Inmate debt and fees policies/reports (State-level) (Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation)

Beryl Lipton filed this request with the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation of California.
Tracking #

2016-002278; 10463



From: Beryl Lipton

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the California Public Records Act (California Government Code §§ 6250), I hereby request the following records:

The following materials regarding the assessment, collection, and balances of inmate fees and debt:

• All policies and procedures regarding the goods, services, or any other expenses for which inmates are or may become liable. Please include all policies on the garnishment/disbursement of funds from inmate accounts and wages (such as those related to mandatory saving, mandatory deductions, coverage of care, personal necessities, etc.), as well as all relevant reporting requirements. Please include all relevant data as regards to medical payments, room and board costs, meal fees, stamps and postage, hygienic materials, and any other expenses for which inmates are or may become liable, etc.

• All reports, databases, spreadsheets, or equivalent materials regarding current debts/restitution paid to or owed to this department or any facility/agency under its jurisdiction. Please include all available segregable information (excluding individual personally-identifying elements, as necessary and appropriate), including but not limited to the reason for the debt/fee, the amount of the debt, the facility at which the debt was incurred, whether the debt is held by an inmate in custody or released, any available individual data regarding record of prior release, etc.

If further clarification is necessary, a phone call will happily be arranged.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 10 calendar days, as the statute requires.


From: Mraule, Michelle@CDCR

Good Morning,

I am in receipt of your public record request but I need to know the name of the reporter who is sending this request to our office in order for me to be able to respond and input this information into our system. I am aware of the response email and I will make sure that our replies are sent to the email address listed on this request. I will enter this once I get the name of the reporter.

Thank you!

Michelle Mraule – Staff Services Manager I
California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
Office of Public and Employee Communications
(916) 445-4950 - Office
(916) 445-8492 - Direct Line<>


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From: Beryl Lipton

Hello Ms. Mraule,

The name on the request should be mine, Beryl Lipton.

Thanks so much!

From: Mraule, Michelle@CDCR

Thanks so much Ms. Lipton. I will make a note of it.

From: Mraule, Michelle@CDCR

Dear Ms. Lipton,

Please see the attached letter regarding your recent public records request.

Thank you.

Michelle Mraule - Staff Services Manager I
California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
Office of Public and Employee Communications
(916) 445-4950 - Office
(916) 445-8492 - Direct Line<>


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From: Murray, Jessica@CDCR

Good morning, Mr. Lipton,

Attached please find documentation regarding the above-referenced matter. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Office of Legal Affairs at (916) 445-0495.

Thank you,

Jessica Murray
Legal Secretary
Office of Legal Affairs
California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
1515 S Street, #314-S
Sacramento, CA 95811

From: Beryl Lipton


Thanks so much for your help thus far. Regarding the second point on my request: do public facilities not charge inmates for those materials at times? Is that different from how private facilities handle such amenities? I was a bit confused by what you meant when you said that is seemed to apply more to the latter.

Thanks so much! Enjoy your weekend!

From: Mraule, Michelle@CDCR

Dear Ms. Lipton,

According to the attached letter you were given a link to access the information you requested in your public record request. As Ms. Clark stated to you in the attached letter, “CDCR does not charge or hold inmates liable for basic living and medical expenses. These services are provided at taxpayer expense.”

I hope this answers your questions. I will be closing this request on Friday. Please let me know if you have any further questions.
Thank you.

Michelle Mraule – Staff Services Manager I
California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
Office of Public and Employee Communications
(916) 445-4950 - Office
(916) 445-8492 - Direct Line<>


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From: Mraule, Michelle@CDCR

Good Morning Ms. Lipton,

I spoke with our legal department yesterday and the only other information I can offer on your request is that under the California Penal Code Section 2085.5<> and 15 CCR 3097<>, inmates that have to pay restitution per court order, do so by paying the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) , who then turn it over to the Victims Compensation and Government Claims Board (VCGCB), after taking an administrative fee of 10% of the deduction to reimburse CDCR. I hope this helps you in understanding how restitution works at CDCR with VCGCB.

The other information I can provide you to assist with your request is Inmate Trust Accounts. Sometimes the inmates have a negative balance on them which could be construed as CDCR carrying a debt for the inmates. The Department Operations Manual<> (DOM) talks about Inmate Trust Accounts at section 47130.4.

I hope this information assists you with your search for public records. I will be closing your request on Monday, July 18, 2016.

Thank you and Best Regards,

Michelle Mraule – Staff Services Manager I
California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
Office of Public and Employee Communications
(916) 445-4950 - Office
(916) 445-8492 - Direct Line<>


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From: Beryl Lipton

Hello Ms. Mraule,

I wanted to send you a belated thank you for this request. I really appreciate all you do.

Have a lovely evening,

From: Mraule, Michelle@CDCR

Hi Ms. Lipton,

That is very kind of you and I hope you enjoy your evening as well. I am sure we will talk again very soon.

Thank you.



