April May CORA

David Hagan filed this request with the Denver Department Of Public Works of Denver, CO.
Est. Completion None
Fix Required


From: David Hagan

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Colorado Open Records Act, I hereby request the following records:

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Colorado Public Records Law, I hereby request the following records:

Any emails, letters, invoices from environmental hasmat services plus the sheet for police hours worked off duty that is provided by or to DPD, or any other records in written, electronic, or any other form, as defined by C.R.S. §§ 24-72-202(7) which were sent, received, or produced mentioning “sweeps” and/or “clean-ups” and/or “shelter” in reference to people experiencing homelessness during the months of April/May. If you deny this request for records in whole or in part, I ask that you provide a written statement explaining the reason for the denial that cites the legal authority that is the basis for the denial. If any of the requested records are in active use, in storage or otherwise unavailable at this time, I likewise request that you provide a statement informing me of the reason they are currently unavailable and a date and hour at which time the records will be available for inspection.
requested documents will be made available to the public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 3 business days, as the statute requires.


DAvid Hagan

From: Denver Department Of Public Works


Your CORA has been received and reviewed and we estimate it will take 2 hours to research and retrieve the records you have requested that are within our custody. At the rate of $33 per hour, we estimate the cost of your request to be $33 (there is no charge for the first hour of research and retrieval time). Upon your agreement to pay this cost, we will begin the research and retrieval of the records you have requested.

Please make check payable to Manager of Finance and mail to:
Department of Transportation & Infrastructure
Attn: Alba Castro
201 West Colfax Avenue; Dept. 608
Denver, CO 80202

Since your organization has sent four (4) separate, but similar requests, please reference #43798942 on the check.

Nancy Kuhn

NANCY KUHN| Director
City & County of Denver
Department of Transportation & Infrastructure | Public Information Office
Phone: 720-865-8720

As of January 1, 2020, the Denver Department of Public Works is now the Denver Department of Transportation & Infrastructure.


From: David Hagan

I will pay whatever fee associated with the request and will reference the above number on the check unless I can pay with a cc.



From: Denver Department Of Public Works


I could arrange to have sometime take your credit card info by phone, if you are open to that (assuming that’s what your reference to “cc” means below. Would you be paying for all four requests at once? ($33 x 4=$132) Or each separately?

Also, I wanted to ask a clarifying question on the April/May request, specifically (the question is in red below). I’ve separated out your three asks to see if I am interpreting this correctly:

* Any emails, letters, invoices from environmental hasmat services (time frame for this is April/May?)
* the sheet for police hours worked off duty that is provided by or to DPD (note: DOTI does not have police records and will have not have any records responsive to this portion of this request)
* or any other records in written, electronic, or any other form which were sent, received, or produced mentioning “sweeps” and/or “clean-ups” and/or “shelter” in reference to people experiencing homelessness during the months of April/May.


From: David Hagan

Hi Nancy,

I will gladly pay by cc over the phone.

You have everything right. The timeframe of april/may

I understand about DPD. I will file with them. In place of that portion of the request please provide invoices from the fencing company that puts up the temporary fencing each time Denver sweeps a homeless encampment.

All the best,

From: Denver Department Of Public Works

Hi David,

I am looping in Juan, supervisor in our finance department, who will coordinate a time to take your credit card info when he pops into the office next, in conjunction with your CORA request.

David, were you going to pay a total of $132 or make four payments of $33, per the four different requests?

Juan, here is David’s phone number: 303.888.5361. He is with an organization called Muckrock that has submitted an open records request. I’ll let you two take it from here in regard to coordinating payment.

David, I am about to send you a separate email, following up on your records request.

NANCY KUHN| Director
City & County of Denver
Department of Transportation & Infrastructure | Public Information Office
Phone: 720-865-8720

As of January 1, 2020, the Denver Department of Public Works is now the Denver Department of Transportation & Infrastructure.


From: Denver Department Of Public Works


Thanks for the clarification below and I will now add to your request, invoices for fencing.
I am currently gathering up records and will likely have to pop into the office Sunday/Monday to review/compile.
I will be back in touch with you in the Sunday/Monday time frame with an update.


From: David Hagan

thank you!

One payment is easiest.

Happy Holidays

From: Denver Department Of Public Works


Starting with this request. I’m attaching Environmental Hazmat Services invoices from April/May. Please note this company assists us several days a week (not just on DOTI encampment cleanup days) and they may go to additional locations on DOTI posted cleanup days. Also, I did notice police off-duty hours are on these invoices. EHS provides these hours to DOTI for reimbursement per our contract with them.

Next, I’ll send fence invoices (in a separate email, because the attachments create a pretty large email, collectively).

The compiling/review of emails, letters, etc. mentioning "sweeps" and/or "clean ups" and/or "shelter" in reference to people experiencing homelessness is taking staff and myself much longer than I originally estimated. I’m working on it, though, and was wondering if you need responsive records broken out by months as you requested (April/May, June/July, August/September, October/November). Staff didn’t provide me their records separated out in that fashion, so separating them out for you would take additional time. I am thinking, given the number of records I have responsive to your request, that I will need to drop them on a flash drive and mail/drop that off to you when completed, unless you have another preferred method for receiving records that is easy to manage…

Sincerely, Nancy

On Dec. 10, 2020:
Subject: Colorado Open Records Act Request: April May CORA

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Colorado Open Records Act, I hereby request the following records:

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Colorado Public Records Law, I hereby request the following records:

Any emails, letters, invoices from environmental hasmat services plus the sheet for police hours worked off duty that is provided by or to DPD, or any other records in written, electronic, or any other form, as defined by C.R.S. §§ 24-72-202(7) which were sent, received, or produced mentioning “sweeps” and/or “clean-ups” and/or “shelter” in reference to people experiencing homelessness during the months of April/May. If you deny this request for records in whole or in part, I ask that you provide a written statement explaining the reason for the denial that cites the legal authority that is the basis for the denial. If any of the requested records are in active use, in storage or otherwise unavailable at this time, I likewise request that you provide a statement informing me of the reason they are currently unavailable and a date and hour at which time the records will be available for inspection.
requested documents will be made available to the public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 3 business days, as the statute requires.


