FBI/DOJ FOIA consult (Broward County Sheriff)

Emma North-Best filed this request with the Broward County Sheriff of Broward County, FL.
Tracking #


Multi Request FBI/DOJ FOIA consult
Est. Completion None


From: Emma North-Best

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Florida Sunshine Law, I hereby request the following records:

Copies of any emails, letters, memos or other records of consultations regarding public records requests (FOI/FOIL/FOIA etc.) with either the Department of Justice, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Drug Enforcement Agency components.

I am a member of the news media and request classification as such. I have previously written about the government and its activities, with some reaching over 100,000 readers in outlets such as Gizmodo, MuckRock, Motherboard, Property of the People, Unicorn Riot, and The Outline, among others. As such, as I have a reasonable expectation of publication and my editorial and writing skills are well established. In addition, I discuss and comment on the files online and make them available through non-profits such as the library Internet Archive and the journalist non-profit MuckRock, disseminating them to a large audience. While my research is not limited to this, a great deal of it, including this, focuses on the activities and attitudes of the government itself. As such, it is not necessary for me to demonstrate the relevance of this particular subject in advance.

As my primary purpose is to inform about government activities by reporting on it and making the raw data available, I request that fees be waived.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 10 business days.


Emma Best

From: Broward County Sheriff

Dear Emma Best:

The Broward Sheriff's Office received a public records request from you on November 07, 2019, seeking the following: Copies of any emails, letters, memos or other records of consultations regarding public records
requests (FOI/FOIL/FOIA etc.) with either the Department of Justice, including the Federal Bureau
of Investigation and Drug Enforcement Agency components.

The full records request is attached.
Your request was assigned a reference number R063128-110719 and is being processed in the order in which it was received.

PLEASE NOTE: Depending on the nature and/or volume of your request, it may take more than a week to fulfill. If duplication costs will apply to your request, then an estimate will be sent to you and a deposit or full payment may be required. When an estimate or invoice is sent to you for payment, payment must be received within ten (10) business days. No work will be done on your request until payment is received. If payment is not received within that time period, the request will be closed, and a new request will be required if you are still seeking the records.

Thank you.

Broward Sheriff's Office
Public Information Unit
To monitor the progress or update this request please log into the Public Records Center (https://u8387778.ct.sendgrid.net/wf/click?upn=xSfKPyHO1-2F4Mny2NCLJVuhvlHT-2BV5ivXVVIvnmSv1z7ITWir4JkFw4GCbtSQ2BwDL6PKK1mKRllJawQL8pQS2CQYa4DsZWOF-2BpWVRM9SMEV5GMlBoFXN3pTrT4-2Bv8zNl_I2acuazA7VdgZti42sVBeWn8alSye1VomfRkc-2FdYErKPktu6JHcTLFsfMPNoo1Vch0DBlcug9MxRRgoyolR3DlGL5r5z5-2BSzrvmBa95q4A-2BSGHuzWFp7N3oaTVeSmY-2FOQ9ury8-2Bd9j8xHOu7Ke529KC-2FAgZiZlReSRVybJeMXiKHu3apNxRaD7PSjYPsmaOYDyB3EhNHJH7LEiU0N3s1wHOOEE9zNYaoxZP-2BKa0fpqUoigeiA05e-2F-2Be2aGA1UsrQmIAS9o-2FpuITjr60-2BCy1BJKAB9NcxwV8GsKbbc3AG6oNL-2FH0tH-2FSC7qN3Il-2FsnA6wRr74Mns7o9bupQdeaYLTS-2Bec-2BOCk-2B0mvg4Tfw1FyU4GwFOJ-2BH4Svu2yvqGrARXSFHpIlbVYgW2cuw2B5ylu7vtHfX5GFO35-2F-2FKjFdkM8Eok-3D)

From: Broward County Sheriff

Dear Emma Best,

Thank you for registering with the Broward County Sheriff Public Records Center. If you have never used this system, your account has been created by a staff person at Broward County Sheriff's Office.

Once your email address has been verified, you can log in to the Public Records Center to update any contact or password information and to track the progress of your request.

Login: requests@muckrock.com

To verify your email address, the following activation link to set a password will be active for 24 hours.
Activate Online Account

If the activation link expires, you will need to request a password by clicking the link below. This will allow you to access your request, manage account information, and retrieve responsive records.

Request a Password (https://u4037834.ct.sendgrid.net/wf/click?upn=L5asTq9oAWi6tKrRmhm-2FjaLIYAOSywcvkUN6-2FujVs5wQXYCyxwcKNDVHCHGG18IpAmWGtQIt7t55ct5aaZxflqR8GsqZmYRR1g-2FY-2BlFg3z4-3D_I2acuazA7VdgZti42sVBeWn8alSye1VomfRkc-2FdYErKPktu6JHcTLFsfMPNoo1VcMCvkJ8PqxHLgof9FetiUNI3OMCXUu0YI1oEyHr0oJi6-2BB6cpKvnZo2nPM5-2BlunOBtAa3Y4dZO4oETqZCkyirq5ivUQqg6jC3Q5-2BbBOmdFFikx4rqaIwu-2FBw6L7hGypFs68ZVZw1b9tXNLPm-2FHHyI9N6TTyEaVq42uw-2BDbBh3naQY8mYaml69Ji40U95gLawd)
PLEASE NOTE: All requests are completed in the order they are received. Please understand some requests may take more than a week to fulfill. If a request takes a large amount of time to complete, then an estimate will be sent to you and a deposit or full payment may be required. When an invoice is sent to you for payment, payment must be received immediately.  If payment is not received in an allotted amount of time we will freeze all future requests until all unpaid invoices are paid in full and up to date. (refer to FSS: 119.07 (4)(d). If a request is no longer needed please contact our office immediately.  If the request is fulfilled before we are notified that the documents are no longer necessary, then payment must still be made for our time and efforts. If you plan to pick up your request please contact us in advance.

