Illinois Open Records Law - Request

Haley Parker filed this request with the County Employees' And Officers' Annuity And Benefit Fund Of Cook County of Chicago, IL.

From: Haley Parker

Dear Sir / Madam,

I am writing to ask for your help with a request under the Illinois Open Records Law, 5 ICS 140/1 tp 140/11.

Would it be possible for you to send me a copy of any records that would show some or all of the following information:

1. A list of ALL types of alternative asset investments, including private equity, venture capital, distressed debt, mezzanine, fund of funds, infrastructure, natural resources, real estate and private debt partnerships in which Cook County Forest Employees' Annuity and Benefit Fund is an investor; and
2. For each partnership, may I please have a copy of any alternative assets investment records that would show some or all of the following information:

a. Cook County Forest Employees' Annuity and Benefit Fund's total commitment to the partnership,
b. the total contributions made by Cook County Forest Employees' Annuity and Benefit Fund to the partnership to date,
c. the total distributions received by Cook County Forest Employees' Annuity and Benefit Fund from the partnership to date,
d. the estimated current value of Cook County Forest Employees' Annuity and Benefit Fund's holding in the partnership, and
e. any available estimates of the IRR earned by Cook County Forest Employees' Annuity and Benefit Fund to date on its investment in the partnership.

3. In addition to this could you please provide me with an up to date account of your current asset allocations in the above asset classes including any direct investments you may have.

Thank you very much for your attention to this request. I have attached an example of the type of information we are hoping to receive.

In the event that Cook County Forest Employees' Annuity and Benefit Fund has no such investments, a simple note to this effect will suffice. I understand that I may be charged for the cost of the copies requested, and agree to pay these charges.

Please send the requested records via e-mail ( or to the following address:

Alexandra Marie Oquias
Preqin Ltd.
One Grand Central Place
60 E 42nd Street
Suite 630, New York
NY 10165, United States

Thank you again for your attention to this request.

Yours faithfully,

Haley Parker

From: County Employees' And Officers' Annuity And Benefit Fund Of Cook County

Dear Ms. Parker-

Without waiving any objections, please be advised that the Cook County Pension Fund does not retain the type of records you have requested under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act ("Act").

If you would like to modify this request, or make a different request under the Act, you may do so.

Margaret Fahrenbach

Margaret M. Fahrenbach
Legal Advisor

Cook County Pension Fund
70 W. Madison Street, Suite 1925
Chicago, IL 60602