Fairfax County Police Department Email (Fairfax County Government Department of Information Technology)

Michelle Evans filed this request with the Fairfax County Government Department of Information Technology of Fairfax County, VA.
Multi Request Fairfax County Police Department Email
Est. Completion None
Fix Required


From: Michelle Evans

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Virginia Freedom of Information Act, I hereby request the following records:

All emails sent and received by Fairfax County Police Officer Ed O'Carroll between August 1, 2011 and March 30, 2012.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 5 business days, as the statute requires.


Michelle Evans

From: Fairfax County Government Department of Information Technology

Michelle Evans,

Thank you for submitting your Virginia Freedom of Information Act (VFOIA) requests to Fairfax County. Since November 7, 2018, you have submitted at least 11 requests for records-some of which were received by Fairfax County agencies and some of which Fairfax County received from MuckRock<https://www.muckrock.com/>. Fairfax County has responded to all of your below-referenced VFOIA requests via email.

Reference No.

Date and Time

Records Requested


11/07/2018 6:48AM

"A copy of the (attached) police complaint letter dated 29 October 2012, received by your office from David and Sonia Astle, bearing the stamped receipt date by your office, and copies of all responsive letters sent to Mr. and Mrs. Astle by your office or any other Fairfax County department on your behalf."

"...inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request"


11/09/2018 8:06AM

"I have requested separate individual CAD reports for the vehicles operated by the two other officers responding to Claychin Court on August 1, 2011, Officers Christopher Musser and Andrew Pytko, who operated units 730C and 970C. I am seeking individual reports for each responding vehicle.

Copies of these CAD documents, and any Fairfax County disclosures in the coming days, will be provided to all attendees at the December Civilian Review Panel public meeting.

You must understand I am seeking accounting for the 30 minutes time frame absent from prior disclosures."

(Duplicate of VFOIA-6794)

11/9/2018 12:30AM

"For a second time your department has provided a copy of a police report allegedly approved by Officer Bridgeman's Supervisor on August 2, 2011. I want the entirety of the report the officer completed on the evening of August 1, 2011, bearing, or rather lacking, the personal information the officer collected at the scene."

(Duplicate of VFOIA-6773)

11/9/2018 12:31AM

"For a second time your department has provided a copy of a police report allegedly approved by Officer Bridgeman's Supervisor on August 2, 2011. I want the entirety of the report the officer completed on the evening of August 1, 2011, bearing, or rather lacking, the personal information the officer collected at the scene."


11/12/2018 1:26AM

"1. All vehicle data collected on August 1, 2011 for Fairfax police cruiser 970C, operated by Fairfax County Police Officer Christopher Musser between 19:19:59 and 19:49:52.
2. All vehicle data collected on August 1, 2011 for Fairfax police cruiser 730C, operated by Fairfax County Police Officer Andrew Pytko between 19:19:59 and 19:49:52.
3. All vehicle data collected on August 1, 2011 for Fairfax police cruiser 700C, operated by Fairfax County Police Officer Kenneth Bridgeman between 19:19:59 and 19:49:52.
Provide all data generated and received by the officer's on board computer, all data generated and collected for the Event by the terminal described as"CT18" , and all data generated and collected by the terminal described in the Event History as "pd05" between 19:19:59 and 19:49:52.
Please provide each computer terminal's report, with all data generated for the time period specified only, 19:19:59 to 19:49:52."

"...inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request"

(Duplicate of VFOIA-6873)

11/14/2018 3:59PM

"A copy of all emails sent and received by Assistant Commonwealth Attorney Maha Abejuela between August 1, 2011 and March 7, 2012."

"... inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request"

(Duplicate of VFOIA-6859)

11/14/2018 3:59PM

"A copy of all emails sent and received by Assistant Commonwealth Attorney Maha Abejuela between August 1, 2011 and March 7, 2012."

"... inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request"

(Duplicate of VFOIA-6874)

11/14/2018 4:01PM

" All emails sent and received by Fairfax County Police Officer Tom Ryan between August 1, 2011 and March 30, 2012."

"...inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request"

(Duplicate of VFOIA-6860)

11/14/2018 4:01PM

" All emails sent and received by Fairfax County Police Officer Tom Ryan between August 1, 2011 and March 30, 2012."

"...inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request"

(Duplicate of VFOIA-6875)

11/14/2018 3:59PM

All emails sent and received by Fairfax County Police Officer Ed O'Carroll between August 1, 2011 and March 30, 2012.

