Everett Public Schools District – Request for a complete electronic copy of all Public Records Requests received by the District including District Responses for the years 2010 - 2021
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Tracking # |
4200211545779405530109355107600834 4200211545779405530109355091416817 4200211545779405530109355071763382 4200211545779405530109355057023479 4200211545779405530109355037873773 4200211545779405830109355122154474 4200211545779405830109355107290968 4200211545779405830109355097481872 4200211545779405830109355084411851 |
Submitted | Nov. 4, 2021 |
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From: PRA Audit
To Whom It May Concern:
Pursuant to the Washington Public Records Act [RCW 42.56] I hereby request the following records:
I request a complete electronic copy of all Public Records Requests received by Everett Public Schools District and a complete electronic copy of the District's Responses to these Public Records Requests for the time period January 1, 2010 through November 4, 2021.
In the event the District chooses to provide these records in installments over time I request the records to be produced in reverse chronological order - from the most recent records to the earliest.
If this request is denied in whole or part, I ask that you justify all deletions by reference to specific exemptions of the PRA. I also request a detailed contemporaneous log to be provided for any document withheld or redacted.
For each responsive record the District contends is exempt from public disclosure, in whole or in part, please specifically identify the record by subject, title, author, custodian and date, and state how a specific statutory exemption applies to each record as required by RCW 42.56.210(3) and Rental Housing Ass'n v. Des Moines, 165 Wn.2d 525, 199 P.3d 393 (2009).
I request electronic production of all electronic records in the original NATIVE electronic format for each record.
I request for these public records to be produced by public (no password) e-mail attachment or link. If electronic attachment or link is not possible, an alternative would be to produce responsive records via USB DRIVE or DATA CD-ROM.
The requested documents will be made available to the general public.
In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request.
Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 5 business days, as the statute requires.
PRA Audit
From: Everett Public Schools District
Dear PRA Audit,
I am the public records officer for Everett Public Schools and am writing in response to your request for records received on Friday, November 5, 2021. In that request you asked for “a complete electronic copy of all Public Records Requests received by Everett Public Schools District and a complete electronic copy of the District's Responses to these Public Records Requests for the time period January 1, 2010 through November 4, 2021.” Additionally, you requested that if installments are provided, that they should be produced in reverse chronological order, from most recent to the earliest, and requested electronic production of records in their native electronic format for each record. Lastly, you requested that records be provided by email attachments or electronic link and provided instructions for mailing any records being produced on a USB drive or CD. Thank you for confirming that your request is not for commercial purposes. A copy of your complete request can be located in the email string below.
In accordance with RCW 42.56.520<https://app.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=42.56.520>, I am acknowledging receipt of your request and providing notice that the district will require additional time to respond. This time is needed to seek any clarifications to the request, to locate and assemble the information requested, to potentially notify any affected third parties, and to review the records for any exempt information.
At this time, given the 11-year timeframe of this request, and until the full scope of the request is ascertained, we estimate that it will take several years to respond in full to this request. We anticipate providing an initial installment of records on or before January 7, 2022, providing monthly installments thereafter. The district is currently processing multiple requests for records, and, like yours, the size and scope of these requests vary in nature, and some of these requests are quite extensive and take a great deal of time to process. While we do our best to respond to requests as quickly as possible, we have limited staff and resources available to process these requests. At this time of the year especially, with the upcoming holidays and the closure of district facilities for the Thanksgiving and winter breaks, staff resources are even more limited.
As students are the nature of our business, many public records frequently include information about students. If any of the responsive documents contain student names or other identifying information (parent names, student ID numbers etc.), it is the typical practice of the district to redact those names when the requestor agrees to that practice. Please let us know if you have an objection to such redaction and the basis of your objection.
In addition, as part of our typical practice, if you do not review or claim your records within 30 days of a notification that an installment of records is ready for you, by indicating receipt of the records made available to you, or by indicating that you are unable to access the records made available to you, we will consider your request to be abandoned after 30 calendar days and close it at that time without further action.
We look forward to working with you for a satisfactory resolution to your request for public records. For reference, all the district’s policies and procedures for public records are available on our website at this page: https://everettsd.org/publicrecords.org.
Sarah Mack
General Counsel
Superintendent's Office
From: Everett Public Schools District
Dear PRA Audit,
I am the public records officer for Everett Public Schools and am writing in response to your request for records received on Friday, November 5, 2021. In that request you asked for “a complete electronic copy of all Public Records Requests received by Everett Public Schools District and a complete electronic copy of the District's Responses to these Public Records Requests for the time period January 1, 2010 through November 4, 2021.” Additionally, you requested that if installments are provided, that they should be produced in reverse chronological order, from most recent to the earliest, and requested electronic production of records in their native electronic format for each record. Lastly, you requested that records be provided by email attachments or electronic link and provided instructions for mailing any records being produced on a USB drive or CD. Thank you for confirming that your request is not for commercial purposes. A copy of your complete request can be located in the email string below.
I am writing to let you know that we have an initial installment of records available for you. As requested, the records are being provided in reverse chronological order and represent 56 of the public records requests received in 2021, and the district responses to those requests. No new or additional redactions have been made to this particular installment of records, and the responsive records appear just as they did when provided to the original requester. A detailed redaction/exemption log, as it was provided to the original requester, is included with each request where applicable.
We noted that your preference was to receive the records as email attachments, however, the size of this initial installment is too large to be sent via email. Therefore, these records are being provided electronically via a shared file which you can access using the link below. As requested, this is a public link and is not password protected.
[Folder icon] Public Records Request – MuckRock PRA Audit<https://epscloud-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/09566_apps_everettsd_org/Etb5ZK1KDiVOp5A87K-hF5ABqFZVzMWPCVx55LVIpw5WxA?e=qYDwlM>
Please reply to this email to confirm receipt of the requested records, as the system will not notify us when you have accessed your records.
As part of our typical practice, if you do not review or claim your records within 30 days of this notification that an installment of records is ready for you, either by indicating receipt of the records made available to you or by indicating that you are unable to access the records made available to you, we will consider your request to be abandoned and close it at that time without further action. Accordingly, if we do not hear from you by February 7, 2022, your request will be deemed abandoned, the link to the files will no longer be available, and we will close your request at that time without any further action.
Please note that to “claim” or “review” records that are shared via an electronic link such as the one above, you must click the link and either download the files or click on the files to open them, and you must notify us that you have accessed the files or that you are unable to access the records made available to you no later than February 7, 2022. Again, if you fail to respond to this notification by that date, your request will be deemed abandoned, the link to the files will no longer be available, and we will close your request at that time without any further action.
With regard to the remainder of your request, we anticipate the next installment of records responsive to your request will be available on or before February 11, 2022.
Sarah Mack
General Counsel
Superintendent's Office
From: Everett Public Schools District
Dear PRA Audit,
I am the public records officer for Everett Public Schools and am writing in response to your request for records received on Friday, November 5, 2021. In that request you asked for “a complete electronic copy of all Public Records Requests received by Everett Public Schools District and a complete electronic copy of the District's Responses to these Public Records Requests for the time period January 1, 2010 through November 4, 2021.” Additionally, you requested that if installments are provided, that they should be produced in reverse chronological order, from most recent to the earliest, and requested electronic production of records in their native electronic format for each record. Lastly, you requested that records be provided by email attachments or electronic link and provided instructions for mailing any records being produced on a USB drive or CD. Thank you for confirming that your request is not for commercial purposes. A copy of your complete request can be located in the email string below.
I am writing to let you know that we have a second installment of records available for you. As requested, the records are being provided in reverse chronological order and represent an additional 36 of the public records requests received in 2021, and the district responses to those requests. A detailed redaction/exemption log, as it was provided to the original requester, is included with each request where applicable. New redactions are marked with a redaction code directly on the responsive records, and the explanation for those redactions can be found using the Redaction Code Log, which is provided with the installment. These redactions primarily include student names or other student/parent identifying information, or the redaction of staff personal information such as a personal email address or cell phone number. In addition, one record was withheld in its entirety as the record is a student education record and is protected from public disclosure (the original requester was the parent of the student whose education record it was). An Exemption Log for this record is also provided in this installment.
We noted that your preference was to receive the records as email attachments, however, the size of this installment is too large to be sent via email. Therefore, these records are being provided electronically via a shared file which you can access using the link below. As requested, this is a public link and is not password protected.
[Folder icon] Public Records Request – MuckRock PRA Audit<https://epscloud-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/09566_apps_everettsd_org/ErZyFIvyVTBNqV9mmDkx-sEBSOkFAxLiwaKniCabzzGOWw?e=9lNHuO>
The system will not notify us when you access your records. Please reply to this email to confirm receipt of the requested records.
As part of our typical practice, if you do not review or claim your records within 30 days of this notification that an installment of records is ready for you, we will consider your request to be abandoned and close it at that time without further action.
Please note that to “claim” or “review” records that are shared via an electronic link such as the one above, within 30 days you must:
1. click the link above; and
2. download or click on the files; and
3. notify us to indicate receipt of the records made available to you or to let us know that you are unable to access the records made available to you.
