Email Metadata (Cherry Hills Village Police Department)

Samuel Newton filed this request with the Cherry Hills Village Police Department of Cherry Hills Village, CO.
Multi Request Email Metadata
Est. Completion None
Fix Required

From: Samuel Newton

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Colorado Open Records Act, I hereby request the following records:

For all emails sent to/from any Colorado owned email address in 2020,2021,2022, please provide the following information:

1. From address
2. To address
3. bcc addresses
4. cc addresses
5. Time
6. Date

Email directories for/related to FOI requests

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 3 business days, as the statute requires.


Samuel Newton

From: Cherry Hills Village Police Department


We do not have a record with the information you request. You can fill out the attached records request form and return it to me to request any records.

Thank you,

Laura Gillespie
City Clerk
City of Cherry Hills Village
2450 E. Quincy Avenue
Cherry Hills Village, CO 80113<>
Direct: 303.783.2732
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8am-4:30pm (view holidays<>)

From: Samuel Newton

Is the request form required?

The email meta data does exist.

From: Cherry Hills Village Police Department

Please complete and return the attached records request form, also available on the City website at

Laura Gillespie
City Clerk
City of Cherry Hills Village
2450 E. Quincy Avenue
Cherry Hills Village, CO 80113<>
Direct: 303.783.2732
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8am-4:30pm (view holidays<>)
Village Crier Deadline: The submission deadline for each issue is the 15th of the previous month (by 4:30 pm). If the 15th falls on a weekend/holiday then the deadline is the next business day (by 4:30pm).

From: Samuel Newton

Thank you for your previous responses regarding my Colorado Open Records Act (CORA) request. I appreciate your assistance and attention to this matter.

To ensure that we are in full compliance with the legal requirements of CORA, I respectfully request that you provide the specific statute or legal citation that mandates the use of a formal request form for submitting a CORA request. My understanding is that a written request should suffice under CORA, and I would like to verify if there is any statutory basis for the necessity of a specific form.

Your prompt response with this information would be greatly appreciated, as it will enable me to proceed accordingly with my request.

Thank you for your cooperation.

From: Cherry Hills Village Police Department


The City has no records responsive to your request.

Thank you,

Laura Gillespie
City Clerk
City of Cherry Hills Village
2450 E. Quincy Avenue
Cherry Hills Village, CO 80113<>
Direct: 303.783.2732
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8am-4:30pm (view holidays<>)
Village Crier Deadline: The submission deadline for each issue is the 15th of the previous month (by 4:30 pm). If the 15th falls on a weekend/holiday then the deadline is the next business day (by 4:30pm).

From: Samuel Newton

Hi there! I'm looking for some basic information about emails. Think of an email like a letter in the mail. The information I need is kind of like the details you see on the envelope, such as who sent it, who it was sent to, and when it was sent.

Specifically, I need:
1. Who sent the email (From Address)
2. Who received the email (To Address)
3. Any hidden recipients (BCC Addresses)
4. Any additional recipients (CC Addresses)
5. The exact time it was sent or received (Time)
6. The exact date it was sent or received (Date)

The IT department can help you find this information because they manage the email system and can easily pull out these details from the emails. It’s like looking at the address and postmark on an envelope, but for emails instead.

From: Samuel Newton

I'd like to ammend my request with the following:

Pursuant to the Colorado Open Records Act (CORA), I am requesting access to and a copy of the logs of all CORA requests submitted to your agency over the past 180 days. This request includes, but is not limited to, the dates of requests, the nature of the requests, the responses provided, and any associated correspondence.

Please provide the requested records in an electronic format if possible. If there are any fees for searching, reviewing, or copying the records, please inform me before processing my request. Additionally, if you need any further information or clarification to locate these records, please let me know at your earliest convenience.

Thank you for your assistance and prompt attention to this matter.

From: Cherry Hills Village Police Department


Your request sent on July 19, 2024 after our business hours and received by me on July 29, 2024 does not include the language "For all emails sent to/from any Colorado owned email address in 2020,2021,2022," which was included in your request sent on October 13, 2023. Is that intentional?

Thank you,

Laura Gillespie
City Clerk
City of Cherry Hills Village
2450 E. Quincy Avenue
Cherry Hills Village, CO 80113<>
Direct: 303.783.2732
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8am-4:30pm (view holidays<>)
Village Crier Deadline: The submission deadline for each issue is the 15th of the previous month (by 4:30 pm). If the 15th falls on a weekend/holiday then the deadline is the next business day (by 4:30pm).