DAvid Hagan

Filed via MuckRock.com
E-mail (Preferred): requests@muckrock.com<mailto:requests@muckrock.com>
Upload documents directly: https://www.muckrock.com/
Is this email coming to the wrong contact? Something else wrong? Use the above link to let us know.

For mailed responses, please address (see note):
MuckRock News
DEPT MR 105699
411A Highland Ave
Somerville, MA 02144-2516

PLEASE NOTE: This request is not filed by a MuckRock staff member, but is being sent through MuckRock by the above in order to better track, share, and manage public records requests. Also note that improperly addressed (i.e., with the requester's name rather than "MuckRock News" and the department number) requests might be returned as undeliverable.

From: Denver Department Of Public Works

And here are fencing invoices.

From: David Hagan

You don’t need to separate them. However you get them is fine by me!

Thank you so much

From: Denver Department Of Public Works


Following up with additional information on your four (4) CORA requests. When I gave you an initial time and cost estimate, I had not yet received any records from staff or estimates of the time they’d need to gather and retrieve records for your request. I am now estimating your broad CORA requests will require an additional 34 hours of staff time to locate, collect, review and evaluate at a cost of $33 per hour, or $1,122.

If you’d like to pay for the initial tranche of work I’ve been able to complete in 8 hours time for a cost of $132 (we gave you four hours free), I can send you the responsive records gathered and reviewed within that 8 hour time frame (some have already been provided to you). Juan Garza will be in the office tomorrow morning to take your payment of $132. His phone number is 720-913-5357.

Upon receipt of full payment of $1,254 ($1,122 + $132), I can continue processing your request beyond the work I have done so far.

Nancy Kuhn

NANCY KUHN| Director
City & County of Denver
Department of Transportation & Infrastructure | Public Information Office
Phone: 720-865-8720

As of January 1, 2020, the Denver Department of Public Works is now the Denver Department of Transportation & Infrastructure.


From: David Hagan

Hi Nancy,

I can’t get ahold of Juan. There doesn’t seem to be anyone by that name and I can’t get an operator.. I am happy to pay the fee. Can you give me a call and I will give you my cc for whomever can charge it? That way I will have access to the additional files? 303.888.5361

All the best,

From: Denver Department Of Public Works

Good morning Juan,

David from Muckrock is trying to connect with you to pay the cost of processing his open records request. Can you coordinate with him (day/time) to take his credit card info? David’s phone number is 303.888.5361 and he is copied on this email above.

I have given David two quotes: $132 or $1,254, depending on which direction he wants to go.

Thank you!!

NANCY KUHN| Director
City & County of Denver
Department of Transportation & Infrastructure | Public Information Office
Phone: 720-865-8720

As of January 1, 2020, the Denver Department of Public Works is now the Denver Department of Transportation & Infrastructure.


From: David Hagan

Hi Nancy,

When you release the remainder of the documents for the $132, I need a breakdown of how the time was spent. I have to justify how the money was spent. Specificly i need it to contain: company name / time spent gathering informatio / process used to gather

Process used is very important as it justifies payment. If the process was physical search, i need a statement documenting that Denver doesn't have any possible procedure, program, or system that can produce tje requested information in a more efficient, fast, and accurate way.

Thank you

From: Denver Department Of Public Works

Thank you and I will follow up shortly!

From: David Hagan

I paid the $132 today. How do I get the remaining files?

All the best,


From: Denver Department Of Public Works

Hi, I could drop a flash drive in the mail -or- meet up with you at a city facility and hand it to you. Do you have a preference? Nancy
Sent from my iPhone

From: David Hagan

I sent you a text and left a message or two. I would like to pick it up as soon as possible. Thank you.

From: Denver Department Of Public Works

We’re finalizing our internal review of the records I was able to gather for you; we anticipate being able to get them to you on Monday.

From: Denver Department Of Public Works

We’re finalizing our internal review of the records I was able to gather for you; we anticipate being able to get them to you on Monday.

From: David Hagan


From: Denver Department Of Public Works

Dave, I could arrange to have your records ready at the Wellington E Webb Building (201 West Colfax) after 3pm today.
If you can’t be there at 3pm, I’m going to try to leave it at the information desk on the first floor of the building (in the atrium) with your name on it. If that arrangement doesn’t work for some reason, I will let you know and provide a backup way for you to get the records.

From: Denver Department Of Public Works

Dave, there’s no one at the info desk in the atrium right now due to COVID, so I am leaving your flash drive with DOTI admin staff that can meet you on the first floor of the Webb building and hand the envelope to you. To arrange for this handoff, call Michelle at 720-318-1887 (or the office number is 720-865-8630). Nancy
Sent from my iPhone

From: David Hagan

Thank you for the flash drive. I'm enthusiastic for a chance to review the content and see the breakdown of how time was spent collecting data.

From: Denver Department Of Public Works


Per CORA, an agency may charge for the hours spent to research and respond to CORA requests.
CORA does not require an agency to create cost breakdowns, so I don’t have one to provide. I can tell you the time was spent by DOTI staff members that gathered records for your request and that reviewed them for privileged records prior to release.

NANCY KUHN| Director
City & County of Denver
Department of Transportation & Infrastructure | Public Information Office
Phone: 720-865-8720

As of January 1, 2020, the Denver Department of Public Works is now the Denver Department of Transportation & Infrastructure.