We have yet received a response from you verifying receipt of our last installment provided on January 7, 2022. We are providing an additional opportunity for you to respond to our notifications that an installment of records has been made available to you.
If you fail to respond to this notification by March 14, 2022, your request will be deemed abandoned, the link to the files will no longer be available, and we will close your request at that time without any further action.
With regard to the remainder of your request, as we have not heard from you since your original request was made and we have not received confirmation of your receipt of the January 7, 2022 installment, we have halted further work on this request until we receive confirmation of receipt of both installments provided to date. Upon such confirmation, the anticipated date for the next installment of records will be provided. Otherwise, your request will be deemed abandoned without further action as noted above.
Sarah Mack
General Counsel
Superintendent's Office
From: PRA Audit
To acknowledge your request for confirmation:
We have successfully received Installment 1 dated 01-07-2022 and Installment 2 dated 02-11-2022.
Thank you.
From: Everett Public Schools District
Dear PRA Audit,
Thank you for acknowledging receipt of the installments of records provided to you on January 7, 2022, and February 11, 2022.
With regard to the remainder of your request, we anticipate the next installment of records responsive to your request will be available on or before March 18, 2022.
Sarah Mack
General Counsel
Superintendent's Office
From: Everett Public Schools District
Dear PRA Audit,
I am the public records officer for Everett Public Schools and am writing in response to your request for records received on Friday, November 5, 2021. In that request you asked for “a complete electronic copy of all Public Records Requests received by Everett Public Schools District and a complete electronic copy of the District's Responses to these Public Records Requests for the time period January 1, 2010 through November 4, 2021.” Additionally, you requested that if installments are provided, they should be produced in reverse chronological order, from most recent to the earliest, and you requested production of electronic records in their native electronic format for each record. Lastly, you requested that records be provided by email attachments or electronic link and provided instructions for mailing any records being produced on a USB drive or CD. Thank you for confirming that your request is not for commercial purposes. A copy of your complete request can be located in the email string below.
I am writing to let you know that we have a third installment of records available for you. As requested, the records are being provided in reverse chronological order and represent an additional two of the public records requests received in 2021, and ten of the public records requests received in 2020, as well as the district responses to those requests. A detailed redaction/exemption log, as it was provided to the original requester, is included with each request where applicable. New redactions are marked with a redaction code directly on the responsive records, and the explanation for those redactions can be found using the Redaction Code Log, which is provided with the installment. These redactions primarily include student names or other student/parent identifying information, or the redaction of staff personal information such as a personal email address or cell phone number.
We acknowledge that your preference is to receive the records as email attachments or a non-password protected public link; however, the size of this installment is too large to be sent via email, and one request contains an OML video file that requires a special software to play, which we are also providing to you in order to view it. For security purposes, we are unable to upload those files to create a shareable link. Therefore, this installment of records has been placed onto a USB drive and is being mailed to you today via USPS Priority Mail. As noted in your request, the USB is addressed to:
MuckRock News
DEPT MR 120970
411A Highland Ave
Somerville, MA 02144-2516
The tracking number is: 9405 5036 9930 0196 9827 76<https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?qtc_tLabels1=9405%205036%209930%200196%209827%2076> and the shipping label is attached for your reference.
As part of our typical practice, if you do not review or claim your records within 30 days of this notification that an installment of records is ready for you, we will consider your request to be abandoned and close it at that time without further action.
While we would appreciate an email from you confirming receipt of the records, we will accept the USPS package delivery notification as confirmation that you have received your records.
With regard to the remainder of your request, we anticipate the next installment of records responsive to your request will be available on or before April 22, 2022.
Sarah Mack
General Counsel
Superintendent's Office
From: Everett Public Schools District
A copy of documents responsive to the request.
Responsive Documents
From: Everett Public Schools District
Dear PRA Audit,
I am the public records officer for Everett Public Schools and am writing in response to your request for records received on Friday, November 5, 2021. In that request you asked for “a complete electronic copy of all Public Records Requests received by Everett Public Schools District and a complete electronic copy of the District's Responses to these Public Records Requests for the time period January 1, 2010 through November 4, 2021.” Additionally, you requested that if installments are provided, that they should be produced in reverse chronological order, from most recent to the earliest, and requested electronic production of records in their native electronic format for each record. Lastly, you requested that records be provided by email attachments or electronic link and provided instructions for mailing any records being produced on a USB drive or CD. Thank you for confirming that your request is not for commercial purposes. A copy of your complete request can be located in the email string below.
I am writing to let you know that we have a fourth installment of records available for you. This installment represents one of the public records requests received in 2021, and the district’s response to that request. While this installment contains only one request, it was a large request that took many months to fulfill. Please note that this request was made by a parent of a student in the District, and our initial response provided notification that our typical process is to redact all student names and other identifying information, including parent names. No objection to such redactions was made in response to that notification; therefore, the initial requester’s last name and other identifying information has been redacted to protect the identity of the student, whose name, and other identifying details have also been redacted. The detailed redaction/exemption logs, as they were provided to the original requester, are included. New redactions are marked with a redaction code directly on the responsive records, and the explanation for those redactions can be found using the Redaction Code Log, which is also provided with the installment. These redactions primarily include student names or other student/parent identifying information, or the redaction of staff personal information such as a personal email address or cell phone number.
We noted that your preference was to receive the records as email attachments, however, the size of this installment is too large to be sent via email. Therefore, these records are being provided electronically via a shared file which you can access using the link below. As requested, this is a public link and is not password protected.
Public Records Request – MuckRock PRA Audit<https://epscloud-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/09566_apps_everettsd_org/ElXAf7ErlKVImKD_IAMyMH4B_Ms8oDse0n_mjePZU2dECw?e=uOB7mN>
The system will not notify us when you access your records. Please reply to this email to confirm receipt of the requested records.
As part of our typical practice, if you do not review or claim your records within 30 days of this notification that an installment of records is ready for you, we will consider your request to be abandoned and close it at that time without further action.
Please note that to “claim” or “review” records that are shared via an electronic link such as the one above, within 30 days you must:
1. click the link above; and
2. download or click on the files; and
3. notify us to indicate receipt of the records made available to you or to let us know that you are unable to access the records made available to you.
If you fail to respond to this notification by May 22, 2022, your request will be deemed abandoned, the link to the files will no longer be available, and we will close your request at that time without any further action.
With regard to the remainder of your request, if receipt of the current installment is confirmed by the aforementioned deadline, we anticipate the next installment of records responsive to your request will be available on or before May 27, 2022.
Sarah Mack
General Counsel
Superintendent's Office
From: Everett Public Schools District
Dear PRA Audit,
I am the public records officer for Everett Public Schools and am writing in response to your request for records received on Friday, November 5, 2021.
I am writing to let you know that we have a fifth installment of records available for you. As requested, the records are being provided in reverse chronological order and represent 1 public records request received in 2021 and 12 public records requests received in 2020, and the district responses to those requests. A detailed redaction/exemption log, as it was provided to the original requester, is included with each request where applicable. New redactions are marked with a redaction code directly on the responsive records, and the explanation for those redactions can be found using the Redaction Code Log, which is provided with the installment.
These records are being provided electronically via a shared file which you can access using the link below. As requested, this is a public link and is not password protected.
[Folder icon] Public Records Request – MuckRock PRA Audit<https://epscloud-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/09566_apps_everettsd_org/EiNFRsdFVflGnQCarxsf6igBEVxPeGf-fGKv09_z7rW11A?e=smWfPm>
The system will not notify us when you access your records. Please reply to this email to confirm receipt of the requested records.
As part of our typical practice, if you do not review or claim your records within 30 days of this notification that an installment of records is ready for you, we will consider your request to be abandoned and close it at that time without further action.
Please note that to “claim” or “review” records that are shared via an electronic link such as the one above, within 30 days you must:
1. click the link above; and
2. download or click on the files; and
3. notify us to indicate receipt of the records made available to you or to let us know that you are unable to access the records made available to you.
We have not yet received a response from you verifying receipt of our last installment provided on April 22, 2022. We are providing one last opportunity for you to respond to our notifications that an installment of records has been made available to you.
If you fail to respond to this notification by June 27, 2022, your request will be deemed abandoned, the link to the files will no longer be available, and we will close your request at that time without any further action.
With regard to the remainder of your request, as we have not received confirmation of your receipt of the April 22, 2022, installment, we have halted further work on this request until we receive confirmation of receipt of both installments provided to date. Upon such confirmation, the anticipated date for the next installment of records will be provided. Otherwise, your request will be deemed abandoned without further action as noted above.
Sarah Mack
General Counsel
Superintendent's Office
From: PRA Audit
An installment of records has been made available. Thank you.
From: Everett Public Schools District
Dear PRA Audit,
Thank you for your email. The purpose of your email is not entirely clear; however, we believe this was intended as an acknowledgment of receipt of the installments of records that this District made available to you on April 22, 2022, and May 27, 2022.
With regard to the remainder of your request, we now anticipate the next installment of records responsive to your request will be available on or before July 29, 2022.
Sarah Mack
General Counsel
Superintendent's Office
From: Everett Public Schools District
Dear PRA Audit,
I am the public records officer for Everett Public Schools and am writing in response to your request for records received on Friday, November 5, 2021.
