Dan Lauber

Martin Nash filed this request with the City Of Coral Springs City Clerk of Coral Springs, FL.
Tracking #



From: Martin Nash

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Florida Sunshine Law, I hereby request the following records:

All documents, communications, or other responsive records related to the procurement, execution, and delivery of services between City of Coral Springs and Dan Lauber.

Pursuant to Article I, section 24 of the Florida Constitution, and chapter 119, F.S., this request is to include all communications between Mr. Lauber and the City leading up to the execution of a contract (including initial outreach by the City or Mr. Lauber) and continuing to the present which pertain to the services procured and the execution of those services.

This also includes the executed contract, and any addendums, extensions, or other components of the agreement between Coral Springs and Mr. Lauber.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 10 business days.


Martin Nash

From: Coral Springs Police Department

Thank you for submitting your public records request.

Your request security key is E9C7D751.
Your request reference number is Request Number: PRR-18221.

Please have this security key and reference number available when communicating with our staff regarding your request.

Thank You,

City of Coral Springs, FL

From: City Of Coral Springs City Clerk

A fee has been issued for your request for records.

The requested records for PRR-18221 have been processed and will be released pending payment of the issued fee.

View request status: Request Number: PRR-18221

Thank You,

City of Coral Springs, FL

From: City Of Coral Springs City Clerk

Dear Martin Nash,

Please be advised that your request PRR-18221 for public records requires extensive use of agency resources and/or personnel. The estimated invoice details the required payment needed prior to commencing work on your request. Payment may be made in person, by mail or online.

To access your invoice please use the login credentials detailed below:

Public portal link to records request: Request Number: PRR-18221

Security Key: E9C7D751

Request Number: PRR-18221

Please do not hesitate to contact us if we may be of any further service.

Office of the City Clerk
City of Coral Springs, Florida

Phone 954-344-1065
Email clerks@coralsprings.gov

From: City Of Coral Springs City Clerk

An issued fee has been cancelled for your request for records PRR-18221.

View request status: Request Number: PRR-18221

Thank You,

City of Coral Springs, FL

From: City Of Coral Springs City Clerk

A fee has been issued for your request for records.

The requested records for PRR-18221 have been processed and will be released pending payment of the issued fee.

View request status: Request Number: PRR-18221

Thank You,

City of Coral Springs, FL

From: City Of Coral Springs City Clerk

Good morning,

I am following up on this invoice. If you have any questions regarding your request, please let us know.


Office of the City Clerk
City of Coral Springs, Florida

Phone 954-344-1065
Email clerks@coralsprings.gov

From: Martin Nash

My apologies for the delay. The invoice has been paid.

From: Martin Nash

To Whom It May Concern:

Please find enclosed a check for $62.58 to satisfy the fee associated with the attached public records request.

Thank you.

Check sent by Muckrock Staff

Pay to the order of:

City of Coral Springs
Office of the City Clerk
9500 West Sample Road
Coral Springs, FL 33065

Amount of: $62.58
  • Created — 10/04/2024
  • In Transit — 10/09/2024
  • In Local Area — 10/13/2024
  • Processed For Delivery — 10/13/2024
  • Deposited

From: City Of Coral Springs City Clerk

I just checked the request, and no the invoice was not paid.

Please advise.


Joshua Cabrejo, FRCM
Records Administrator
Office of the City Clerk • City of Coral Springs
p: 954-344-5942
a: 9500 West Sample Road, Coral Springs, FL 33065
e: jcabrejo@coralsprings.gov<mailto:jcabrejo@coralsprings.gov> w: CoralSprings.gov<https://img.newoldstamp.com/r/27449/w>
[cid:image002.png@01DB1637.3C6843C0] <https://img.newoldstamp.com/r/27449/facebook>

From: Martin Nash

My apologies. Is there a digital option for payment? If so can you send a link?

From: City Of Coral Springs City Clerk

On Tue, Sep 10, 2024 at 9:33 am, Joshua Cabrejo (Coral Springs, FL) wrote:

Dear Martin Nash,

Please be advised that your request PRR-18221 for public records requires extensive use of agency resources and/or personnel. The estimated invoice details the required payment needed prior to commencing work on your request. Payment may be made in person, by mail or online.

To access your invoice please use the login credentials detailed below:

Public portal link to records request: Request Number: PRR-18221

Security Key: E9C7D751

Request Number: PRR-18221

Please do not hesitate to contact us if we may be of any further service.

Office of the City Clerk
City of Coral Springs, Florida

Phone 954-344-1065
Email clerks@coralsprings.gov

From: City Of Coral Springs City Clerk

I just sent you separately the email we send requestors when payment is due. In that email, there Is a link to click and view the invoice. If no payment is received after 30 days, then the request will be administratively closed.


From: Martin Nash

Thank you. It should be paid now.

From: City Of Coral Springs City Clerk

Good afternoon,

We are still working on the request. Please check back later this week for an update.



Joshua Cabrejo, FCRM
Records Administrator
Office of the City Clerk • City of Coral Springs
p: 954-344-5942
a: 9500 West Sample Road, Coral Springs, FL 33065
e: jcabrejo@coralsprings.gov<mailto:jcabrejo@coralsprings.gov> w: CoralSprings.gov<https://img.newoldstamp.com/r/27449/w>
[cid:image002.png@01DB249E.C03541B0] <https://img.newoldstamp.com/r/27449/facebook>

From: City Of Coral Springs City Clerk

Dear Martin Nash,

Your records request is now complete. To access your records please use the login credentials detailed below:

Public portal link to records request: Request Number: PRR-18221

Security key: E9C7D751

Request number: PRR-18221


Architectural and Engineering plans that are under seal in accordance with Florida Statute Section 481.221 or 471.025, and held by a public agency in connection with a transaction of official business are subject to inspection and copying in accordance with Florida Statute 119.07(1). For informational purposes, the following is provided:
1. The unauthorized reproduction and use of a copyrighted work constitutes an infringement of such copyright.
2. The plan(s) sought to be examined and copied pursuant to this request may be copyrighted by the architect and may be subject to the limitations of the federal copyright law.
3. The copy of the plans reproduced by the City should not be utilized or relied upon for commercial purposes.
4. All costs of reproduction incurred by the City of Coral Springs relative to this request must be paid.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if we may be of any further service.


Office of the City Clerk
City of Coral Springs, Florida

Phone: 954-344-1065
Email: clerks@coralsprings.gov

From: City Of Coral Springs City Clerk

A fix is required to perfect the request.