UC Santa Cruz Drone Documents

Drone Watch filed this request with the University of California, Santa Cruz of California.
Est. Completion None
No Responsive Documents


From: Drone Watch

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the California's Sunshine Amendment (Cal. Const. Art. I, § 3(b)), I hereby request the following records:

1. any requests for proposals, proposals submitted by vendors, contracts, budgets or cost allocations for the purchase and/or use of aerial drones, UAs, UAVs, and UASs (hereinafter “drones”);

2. any policies, guidelines, manuals and/or instructions on department use of drones, including on the legal process required (such as a warrant or court order), if any, before operating a drone;

3. any departmental records concerning this department’s use of drones now or plans to use drones in the future including:

a. the types of investigations or instances in which this department is using or plans to use drones, or how it plans to support, manage or oversee the usage of drones by another department or office;

b. policies, guidelines, manuals and/or instructions on storage requirements or procedures for video or static images obtained through use of drones, including retention times;

c. the altitude at which drones can or do fly;

d. drones’ ability to carry weapons.

I also request that, if appropriate, fees be waived as I believe this request is in the public interest. The requested documents will be made available to the general public free of charge as part of the public information service at MuckRock.com, processed by a representative of the news media/press and is made in the process of news gathering and not for commercial usage.

In the event that fees cannot be waived, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 10 business days, as the statute requires.


Brandon Wieber

From: UCSC CA Public Records Act Request

Dear Mr. Wieber,

Thank you for your message. I write to confirm that University of
California, Santa Cruz (UCSC) received your email today.

Our office will send you a formal request acknowledgement within the time
lines prescribed under the California Public Records Act (CPRA), including
a determination whether disclosable public records are in the possession of

We appreciate your interest in UCSC. If you have questions concerning
UCSC's implementation of the CPRA contact Information Practices at (831)
459-4003 or via email pra@ucsc.edu.

Denise Dolezal
Information Practices Analyst

Information Practices
Office of the Campus Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor

University of California, Santa Cruz

From: UCSC CA Public Records Act Request


August 31, 2012

Brandon Wieber
Muckrock News

Re: *Request for Information under the California Public Records Act*

Dear Brandon Wieber:

I write to formally acknowledge receipt of your request, received in our
office on August 23, 2012, for the following information:

*"...1. any requests for proposals, proposals submitted by vendors,
contracts, budgets or cost allocations for the purchase and/or use of
aerial drones, UAs, UAVs, and UASs (hereinafter “drones”);*
*2. any policies, guidelines, manuals and/or instructions on department use
of drones, including on the legal process required (such as a warrant or
court order), if any, before operating a drone;*
*3. any departmental records concerning this department’s use of drones now
or plans to use drones in the future including:*
*a. the types of investigations or instances in which this department is
using or plans to use drones, or how it plans to support, manage or oversee
the usage of drones by another department or office;*
*b. policies, guidelines, manuals and/or instructions on storage
requirements or procedures for video or static images obtained through use
of drones, including retention times;*
*c. the altitude at which drones can or do fly;*
*d. drones’ ability to carry weapons..." *

While you have cited the California Constitution, we are interpreting this
request as being made pursuant to the California Public Records Act,
Government Code Section 6250 et seq., the relevant statute applicable to
the University of California.

Appropriate University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC) offices have been
engaged and a search for the information is underway. In accordance with
relevant law and University policy, all records identified as responsive to
your request will be reviewed and made available for your access.

Although the requested records have not yet been fully gathered and
reviewed, it is possible that the requested material may contain
information exempt from disclosure pursuant to the California Public
Records Act (CPRA). As such, we are extending the period to make the
determination pursuant to Government Code Section 6253(c)(1), "The need to
search for and collect the requested records from field facilities or other
establishments that are separate from the office processing the request.";
and, 6253(c)(3), “The need for consultation...among two or more components
of the agency having substantial subject matter interest”. However, this
email correspondence is not a determination that requested records
necessarily exist and/or are exempt from disclosure.

We anticipate a determination whether disclosable public records are in
UCSC's possession will be dispatched no later than September 14, 2012. My
office will contact you as soon as a determination is ascertained.

Finally, your request for a document copy fee waiver is denied. The CPRA
allows UCSC to charge the requester for the cost of providing duplicate
records. While you are allowed free access to records, if any, on site,
the University will collect duplication fees for documents you may wish to

If you have questions concerning UCSC’s implementation of the CPRA please
feel free to contact Information Practices at (831) 459-4003 or via email

Denise Dolezal
Information Practices Analyst

Information Practices
Office of the Campus Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor

University of California, Santa Cruz

From: UCSC CA Public Records Act Request


September 14, 2012

Brandon Wieber
Muckrock News

Re: *Request for Information under the California Public Records Act*

Dear Brandon Wieber:

I write regarding your August 23, 2012 request for information under the
provisions of the California Public Records Act (CPRA), in follow up to my
August 31, 2012 email.

After a careful and thorough search, University of California, Santa Cruz
(UCSC) has determined that no records exist responding to your following
request as we understand it:

*"...1. any requests for proposals, proposals submitted by vendors,
contracts, budgets or cost allocations for the purchase and/or use of
aerial drones, UAs, UAVs, and UASs (hereinafter “drones”);*
*2. any policies, guidelines, manuals and/or instructions on department use
of drones, including on the legal process required (such as a warrant or
court order), if any, before operating a drone;*
*3. any departmental records concerning this department’s use of drones now
or plans to use drones in the future including:*
*a. the types of investigations or instances in which this department is
using or plans to use drones, or how it plans to support, manage or oversee
the usage of drones by another department or office;*
*b. policies, guidelines, manuals and/or instructions on storage
requirements or procedures for video or static images obtained through use
of drones, including retention times;*
*c. the altitude at which drones can or do fly;*
*d. drones’ ability to carry weapons..." *

You may be interested in understanding some of the research conducted by
UCSC's University Affiliated Research Center (UARC) related to National
Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) programs relevant to drones;
the following are URLs that link to information connected to UARC's
activities. To clarify, UCSC does not operate drones.


If you have questions concerning UCSC’s implementation of the CPRA please
contact Information Practices at (831) 459-4003 or pra@ucsc.edu.

Denise Dolezal
Information Practices Analyst
Information Practices
Office of the Campus Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor

University of California, Santa Cruz


There are no files associated with this request.