I am writing to let you know that we have a sixth installment of records available for you. These records represent 1 public records request received in 2021 and 5 public records requests received in 2020, and the district responses to those requests. Please note that two of these requests were made by parents of students in the district, and our initial response provided notification that our typical process is to redact all student names and other identifying information, including parent names. No objection to such redactions was made in response to that notification; therefore, the initial requester’s name and other identifying information have been redacted and replaced with initials to protect the identity of the student, whose name, and other identifying details have also been redacted. In addition, a detailed redaction/exemption log, as it was provided to the original requester, is included with each request where applicable. New redactions are marked with a redaction code directly on the responsive records, and the explanation for those redactions can be found using the Redaction Code Log, which is provided with the installment. In addition, one record was withheld in its entirety as the record is a student education record and is protected from public disclosure (request 20200930 1b LB). The original requester was the parent of the student whose education record was requested, and the requester later abandoned her request, so there are no records to provide for that request. An Exemption Log for the record withheld is also provided in this installment.
These records are being provided electronically via a shared file which you can access using the link below. As requested, this is a public link and is not password protected.
[Folder icon] Public Records Request – MuckRock PRA Audit<https://epscloud-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/09566_apps_everettsd_org/EqLtqvADXLBPoYP-qpasd8oBkxzNwzy4hOnz7KRsdHZCLg?e=hmhiWL>
The system will not notify us when you access your records. Please reply to this email to confirm receipt of the requested records.
As part of our typical practice, if you do not review or claim your records within 30 days of this notification that an installment of records is ready for you, we will consider your request to be abandoned and close it at that time without further action.
Please note that to “claim” or “review” records that are shared via an electronic link such as the one above, within 30 days you must:
1. click the link above; and
2. download or click on the files; and
3. notify us to indicate receipt of the records made available to you or to let us know that you are unable to access the records made available to you.
If you fail to respond to this notification by August 28, 2022, your request will be deemed abandoned, the link to the files will no longer be available, and we will close your request at that time without any further action.
With regard to the remainder of your request, if receipt of the current installment is confirmed by the aforementioned deadline, we anticipate the next installment of records responsive to your request will be available on or before September 2, 2022.
Sarah Mack
General Counsel
Superintendent's Office
From: PRA Audit
via email to: publicrecords@everettsd.org
No records installments in 181 days. Is this public records request now closed?
From: Everett Public Schools District
Dear PRA Audit,
Thank you for your email seeking the status of your November 5, 2021, public records request. For the following reasons, your request was deemed abandoned on August 28, 2022, and was closed.
It is our standard practice to follow the model rules established by the Washington State Attorney General’s Office and Chapter 44-14 of the Washington Administrative Code (WAC), as these model rules serve to guide public agencies regarding public records requests. Under the model rules established in WAC 44-14-04005(1), it is the “Obligation of requestor to claim or review records. After the agency notifies the requestor that the records or an installment of them is ready for inspection or copying, the requestor must claim or review the records or the installment. RCW 42.56.120.” Additionally, “If a requestor fails to claim or review the records or any installment of them within the thirty-day notification period, the agency may close the request and refile the records.”
In response to your request, you were notified of our district’s practices, and your obligation as the requester to review or claim your records, on the following dates:
1. November 10, 2021
2. January 7, 2022
3. February 11, 2022
4. March 18, 2022
5. April 22, 2022
6. May 27, 2022
7. July 28, 2022
The district provided notice in each of these communications that:
“As part of our typical practice, if you do not review or claim your records within 30 days of this notification that an installment of records is ready for you, either by indicating receipt of the records made available to you or by indicating that you are unable to access the records made available to you, we will consider your request to be abandoned and close it at that time without further action.”
Additionally, when installments were provided via a link to a share file, the district provided the following notice as well:
“The system will not notify us when you access your records. Please reply to this email to confirm receipt of the requested records.
As part of our typical practice, if you do not review or claim your records within 30 days of this notification that an installment of records is ready for you, we will consider your request to be abandoned and close it at that time without further action.
Please note that to “claim” or “review” records that are shared via an electronic link such as the one above, within 30 days you must:
1. click the link above; and
2. download or click on the files; and
3. notify us to indicate receipt of the records made available to you or to let us know that you are unable to access the records made available to you.”
Installments of records were provided to you as follows:
1. January 7, 2022 – claimed by email on 2/22/2022
2. February 11, 2022 – claimed by email on 2/22/2022
3. March 18, 2022 – assumed as claimed by proof of USPS delivery
4. April 22, 2022 – assumed as claimed by email on 6/27/2022
5. May 27, 2022 – assumed as claimed by email on 6/27/2022
6. July 28, 2022 – unclaimed, no response received by district
On July 28, 2022, the district provided a sixth installment of records via link to a shared folder. As stated above, we shared our district’s practices and notified you of your obligation as the requester to claim or review your records. In order to emphasize the importance of this requirement, we provided notice in bold and with highlighted text:
“The system will not notify us when you access your records. Please reply to this email to confirm receipt of the requested records.
As part of our typical practice, if you do not review or claim your records within 30 days of this notification that an installment of records is ready for you, we will consider your request to be abandoned and close it at that time without further action.
Please note that to “claim” or “review” records that are shared via an electronic link such as the one above, within 30 days you must:
1. click the link above; and
2. download or click on the files; and
3. notify us to indicate receipt of the records made available to you or to let us know that you are unable to access the records made available to you.
If you fail to respond to this notification by August 28, 2022, your request will be deemed abandoned, the link to the files will no longer be available, and we will close your request at that time without any further action.
We received no response to our email, and we had no confirmation that you claimed or reviewed your records by August 28, 2022. We also received no communication from you alerting us that you were unable to access the records provided to you. In fact, until your status request received today, January 26, 2023, the district had not heard from you since June 27, 2022 – approximately 7 months ago.
Accordingly, pursuant to the model rules established by the Washington State Attorney General’s Office and Chapter 44-14 of the Washington Administrative Code (WAC), specifically, WAC 44-14-04005(1), and the Public Records Act of Washington, RCW 42.56 et. seq., specifically, 42.56.120(4), your request was deemed abandoned as of August 28, 2022, and was closed.
Sarah Mack
General Counsel
Superintendent's Office
From: PRA Audit
To Whom It May Concern:
Pursuant to the Washington Public Records Act [RCW 42.56] I hereby request the following records:
I request a complete electronic copy of all Public Records Requests received by Everett Public Schools District and a complete electronic copy of the District's Responses to these Public Records Requests for the time period January 1, 2010 through October 6, 2023.
In the event the District chooses to provide these records in installments over time I request the records to be produced in reverse chronological order - from the most recent records to the earliest.
Note: Installments of Records previously produced do not have to be produced again. These records installments were received on the following dates:
If this request is denied in whole or part, I ask that you justify all deletions by reference to specific exemptions of the PRA. I also request a detailed contemporaneous log to be provided for any document withheld or redacted.
For each responsive record the District contends is exempt from public disclosure, in whole or in part, please specifically identify the record by subject, title, author, custodian and date, and state how a specific statutory exemption applies to each record as required by RCW 42.56.210(3) and Rental Housing Ass'n v. Des Moines, 165 Wn.2d 525, 199 P.3d 393 (2009).
I request electronic production of all electronic records in the original NATIVE electronic format for each record.
I request for these public records to be produced by public (no password) e-mail attachment or link. If electronic attachment or link is not possible, an alternative would be to produce responsive records via USB DRIVE or DATA CD-ROM.
The requested documents will be made available to the general public.
In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request.
Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 5 business days, as the statute requires.
PRA Audit
From: Everett Public Schools District
Dear PRA Audit,
I am the public records officer for Everett Public Schools and am writing in response to your request for records received on Monday, October 9, 2023. In that request you noted that this was a follow up to a previous request and you asked for “a complete electronic copy of all Public Records Requests received by Everett Public Schools District and a complete electronic copy of the District's Responses to these Public Records Requests for the time period January 1, 2010 through October 6, 2023.” Additionally, you requested that if installments are provided, that they should be produced in reverse chronological order, from most recent to the earliest, and requested electronic production of records in their native electronic format for each record. You also stated that any “records previously produced do not have to be produced again.” Lastly, you requested that records be provided by email attachments or electronic link and provided instructions for mailing any records being produced on a USB drive or CD. Thank you for confirming that your request is not for commercial purposes. A copy of your complete request can be found in the email string below.
In accordance with RCW 42.56.520<https://app.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=42.56.520>, I am acknowledging receipt of your request and providing notice that the district will require additional time to respond. This time is needed to seek any clarifications to the request, to locate and assemble the information requested, to potentially notify any affected third parties, and to review the records for any exempt information.
At this time, given the timeframe of this request, and until the full scope of the request is ascertained, we estimate that it will take more than one year to respond in full to this request. We anticipate providing an initial installment of records on or before November 21, 2023, providing regular installments every four to six weeks thereafter until the request is fulfilled, currently estimated to be December 31, 2024. The district is currently processing numerous requests for records, and, like yours, the size and scope of these requests vary in nature, and some of these requests are quite extensive and take a great deal of time to process. While we do our best to respond to requests as quickly as possible, we have limited staff and resources available to process these requests.
