Highline Public School District – Request for a complete electronic copy of any emails sent to or received by the email address/email box “publicrecordsrequest@highlineschools.org” for the time period 1-1-2022 to 02-01-2023.
Tracking # |
P000468-020723 |
Submitted | Feb. 1, 2023 |
Due | April 10, 2023 |
Est. Completion | None |
MuckRock users can file, duplicate, track, and share public records requests like this one. Learn more.
From: PRA Audit
Highline Public School District – Request for a complete electronic copy of any emails sent to or received by the email address/email box “publicrecordsrequest@highlineschools.org” for the time period 1-1-2022 to 02-01-2023.
Via email to: publicrecordsrequest@highlineschools.org
To Whom It May Concern:
Pursuant to the Washington Public Records Act [RCW 42.56] I hereby request the following records:
1. I Request for a complete electronic copy of any emails sent to or received by the email address/email box “publicrecordsrequest@highlineschools.org” for the time period 1-1-2022 to 02-01-2023. Please include any “read” receipts, “forward” or “cc” of these emails and any/all other records regarding or referencing the email address “publicrecordsrequest@highlineschools.org."
The use of 3rd party “portals” (Such as GOVQA or NEXTREQUEST) for communication and production of records in response to a public records request is optional for the requestor in the State of Washington. Respectfully we decline to use any 3rd party "portal" system, specifically GOVQA and NEXTREQUEST.
Please provide all records electronically via direct email attachment, or via no password, no registration internet cloud-based download link.
Please do not direct or invite us to use, register for, or communicate with your agency via any 3rd party portal including but not limited to FOIAOnline, GovQA, NextRequest, FOIAExpress, JustFOIA FOIADirect, WebForm, or any other commercial 3rd party records portal service.
RCW 42.56.080 - Identifiable records—Facilities for copying—Availability of public records.
"...Agencies shall honor requests received in person during an agency's normal office hours, or by mail or email, for identifiable public records unless exempted by provisions of this chapter. No official format is required for making a records request; however, agencies may recommend that requestors submit requests using an agency provided form or web page."
This public records request is being made via email. This public records request will be honored and fulfilled by your agency via email as requested or relief will be sought per statute.
Please provide all identified public records in their NATIVE electronic format. Unless the records exist IN PAPER FORM ONLY, DO NOT instead create new records by printing native stored electronic files, then scanning and re-printing these newly scanned prints only to reproduce them in again in electronic production.
In this request the NATIVE ELECTORNIC FORMAT is Microsoft .pst file. Please produce the .pst file.
In the event that there are fees, please inform us of the total charges in advance of fulfilling the request in strict compliance with all provisions of the Washington State Public Records Act.
Please ensure all redactions or exemptions claimed by your agency in the production of responsive records are accompanied by a complete and detailed exemption log noting the valid legal reason for each exemption at each redaction location in the record produced, as well as the specific number of pages if any that your agency redacts or withholds in their entirety. Each redaction should be noted by footnote or by a clear reference to the specific justification for that redaction, and only the minimal exempt portion of any record may be withheld.
The requested documents will be made available to the general public.
Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. We look forward to receiving your response to this request within 5 business days, as the statute requires.
From: Highline Public Schools District
Dear 139961:
Thank you for your interest in public records of Highline Public Schools. Your request has been received and is being processed in accordance with the State of Washington Public Records Act, Chapter 42.56 RCW. Your request was received in this office on 2/7/2023 and given the reference number P000468-020723 for tracking purposes. NOTE: The day the request is received does not count as one of the five (5) days. Weekends and holidays observed by the agency are also excluded in the calculation. If your request has been submitted on the weekend, or on a holiday, the date received is the next business day. Records Requested: February 1, 2023
Highline Public School District – Request for a complete electronic copy of any emails sent to or received by the email address/email box “publicrecordsrequest@highlineschools.org” for the time period 1-1-2022 to 02-01-2023.
Via email to: publicrecordsrequest@highlineschools.org
To Whom It May Concern:
Pursuant to the Washington Public Records Act [RCW 42.56] I hereby request the following records:
1. I Request for a complete electronic copy of any emails sent to or received by the email address/email box “publicrecordsrequest@highlineschools.org” for the time period 1-1-2022 to 02-01-2023. Please include any “read” receipts, “forward” or “cc” of these emails and any/all other records regarding or referencing the email address “publicrecordsrequest@highlineschools.org."