From: Cherry Hills Village Police Department


This is a separate request for records, not an amendment to a previous request.

Regarding this request sent July 23, 2024 and received by me July 29, 2024, we do not keep a log of records requests.

Thank you,

Laura Gillespie
City Clerk
City of Cherry Hills Village
2450 E. Quincy Avenue
Cherry Hills Village, CO 80113<>
Direct: 303.783.2732
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8am-4:30pm (view holidays<>)
Village Crier Deadline: The submission deadline for each issue is the 15th of the previous month (by 4:30 pm). If the 15th falls on a weekend/holiday then the deadline is the next business day (by 4:30pm).

From: Samuel Newton

Thank you for your response to my request dated July 23, 2024, which I received on July 29, 2024.

I understand that a formal log of records requests may not be maintained. Therefore, I am requesting any documentation or records that pertain to individual requests for open records, CORA, CJRA, and FOI received by your office within the past 180 days.

If specific documentation for individual requests is also unavailable, I kindly ask for any available information or records that detail such requests and responses, including but not limited to, emails, correspondence, or internal records.

Please confirm receipt of this email and provide an estimated time frame for fulfilling this request. Should there be any questions or further clarifications needed, feel free to contact me.

Thank you for your assistance in this matter.

From: Samuel Newton

I am writing to request metadata for all emails received by your office in the past 180 days. Specifically, I am seeking the following information for each email:

1. Sender's email address (From Address)
2. Recipient's email address (To Address)
3. Any hidden recipients (BCC Addresses)
4. Any additional recipients (CC Addresses)
5. The exact time the email was sent or received (Time)
6. The exact date the email was sent or received (Date)

This information is crucial for my records and should be readily available through your IT department, as they manage the email system and can extract these details.

Please confirm receipt of this request and provide an estimated time frame for fulfillment. Should you require any further clarification, do not hesitate to contact me.

From: Samuel Newton

Thank you for your response regarding my records request sent on July 19, 2024. I appreciate your attention to detail.

To clarify, the absence of the language "For all emails sent to/from any Colorado owned email address in 2020, 2021, 2022" in my recent request was not intentional. This is an amended request intended to facilitate locating the records pertaining to my original request.

From: Cherry Hills Village Police Department


Please clarify what you mean by “all emails received by your office”. Do you mean all emails received to my email account (<>)? Or to the City? Or to the Police Department?

Thank you,

Laura Gillespie
City Clerk
City of Cherry Hills Village
2450 E. Quincy Avenue
Cherry Hills Village, CO 80113<>
Direct: 303.783.2732
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8am-4:30pm (view holidays<>)
Village Crier Deadline: The submission deadline for each issue is the 15th of the previous month (by 4:30 pm). If the 15th falls on a weekend/holiday then the deadline is the next business day (by 4:30pm).

From: Cherry Hills Village Police Department


Do you want copies of all the records request forms we have received in the past 180 days? If so that will take a significant amount of time and cost. Our records request fees are $8 per 15 minutes after the first hour of staff time. Are you able to pay all fees or would you like as many records as can be gathered within a certain amount of time?

Thank you,

Laura Gillespie
City Clerk
City of Cherry Hills Village
2450 E. Quincy Avenue
Cherry Hills Village, CO 80113<>
Direct: 303.783.2732
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8am-4:30pm (view holidays<>)
Village Crier Deadline: The submission deadline for each issue is the 15th of the previous month (by 4:30 pm). If the 15th falls on a weekend/holiday then the deadline is the next business day (by 4:30pm).

From: Samuel Newton

Five hours of gathered records for the FOI logs. $40?

For the emails: police department emails

Please invoice separately.

Thank you for your assistance.

From: Samuel Newton

2.5 hours of the logs.

From: Samuel Newton

Have you located the records?

From: Cherry Hills Village Police Department

Thank you for your emails. This is what we will work on based on our understanding of your requests and clarifications:

1. Email metadata for all Police Department emails for February 1, 2024 to July 30, 2024. You have indicated you approve 2.5 hours of work on this request, inclusive of the hour free, for a total of $48. Once we reach that amount of time and fees we will send you the payment information and you can pay to receive your records.
2. Colorado Open Records Act (CORA) request forms for February 1, 2024 to July 30, 2024. You have indicated you approve $40 of fees which works out to a total of 2.25 hours of work, inclusive of the hour free. Once we reach that amount of time and fees we will send you the payment information and you can pay to receive your records.