As part of our typical practice, and in accordance with the model rules established by the Washington State Attorney General’s Office and Chapter 44-14 of the Washington Administrative Code, if you do not review or claim your records within 30 days of a notification that an installment of records is ready for you, by indicating receipt of the records made available to you, or by indicating that you are unable to access the records made available to you, we will consider your request to be abandoned after 30 calendar days and close it at that time without further action.
I look forward to working with you for a satisfactory resolution to your request for public records. For reference, all the district’s policies and procedures for public records are available on our website at this page: https://everettsd.org/publicrecords.org.
[A close up of a sign Description automatically generated]
Wendy L. Snider, CEOE
Public Records Officer
Risk and Compliance Services
From: Everett Public Schools District
Dear PRA Audit,
I am the public records officer for Everett Public Schools and am writing in response to your request for records received on Monday, October 9, 2023. In that request you noted that this was a follow up to a previous request and you asked for “a complete electronic copy of all Public Records Requests received by Everett Public Schools District and a complete electronic copy of the District's Responses to these Public Records Requests for the time period January 1, 2010 through October 6, 2023.” Additionally, you requested that if installments are provided, that they should be produced in reverse chronological order, from most recent to the earliest, and requested electronic production of records in their native electronic format for each record. You also stated that any “records previously produced do not have to be produced again.” Lastly, you requested that records be provided by email attachments or electronic link and provided instructions for mailing any records being produced on a USB drive or CD. Thank you for confirming that your request is not for commercial purposes.
I am writing to let you know that we have an initial installment of records available for you. As requested, the records are being provided in reverse chronological order and represent 13 of the public records requests received in 2023, and the district responses to those requests. A detailed redaction/exemption log, as it was provided to the original requester, is included with each request where applicable. Redactions are marked with a redaction code on the responsive records, and the explanation for those redactions can be found using the Redaction Code Log, which is also provided in accordance with RCW 42.56.210(3). Additionally, an Exemption Log is also provided, which details nine pages withheld in their entirety as records exempt from public disclosure, and the explanation and statutory reason for their exemption.
These records are being provided electronically via a shared file which you can access using the link below. As requested, this is a public link and is not password protected.
Public Records Request – MuckRock PRA Audit<https://epscloud-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/09566_apps_everettsd_org/EoMPAv96NHJAgWc8wADyKjsBmfqWtfunyfUJJIwe_Aflqw?e=XKRUkl>
You must reply to this email to confirm receipt of the requested records, as the system will not notify us when you have accessed your records.
As part of our typical practice, if you do not review or claim your records within 30 days of this notification that an installment of records is ready for you, we will consider your request to be abandoned and close it at that time without further action.
Please note that to “claim” or “review” records that are shared via an electronic link such as the one above, within 30 days you must:
1. click the link above; and
2. download or click on the files; and
3. notify us to indicate receipt of the records made available to you or to let us know if you are unable to access the records made available to you.
If you fail to respond to this notification by December 17, 2023, your request will be deemed abandoned, the link to the files will no longer be available, and we will close your request at that time without any further action.
With regard to the remainder of this request, if receipt of the current installment is confirmed by the aforementioned deadline, we anticipate the next installment of records responsive to your request will be available on or before January 5, 2024.
We look forwarding to hearing from you.
Wendy L. Snider, CPRO
Public Records Officer
Risk & Compliance Services
From: PRA Audit
via email to "Public Records" <PublicRecords@everettsd.org>.
Please note that to “claim” or “review” records that are shared via an electronic link such as the one above, within 30 days you must:
1. click the link above; DONE.
2. download or click on the files; DONE.
3. notify us to indicate receipt of the records made available to you. NOTIFIED.
From: Everett Public Schools District
Dear PRA Audit,
Thank you for your email. The purpose of your email is not entirely clear; however, we believe this was intended as an acknowledgement of receipt of the installment of records that this district made available to you on November 17, 2023.
With regard to the remainder of your request, we anticipate the next installment of records responsive to your request will be available on or before January 5, 2024.
Wendy L. Snider, CPRO
Public Records Officer
Risk & Compliance Services
From: Everett Public Schools District
Dear PRA Audit,
I am the public records officer for Everett Public Schools and am writing in response to your request for records received on Monday, October 9, 2023.
I am writing to let you know that we have an initial installment of records available for you. As requested, the records are being provided in reverse chronological order and represent 28 public records requests received between September and June of 2023, and the district responses to those requests. A detailed redaction/exemption log, as it was provided to the original requester, is included with each request where applicable. Redactions are marked with a redaction code on the responsive records, and the explanation for those redactions can be found using the Redaction Code Log, which is also provided in accordance with RCW 42.56.210(3). Additionally, an Exemption Log is also provided, which details nine pages withheld in their entirety as records exempt from public disclosure, and the explanation and statutory reason for their exemption.
These records are being provided electronically via a shared file which you can access using the link below. As requested, this is a public link and is not password protected.
Public Records Request – MuckRock PRA Audit<https://epscloud-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/09566_apps_everettsd_org/EoMPAv96NHJAgWc8wADyKjsBmfqWtfunyfUJJIwe_Aflqw?e=XKRUkl>
You must reply to this email to confirm receipt of the requested records, as the system will not notify us when you have accessed your records.
As part of our typical practice, if you do not review or claim your records within 30 days of this notification that an installment of records is ready for you, we will consider your request to be abandoned and close it at that time without further action.
Please note that to “claim” or “review” records that are shared via an electronic link such as the one above, within 30 days you must:
1. click the link above; and
2. download or click on the files; and
3. notify us to indicate receipt of the records made available to you or to let us know if you are unable to access the records made available to you.
If you fail to respond to this notification by February 5, 2024, your request will be deemed abandoned, the link to the files will no longer be available, and we will close your request at that time without any further action.
With regard to the remainder of this request, if receipt of the current installment is confirmed by the aforementioned deadline, we anticipate the next installment of records responsive to your request will be available on or before February 16, 2024.
We look forwarding to hearing from you.
Wendy L. Snider, CPRO
Public Records Officer
Risk & Compliance Services
From: Muckrock Staff
We are unable to access the documents because the link has expired. Can you please send a new link?
Thank you for your help with this request.
From: Everett Public Schools District
Dear PRA Audit,
Thank you for your email letting us know that you were unable to access the records made available to you on January 5, 2023, and letting us know that the link provided had expired. We have reset the expiration date on the link and you should now be able to access the records provided. We apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused and appreciate your patience.
These records are being provided electronically via a shared file which you can access using the link below. As requested, this is a public link and is not password protected.
Public Records Request – MuckRock PRA Audit<https://epscloud-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/09566_apps_everettsd_org/EoMPAv96NHJAgWc8wADyKjsBmfqWtfunyfUJJIwe_Aflqw?e=XKRUkl>
You must reply to this email to confirm receipt of the requested records, as the system will not notify us when you have accessed your records.
As part of our typical practice, if you do not review or claim your records within 30 days of this notification that an installment of records is ready for you, we will consider your request to be abandoned and close it at that time without further action.
Please note that to “claim” or “review” records that are shared via an electronic link such as the one above, within 30 days you must:
1. click the link above; and
2. download or click on the files; and
3. notify us to indicate receipt of the records made available to you or to let us know if you are unable to access the records made available to you.
If you fail to respond to this notification by February 8, 2024, your request will be deemed abandoned, the link to the files will no longer be available, and we will close your request at that time without any further action.
With regard to the remainder of this request, if receipt of the current installment is confirmed by the aforementioned deadline, we anticipate the next installment of records responsive to your request will be available on or before February 16, 2024.
We look forwarding to hearing from you.
[A close up of a sign Description automatically generated]<https://www.everettsd.org/>
Wendy L. Snider, CPRO
Public Records Officer
Risk & Compliance Services
From: Everett Public Schools District
Dear PRA Audit,
I am the public records officer for Everett Public Schools and am writing in response to your request for records received on Monday, October 9, 2023.
I am writing to let you know that we have a third installment of records available for you. As requested, the records are being provided in reverse chronological order and represent 8 public records requests received between May 18, 2023, and May 30, 2023, and the district responses to those requests. A detailed redaction/exemption log, as it was provided to the original requester, is included with each request where applicable. Redactions are marked with a redaction code on the responsive records, and the explanation for those redactions can be found using the Redaction Code Log, which is also provided in accordance with RCW 42.56.210(3).
These records are being provided electronically via a shared file which you can access using the link below. As requested, this is a public link and is not password protected.
Public Records Request – MuckRock PRA Audit<https://epscloud-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/09566_apps_everettsd_org/EoMPAv96NHJAgWc8wADyKjsBmfqWtfunyfUJJIwe_Aflqw?e=XKRUkl>
You must reply to this email to confirm receipt of the requested records, as the system will not notify us when you have accessed your records.
As part of our typical practice, if you do not review or claim your records within 30 days of this notification that an installment of records is ready for you, we will consider your request to be abandoned and close it at that time without further action.