Thank you,
Broward County Sheriff's Office This is an auto-generated email and has originated from an unmonitored email account. Please DO NOT REPLY

From: Broward County Sheriff

--- Please respond above this line ---
Re: Media Records Request of November 07, 2019. Reference #: R063128-110719 Dear Emma Best: The Broward Sheriff's Office received a records request from you on November 07, 2019 seeking the following . Copies of any emails, letters, memos or other records of consultations regarding public records
requests (FOI/FOIL/FOIA etc.) with either the Department of Justice, including the Federal Bureau
of Investigation and Drug Enforcement Agency components.

The full records request is attached.
[BACKCHECK_SUM] The Broward Sheriff's Office is unable to furnish you with the information you have requested due to the following reason(s): More detailed information is needed to process your request. What time period do you want to have searched?  If you're requesting old emails, they will have to be restored.  The restoration of e-mail records from archived backup tapes is a detailed process involving labor costs. The IT network analyst can restore the archived emails of employees you request, then perform a word search on the employee's emails. Please clarify your request as noted above.  A reply must be received in ten (10) business days or your request will be closed and a new request will be required. You may reply to this email with your clarification or send a message by logging into our online Public Records Center. (https://u8387778.ct.sendgrid.net/wf/click?upn=xSfKPyHO1-2F4Mny2NCLJVuhvlHT-2BV5ivXVVIvnmSv1z7ITWir4JkFw4GCbtSQ2BwDL6PKK1mKRllJawQL8pQS2CQYa4DsZWOF-2BpWVRM9SMEV5GMlBoFXN3pTrT4-2Bv8zNl_I2acuazA7VdgZti42sVBeWn8alSye1VomfRkc-2FdYErKPktu6JHcTLFsfMPNoo1Vch0DBlcug9MxRRgoyolR3DsWV3gOAuWstyP1GkUIo4nP5D1BGev9a6NGG6Y72Sbpzm7QNrjyOsfGF-2FKv56-2Bodv8YZoye70fVpL2PcQhQJKbWJFyIVZNHMpap49OtYnkciQyOSXc2CWiKhzlxTArGc5mx5Dh6F4TeLRRaHaM6Pe8LWsw8Fzrw7WsJ3XHTQsJ-2FPhRuSqBFriMxjgyeCgZ8OPQLfnWLtxLdYYUorpUnvjzdhMYjgtrkuQ5a-2FsYa2vjUGTeLWHjzsf0uiA2WS1VWFqVg2RBZvyCG8NVsmtmatHZv-2FzDDq3NE28MNKWnYdDucPd5oJX2WNcL-2FJqzHqvhcyIP6rUMpHqr7GTAt3ddgn094-3D) Should you have any questions, please respond to this email or call me at (954) 831-8300. Sincerely, Veda Coleman-Wright Broward Sheriff's Office Public Information Unit
To monitor the progress or update this request please log into the Public Records Center (https://u8387778.ct.sendgrid.net/wf/click?upn=xSfKPyHO1-2F4Mny2NCLJVuhvlHT-2BV5ivXVVIvnmSv1z7ITWir4JkFw4GCbtSQ2BwDL6PKK1mKRllJawQL8pQS2CQYa4DsZWOF-2BpWVRM9SMEV5GMlBoFXN3pTrT4-2Bv8zNl_I2acuazA7VdgZti42sVBeWn8alSye1VomfRkc-2FdYErKPktu6JHcTLFsfMPNoo1Vch0DBlcug9MxRRgoyolR3DsWV3gOAuWstyP1GkUIo4nP5D1BGev9a6NGG6Y72Sbpzm7QNrjyOsfGF-2FKv56-2Bodv8YZoye70fVpL2PcQhQJKbWJFyIVZNHMpap49OtYnkciQyOSXc2CWiKhzlxTArGc5mx5Dh6F4TeLRRaHaM6Pe8LWsw8Fzrw7WsJ3XHTQsJ-2FPO13H7twv9Dq3-2FZShOsr8R2yXCZS5-2B2d9saRhWAAKgNwMHPwv9gpLIZRCiOcpMIS0Ylo6TY1UWHgp6VKGn3Hhp1NK3-2FQ-2B5BMhkXkcGxlv7EV7ih12sixm7fCJaiNqI0-2BQaA9R5-2FYSkeZ2Ycwzi0UGM-2BAqMPFxuqNRLHF-2Fc7QQau0-3D)

From: Broward County Sheriff

A fix is required to perfect the request.


