Coronavirus/COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2 Response (UC Davis Medical Center) Public Records Requester filed this request with the University of California, Davis of California.
Est. Completion None
Fix Required

From: Public Records Requester

UC Davis Medical Center,

NOTE: THE EMAIL ADDRESS SENDING THIS REQUEST IS A PUBLICLY-VIEWABLE MAILBOX. Please be certain you have properly redacted all of your responses. Once you send them to us, there is no going back. All of your responses (including all responsive records) may be instantly and automatically available to the public online via the FOIA service used to issue this request (though the requester is an anonymous user, not a representative of MuckRock). Nothing herein is legal, IT, or professional advice of any kind. The author disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to all warranties of merchantability or fitness. In no event shall the author be liable for any special, direct, indirect, consequential, or any other damages whatsoever. The digital signature, if any, in this email is not an indication of a binding agreement or offer; it merely authenticates the sender. Please do not include any confidential information, as I intend that these communications with the government all be disclosable public records.

Below are new public records requests directed to your agency. Rolling records responses are requested if you are unable to immediately produce records.
Exact copies of every responsive record are requested (Gov Code 6253(b)). Provide only copies of records not requiring fees and in-person inspection of all other records (GC 6253).

1. All communications with CDC or its employees (email, text, or chat) with any of the following insensitive keywords: "coronavirus" "wuhan" "SARS" "COVID" "COVID19" "COVID-19" "SARS-CoV-2" "2019-nCOV" "nCOV" "severe acute respiratory syndrome" "viral pneumonia" "pneumonia of unknown origin" "novel pneumonia" from Nov 14, 2019 to present. For solely this request, any format showing all participants (TO, FROM, CC; and BCC for items sent by govt employees) and preserving the body, attachments and images is sufficient. Start with the most recent and work backwards.

2. All communications to or from the California DPH or its employees (email, text, or chat) with any of the following insensitive keywords: "coronavirus" "wuhan" "SARS" "COVID" "COVID19" "COVID-19" "SARS-CoV-2" "2019-nCOV" "nCOV" "severe acute respiratory syndrome" "viral pneumonia" "pneumonia of unknown origin" "novel pneumonia" from Nov 14, 2019 to present. For solely this request, any format showing all participants (TO, FROM, CC; and BCC for items sent by govt employees) and preserving the body, attachments and images is sufficient.

This information is of the highest public interest.
You may exclude press releases or similar material already published to the general public. If you believe this query would take more than say a week to produce, please provide suggestions to narrow the query to match my purpose, which is: to determine the scope and quality of Federal, state, and local government response to COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2, most importantly including decisions to test or not to test PUIs or other suspect cases.

Do not destroy or discard any responsive records - we will appeal all withholdings or redactions for reasons other than patient privacy.

Thank you for your anticipated cooperation in this matter.


From: University of California, Davis

To Whom It May Concern,
We received your request below but after review we've determined that we already responded to this request with the attached. In the future please submit requests to<>.


Jana Gabby
Legal Operations Manager
Offices of the Chancellor
University of California
One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616-8558