Please note that to “claim” or “review” records that are shared via an electronic link such as the one above, within 30 days you must:
1. click the link above; and
2. download or click on the files; and
3. notify us to indicate receipt of the records made available to you or to let us know if you are unable to access the records made available to you.
We have not yet received a response from you verifying receipt of the last installment provided on January 8, 2024. We are providing an additional opportunity for you to respond to our notifications that an installment of records has been made available to you.
If you fail to respond to this notification by March 17, 2024, your request will be deemed abandoned, the link to the files will no longer be available, and we will close your request at that time without any further action.
With regard to the remainder of your request, as we have not received confirmation of your receipt of the January 8, 2024, installment, we have halted further work on this request until we receive confirmation that you have claimed receipt of both of the January 8, 2024, and February 16, 2024, installments.
With regard to the remainder of this request, if receipt of both installments are confirmed by the aforementioned deadline of March 17, 2024, we anticipate the next installment of records responsive to your request will be available on or before April 12, 2024.
We look forwarding to hearing from you.
[A close up of a sign Description automatically generated]<https://www.everettsd.org/>
Wendy L. Snider, CPRO
Public Records Officer
Risk & Compliance Services
From: Everett Public Schools District
Dear PRA Audit,
I am the public records officer for Everett Public Schools and am writing in response to your request for records received on Monday, October 9, 2023. In that request you noted that this was a follow up to a previous request and you asked for “a complete electronic copy of all Public Records Requests received by Everett Public Schools District and a complete electronic copy of the District's Responses to these Public Records Requests for the time period January 1, 2010 through October 6, 2023.” Additionally, you requested that if installments are provided, that they should be produced in reverse chronological order, from most recent to the earliest, and requested electronic production of records in their native electronic format for each record. You also stated that any “records previously produced do not have to be produced again.”
For the following reasons, your request is deemed abandoned as of February 16, 2024, and is now closed.
It is our standard practice to follow the model rules established by the Washington State Attorney General’s Office and Chapter 44-14 of the Washington Administrative Code (WAC), as these model rules serve to guide public agencies regarding public records requests. Under the model rules established in WAC 44-14-04005(1), it is the “Obligation of requestor to claim or review records. After the agency notifies the requestor that the records or an installment of them is ready for inspection or copying, the requestor must claim or review the records or the installment. RCW 42.56.120.” Additionally, “If a requestor fails to claim or review the records or any installment of them within the thirty-day notification period, the agency may close the request and refile the records.”
In our initial response on October 16, 2024, the district notified you that, “As part of our typical practice, and in accordance with the model rules established by the Washington State Attorney General’s Office and Chapter 44-14 of the Washington Administrative Code, if you do not review or claim your records within 30 days of a notification that an installment of records is ready for you, by indicating receipt of the records made available to you, or by indicating that you are unable to access the records made available to you, we will consider your request to be abandoned after 30 calendar days and close it at that time without further action.”
On November 17, 2023, an initial installment of records was provided to you via a public link to a shared folder. You were notified that the system would not notify us when you accessed your records, and you were asked to reply to our email to confirm receipt of the responsive records. You were notified that, “as part of our typical practice, if you do not review or claim your records within 30 days of this notification that an installment of records is ready for you, we will consider your request to be abandoned and close it at that time without further action.” You were notified that you must 1) click the link; and 2) download or click on the files; and 3) notify us to indicate receipt of the records or to let us know if you are unable to access the records made available. On December 6, 2023, you responded to our notification with the word “DONE” next to both item number one and item number two, and with the word “NOTIFIED” next to item three. Accordingly, on December 6, 2023, the district acknowledged that you claimed the installment made available to you on November 17, 2023, and provided the next installment date to produce records as January 5, 2024.
On January 5, 2024, a second installment of records was provided to you via a public link to a shared folder. You were provided the same notifications and instructions as the prior installment. On January 8, 2024, you notified the district that you were unable to access the installment as the link had expired. The same day, we responded and apologized for the inconvenience and reset the expiration date on the link to the records. You were notified that, “If you fail to respond to this notification by February 8, 2024, your request will be deemed abandoned, the link to the files will no longer be available, and we will close your request at that time without any further action.” To date we have not received a response from you to claim these records or to indicate that you were unable to access these records. However, as you had attempted to claim the records from the initial link provided for this installment, the district moved forward with your request, despite not receiving confirmation that you were able to claim the records using the updated link.
On February 16, 2024, a third installment of records was provided via public link to a shared folder. You were provided the same notifications and instructions as the prior installments. You were notified that the system would not notify us when you accessed your records, and you were asked to reply to our email to confirm receipt of the responsive records. You were notified that, “as part of our typical practice, if you do not review or claim your records within 30 days of this notification that an installment of records is ready for you, we will consider your request to be abandoned and close it at that time without further action.” You were also notified that to “claim” or “review” records that are shared via an electronic link, such as the ones provided on January 8, 2024, and February 16, 2024, within 30 days you must click the link provided; and download or click on the files; and notify us to indicate receipt of the records made available to you or to let us know if you are unable to access the records made available to you. We also stated that, “if you fail to respond to this notification by March 17, 2024, your request will be deemed abandoned, the link to the files will no longer be available, and we will close your request at that time without any further action.” We also notified you that, “we have halted further work on this request until we receive confirmation that you have claimed receipt of both of the January 8, 2024, and February 16, 2024, installments.” To date, no response to claim these records has been received.
Accordingly, because the district has received no response from you acknowledging receipt of the installments of records provided on January 8, 2024, and February 16, 2024, and because you have not contacted us in any other manner to indicate you were unable to access the records provided, your request has been deemed abandoned as of February 16, 2024, and is now closed.
[A close up of a sign Description automatically generated]<https://www.everettsd.org/>
Wendy L. Snider, CPRO
Public Records Officer
Risk & Compliance Services
From: PRA Audit
via email to: ISaltzman@everettsd.org
Everett Public Schools District – Request for a complete electronic copy of all Public Records Requests received by the District including District Responses for the years 2010 - 2021
To Whom It May Concern:
Pursuant to the Washington Public Records Act [RCW 42.56] I hereby request the following records:
I request a complete electronic copy of all Public Records Requests received by Everett Public Schools District and a complete electronic copy of the District's Responses to these Public Records Requests for the time period January 1, 2010 through November 4, 2021.
In the event the District chooses to provide these records in installments over time I request the records to be produced in reverse chronological order - from the most recent records to the earliest.
If this request is denied in whole or part, I ask that you justify all deletions by reference to specific exemptions of the PRA. I also request a detailed contemporaneous log to be provided for any document withheld or redacted.
For each responsive record the District contends is exempt from public disclosure, in whole or in part, please specifically identify the record by subject, title, author, custodian and date, and state how a specific statutory exemption applies to each record as required by RCW 42.56.210(3) and Rental Housing Ass'n v. Des Moines, 165 Wn.2d 525, 199 P.3d 393 (2009).
I request electronic production of all electronic records in the original NATIVE electronic format for each record.
I request for these public records to be produced by public (no password) e-mail attachment or link. If electronic attachment or link is not possible, an alternative would be to produce responsive records via USB DRIVE or DATA CD-ROM.
The requested documents will be made available to the general public.
In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request.
Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 5 business days, as the statute requires.
PRA Audit
From: Everett Public Schools District
Dear PRA Audit,
I am the public records officer for Everett Public Schools and am writing in response to your request for records sent to the Superintendent, Ian Saltzman, on Tuesday, March 19, 2024, which was subsequently sent to the public records office for handling the same day. In that request you noted that this was a follow up to a previous request and you asked for “a complete electronic copy of all Public Records Requests received by Everett Public Schools District and a complete electronic copy of the District's Responses to these Public Records Requests for the time period January 1, 2010 through November 4, 2021.” Additionally, you requested that if installments are provided, that they should be produced in reverse chronological order, from most recent to the earliest, and requested electronic production of records in their native electronic format for each record. Lastly, you requested that records be provided by email attachments or electronic link and provided instructions for mailing any records being produced on a USB drive or CD. Thank you for confirming that your request is not for commercial purposes. A copy of your complete request can be found in the email string below.
In accordance with RCW 42.56.520<https://app.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=42.56.520>, I am acknowledging receipt of your request and providing notice that the district will require additional time to respond. This time is needed to seek any clarifications to the request, to locate and assemble the information requested, to potentially notify any affected third parties, and to review the records for any exempt information.
As an initial matter, we seek the following clarifications of your request:
1. The appears to be a follow up to your most recent request which had a date range of January 1, 2010 through October 6, 2023.” Your renewed request reverted back to the initial date range ending November 4, 2021. Please clarify and confirm the date range of your request. If clarification is not received, we will move forward with the date range provided in your request today, for records between January 1, 2010, through November 4, 2021.
1. In your former request for records, received by the district on October 9, 2023, you noted that "Installments of Records previously produced do not have to be produced again.” Please clarify if this statement remains true, or if you would like us to produce installments previously provided to you again. If clarification is not received, we will move forward with your request as worded, and will reproduce any records responsive to this request that may have previously been provided. Installments previously provided to you include:
* 01/07/2022
* 02/11/2022
* 03/21/2022
* 04/22/2022
* 05/27/2022
* 07/28/2022
* 11/17/2023
* 1/8/2024
* 2/16/2024
Please kindly respond to our request for clarification no later than Friday, March 29, 2024, so that we can move forward with processing your request. If we do not hear from you by that date, we will proceed with our understanding of the request as outlined above.