If any of this information is not correct please clarify as soon as possible.

Thank you,

Laura Gillespie
City Clerk
City of Cherry Hills Village
2450 E. Quincy Avenue
Cherry Hills Village, CO 80113<>
Direct: 303.783.2732
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8am-4:30pm (view holidays<>)
Village Crier Deadline: The submission deadline for each issue is the 15th of the previous month (by 4:30 pm). If the 15th falls on a weekend/holiday then the deadline is the next business day (by 4:30pm).

From: Samuel Newton

Can you prepare an invoice for the requests you would be processing now and one for the complete estimated requests?

How will the requests be searched and processed?

From: Samuel Newton

Here is an similar request that was completed at no cost by City of Englewood:

I also will attached an invoice from PUC for a prepared invoice.

Once the total 4.75 hours of work is completed, I may inquire to each department what methods were used to see if the search can be processed more efficiently.

From: Cherry Hills Village Police Department


We have completed 2.25 hours of staff time compiling the Colorado Open Records Act (CORA) request forms received between February 1, 2024 and July 30, 2024. The first hour of staff time is free, and the remaining 1.25 hours is charged at a rate of $8/15 minutes, per our records request fee schedule. Therefore your fees are $40. You can pay with a credit card over the phone by calling us during our normal business hours (8:00 AM to 4:30 PM Monday through Friday). The phone number is 303-783-2732. After we receive the payment we will send you the documents via Dropbox.

Thank you,

Laura Gillespie
City Clerk
City of Cherry Hills Village
2450 E. Quincy Avenue
Cherry Hills Village, CO 80113<>
Direct: 303.783.2732
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8am-4:30pm (view holidays<>)
Village Crier Deadline: The submission deadline for each issue is the 15th of the previous month (by 4:30 pm). If the 15th falls on a weekend/holiday then the deadline is the next business day (by 4:30pm).

From: Cherry Hills Village Police Department


We have completed 2.5 hours of staff time on the request for email metadata for all Police Department emails for February 1, 2024 to July 30, 2024, however the document is not ready to be released yet. I am redacting personal electronic mail addresses because their disclosure would be contrary to the public interest as contemplated by Colorado Revised Statute (CRS) 24-72-204(2)(a)(VII).

Please let me know if you authorize further staff time and associated fees on this request, and if so, the amount of fees that you authorize. I will wait to do more work until I receive a response.

Thank you,

Laura Gillespie

City Clerk

City of Cherry Hills Village

2450 E. Quincy Avenue

Cherry Hills Village, CO 80113<>

Direct: 303.783.2732


Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8am-4:30pm (view holidays<>)

Village Crier Deadline: The submission deadline for each issue is the 15th of the previous month (by 4:30 pm). If the 15th falls on a weekend/holiday then the deadline is the next business day (by 4:30pm).

From: Samuel Newton

Can you receive payment via mail?

From: Samuel Newton

How many more hours will the email metadata take?

From: Cherry Hills Village Police Department


Yes, you can mail payment by check or money order, payable to the City of Cherry Hills Village, to 2450 East Quincy Avenue, Cherry Hills Village, Colorado, 80113.

Thank you,

Laura Gillespie
City Clerk
City of Cherry Hills Village
2450 E. Quincy Avenue
Cherry Hills Village, CO 80113<>
Direct: 303.783.2732
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8am-4:30pm (view holidays<>)
Village Crier Deadline: The submission deadline for each issue is the 15th of the previous month (by 4:30 pm). If the 15th falls on a weekend/holiday then the deadline is the next business day (by 4:30pm).

From: Cherry Hills Village Police Department


Unfortunately I cannot give you a complete answer as I do not know how long it will take, but I will be able to send you at least a portion of the metadata if you authorize additional time and fees.

Thank you,

Laura Gillespie
City Clerk
City of Cherry Hills Village
2450 E. Quincy Avenue
Cherry Hills Village, CO 80113<>
Direct: 303.783.2732
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8am-4:30pm (view holidays<>)
Village Crier Deadline: The submission deadline for each issue is the 15th of the previous month (by 4:30 pm). If the 15th falls on a weekend/holiday then the deadline is the next business day (by 4:30pm).