"...inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request"

(Duplicate of VFOIA-6865)

11/14/2018 3:59PM

All emails sent and received by Fairfax County Police Officer Ed O'Carroll between August 1, 2011 and March 30, 2012.

"...inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request"

Countywide FOIA Office
Fairfax County Office of Public Affairs
12000 Government Center Parkway, Suite 551
Fairfax, Virginia 22035-0065

From: Fairfax County Government Department of Information Technology

Michelle Evans,

Thank you for submitting your Virginia Freedom of Information Act (VFOIA) requests to Fairfax County. Since November 7, 2018, you have submitted at least 11 requests for records-some of which were received by Fairfax County agencies and some of which Fairfax County received from MuckRock<https://www.muckrock.com/>. Fairfax County has responded to all of your below-referenced VFOIA requests via email.

Reference No.

Date and Time

Records Requested


11/07/2018 6:48AM

"A copy of the (attached) police complaint letter dated 29 October 2012, received by your office from David and Sonia Astle, bearing the stamped receipt date by your office, and copies of all responsive letters sent to Mr. and Mrs. Astle by your office or any other Fairfax County department on your behalf."

"...inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request"


11/09/2018 8:06AM

"I have requested separate individual CAD reports for the vehicles operated by the two other officers responding to Claychin Court on August 1, 2011, Officers Christopher Musser and Andrew Pytko, who operated units 730C and 970C. I am seeking individual reports for each responding vehicle.

Copies of these CAD documents, and any Fairfax County disclosures in the coming days, will be provided to all attendees at the December Civilian Review Panel public meeting.

You must understand I am seeking accounting for the 30 minutes time frame absent from prior disclosures."

(Duplicate of VFOIA-6794)

11/9/2018 12:30AM

"For a second time your department has provided a copy of a police report allegedly approved by Officer Bridgeman's Supervisor on August 2, 2011. I want the entirety of the report the officer completed on the evening of August 1, 2011, bearing, or rather lacking, the personal information the officer collected at the scene."

(Duplicate of VFOIA-6773)

11/9/2018 12:31AM

"For a second time your department has provided a copy of a police report allegedly approved by Officer Bridgeman's Supervisor on August 2, 2011. I want the entirety of the report the officer completed on the evening of August 1, 2011, bearing, or rather lacking, the personal information the officer collected at the scene."


11/12/2018 1:26AM

"1. All vehicle data collected on August 1, 2011 for Fairfax police cruiser 970C, operated by Fairfax County Police Officer Christopher Musser between 19:19:59 and 19:49:52.
2. All vehicle data collected on August 1, 2011 for Fairfax police cruiser 730C, operated by Fairfax County Police Officer Andrew Pytko between 19:19:59 and 19:49:52.
3. All vehicle data collected on August 1, 2011 for Fairfax police cruiser 700C, operated by Fairfax County Police Officer Kenneth Bridgeman between 19:19:59 and 19:49:52.
Provide all data generated and received by the officer's on board computer, all data generated and collected for the Event by the terminal described as"CT18" , and all data generated and collected by the terminal described in the Event History as "pd05" between 19:19:59 and 19:49:52.
Please provide each computer terminal's report, with all data generated for the time period specified only, 19:19:59 to 19:49:52."

"...inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request"

(Duplicate of VFOIA-6873)

11/14/2018 3:59PM

"A copy of all emails sent and received by Assistant Commonwealth Attorney Maha Abejuela between August 1, 2011 and March 7, 2012."

"... inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request"

(Duplicate of VFOIA-6859)

11/14/2018 3:59PM

"A copy of all emails sent and received by Assistant Commonwealth Attorney Maha Abejuela between August 1, 2011 and March 7, 2012."

"... inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request"

(Duplicate of VFOIA-6874)

11/14/2018 4:01PM

" All emails sent and received by Fairfax County Police Officer Tom Ryan between August 1, 2011 and March 30, 2012."

"...inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request"

(Duplicate of VFOIA-6860)

11/14/2018 4:01PM

" All emails sent and received by Fairfax County Police Officer Tom Ryan between August 1, 2011 and March 30, 2012."

"...inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request"

(Duplicate of VFOIA-6875)

11/14/2018 3:59PM

All emails sent and received by Fairfax County Police Officer Ed O'Carroll between August 1, 2011 and March 30, 2012.

"...inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request"

(Duplicate of VFOIA-6865)

11/14/2018 3:59PM

All emails sent and received by Fairfax County Police Officer Ed O'Carroll between August 1, 2011 and March 30, 2012.