At this time, given the timeframe of this request, and until the full scope of the request is ascertained, we estimate that it will take more than a year to respond in full to this request. We anticipate providing an initial installment of records on or before May 10, 2024, providing regular installments every four to six weeks thereafter until the request is fulfilled, currently estimated to be May 2, 2025. The district is currently processing numerous requests for records, and, like yours, the size and scope of these requests vary in nature, and some of these requests are quite extensive and take a great deal of time to process. While we do our best to respond to requests as quickly as possible, we have limited staff and resources available to process these requests.
As part of our typical practice, and in accordance with the model rules established by the Washington State Attorney General’s Office and Chapter 44-14 of the Washington Administrative Code, if you do not review or claim your records within 30 days of a notification that an installment of records is ready for you, by indicating receipt of the records made available to you, or by indicating that you are unable to access the records made available to you, we will consider your request to be abandoned after 30 calendar days and close it at that time without further action.
I look forward to working with you for a satisfactory resolution to your request for public records. For reference, all the district’s policies and procedures for public records are available on our website at this page: https://everettsd.org/publicrecords.org.
[A close up of a sign Description automatically generated]<https://www.everettsd.org/>
Wendy L. Snider, CPRO
Public Records Officer
Risk & Compliance Services
From: PRA Audit
via email to PublicRecords@everettsd.org
RE: Everett Public Schools District – Request for a complete electronic copy of all Public Records Requests received by the District including District Responses for the years 2010 - 2024 response to your redundant "clarification questions"
To Whom It May Concern:
Pursuant to the Washington Public Records Act [RCW 42.56] I hereby request the following records:
I request a complete electronic copy of all Public Records Requests received by Everett Public Schools District and a complete electronic copy of the District's Responses to these Public Records Requests for the time period January 1, 2010 through March 22, 2024.
In the event the District chooses to provide these records in installments over time I request the records to be produced in reverse chronological order - from the most recent records to the earliest.
If this request is denied in whole or part, I ask that you justify all deletions by reference to specific exemptions of the PRA. I also request a detailed contemporaneous log to be provided for any document withheld or redacted.
For each responsive record the District contends is exempt from public disclosure, in whole or in part, please specifically identify the record by subject, title, author, custodian and date, and state how a specific statutory exemption applies to each record as required by RCW 42.56.210(3) and Rental Housing Ass'n v. Des Moines, 165 Wn.2d 525, 199 P.3d 393 (2009).
I request electronic production of all electronic records in the original NATIVE electronic format for each record.
I request for these public records to be produced by public (no password) e-mail attachment or link. If electronic attachment or link is not possible, an alternative would be to produce responsive records via USB DRIVE or DATA CD-ROM.
The requested documents will be made available to the general public.
In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request.
Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 5 business days, as the statute requires.
Thank you.
From: Everett Public Schools District
Dear PRA Audit,
Thank you for your email sent to the public records office on March 22, 2024. Based on the language used in that email it is unclear if this was intended to be a clarification of the March 19, 2024, request or if it was intended to be a new request for records.
At this time, we consider this to be a new request for records, as the date range extends beyond the date of the previous March 19, 2024, request, and the link you have included for us to upload records is different than the link provided for the March 19, 2024, request. If you intended for your email clarify your March 19, 2024, request, or if you intended for this new request to replace the March 19, 2024, request, please let us know. Otherwise, we will move forward with both requests respectively.
In this request, you have asked for, “a complete electronic copy of all Public Records Requests received by Everett Public Schools District and a complete electronic copy of the District's Responses to these Public Records Requests for the time period January 1, 2010 through March 22, 2024.”
In accordance with RCW 42.56.520<https://app.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=42.56.520>, I am acknowledging receipt of your request and providing notice that the district will require additional time to respond. This time is needed to seek any clarifications to the request, to locate and assemble the information requested, to potentially notify any affected third parties, and to review the records for any exempt information.
At this time, given the timeframe of this request, and until the full scope of the request is ascertained, we estimate that it will take more than a year to respond in full to this request. We anticipate providing an initial installment of records on or before May 17, 2024, providing regular installments every four to six weeks thereafter until the request is fulfilled, currently estimated to be May 30, 2025. The district is currently processing numerous requests for records, and, like yours, the size and scope of these requests vary in nature, and some of these requests are quite extensive and take a great deal of time to process. While we do our best to respond to requests as quickly as possible, we have limited staff and resources available to process these requests.
To make it easier for you to claim future installments of records and prevent further abandonments of your requests moving forward, whenever possible we will upload installments of records to you using the link you have provided for this request.
If an alternate method to provide records is necessary, we will notify you that the records will be provided in another method, likely to be placed on a USB and mailed to the address provided:
MuckRock News
DEPT MR 120970
263 Huntington Ave
Boston, MA 02115
I look forward to working with you for a satisfactory resolution to your request for public records. For reference, all the district’s policies and procedures for public records are available on our website at this page: https://everettsd.org/publicrecords.org.
[A close up of a sign Description automatically generated]<https://www.everettsd.org/>
Wendy L. Snider, CPRO
Public Records Officer
Risk & Compliance Services
From: Everett Public Schools District
Dear PRA Audit,
I am the public records officer for Everett Public Schools and am writing in response to your request for records sent to the Superintendent, Ian Saltzman, on Tuesday, March 19, 2024. In that request you asked for “a complete electronic copy of all Public Records Requests received by Everett Public Schools District and a complete electronic copy of the District's Responses to these Public Records Requests for the time period January 1, 2010 through November 4, 2021.”
I am writing to let you know that we have concluded processing this request and have the responsive records available for you. These records include 127 public records requests and the district’s responses to those requests that are still in existence for the period requested. A detailed redaction/exemption log, as it was provided to the original requester, is included with each request where applicable. Redactions are marked with a redaction code on the responsive records, and the explanation for those redactions can be found using the Redaction Code Log, which is also provided in accordance with RCW 42.56.210(3).
We acknowledge that your preference is to receive the records as email attachments or a non-password protected public link; however, the size of this installment is too large to be sent via email, and at least one request contains a file (OcularisViewer.exe) required to view an OML video file. For security purposes, we are unable to upload this file to create a shareable link. Therefore, the responsive records have been placed onto a USB drive which is being sent via USPS Priority Mail. As noted in your request, the records are addressed to:
MuckRock News
DEPT MR 120970
263 Huntington Ave
Boston, MA 02115
The tracking number is: 4200211545779405830109355084411851 and the shipping label is attached for your reference.
While we would appreciate an email from you confirming receipt of the records, we will accept the USPS package delivery notification as confirmation that you have received your records.
I believe the records provided are fully responsive to your request as I have interpreted it, and, upon confirmation of the delivery of the records to you, your request will be considered fully satisfied and thereafter closed. If you have any questions or feel I have misinterpreted your request in any way, please contact me at your earliest convenience so we can work together to resolve any issues.
For reference, all of the district’s policies and procedures for public records are available on our website at this page: https://www.everettsd.org/publicrecords.
Wendy L. Snider, CPRO
Public Records Officer
Risk & Compliance Services
From: Everett Public Schools District
A fix is required to perfect the request.
From: PRA Audit
Sure I will let you know when MUCKROCK.com lets me know it has received the file. Thanks.
From: Everett Public Schools District
Dear PRA Audit,
Thank you for your email. We appreciate your communication with us.
Our records indicate that delivery of the USB containing the responsive records for your request was delivered and received by MuckRock at 12:17 pm on April 8, 2024. Attached is a copy of the delivery confirmation email received by USPS.
In our April 4, 2024, communication we stated that we would accept the USPS package delivery notification as confirmation that you have received your records, and that upon that confirmation your request would be considered fully satisfied and thereafter closed. Accordingly, as your request stated that providing records on USB by mail to MuckRock was an acceptable method for delivery, and because all responsive records have been provided and confirmation of delivery of the records was received, your request was considered fulfilled and was closed on April 8, 2024. As the district does not have anything further to provide for this closed request, no further action is planned and the one-year statute of limitations to seek judicial review began on April 8, 2024.
If you are unable to locate the records previously provided, or if you have any questions or feel I have misinterpreted your request in any way, please contact me at your earliest convenience so we can work together to resolve any issues.
For reference, all of the district’s policies and procedures for public records are available on our website at this page: https://www.everettsd.org/publicrecords.
Wendy L. Snider, CPRO
Public Records Officer
Risk & Compliance Services
From: Everett Public Schools District
Dear PRA Audit,
I am the public records officer for Everett Public Schools and am writing in response to your request for records received on March 22, 2024. In that request, you asked for, “a complete electronic copy of all Public Records Requests received by Everett Public Schools District and a complete electronic copy of the District's Responses to these Public Records Requests for the time period January 1, 2010 through March 22, 2024.”
