Inmate debt and fees policies/reports (State-level) (Department of Correction)

Beryl Lipton filed this request with the Department of Correction of Delaware.


From: Beryl Lipton

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to Delaware's Freedom of Information Act, I hereby request the following records:

The following materials regarding the assessment, collection, and balances of inmate fees and debt:

• All policies and procedures regarding the goods, services, or any other expenses for which inmates are or may become liable. Please include all policies on the garnishment/disbursement of funds from inmate accounts and wages (such as those related to mandatory saving, mandatory deductions, coverage of care, personal necessities, etc.), as well as all relevant reporting requirements. Please include all relevant data as regards to medical payments, room and board costs, meal fees, stamps and postage, hygienic materials, and any other expenses for which inmates are or may become liable, etc.

• All reports, databases, spreadsheets, or equivalent materials regarding current debts/restitution paid to or owed to this department or any facility/agency under its jurisdiction. Please include all available segregable information (excluding individual personally-identifying elements, as necessary and appropriate), including but not limited to the reason for the debt/fee, the amount of the debt, the facility at which the debt was incurred, whether the debt is held by an inmate in custody or released, any available individual data regarding record of prior release, etc.

If further clarification is necessary, a phone call will happily be arranged.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 15 business days, as the statute requires.


From: Bennett, Kerri L (DOC)

To Whom It May Concern:
Please accept this message as the Department of Correction's ("DOC") acknowledgement of your request dated April 28, 2016 therein under the Delaware Freedom of Information Act ("FOIA"), 29 Del. C. §10001, et.seq. Please allow 15 business days for the Department to respond to your request.
Thank you for contacting the Department of Correction.


Kerri L. Bennett
Paralegal III
Department of Correction
Office of the Commissioner
245 McKee Road
Dover, DE 19904
O: (302) 857-5232 (Thru 4/29/16)
F: (302) 739-8219<>

From: Bennett, Kerri L (DOC)

To Whom it May Concern:

Please accept this message as the Department of Correction's ("DOC") response to your request, dated April 28, 2016, under the State of Delaware's Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 29 Del. C. §10001, et.seq. Therein you requested the following information:

The following materials regarding the assessment, collection, and balances of inmate fees and debt:

* All policies and procedures regarding the goods, services, or any other expenses for which inmates are or may become liable. Please include all policies on the garnishment/disbursement of funds from inmate accounts and wages (such as those related to mandatory saving, mandatory deductions, coverage of care, personal necessities, etc.), as well as all relevant reporting requirements. Please include all relevant data as regards to medical payments, room and board costs, meal fees, stamps and postage, hygienic materials, and any other expenses for which inmates are or may become liable, etc.

* All reports, databases, spreadsheets, or equivalent materials regarding current debts/restitution paid to or owed to this department or any facility/agency under its jurisdiction. Please include all available segregable information (excluding individual personally-identifying elements, as necessary and appropriate), including but not limited to the reason for the debt/fee, the amount of the debt, the facility at which the debt was incurred, whether the debt is held by an inmate in custody or released, any available individual data regarding record of prior release, etc.

In response to your request for information:

* For policies and procedures regarding goods and services or any other expenses for which inmates are or may be liable, DOC refers the requestor to the public website as these policies and procedures are already approved for public release. All other DOC policies and procedures are deemed confidential under 11 Del. C. § 4322(a) and therefore are not public records under FOIA §10002(l)(6).

* Any reports, databases, spreadsheets, or equivalent materials regarding current debts/restitution paid to or owed to DOC or any facility/agency under its jurisdiction regarding inmate fees and debt are confidential under 11 Del. C. § 4322(a) and therefore are not public records under FOIA §10002(l)(6).

Thank you for contacting the Delaware Department of Correction.



Kerri L. Bennett
Paralegal III
Delaware Department of Correction
Office of the Commissioner
245 McKee Road
Dover, Delaware 19904
Voice: (302) 857-5325
Fax: (302) 739-8219

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