Procurement software and processes (Culver City clerk)

John Adams filed this request with the Culver City clerk of Culver City, CA.
Multi Request Procurement software and processes

From: John Adams

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the California Public Records Act, I hereby request the following records:

1. All documents signed with procurement software or software to create and publish RFI, RFQ, RFP this agency uses or used in the past five years.

Additionally, if possible, please answer the following four questions:
a. What is the name of the procurement software you use (or the name of the software you use to create and publish RFI, RFQ, RFP)?
b. What is the annual cost for this software?
c. When did the most recent contract with the software provider begin?
d. Do you use your ERP system to manage the process of RFI, RFQ, RFP?

If there are any fees required to fulfill this request, please let me know in advance of fulfilling my request.

Thank you,

Arie Bronshtein

From: Culver City clerk

Dear Arie Bronshtein:

The City of Culver City ("City") is in receipt of your request for records under the California Public Records Act, California Government Code section 6250 et seq. Please be advised, the City of Culver City is operating under a Local Emergency, due to the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19). City staff is engaged in focusing on crisis management and emergency response, and the majority of City employees are working remotely. As a result, access to many City files and documents may be limited. In addition, there is a concern that responding to lengthy and complicated requests on non-emergency matters may take away valuable staff time from the essential and necessary emergency work.

Culver City values its record of transparency and timely responsiveness to the public. We are asking for your patience at this time, as the City finds it necessary to and is extending the initial 10-day response deadline, or any previously issued extension, by an additional 14 days. In this regard, the City will respond to your request on or before July 6, 2020.

If your request is routine and does not require considerable review and analysis of documents, staff will respond as quickly as possible under the circumstances, if the document is accessible. If your request involves detailed review of documents or emails, or if exempt information will need to be redacted, we ask that you are patient with staff in getting the information to you when time allows. We will keep you apprised of the status of your request.


City Clerk's Office
City of Culver City
(310) 253-5851<>

From: Culver City clerk

Arie Bronshtein:

In response to your Public Information Request dated June 11, 2020 regarding Procurement software and processes:

1. All documents signed with procurement software or software to create and publish RFI, RFQ, RFP this agency uses or used in the past five years.
See attached agreement with PlanetBids. The City did not have dedicated competitive solicitation software prior to this agreement.

2. Additionally, if possible, please answer the following four questions:

a. What is the name of the procurement software you use (or the name of the software you use to create and publish RFI, RFQ, RFP)?

b. What is the annual cost for this software?
$16,660.25 + annual 3% increase

c. When did the most recent contract with the software provider begin?
March 2020

d. Do you use your ERP system to manage the process of RFI, RFQ, RFP?
Purchasing Division | Finance Department
City of Culver City
9770 Culver Boulevard | Culver City, CA 90232-0507
voice: 310-253-6550 |