Today I am writing to let you know that we have an initial installment of records available for you. These records include 40 public records requests received by the district between January 1, 2024, and March 22, 2024, and the district’s responses to those requests. A detailed redaction/exemption log, as it was provided to the original requester, is included with each request where applicable. Redactions are marked with a redaction code on the responsive records, and the explanation for those redactions can be found using the Redaction Code Log, which is provided in accordance with RCW 42.56.210(3). Additionally, an Exemption Log is also provided, which details the records withheld in their entirety as records exempt from public disclosure, and the explanation and statutory reason for their exemption.
These records are being uploaded today using this link you provided to us for this request.
If you have any problems accessing these records, please let us know. With regard to the remainder of your request, we anticipate providing the next installment of records on or before June 21, 2024.
[A logo with a person holding a star Description automatically generated]
Wendy L. Snider, CPRO
Public Records Officer
Risk & Compliance Services
From: Everett Public Schools District
Dear PRA Audit,
I am the public records officer for Everett Public Schools and am writing in response to your request for records received on March 22, 2024. In that request, you asked for, “a complete electronic copy of all Public Records Requests received by Everett Public Schools District and a complete electronic copy of the District's Responses to these Public Records Requests for the time period January 1, 2010 through March 22, 2024.”
Earlier this morning I had written to you that an installment of records was available to you and that I would be uploading them to the link you had provided to me. Unfortunately, I experienced difficulties in uploading the records using that link and need to provide the records in an alternate format.
Therefore, the responsive records have now been placed onto a USB drive which is being sent via USPS Priority Mail to the address provided in your request:
MuckRock News
DEPT MR 120970
263 Huntington Ave
Boston, MA 02115
The tracking number is: 4200211545779405830109355097481872<https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction!input.action?tLabels=4200211545779405830109355097481872> and the shipping label is attached for your reference.
While we would appreciate an email from you confirming receipt of the records, we will accept the USPS package delivery notification as confirmation that you have received your records. Anticipated delivery date is Monday, May 20, 2024.
This installment includes 40 public records requests received by the district between January 1, 2024, and March 22, 2024, and the district’s responses to those requests. A detailed redaction/exemption log, as it was provided to the original requester, is included with each request where applicable. Redactions are marked with a redaction code on the responsive records, and the explanation for those redactions can be found using the Redaction Code Log, which is provided in accordance with RCW 42.56.210(3). Additionally, an Exemption Log is also provided, which details the records withheld in their entirety as records exempt from public disclosure, and the explanation and statutory reason for their exemption. If you do not receive the records provided, please let us know.
With regard to the remainder of your request, we anticipate providing the next installment of records on or before June 21, 2024.
[A logo with a person holding a star Description automatically generated]
Wendy L. Snider, CPRO
Public Records Officer
Risk & Compliance Services
From: Everett Public Schools District
A first set of responsive documents from the agency, with more to be sent at a specified date.
From: Everett Public Schools District
Dear PRA Audit,
I am the public records officer for Everett Public Schools and am writing in response to your request for records received on March 22, 2024. In that request, you asked for, “a complete electronic copy of all Public Records Requests received by Everett Public Schools District and a complete electronic copy of the District's Responses to these Public Records Requests for the time period January 1, 2010 through March 22, 2024.”
Today I am writing to let you know that we have a second installment of records available for you. These records include seven public records requests received by the district between November 3, 2023, and December 31, 2023, and the district’s responses to those requests. A detailed redaction/exemption log, as it was provided to the original requester, is included with each request where applicable. Redactions are marked with a redaction code on the responsive records, and the explanation for those redactions can be found using the Redaction Code Log, which is provided in accordance with RCW 42.56.210(3).
The responsive records have been placed onto a USB drive which is being sent via USPS Priority Mail to the address provided in your request:
MuckRock News
DEPT MR 120970
263 Huntington Ave
Boston, MA 02115
The tracking number is: 4200211545779405830109355107290968<https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction!input.action?tLabels=4200211545779405830109355107290968> and the shipping label is attached for your reference.
While we would appreciate an email from you confirming receipt of the records, we will accept the USPS package delivery notification as confirmation that you have received your records. Anticipated delivery date is Monday, June 24, 2024.
The district received notification of delivery from USPS for the previous installment provided, which the district accepts as your receipt of the installment provided, which was delivered to the front desk/reception/mail room at 11:26 am on Monday, May 20, 2024. A copy of the delivery confirmation for that installment is attached for reference. If you did not receive the records provided, please let us know.
With regard to the remainder of your request, we anticipate providing the next installment of records on or before August 2, 2024.
[A logo with a person holding a star Description automatically generated]
Wendy L. Snider, CPRO
Public Records Officer
Risk & Compliance Services
From: Everett Public Schools District
A first set of responsive documents from the agency, with more to be sent at a specified date.
From: Everett Public Schools District
Dear PRA Audit,
I am the public records officer for Everett Public Schools and am writing in response to your request for records received on March 22, 2024. In that request, you asked for, “a complete electronic copy of all Public Records Requests received by Everett Public Schools District and a complete electronic copy of the District's Responses to these Public Records Requests for the time period January 1, 2010 through March 22, 2024.”
While we anticipated an installment of records would be available today, I am writing to let you know that we will need an additional week to provide the next installment. While we do our best to anticipate response times, there are times when we must adjust our timelines based on the limited resources available and the fluctuations of workloads. Currently, we are experiencing a high volume of work with limited staff resources due to summer break/vacations/illness, resulting in significant impacts to our timelines. Your request is important to us, and we apologize for the delay and appreciate your patience as we continue working to fulfill your request.
At this time, we now anticipate providing the next installment of records on August 8, 2024.
Wendy L. Snider, CPRO
Public Records Officer
Risk & Compliance Services
From: PRA Audit
From: Everett Public Schools District
Dear PRA Audit,
Thank you for your email response acknowledging the additional time needed for the next installment, which as communicated we anticipate to be Friday, August 9, 2024. We appreciate your patience and understanding.
Wendy L. Snider, CPRO
Public Records Officer
Risk & Compliance Services
From: Everett Public Schools District
Dear PRA Audit,
Please excuse my typographical error in my response earlier today. As previously communicated, the next installment will be available on Thursday, August 8, 2024. I apologize for the miscommunication.
Wendy L. Snider, CPRO
Public Records Officer
Risk & Compliance Services
From: Everett Public Schools District
Dear PRA Audit,
I am the public records officer for Everett Public Schools and am writing in response to your request for records received on March 22, 2024. In that request, you asked for, “a complete electronic copy of all Public Records Requests received by Everett Public Schools District and a complete electronic copy of the District's Responses to these Public Records Requests for the time period January 1, 2010 through March 22, 2024.”
Today I am writing to let you know that we have a third installment of records available for you. These records include 18 public records requests received by the district between October 9, 2023, and November 2, 2023, and the district’s responses to those requests. A detailed redaction/exemption log, as it was provided to the original requester, is included with each request where applicable. Redactions are marked with a redaction code on the responsive records, and the explanation for those redactions can be found using the Redaction Code Log, which is provided in accordance with RCW 42.56.210(3). Additionally, an Exemption Log is also provided, which details the records withheld in their entirety as records exempt from public disclosure, and the explanation and statutory reason for their exemption.
The responsive records have been placed onto a USB drive which is being sent via USPS Priority Mail to the address provided in your request:
MuckRock News
DEPT MR 120970
263 Huntington Ave
Boston, MA 02115
The tracking number is: 4200211545779405830109355122154474<https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction!input.action?tLabels=4200211545779405830109355122154474> and the shipping label is attached for your reference.
While we would appreciate an email from you confirming receipt of the records, we will accept the USPS package delivery notification as confirmation that you have received your records. Anticipated delivery date is Monday, August 10, 2024.
The district received notification of delivery from USPS for the previous installment provided, which the district accepts as your receipt of the installment provided, which was delivered to the front desk/reception/mail room at 4:04 pm on Monday, June 24, 2024. A copy of the delivery confirmation for that installment is attached for reference. If you did not receive the records provided, please let us know.
With regard to the remainder of your request, we anticipate providing the next installment of records on or before September 18, 2024.
Wendy L. Snider, CPRO
Public Records Officer
Risk & Compliance Services
From: Everett Public Schools District
Dear PRA Audit,
I am the public records officer for Everett Public Schools and am writing in response to your request for records received on March 22, 2024. In that request, you asked for, “a complete electronic copy of all Public Records Requests received by Everett Public Schools District and a complete electronic copy of the District's Responses to these Public Records Requests for the time period January 1, 2010 through March 22, 2024.”
Today I am writing to let you know that we have a fourth installment of records available for you. These records include 47 public records requests received by the district between May 22, 2023, and October 8, 2023, and the district’s responses to those requests. A detailed redaction/exemption log, as it was provided to the original requester, is included with each request where applicable. Redactions are marked with a redaction code on the responsive records, and the explanation for those redactions can be found using the Redaction Code Log, which is provided in accordance with RCW 42.56.210(3). Additionally, an Exemption Log is also provided, which details the records withheld in their entirety as records exempt from public disclosure, and the explanation and statutory reason for their exemption.
