Police Officers Living in Public Housing (Chelsea Housing Authority)

Joshua Dankoff filed this request with the Chelsea Housing Authority of Chelsea, MA.

It is a clone of this request.

Multi Request Police Officers Living in Public Housing

From: Joshua Dankoff

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Massachusetts Public Records Law, I hereby request the following records:

1. Rules, policies, or other practice documents from your municipality and/or agency that lay out whether police department staff (including officers) can receive housing subsidies and/or live in public housing, even if they do not qualify under the income guidelines.

3. Records that indicate for each year from 2016 through 2021 how many police department staff (including officers and staff of all ranks) live in public housing, and the name of the housing development where the officer lives. This can either be a snapshot on January 1st of each year 2016 through 2021, or a summary of the entire period. I am not interested in the names of officers, but rather (1) whether there is a program that exists to allow police officers/staff to live in public housing (outside of income requirements), and (2) the extent of this program, ie whether and how many police officers/staff have lived in public housing during the time period mentioned above.

4. Records that indicate housing allowances or other subsidized housing (not already covered in question 3 above) provided to police department staff (including officers and command staff) from the housing authority.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter.

I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 10 business days, as the statute requires.


Joshua Dankoff


To Whom it May Concern,

In response to your public records request, attached, the CHA’s response is provided below and in the attached documents. Please let me know if you require additional information.

1) OCCUPANCY BY POLICE OFFICERS; 24 CFR 960.505(b) The PHA may allow police officers that would not be eligible for public housing to reside in a unit to increase
security for other residents. 24 CFR 960.505(a) • A “police officer” is a person determined by the PHA to be, during the time of residence in public housing, employed on a full-time basis as a duly licensed professional police officer by a Federal, State or local government or by an agency of these governments. An officer of an accredited public housing agency police force may qualify. 24 CFR 960.505(b) • The PHA must include in its Annual Plan or supporting documents: The number and location of units to be occupied by police officers, the terms and conditions of their tenancies, and a statement that such occupancy is needed to increase security for public housing residents

From 2016-2020 there were 5 Resident officers, all of which were active Chelsea Police Officers.
The 5 officers were living at the following developments:

* Prattville
* Innes
* Buckley
* Scrivano
* Margolis

Beginning in 2020, there are 4 officers living at the following developments:

* Prattville
* Buckley
* Scrivano
* Margolis

4) The CHA does not provide housing allowances to police department staff. The Resident Officer Policy (attached) requires a license agreement (attached) to be executed with the resident officer and CHA.

Be well and stay healthy.

Diane L. Cohen PHM, MPHA
Deputy Director, Chelsea Housing Authority
Public Records Access Officer
54 Locke Street, Chelsea, MA 02150

Public Records Law
Please be aware that all communications pertaining to Chelsea Housing Authority matters, including e-mail sent or received, are a public record subject to disclosure under the Massachusetts Public Records Law. If requested, e-mail may be disclosed to another party unless exempt from disclosure. All electronic messages sent through the Chelsea Housing Authority systems are archived in conformance with Massachusetts and Federal Public Records laws.

From: Joshua Dankoff

Dear Ms Cohen,

Thanks so much for your help with this request! I really appreciate it.

Joshua Dankoff