NH police budget and employment data (Merrimack County) (Bow Police Department)

Granite State News Collaborative filed this request with the Bow Police Department of Bow, NH.
Multi Request NH police budget and employment data (Merrimack County)


From: Granite State News Collaborative

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the New Hampshire Right to Know Law, I respectfully request the following records related to this municipality's police department hiring, employment, and funding for the budget years 2000 through 2020:

BUDGET and FUNDING DATA - Records sufficient to show funding for municipal law enforcement offices and activities for the years 2000 through 2020.

If possible, please provide the itemized budget allocated for public safety and police department activities for each year, as well as records sufficient to show any additional funding received through other means, including but not limited to:
• funds for capital expenditures
• grants
• donations

HIRING and EMPLOYMENT DATA - Records sufficient to show the following data regarding police department employment for the years 2000 through 2020.
• The number of employed law enforcement officers (as defined by RSA 105-D:1). Please provide the date on which the provided numbers were accurate.
• Annual demographic information (age, race, gender) of law enforcement officers employed by this municipality
• Annual demographic information (age, race, gender) of any individual employed in a position of leadership within this municipality’s public safety or law enforcement department

If any of the requested information is available in aggregate form, provision of this aggregate information by year would likely satisfy this request. If there are any known caveats involved with the data and information your office is able to provide, I would really appreciate it if you could share them with me.

*Please note* that if any of the requested information is held by another office or agency, direction to the appropriate office would be greatly appreciated.

This request is being made on behalf of the Concord Monitor through the statewide nonprofit Granite State News Collaborative. This request is not being made for commercial purposes. It is being made as part of a journalistic data collection effort to benefit news organizations and the public good throughout the State of New Hampshire.

If your office anticipates that fees associated with the processing of this request, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request be filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Please call 603-224-5301 with any questions about this request. If your call is not answered, please leave a message and your call will be returned as soon as possible.

I look forward to receiving your response to this request within five business days, as required by law.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I really appreciate your time and help.


Cassidy Jensen, The Concord Monitor

From: Bow Police Department

Thank you for your email. Please consider this email formal receipt of your Right to Know Request received today. Please note if a record is not available immediately, we have 5 business days to respond to your request by either providing the record(s) or providing a written acknowledgement of the request, and a statement of time necessary to deny or fulfill your request.

Please note, there will be fees associated with your request. We will be in touch.

Thank you.

Tonia Lindquist

Administrative Assistant

Town Manager and Selectmen’s Office

Town of Bow, NH

603-223-3910 Office

603-223-3911 Direct


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from Town of Bow at


All E-mails are for Official Town Business only and privacy should not be assumed. E-mails are public documents unless subject matter is protected by State or Federal Laws.

From: Bow Police Department

Good morning,

In regard to your request for Budget and Funding Data, the documents in the Town’s possession that are responsive to your request include the approved Annual Budget, the approved Warrant Articles, the Comparative Statement of Expenditures & Revenues, Statement of Payments and the report on the Capital Improvement Plan.

All of these documents are publicly available in the Annual Town Report. To the extent that we retain these reports in a digital format I have provided a link to view the digital versions of the Annual Reports http://bownh.gov/Archive.aspx?AMID=37 With regard to those Annual Reports which the Town has only physical copies I would ask that you contact me directly to make an appointment to inspect the documents. Should you require photocopies made of any of the pages our standard charge of $.25 per page would apply.

Archive Center • Bow, NH • CivicEngage<http://bownh.gov/Archive.aspx?AMID=37>
Town of Bow 10 Grandview Road Bow, NH 03304 Phone (All Departments) 603-223-3900 Staff Directory

With regard to your request for Hiring and Employment Data, the Town does not maintain a document that identifies specifically the number of employees in any Department at any given time. However, each Annual Report contains a synopsis of the year from each Department Head and it is possible that additions and departures from the Department are contained therein.

To the best of the Town’s knowledge and information, the Town does not maintain any documents reflecting the demographic profile of any individual employed “in a position of leadership”, and as such, there are no records in our procession responsive to your request.

Tonia Lindquist

Administrative Assistant

Town Manager and Selectmen’s Office

Town of Bow, NH

603-223-3910 Office

603-223-3911 Direct


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from Town of Bow at


All E-mails are for Official Town Business only and privacy should not be assumed. E-mails are public documents unless subject matter is protected by State or Federal Laws.

From: Granite State News Collaborative

Hi Tonia

Thanks so much for your help with this request! I really appreciate it. I'll be in touch regarding making an appointment to inspect the town reports which are not digitized.

Cassidy Jensen


There are no files associated with this request.