The responsive records have been placed onto a USB drive which is being sent via USPS Priority Mail to the address provided in your request:
MuckRock News
DEPT MR 120970
263 Huntington Ave
Boston, MA 02115
The tracking number is: 4200211545779405530109355037873773<https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction!input.action?tLabels=4200211545779405530109355037873773> and the shipping label is attached for your reference.
While we would appreciate an email from you confirming receipt of the records, we will accept the USPS package delivery notification as confirmation that you have received your records. Anticipated delivery date is Friday, September 20, 2024.
The district received notification of delivery from USPS for the previous installment provided, which the district accepts as your receipt of the installment provided, which was delivered to the front desk/reception/mail room at 12:12 pm on Friday, August 16, 2024. A copy of the delivery confirmation for that installment is attached for reference. If you did not receive the records provided, please let us know.
With regard to the remainder of your request, we anticipate providing the next installment of records on or before November 6, 2024.
Wendy L. Snider, CPRO
Public Records Officer
Risk & Compliance Services
From: Everett Public Schools District
Dear PRA Audit,
I am the public records officer for Everett Public Schools and am writing in response to your request for records received on March 22, 2024. In that request, you asked for, “a complete electronic copy of all Public Records Requests received by Everett Public Schools District and a complete electronic copy of the District's Responses to these Public Records Requests for the time period January 1, 2010 through March 22, 2024.”
Today I am writing to let you know that we have a fifth installment of records available for you. These records include 14 public records requests received by the district between May 3, 2023, and May 21, 2023, and the district’s responses to those requests. A detailed redaction/exemption log, as it was provided to the original requester, is included with each request where applicable. Redactions are marked with a redaction code on the responsive records, and the explanation for those redactions can be found using the Redaction Code Log, which is provided in accordance with RCW 42.56.210(3). Additionally, an Exemption Log is also provided, which details the records withheld in their entirety as records exempt from public disclosure, and the explanation and statutory reason for their exemption.
The responsive records have been placed onto a USB drive which is being sent via USPS Priority Mail to the address provided in your request:
MuckRock News
DEPT MR 120970
263 Huntington Ave
Boston, MA 02115
The tracking number is: 4200211545779405530109355057023479<https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction!input.action?tLabels=4200211545779405530109355057023479> and the shipping label is attached for your reference.
While we would appreciate an email from you confirming receipt of the records, we will accept the USPS package delivery notification as confirmation that you have received your records. Anticipated delivery date is Friday, November 8, 2024.
The district has confirmed delivery of the previous installment provided, which the district accepts as your receipt of the installment provided, which was delivered to the front desk/reception/mail room at 12:09 pm on Thursday, September 26, 2024. A copy of the delivery confirmation for that installment is attached for reference. If you did not receive the records provided, please let us know.
With regard to the remainder of your request, we anticipate providing the next installment of records on or before December 11, 2024.
Wendy L. Snider, CPRO
Public Records Officer
Risk & Compliance Services
From: Everett Public Schools District
Dear PRA Audit,
I am the public records officer for Everett Public Schools and am writing in response to your request for records received on March 22, 2024. In that request, you asked for, “a complete electronic copy of all Public Records Requests received by Everett Public Schools District and a complete electronic copy of the District's Responses to these Public Records Requests for the time period January 1, 2010 through March 22, 2024.”
Today I am writing to let you know that we have a six installment of records available for you. These records include 20 public records requests received by the district between March 3, 2023, and May 2, 2023, and the district’s responses to those requests. A detailed redaction/exemption log, as it was provided to the original requester, is included with each request where applicable. Redactions are marked with a redaction code on the responsive records, and the explanation for those redactions can be found using the Redaction Code Log, which is provided in accordance with RCW 42.56.210(3). Additionally, an Exemption Log is also provided, which details the records withheld in their entirety as records exempt from public disclosure, and the explanation and statutory reason for their exemption.
The responsive records have been placed onto a USB drive which is being sent via USPS Priority Mail to the address provided in your request:
MuckRock News
DEPT MR 120970
263 Huntington Ave
Boston, MA 02115
The tracking number is: 4200211545779405530109355071763382<https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction!input.action?tLabels=4200211545779405530109355071763382> and the shipping label is attached for your reference.
While we would appreciate an email from you confirming receipt of the records, we will accept the USPS package delivery notification as confirmation that you have received your records. Anticipated delivery date is Friday, December 13, 2024.
The district has confirmed delivery of the previous installment provided, which the district accepts as your receipt of the installment provided, which was delivered to the front desk/reception/mail room at 12:00 pm on Friday, November 8, 2024. A copy of the delivery confirmation for that installment is attached for reference. If you did not receive the records provided, please let us know.
With regard to the remainder of your request, we anticipate providing the next installment of records on or before January 22, 2025.
Wendy L. Snider, CPRO
Public Records Officer
Risk & Compliance Services
From: Everett Public Schools District
Dear PRA Audit,
I am the public records officer for Everett Public Schools and am writing in response to your request for records received on March 22, 2024. In that request, you asked for, “a complete electronic copy of all Public Records Requests received by Everett Public Schools District and a complete electronic copy of the District's Responses to these Public Records Requests for the time period January 1, 2010 through March 22, 2024.”
Today I am writing to let you know that we have a seventh installment of records available for you. These records include 23 public records requests received by the district between January 1, 2023, and March 2, 2023, and the district’s responses to those requests. A detailed redaction/exemption log, as it was provided to the original requester, is included with each request where applicable. Redactions are marked with a redaction code on the responsive records, and the explanation for those redactions can be found using the Redaction Code Log, which is provided in accordance with RCW 42.56.210(3). Additionally, an Exemption Log is also provided, which details the records withheld in their entirety as records exempt from public disclosure, and the explanation and statutory reason for their exemption.
The responsive records have been placed onto a USB drive which is being sent via USPS Priority Mail to the address provided in your request:
MuckRock News
DEPT MR 120970
263 Huntington Ave
Boston, MA 02115
The tracking number is: 4200211545779405530109355091416817<https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction!input.action?tLabels=4200211545779405530109355091416817> and the shipping label is attached for your reference.
While we would appreciate an email from you confirming receipt of the records, we will accept the USPS package delivery notification as confirmation that you have received your records. Anticipated delivery date is Friday, January 24, 2024.
The district has confirmed delivery of the previous installment provided, which the district accepts as your receipt of the installment provided, which was delivered to the front desk/reception/mail room at 11:24 am on Saturday, December 14, 2024. A copy of the delivery confirmation for that installment is attached for reference. If you did not receive the records provided, please let us know.
With regard to the remainder of your request, we anticipate providing the next installment of records on or before February 26, 2025.
Wendy L. Snider, CPRO
Public Records Officer
Risk & Compliance Services
From: Everett Public Schools District
Dear PRA Audit,
I am the public records officer for Everett Public Schools and am writing in response to your request for records received on March 22, 2024. In that request, you asked for, “a complete electronic copy of all Public Records Requests received by Everett Public Schools District and a complete electronic copy of the District's Responses to these Public Records Requests for the time period January 1, 2010 through March 22, 2024.”
Today I am writing to let you know that we have an eighth installment of records available for you. These records include 24 public records requests received by the district between September 1, 2022, and December 31, 2022, and the district’s responses to those requests. Please note that we acknowledge your request to receive records in reverse chronological order, however, there is one public records request during this timeframe (December 13, 2022) that will be provided in the next installment of records, as it is a large request requiring extensive redaction of student and parent personal information and it is still being processed. A detailed redaction/exemption log, as it was provided to the original requester, is included with each request where applicable. Redactions are marked with a redaction code on the responsive records, and the explanation for those redactions can be found using the Redaction Code Log, which is provided in accordance with RCW 42.56.210(3).
The responsive records have been placed onto a USB drive which is being sent via USPS Priority Mail to the address provided in your request:
MuckRock News
DEPT MR 120970
263 Huntington Ave
Boston, MA 02115
The tracking number is: 4200211545779405530109355107600834<https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction!input.action?tLabels=4200211545779405530109355107600834> and the shipping label is attached for your reference.
While we would appreciate an email from you confirming receipt of the records, we will accept the USPS package delivery notification as confirmation that you have received your records. Anticipated delivery date is Saturday, March 1, 2025.
The district has confirmed delivery of the previous installment provided, which the district accepts as your receipt of the installment provided, which was delivered in or at the mailbox at 3:44 pm on Monday, January 27, 2025. A copy of the delivery confirmation for that installment is attached for reference. If you did not receive the records provided, please let us know.
With regard to the remainder of your request, we anticipate providing the next installment of records on or before April 9, 2025.
Wendy L. Snider, CPRO
Public Records Officer
Risk & Compliance Services
From: Everett Public Schools District
A copy of documents responsive to the request.
Responsive Documents
From: Everett Public Schools District
A copy of documents responsive to the request.
Responsive Documents
From: Everett Public Schools District
A copy of documents responsive to the request.
Responsive Documents
From: Everett Public Schools District
A copy of documents responsive to the request.
From: Everett Public Schools District
A copy of documents responsive to the request.
Responsive Documents
From: Everett Public Schools District
A copy of documents responsive to the request.
Responsive Documents