"...inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request"

Countywide FOIA Office
Fairfax County Office of Public Affairs
12000 Government Center Parkway, Suite 551
Fairfax, Virginia 22035-0065

From: Fairfax County Government Department of Information Technology

Michelle Evans,

Thank you for submitting your Virginia Freedom of Information Act (VFOIA) requests to Fairfax County. Since November 7, 2018, you have submitted at least 11 requests for records-some of which were received by Fairfax County agencies and some of which Fairfax County received from MuckRock<https://www.muckrock.com/>. Fairfax County has responded to all of your below-referenced VFOIA requests via email.

Reference No.

Date and Time

Records Requested


11/07/2018 6:48AM

"A copy of the (attached) police complaint letter dated 29 October 2012, received by your office from David and Sonia Astle, bearing the stamped receipt date by your office, and copies of all responsive letters sent to Mr. and Mrs. Astle by your office or any other Fairfax County department on your behalf."

"...inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request"


11/09/2018 8:06AM

"I have requested separate individual CAD reports for the vehicles operated by the two other officers responding to Claychin Court on August 1, 2011, Officers Christopher Musser and Andrew Pytko, who operated units 730C and 970C. I am seeking individual reports for each responding vehicle.

Copies of these CAD documents, and any Fairfax County disclosures in the coming days, will be provided to all attendees at the December Civilian Review Panel public meeting.

You must understand I am seeking accounting for the 30 minutes time frame absent from prior disclosures."

(Duplicate of VFOIA-6794)

11/9/2018 12:30AM

"For a second time your department has provided a copy of a police report allegedly approved by Officer Bridgeman's Supervisor on August 2, 2011. I want the entirety of the report the officer completed on the evening of August 1, 2011, bearing, or rather lacking, the personal information the officer collected at the scene."

(Duplicate of VFOIA-6773)

11/9/2018 12:31AM

"For a second time your department has provided a copy of a police report allegedly approved by Officer Bridgeman's Supervisor on August 2, 2011. I want the entirety of the report the officer completed on the evening of August 1, 2011, bearing, or rather lacking, the personal information the officer collected at the scene."


11/12/2018 1:26AM

"1. All vehicle data collected on August 1, 2011 for Fairfax police cruiser 970C, operated by Fairfax County Police Officer Christopher Musser between 19:19:59 and 19:49:52.
2. All vehicle data collected on August 1, 2011 for Fairfax police cruiser 730C, operated by Fairfax County Police Officer Andrew Pytko between 19:19:59 and 19:49:52.
3. All vehicle data collected on August 1, 2011 for Fairfax police cruiser 700C, operated by Fairfax County Police Officer Kenneth Bridgeman between 19:19:59 and 19:49:52.
Provide all data generated and received by the officer's on board computer, all data generated and collected for the Event by the terminal described as"CT18" , and all data generated and collected by the terminal described in the Event History as "pd05" between 19:19:59 and 19:49:52.
Please provide each computer terminal's report, with all data generated for the time period specified only, 19:19:59 to 19:49:52."

"...inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request"

(Duplicate of VFOIA-6873)

11/14/2018 3:59PM

"A copy of all emails sent and received by Assistant Commonwealth Attorney Maha Abejuela between August 1, 2011 and March 7, 2012."

"... inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request"

(Duplicate of VFOIA-6859)

11/14/2018 3:59PM

"A copy of all emails sent and received by Assistant Commonwealth Attorney Maha Abejuela between August 1, 2011 and March 7, 2012."

"... inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request"

(Duplicate of VFOIA-6874)

11/14/2018 4:01PM

" All emails sent and received by Fairfax County Police Officer Tom Ryan between August 1, 2011 and March 30, 2012."

"...inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request"

(Duplicate of VFOIA-6860)

11/14/2018 4:01PM

" All emails sent and received by Fairfax County Police Officer Tom Ryan between August 1, 2011 and March 30, 2012."

"...inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request"

(Duplicate of VFOIA-6875)

11/14/2018 3:59PM

All emails sent and received by Fairfax County Police Officer Ed O'Carroll between August 1, 2011 and March 30, 2012.

"...inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request"

(Duplicate of VFOIA-6865)

11/14/2018 3:59PM

All emails sent and received by Fairfax County Police Officer Ed O'Carroll between August 1, 2011 and March 30, 2012.