The use of 3rd party “portals” (Such as GOVQA or NEXTREQUEST) for communication and production of records in response to a public records request is optional for the requestor in the State of Washington. Respectfully we decline to use any 3rd party "portal" system, specifically GOVQA and NEXTREQUEST.
Please provide all records electronically via direct email attachment, or via no password, no registration internet cloud-based download link.
Please do not direct or invite us to use, register for, or communicate with your agency via any 3rd party portal including but not limited to FOIAOnline, GovQA, NextRequest, FOIAExpress, JustFOIA FOIADirect, WebForm, or any other commercial 3rd party records portal service.
RCW 42.56.080 - Identifiable records—Facilities for copying—Availability of public records.
"...Agencies shall honor requests received in person during an agency's normal office hours, or by mail or email, for identifiable public records unless exempted by provisions of this chapter. No official format is required for making a records request; however, agencies may recommend that requestors submit requests using an agency provided form or web page."
This public records request is being made via email. This public records request will be honored and fulfilled by your agency via email as requested or relief will be sought per statute.
Please provide all identified public records in their NATIVE electronic format. Unless the records exist IN PAPER FORM ONLY, DO NOT instead create new records by printing native stored electronic files, then scanning and re-printing these newly scanned prints only to reproduce them in again in electronic production.
In this request the NATIVE ELECTORNIC FORMAT is Microsoft .pst file. Please produce the .pst file.
In the event that there are fees, please inform us of the total charges in advance of fulfilling the request in strict compliance with all provisions of the Washington State Public Records Act.
Please ensure all redactions or exemptions claimed by your agency in the production of responsive records are accompanied by a complete and detailed exemption log noting the valid legal reason for each exemption at each redaction location in the record produced, as well as the specific number of pages if any that your agency redacts or withholds in their entirety. Each redaction should be noted by footnote or by a clear reference to the specific justification for that redaction, and only the minimal exempt portion of any record may be withheld.
The requested documents will be made available to the general public.
Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. We look forward to receiving your response to this request within 5 business days, as the statute requires.
View request history, upload responsive documents, and report problems here:
If prompted for a passcode, please enter:
Filed via MuckRock.com
E-mail (Preferred): requests@muckrock.com
For mailed responses, please address (see note):
MuckRock News
DEPT MR 139961
263 Huntington Ave
Boston, MA 02115
PLEASE NOTE: This request is not filed by a MuckRock staff member, but is being sent through MuckRock by the above in order to better track, share, and manage public records requests. Also note that improperly addressed (i.e., with the requester's name rather than "MuckRock News" and the department number) requests might be returned as undeliverable.
Not all public documents are available in electronic format. If the document(s) requested are not available electronically, we will make them available for inspection or by paper copy in accordance with the Public Records Act, Chapter 42.56 RCW.
Your request will be forwarded to the relevant department(s) to locate the information you seek and to determine the volume and any costs associated with satisfying your request. You will be contacted about the availability and/or provided with copies of the records in question. PLEASE NOTE: The State of Washington Public Records Act, Chapter 42.56 RCW, does not require a governmental body to create new information, to do legal research, or to answer questions.
