Enroll 360/Intersect

Todd Feathers filed this request with the Florida Polytechnic University of Florida.


From: Todd Feathers

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Florida Sunshine Law, I hereby request the following records:

1) All contracts and statements of work between the university and EAB and/or Intersect (formerly Hobsons' Intersect). In particular, this should include contracts and statements of work related to EAB's Enroll 360 product and/or Intersect. This should also include any sole source justification documents.

2) All user manuals and employee training materials for Enroll 360 and/or Intersect.

3) Documentation of the Enroll 360 and Intersect predictive models the university uses to help identify prospective students, target student recruitment and advertising, determine financial aid, or inform other recruitment and enrollment decisions. This should include any documents—often called predictive model reports, data libraries, model performance reports, etc.—that describe the statistical and machine learning methods the model uses (e.g., logistical regression, gradient boosting, etc.), what data was used to train the predictive models, what data variables are incorporated in the models, how those variables are weighted, and/or how those models perform.

4) A list of the student academic and demographic variables that university employees can select from within the Intersect software to target recruitment messages to specific groups of students. If a list does not already exist, I will accept screenshots of the variables from the Intersect software.

5) Documentation of all targeted recruitment messages the university has sent through Intersect since Jan. 1, 2019. This should include, where possible, the student academic and demographic variables used to target those messages and impact and ROI reports for those messages.

Should you have any questions about any aspect of this request, please don't hesitate to ask.

I ask that all fees be waived as I am a journalist and intend to use the requested records to publish articles in the public interest. In the event you choose to impose fees, I request a detailed breakdown of the fees, including the hourly wage of each employee involved and an explanation justifying the employee hours required to fulfill the request.

Should you choose to reject this request or redact portions of it, I ask that you provide a detailed breakdown of the statutory exemptions and associated case law underlying your decision to withhold each/any portions from public review.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 10 business days.


Todd Feathers

From: Florida Polytechnic University


We have received your request. We will forward your request to the appropriate departments and provide you with an invoice for the estimated cost for the amount of time it will take to compile and review the requested items. Please let us know if you have any questions.

Thank you

Sherri Pavlik
Executive Assistant | Office of the General Counsel
W: 863-874-8412

Please note: Due to Florida’s broad public records law, most written communication to or from university employees is considered a public record. Therefore, the contents of this email, including personal email addresses, may be subject to disclosure in the event a request is made.

From: Florida Polytechnic University

Attached is the contract for EAB/Hobsons (aka Intersect) and the Sole Source.

All other requested information would take extensive personnel time to gather and produce the records. Please let us know if you would like an invoice for the estimated cost to compile and review the requested items.

Thank you.

Office of the General Counsel
W: 864-874-8412
ogc@floridapoly.edu<mailto:ogc@floridapoly.edu> | www.floridapoly.edu<http://www.floridapoly.edu/>

Florida Polytechnic University
4700 Research Way, Lakeland, FL 33805
Office Location: Polk State College, Lakeland Technology Building, Room 2121, 3433 Winter Lake Rd, Lakeland, FL 33803

Stay Connected:
Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/FLPolyU/> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/FLPolyU> | LinkedIn<https://www.linkedin.com/edu/florida-polytechnic-university-42007> | Website<http://floridapoly.edu/> | Download Florida Poly Mobile<https://floridapoly.edu/florida-poly-mobile.php>

Please note: Due to Florida’s broad public records law, most written communication to or from university employees is considered a public record. Therefore, the contents of this email, including personal email addresses, may be subject to disclosure in the event a request is made.

From: Florida Polytechnic University

My sincerest apologies, this was missed in our pipeline. As to your request:

1. Attached is the agreement for Intersect.
2. For items 2-5, Florida Polytechnic did not use them in the manner requested. Below is an estimate of the hours it would take to review.

Request 2 - Estimated time to review all past training materials, find related items, and provide access to copies-16 hours.
Request 3 - Estimated time to review all historic communication and files. -8 hours
Request 4 - Estimated time to review all historic communication and files. -8 hours
Request 5 - Estimated time to review all historic communication and files. -8 hours

The Florida Public Records Act authorizes the University to charge a reasonable service charge for the costs incurred due to the extensive personnel time required to gather and produce the records.

If you would like to proceed, please let me know so I can provide an invoice to you.

Again, I apologize for the delay in getting back to you in a timely manner.

Sherri Pavlik
Executive Assistant | Office of the General Counsel
W: 863-874-8412
spavlik@floridapoly.edu<mailto:spavlik@floridapoly.edu> | www.floridapoly.edu<http://www.floridapoly.edu/>

Florida Polytechnic University
4700 Research Way, Lakeland, FL 33805
Office Location: Polk State College, Lakeland Technology Building, Room 2121, 3433 Winter Lake Rd, Lakeland, FL 33803

Stay Connected:
Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/FLPolyU/> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/FLPolyU> | LinkedIn<https://www.linkedin.com/edu/florida-polytechnic-university-42007> | Website<http://floridapoly.edu/> | Download Florida Poly Mobile<https://floridapoly.edu/florida-poly-mobile.php>

Please note: Due to Florida’s broad public records law, most written communication to or from university employees is considered a public record. