1980s and 1990s Investigations in Dayton (Dayton Police Department)

Justin Seitz filed this request with the Dayton Police Department of Dayton, OH.
Tracking #


Multi Request 1980s and 1990s Investigations in Dayton

From: Justin Seitz

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Ohio Open Records Law, I hereby request the following records:

I am breaking this request into sub-requests that you may address individually:

1. I am seeking all records relating to the investigation into the murder of LAWRENCE E. HILEMAN at 626 OAK ST on or around September 15, 1988. These records should include investigative reports, interview transcripts, communications between police departments or federal investigative agencies, photographs, booking records or any other records associated to this incident. This incident is widely reported in the Dayton Daily News at this time.

2. I am seeking all records relating to ROGER W WALLER a former Dayton police officer who was charged in the murder of LAWRENCE E HILEMAN and was employed by the Dayton Police department at this time. Records should include any disciplinary records, records relating to internal affairs investigations of WALLER or any additional records relating to WALLER'S employment at your agency. Mr. WALLER's arrest was widely reported in the Dayton Daily News at this time.

3. I am seeking all records from 1980 through 1994 for your Drug Hot Line including incoming reports that were written, filed, or transmitted. As per the Dayton Daily News, Sunday February 18, 1990, Mr. WALLER operated this line.

4. I am seeking all records relating to LARRY GROSSNICKLE's employment at your department including disciplinary matters, internal affairs investigations or any other details relating to Mr. GROSSNICKLE's employment from 1980 through 1994. If Mr. GROSSNICKLE started his employment after 1980, please use his start date as the beginning of your record search.

5. I am seeking all records relating to DOYLE BURKE's employment at your department including disciplinary matters, internal affairs investigations or any other details relating to Mr. BURKE's employment from 1980 through 1994. If Mr. BURKE started his employment after 1980, please use his start date as the beginning of your record search.

6. I am seeking any and all records relating to WENDELL SCOTT SIMPSON including drug tip line tips, confidential information records, police interviews, booking records and photographs or street/gang intelligence reports relating to Mr. SIMPSON prior to his death.

I would ask that if you are discovering records that you release them to me in a rolling fashion as you discover them.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 10 business days.


Justin Seitz

From: Dayton Police Department

City of Dayton, OH


Your record request #23-1789 has been submitted successfully.

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From: Dayton Police Department

City of Dayton, OH


Documents have been released for record request #23-1789 along with the following message:

The requested documents are attached. Thank you. If you have additional questions you may respond to this email. Otherwise, we will consider this request Closed. This is the complete case file. The Officer files are beyond our retention schedule.

* Statements_Redacted.pdf

* Report_001_Redacted.pdf

* Report.pdf

* Report 3.pdf

* Report #2_Redacted.pdf

* Lab Reports.pdf

* Coroner Report.pdf

* 11122023_Redacted.pdf

* 5.pdf

* 4_Redacted.pdf

* 3_Redacted.pdf

* #2_Redacted.pdf

Document links are valid for one month.
After December 12, you will need to sign in to view the document(s).

<em>Questions about your request?</em> Reply to this email or sign in to contact staff at City of Dayton, OH.<br><em>Technical support:</em> See our <a href="https://www.nextrequest.civicplus.help/hc/en-us/categories/17720084172567-Requesters">help page</a>

From: Dayton Police Department

City of Dayton, OH


Record request #23-1789 has been closed. The closure reason supplied was:

All records have been released, and your request has been fulfilled. Please consider this request closed.

<em>Questions about your request?</em> Reply to this email or sign in to contact staff at City of Dayton, OH.<br><em>Technical support:</em> See our <a href="https://www.nextrequest.civicplus.help/hc/en-us/categories/17720084172567-Requesters">help page</a>