You can monitor the progress of your request at the link below and you'll receive an email when your request has been completed. Again, thank you for using the Records Center. Highline Public Schools
To monitor the progress or update this request please log into the Records Center (https://highlineschool.mycusthelp.com/WEBAPP/_rs/CustomerIssues.aspx)
From: Highline Public Schools District
--- Please respond above this line ---
RE: PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST of February 07, 2023, Reference # P000468-020723 Five-Day Letter Dear 139961,
Highline Public Schools created a new public records request from you on February 07, 2023. Your request is dated February 1, 2023. We are responding to a request that you sent to anemail box in our District that is not used to receive or respond to publicrecords requests. The email box is not monitored for new requests or requesterresponses. When you emailed your request, you should have received an automaticreply directing you to this portal or US Mail. We noticed that you did notcreate a new request, therefore, we created one for you. Please discontinuesending requests and responses to any email boxes in the District. We have setup several ways to receive and respond to public records requests. For moreinformation, login into our website at: http://www.highlineschools.org/departments/records/public-records. All requests are processed though this portalaccording to our procedures. You indicated that you do not wish to correspondwith us through this portal due to the need to create a login and password. Wewould like to inform you that we have 2 ways of communicating with requesters,though this portal and through U.S, Mail at: Highline Public Schools 15675Ambaum Blvd. SW, Burien, WA 98166, Attn: Public Records Officer. We willprepare all correspondence through the portal according to our procedures. All correspondencethat we prepare will be automatically emailed to you. If you do not wish to loginto this portal to respond to us, please send all correspondence through USMail. This request will be expensive and time consuming tofulfill due to the large volume of records that you requested. All responsiverecords will be provided to you in installments, and you will be billed foreach installment as they are produced. You may be required to pay 10% of thetotal charge for the responsive records prior to the District releasing yourfirst installment. The District will provide an estimated cost to you only ifwill not delay processing this request. The District will only be able toprovide the records to you to the extent that the records are in the District'spossession. Records may contain a list of individuals. Priorto receiving the records, we will require you to complete a Commercial PurposeDeclaration for all lists of individuals. Responsive documents will be producedin Adobe PDF Format and will be available to you through this portal. If you donot wish to receive the records through this portal, you may pay for therecords to be loaded onto a cd. You requested the following documents: "February 1, 2023
Highline Public School District – Request for a complete electronic copy of any emails sent to or received by the email address/email box “publicrecordsrequest@highlineschools.org” for the time period 1-1-2022 to 02-01-2023.
Via email to: publicrecordsrequest@highlineschools.org
To Whom It May Concern:
Pursuant to the Washington Public Records Act [RCW 42.56] I hereby request the following records:
1. I Request for a complete electronic copy of any emails sent to or received by the email address/email box “publicrecordsrequest@highlineschools.org” for the time period 1-1-2022 to 02-01-2023. Please include any “read” receipts, “forward” or “cc” of these emails and any/all other records regarding or referencing the email address “publicrecordsrequest@highlineschools.org."
The use of 3rd party “portals” (Such as GOVQA or NEXTREQUEST) for communication and production of records in response to a public records request is optional for the requestor in the State of Washington. Respectfully we decline to use any 3rd party "portal" system, specifically GOVQA and NEXTREQUEST.
Please provide all records electronically via direct email attachment, or via no password, no registration internet cloud-based download link.
Please do not direct or invite us to use, register for, or communicate with your agency via any 3rd party portal including but not limited to FOIAOnline, GovQA, NextRequest, FOIAExpress, JustFOIA FOIADirect, WebForm, or any other commercial 3rd party records portal service.
RCW 42.56.080 - Identifiable records—Facilities for copying—Availability of public records.
"...Agencies shall honor requests received in person during an agency's normal office hours, or by mail or email, for identifiable public records unless exempted by provisions of this chapter. No official format is required for making a records request; however, agencies may recommend that requestors submit requests using an agency provided form or web page."
This public records request is being made via email. This public records request will be honored and fulfilled by your agency via email as requested or relief will be sought per statute.
Please provide all identified public records in their NATIVE electronic format. Unless the records exist IN PAPER FORM ONLY, DO NOT instead create new records by printing native stored electronic files, then scanning and re-printing these newly scanned prints only to reproduce them in again in electronic production.
In this request the NATIVE ELECTORNIC FORMAT is Microsoft .pst file. Please produce the .pst file.
In the event that there are fees, please inform us of the total charges in advance of fulfilling the request in strict compliance with all provisions of the Washington State Public Records Act.
Please ensure all redactions or exemptions claimed by your agency in the production of responsive records are accompanied by a complete and detailed exemption log noting the valid legal reason for each exemption at each redaction location in the record produced, as well as the specific number of pages if any that your agency redacts or withholds in their entirety. Each redaction should be noted by footnote or by a clear reference to the specific justification for that redaction, and only the minimal exempt portion of any record may be withheld.
The requested documents will be made available to the general public.
Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. We look forward to receiving your response to this request within 5 business days, as the statute requires.
