Police Data - Arrests, Citations, and Traffic Stops (Emeryville Police Department)
Multi Request | Police Data - Arrests, Citations, and Traffic Stops |
Submitted | July 21, 2020 |
Est. Completion | None |
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From: Sam
To Whom It May Concern:
Pursuant to the California Public Records Act, I hereby request the following records:
Please provide the following:
1. All arrests data reported to the California Department of Justice via the Monthly Arrests and Citation Register program covering arrests made in 2017 and 2018, including (but not limited to) the age, race/ethnicity, gender, offense category (felony, misdemeanor, status offense), charge, unique subject id (also known as person_id), and disposition of arrestees.
2. All traffic stop data covering stops made in 2017 and 2018, including (but not limited to) the age, race/ethnicity, gender, offense category (felony, misdemeanor, status offense), charge, unique subject id (also known as person_id), and disposition of those stopped.
The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.
In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.
Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 10 calendar days, as the statute requires.
From: Emeryville Police Department
This PRA request has been already answered back in February. Please see attached.
Thank you,
Lorrayne Leong
Deputy City Clerk | City Clerk's Office
Ph: (510) 596-4383 | Fx: (510) 450-7831 | lleong@emeryville.org<mailto:lleong@emeryville.org>
1333 Park Avenue, Emeryville, CA 94608
From: Sam
Dr. Lorrayne Leong,
I appreciate your response. Unfortunately, the records you provided are not the records I requested. Please provide the following:
We request raw data – in a machine-readable database or spreadsheet format such as SQL, CSV, XML, JSON, Excel, or Access files — on Traffic Stops and Arrests. The time period of the data should cover the earliest date available in the City of Emeryville or the Emeryville PD databases through the date on which this request is fulfilled.
The data should include all disclosable fields, including but not limited to fields containing the following types of information:
• Officer First, Middle and Last Name
• Officer Shield Number / Employee ID / Unique System ID
• Officer Rank
• Officer Start Date/ Appointment Date
• Rank/ Squad Assignment Date (See Note)
• Status (i.e. Active, Retired, etc.)
• Officer Gender
• Officer Race/ Ethnicity
• Incident Location
• Incident Offense
• NIBRS Code
• Incident Date
• Incident Time
• Charge
• Charge Description
• Person ID (Subject ID)
• Subject Sex
• Subject Race
• Subject Age
• Incident ID
• Search Conducted
• Disposition
• Vehicle Make
• Vehicle Model
In addition, we are also requesting all identifiers, primary keys, and/or metadata that distinguish between unique records and individuals, and that link the database tables together, including but not limited to Incident IDs, Person IDs, and [any other relevant fields you’re aware of].
We are also requesting any data dictionaries, code tables, or other types of manuals that define, in plain English, the meaning of the column headers in the data, and any codes, acronyms, abbreviations or other shorthand terms used for entries in the data.
We are asking for an export of raw data, to the extent maintained in the City’s databases. We do not expect the City to manually input or alter any information into the data for the purposes of fulfilling this request.
If a record contains both exempt and non-exempt information, the non-exempt information should still be provided:
Because we are requesting data, each distinct type of information is separated into its own field (i.e. column), making it easy to redact exempt information en masse.
Entitlement to Records as Data:
We request these records in a machine-readable database or spreadsheet format — such as SQL, CSV, XML, JSON, Excel, or Access files — and not printed out, or converted to PDF files, or otherwise processed in a manner that would decrease the quality, quantity, or accessibility of the original information the records represent.
We realize the information may be contained in multiple tables. We are not asking The City/ Emeryville Police Department to join tables together for us, or to conduct any type of analysis on the data. We are merely asking for the department to export the raw data, as it exists in the department's database, which should minimize the amount of programming necessary to fulfill our request.
We can do the joining on our own, so long as each table contains the unique identifiers
and primary keys necessary to join the tables together, and so long as we are provided the
necessary documentation to ensure that we are accurately joining and analyzing the data.
We are comfortable working with very large databases in many standard data formats.
Upon request, we would be happy to provide a USB thumb drive or external hard drive to
facilitate the release of these records.
Other Provisions:
If there are any fees for searching or copying these records, please inform me if the cost will exceed $50. However, since this information is being sought for public research purposes, we request that any fees be waived because disclosure of the responsive records is squarely in the public interest and will make a significant contribution to the public's understanding of critical issues related to policing.
The California Public Information Act requires that you "promptly produce" the requested records unless, within 10 days, you have sought an Attorney General's Opinion. If you expect a significant delay in responding to this request, please contact me with information about when I might expect copies or the ability to inspect the requested records
If you deny any portion of this request, please cite the specific statute that you feel justifies
each exemption,
We request that communication regarding this request be conducted via email, and that the
request be filled via email if possible, as we are entitled to under the law,
Thank you for considering our request.
From: Emeryville Police Department
I hope you are well. We have some follow up questions we need to have answered so we can appropriately respond to your request. Some data we can retrieve in our records management system (RMS) and some data requested is not available. Data on arrests and citations can be provided, however demographics on traffic stop data is not collected and therefore not available.
Some of the information requested on officer demographics is not available the data that might be available is likely in paper form, which will require hand searching, which will take much longer that the 10 day response period. More than likely that data will take longer than the allotted 14 day extension. Will the officers name, rank, serial number, appointment date, employment status, and gender suffice? If so, that data can be provided efficiently.
The info requested relating to data dictionaries, code tables, or other types of manuals that define, in plain English, the meaning of the column headers in the data, and any codes, acronyms, abbreviations or other shorthand terms used for entries in the data may not be available. Is there a document you are looking for specifically or is this a request for a legend simply to understand the data being sent? Clarification will help our understanding of where to get the code table you have requested.
Lastly, most likely none of the requested documents will be available in a machine-readable database or spreadsheet format such as SQL, CSV, XML, JSON, Excel, or Access files. The data will likely only be in a scanned PDF format. Knowing that, is there it possible you will modify your request relating to the arrest and citation data?
Emeryville Police Department is a small Department with very limited resources. The magnitude of the documents & data in your request will take many hours of staff time to research, gather, and prepare for release. Any modification to limit the scope and magnitude of your request will improve our ability to respond in a more timely manner.
Thank you,
Oliver Collins, Captain
Emeryville Police Department
2449 Powell St.
Emeryville, CA 94608
(510) 596-3700
From: Emeryville Police Department
I just wanted to follow up with my prior email. We can’t process this request without hearing back from you regarding out clarifying questions.
Please reply at your earliest convenience.
Oliver Collins, Captain
Emeryville Police Department
2449 Powell St.
Emeryville, CA 94608
(510) 596-3700
From: Emeryville Police Department
The Emeryville Police Department has not received a response to our two prior requests for clarifying information on your PRA request. Our reply to your original request is attached.
Please let me know if you have any follow up requests.
Thank you,
Oliver Collins, Captain
Emeryville Police Department
2449 Powell St.
Emeryville, CA 94608
(510) 596-3700