, forwarding, printing, copying, distribution, or use of this transmission or the information it contains is strictly prohibited. A misdirected transmission does not constitute waiver of any applicable privilege. If you received this transmission in error, please immediately notify the sender and delete the original transmission and its attachments. Thank you.

From: Muckrock Staff

Dear Ms. Bohlman,
Attached to this email you'll find the City of Billings Public Records Request Form, as well as another PDF document outlining the request in greater detail than the limited space on the form allowed for. In the space designated for describing the request it says "see attached" and the aforementioned PDF document is the attachment to which that refers. Thank you for your attention to this matter, and for your assistance in processing this request.

From: Information Technology, Montana

The request has been rejected by the agency.