View request history, upload responsive documents, and report problems here:
If prompted for a passcode, please enter:
Filed via MuckRock.com
E-mail (Preferred): requests@muckrock.com
For mailed responses, please address (see note):
MuckRock News
DEPT MR 139961
263 Huntington Ave
Boston, MA 02115
PLEASE NOTE: This request is not filed by a MuckRock staff member, but is being sent through MuckRock by the above in order to better track, share, and manage public records requests. Also note that improperly addressed (i.e., with the requester's name rather than "MuckRock News" and the department number) requests might be returned as undeliverable." To correspond with us, log into the Records Center, and reference your Public Records Request P000468-020723, or by US. Mail at Highline Public Schools, 15675 Ambaum Blvd. SW, Burien, WA 98166. Include your Reference Number in your correspondence. Discontinue utilizing email boxes that are not set up to receive responses from requesters, Again, we ask that you utilize either this portal or US Mail to communicate with us. (https://highlineschool.mycusthelp.com/WEBAPP/_rs/supporthome.aspx) We are not responsible for delayed, lost, or unanswered responses sent to email boxes throughout the District. Please review a copy of our fee schedul e which is located here https://www.highlineschools.org/departments/records/public-records. We will inform you in advance if charges will apply and you will be given an opportunity to consent to the charges in advance. (https://www.highlineschools.org/departments/records/public-records) We will notify you by May 16, 2023 to provide your first installment. The estimated time frame is based on the following factors: The volume and complexity of other public records requests currently pending with the District The volume and complexity of your request Third party notices will be required The fact that you requested records that may need to be redacted and redaction log created The fact that the district will be closed for an upcoming holiday Let us know if you have any questions. Send all correspondence through this portal or US Mail only. Sincerely, Michelle Terry Certified Public Records Officer
Policy & Strategy
To monitor the progress or update this request please log into the Records Center (https://highlineschool.mycusthelp.com/WEBAPP/_rs/RequestEdit.aspx?rid=468&coid=)
From: Highline Public Schools District
--- Please respond above this line ---
RE: PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST of February 07, 2023., Reference # P000468-020723.Requst for Consent to Fees
Dear 139961,
We located over 8,000 responsive emails. The cost to upload the records to this portal is approximately $101.00. We would like to inform you that if you do not wish to log into this portal to retrieve the responsive records for electronic deliver, you will be charged the cost to upload the records at .5 cents for every 4 records uploaded, in addition to $3.00 for a cd and mailing costs. You may also receive paper copies at .10 cents per page. Please visit our website for more information at: https//www.highlineschools.org/departments/records/public-records. This request will be fulfilled in installments, the records will be in Adobe PDF form, and it will take time to complete this request. Once you consent to the fees, we may collect 10% down at anytime during the time of processing this request. (http://http://https//www.highlineschools.org/departments/records/public-records)
All requests are processed though this portal according to our procedures. If you do not wish to correspond with us through this portal, we would like to inform you that we have 2 ways of communicating with requesters, though this portal and through U.S, Mail at: Highline Public Schools 15675 Ambaum Blvd. SW, Burien, WA 98166, Attn: Public Records Officer. We will prepare all correspondence through the portal according to our procedures. All correspondence that we prepare will be automatically emailed to you. If you do not wish to log into this portal to respond to us, please send all correspondence through US Mail.
Let us know you have any questions.
Thank you.
To monitor the progress or update this request please log into the Records Center (https://highlineschool.mycusthelp.com/WEBAPP/_rs/RequestEdit.aspx?rid=468&coid=)
From: PRA Audit
Via email to: publicrecordsrequest@highlineschools.org
I requested no use of GOVQA Grannicus corporation 3rd party for profit data products.
Regardless, someone at your agency "signed me up" and sent my personal information to Grannicus corporation without my consent.
Your agency does not have my permission to send any portion of my communications or personal information to Granicus corporation. Please consider this legal notice.
I agree to pay fees as quoted in your Request for Consent to Fees communication of 02-18-2023 via CD-ROM or USB Flash drive. No GOVQA. No Grannicus corporation.
Also, can you please send me the name and contact information for your immediate supervisor?
Thank you.