"...inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request"

Countywide FOIA Office
Fairfax County Office of Public Affairs
12000 Government Center Parkway, Suite 551
Fairfax, Virginia 22035-0065

From: Fairfax County Government Department of Information Technology

Michelle Evans,

Thank you for submitting your Virginia Freedom of Information Act (VFOIA) requests to Fairfax County. Since November 7, 2018, you have submitted at least 11 requests for records-some of which were received by Fairfax County agencies and some of which Fairfax County received from MuckRock<https://www.muckrock.com/>. Fairfax County has responded to all of your below-referenced VFOIA requests via email.

Reference No.

Date and Time

Records Requested


11/07/2018 6:48AM

"A copy of the (attached) police complaint letter dated 29 October 2012, received by your office from David and Sonia Astle, bearing the stamped receipt date by your office, and copies of all responsive letters sent to Mr. and Mrs. Astle by your office or any other Fairfax County department on your behalf."

"...inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request"


11/09/2018 8:06AM

"I have requested separate individual CAD reports for the vehicles operated by the two other officers responding to Claychin Court on August 1, 2011, Officers Christopher Musser and Andrew Pytko, who operated units 730C and 970C. I am seeking individual reports for each responding vehicle.

Copies of these CAD documents, and any Fairfax County disclosures in the coming days, will be provided to all attendees at the December Civilian Review Panel public meeting.

You must understand I am seeking accounting for the 30 minutes time frame absent from prior disclosures."

(Duplicate of VFOIA-6794)

11/9/2018 12:30AM

"For a second time your department has provided a copy of a police report allegedly approved by Officer Bridgeman's Supervisor on August 2, 2011. I want the entirety of the report the officer completed on the evening of August 1, 2011, bearing, or rather lacking, the personal information the officer collected at the scene."

(Duplicate of VFOIA-6773)

11/9/2018 12:31AM

"For a second time your department has provided a copy of a police report allegedly approved by Officer Bridgeman's Supervisor on August 2, 2011. I want the entirety of the report the officer completed on the evening of August 1, 2011, bearing, or rather lacking, the personal information the officer collected at the scene."


11/12/2018 1:26AM

"1. All vehicle data collected on August 1, 2011 for Fairfax police cruiser 970C, operated by Fairfax County Police Officer Christopher Musser between 19:19:59 and 19:49:52.
2. All vehicle data collected on August 1, 2011 for Fairfax police cruiser 730C, operated by Fairfax County Police Officer Andrew Pytko between 19:19:59 and 19:49:52.
3. All vehicle data collected on August 1, 2011 for Fairfax police cruiser 700C, operated by Fairfax County Police Officer Kenneth Bridgeman between 19:19:59 and 19:49:52.
Provide all data generated and received by the officer's on board computer, all data generated and collected for the Event by the terminal described as"CT18" , and all data generated and collected by the terminal described in the Event History as "pd05" between 19:19:59 and 19:49:52.
Please provide each computer terminal's report, with all data generated for the time period specified only, 19:19:59 to 19:49:52."

"...inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request"

(Duplicate of VFOIA-6873)

11/14/2018 3:59PM

"A copy of all emails sent and received by Assistant Commonwealth Attorney Maha Abejuela between August 1, 2011 and March 7, 2012."

"... inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request"

(Duplicate of VFOIA-6859)

11/14/2018 3:59PM

"A copy of all emails sent and received by Assistant Commonwealth Attorney Maha Abejuela between August 1, 2011 and March 7, 2012."

"... inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request"

(Duplicate of VFOIA-6874)

11/14/2018 4:01PM

" All emails sent and received by Fairfax County Police Officer Tom Ryan between August 1, 2011 and March 30, 2012."

"...inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request"

(Duplicate of VFOIA-6860)

11/14/2018 4:01PM

" All emails sent and received by Fairfax County Police Officer Tom Ryan between August 1, 2011 and March 30, 2012."

"...inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request"

(Duplicate of VFOIA-6875)

11/14/2018 3:59PM

All emails sent and received by Fairfax County Police Officer Ed O'Carroll between August 1, 2011 and March 30, 2012.

"...inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request"

(Duplicate of VFOIA-6865)

11/14/2018 3:59PM

All emails sent and received by Fairfax County Police Officer Ed O'Carroll between August 1, 2011 and March 30, 2012.

"...inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request"

Countywide FOIA Office
Fairfax County Office of Public Affairs
12000 Government Center Parkway, Suite 551
Fairfax, Virginia 22035-0065


There are no files associated with this request.