--- Please respond above this line ---
RE: PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST of February 07, 2023., Reference # P000468-020723.Requst for Consent to Fees
Dear 139961,
We located over 8,000 responsive emails. The cost to upload the records to this portal is approximately $101.00. We would like to inform you that if you do not wish to log into this portal to retrieve the responsive records for electronic deliver, you will be charged the cost to upload the records at .5 cents for every 4 records uploaded, in addition to $3.00 for a cd and mailing costs. You may also receive paper copies at .10 cents per page. Please visit our website for more information at: https//www.highlineschools.org/departments/records/public-records. This request will be fulfilled in installments, the records will be in Adobe PDF form, and it will take time to complete this request. Once you consent to the fees, we may collect 10% down at anytime during the time of processing this request. (http://http://https//www.highlineschools.org/departments/records/public-records)
All requests are processed though this portal according to our procedures. If you do not wish to correspond with us through this portal, we would like to inform you that we have 2 ways of communicating with requesters, though this portal and through U.S, Mail at: Highline Public Schools 15675 Ambaum Blvd. SW, Burien, WA 98166, Attn: Public Records Officer. We will prepare all correspondence through the portal according to our procedures. All correspondence that we prepare will be automatically emailed to you. If you do not wish to log into this portal to respond to us, please send all correspondence through US Mail.
Let us know you have any questions.
Thank you.
To monitor the progress or update this request please log into the Records Center (https://highlineschool.mycusthelp.com/WEBAPP/_rs/RequestEdit.aspx?rid=468&coid=)
From: Highline Public Schools District
139961_P000468-020723_Down_payment_Invoice.pdf (https://highlineschool.mycusthelp.com/WEBAPP/_rs/DownloadItemFile.aspx?iid=YuoWe3KsWQ4=&fid=qEQzSEOtLTZ44BFLDVC9I9iTHTMxshD4zCXEd@@12LOId8=&cid=oOSy0pwSz1w=)
--- Please respond above this line ---
RE: PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST of February 07, 2023., Reference # P000468-020723. Letter and Invoice
Dear 139961,
We previously informed you that we located over 8,000 records. We will process this request in installments. Please pay a deposit of 10% of $10.15 immediately. You indicated that you do not wish to retrieve the responsive records from the portal. We would like to inform you that the estimate does not include a fee of $3.00 per installment for the cost of a CD and mailing. You will be charged an upload fee in addition to fee for the CD and mailing for each installment. After we receive your payment, we will begin reviewing the records and preparing your first installment. We attached an invoice with payment instructions.
Let us know you have any questions.
Michelle Terry
Certified Public Records Officer
Policy & Strategy
To monitor the progress or update this request please log into the Records Center (https://highlineschool.mycusthelp.com/WEBAPP/_rs/RequestEdit.aspx?rid=468&coid=)
From: PRA Audit
To Whom It May Concern:
Please find enclosed a check for $13.15 to satisfy the fee associated with the attached public records request.
Thank you.
Highline Public Schools
Public Records Request P000419-111
15675 Ambaum Blvd. SW
Burien, WA 98166
From: Highline Public Schools District
139961_P000468_Invoice_for_First_Installment.pdf (https://highlineschool.mycusthelp.com/WEBAPP/_rs/DownloadItemFile.aspx?iid=YuoWe3KsWQ4=&fid=hy1KJV6DO2nqPAl/Itl8TrByRr9g3qBwkmzWAIAnb0w=&cid=oOSy0pwSz1w=)
--- Please respond above this line ---
RE: PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST of February 07, 2023., Reference # P000468-020723. First Installment
Dear 139961,
We have completed your first installment. We are providing you with 1998 records. The total charge to upload the records is $24.95. You also have been billed a cd and mailing charge of $3.00 because you indicated that you do not wish to receive records through this portal. The total charge for the first installment is $27.95 which includes 1 cd and mailing. You paid a down payment of $13.15. The difference between the total charge of $27.95 and your down payment of 13.15 is $14.80. An invoice for $14.80 is attached with payment instructions. All requests are processed though this portal according to our procedures. You indicated that you do not wish to correspond with us through this portal due to the need to create a login and password. We would like to inform you that we have 2 ways of communicating with requesters, though this portal and through U.S, Mail at: Highline Public Schools 15675 Ambaum Blvd. SW, Burien, WA 98166, Attn: Public Records Officer. We will prepare all correspondence through the portal according to our procedures. All correspondence that we prepare will be automatically emailed to you. If you do not wish to log into this portal to respond to us, please send all correspondence through US Mail. We are not responsible for delayed, lost, or unanswered responses sent to email boxes throughout the District.
Please login to the Records Center at the following link to retrieve the appropriate responsive documents after paying the fee and receive notification that the records are available to view. (https://highlineschool.mycusthelp.com/WEBAPP/_rs/CustomerIssues.aspx)
Please review your installment within thirty (30) days. Pursuant to RCW 42.56.120, “If an agency makes a request available on a partial or installment basis, the agency may charge for each part of the request as it is provided. If an installment of a records request is not claimed or reviewed, the agency is not obligated to fulfill the balance of the request.”
The District will continue working on the next installment of records responsive to your request and will notify you by August 25, 2023,to provide you with your next installment.
Michelle Terry
Certified Public Records Officer
Policy & Strategy
To monitor the progress or update this request please log into the Records Center (https://highlineschool.mycusthelp.com/WEBAPP/_rs/RequestEdit.aspx?rid=468&coid=)
From: PRA Audit
To Whom It May Concern:
Please find enclosed a check for $14.80 to satisfy the fee associated with the attached public records request.
Thank you.
Highline Public Schools
Public Records Request P000419-111
15675 Ambaum Blvd. SW
Burien, WA 98166
From: Highline Public Schools District
A copy of documents responsive to the request.
Responsive Documents
From: Highline Public Schools District
--- Please respond above this line ---
RE: PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST of February 07, 2023., Reference # P000468-020723. Second Installment
Dear 139961,
The District completed your second installment. We are providing you with 271 records. The total charge for this installment is $6.35 which includes the cost of a cd and mailing. An invoice is attached with payment instructions.
Please login to the Records Center at the following link to retrieve the appropriate responsive documents after the fees are paid and when you receive confirmation that the records are available to view.
Please review your installment within thirty (30) days. Pursuant to RCW 42.56.120, “If an agency makes a request available on a partial or installment basis, the agency may charge for each part of the request as it is provided. If an installment of a records request is not claimed or reviewed, the agency is not obligated to fulfill the balance of the request.”
The District will continue working on the next installment of records responsive to your request and will notify you by October 26, 2023, to provide you with your next installment.
Michelle Terry
Certified Public Records Officer
Policy & Strategy
From: PRA Audit
To Whom It May Concern:
Please find enclosed a check for $6.35 to satisfy the fee associated with the attached public records request.
Thank you.
Highline Public Schools
Public Records Request P000419-111
15675 Ambaum Blvd. SW
Burien, WA 98166
From: Highline Public Schools District
--- Please respond above this line ---
RE: PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST of February 07, 2023., Reference # P000468-020723. Letter Re: Commercial Purpose Declaration
Dear 139961,
We are writing to inform you that you requested records containing lists of individuals. Before we are able to release individual lists, the District requires you to fill out and return a two page Commercial Purpose Declaration which is attached. You will not receive additional installments until we receive the completed declaration. Please fill out the declaration and return it immediately.
Let us know you have any questions.
Michelle Terry
Certified Public Records Officer
Policy & Strategy
There are too many files to display on this communication. See all files
From: PRA Audit
I did not get a copy of your declaration form. Please send it again.
Nevertheless, this request is NOT BEING MADE FOR ANY COMMERICAL PURPOSE.
Please send the remainder of the responsive records as soon as possible. Thank you.
From: Highline Public Schools District
--- Please respond above this line ---
RE: PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST of February 07, 2023., Reference # P000468-020723. Closed
Dear 139961,
The District emailed a Commercial Purpose Declaration to you on October 5, 2023 and mailed a hard copy to you on October 17, 2023. As of this date we have not received a completed declaration from you. Since we have not received the completed declaration from you, your Public Records Request P000468-020723 is now closed. We have discontinued performing all research to fulfill this request.
Please let us know if you have any questions.
Michelle Terry
Certified Public Records Officer
Policy & Strategy
To monitor the progress or update this request please log into the Records Center (https://u8387795.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=nZGH0ylxadMp5hTpNkeAFsyHgsazRW0iX7caDbwi-2B7wszU2r08pgm1DBDiGtzNfVXIbcLZdr1oTBEHf4pmge9lUJaGlbMbKmHwWyOae82dvciRDv8x-2FPGkS7eqH6WbGGGlVV_CS9uwDoy2Rob7jDkLC1faGqgWcrlfT7u8e8EN6g6IkmVzDJJVgYPwkHmPJBKXe3eOwp5qqYX7QCoz0Oc080XI92t1TkaAmwUVOdfbdbPRLMhxV7YeErbK7S6XDum-2FIBZbIvXGjApDPjsSV4W3-2BXH85g638VEOlv-2FT5MqM0InIUPeOKdSKA3lZkkkdRYdEQc44xPIrGbV-2BgkG71Ff4Y9oAXyinBen5YC-2Fuf5koF6LCz1CJcCmyNa1FMiDAydYozSSl6AMHbK9PHinm1MGxkQ5Dv3szx-2B7TRYNXOBRLhdcRXivoKb9p9ECSpfJ6TOxNEKpt5a8Aem0-2FpzFdZtg4RCvygVGJQYWSYkDcpgK0KuuUpl-2F4TsU4RCV5PuP2TpO7aVklCF2RtReAbWeeM3o0pc-2BKw-3D-3D)
From: Highline Public Schools District
A fix is required to perfect the request. Postmark: October 18, 2023
From: PRA Audit
via email to michelle.terry@highlineschools.org
After multiple requests to you to provide a copy of your "commercial declaration form" (which you ignored) I finally received a copy from the MUCKROCK staff. Attached is the completed form. Please advise as to the status of my PRA request.
From: PRA Audit
via email to michelle.terry@highlineschools.org
After multiple requests to you to provide a copy of your "commercial declaration form" (which you ignored) I finally received a copy from the MUCKROCK staff. Attached is the completed form. Please advise as to the status of my PRA request.
From: PRA Audit
via email to michelle.terry@highlineschools.org
After multiple requests to you to provide a copy of your "commercial declaration form" (which you ignored) I finally received a copy from the MUCKROCK staff. Attached is the completed form. Please advise as to the status of my PRA request.
From: Highline Public Schools District
--- Please respond above this line ---
RE: PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST of February 07, 2023., Reference # P000468-020723. Letter Re: Emails dated January 9, 2024
Dear 139961,
We received correspondence from you in an email box not utilized for public records requests. We utilize GovQA or US Mail to respond to requesters. This request closed on November 6, 2023. The Commercial Purpose Declaration that we received from you today is missing a page and the language has been altered which does not satisfy our requirement for requests containing lists of individuals.
We hope this helps you understand how the District processes requests containing lists of individuals.
Let us know you have any questions.
Michelle Terry
Certified Public Records Officer
Policy & Strategy
To monitor the progress or update this request please log into the Records Center (https://u8387795.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=nZGH0ylxadMp5hTpNkeAFsyHgsazRW0iX7caDbwi-2B7wszU2r08pgm1DBDiGtzNfVXIbcLZdr1oTBEHf4pmge9lUJaGlbMbKmHwWyOae82dvciRDv8x-2FPGkS7eqH6WbGGRdkD_CS9uwDoy2Rob7jDkLC1faGqgWcrlfT7u8e8EN6g6IkmVzDJJVgYPwkHmPJBKXe3eOwp5qqYX7QCoz0Oc080XIwWUkByI5BOa1Z4wL58tQ9ehBUpwp7TPS9QDw-2Fn5uexigkukf6k9HEQ25gpGz9FQcxZDW2f-2FgtE33ColYpqhUpRCYXYrAK4JHXk8K5w3ZEadizFB-2F4pGKdpxeCqYPPokBc02IFiR9XUqqHZSGV30SM-2Bj614xxaWFXr9kGfsYWlLk25w9oAIU6uYD-2BSGNCqHR9qhYlOoVqYVs-2FyXAkuEZBPAdh-2F2-2Fmc0rUXH8ZPwzLzJP9ZTY3IeL2evADD8rHkdItWwr-2FcHR7losR1y3Tce-2FIrGHorOxqRP7He3a3j1oVSbV4a3WDGxC0FO4rtVdLrPieQ-3D-3D)
From: PRA Audit
January 19, 2023
via email to michelle.terry@highlineschools.org
I did not ever request a "list of individuals."
Provide all responsive public records that do not require your "commercial purpose declaration."
Please provide a detailed exemption log for any records you withhold.
Thank you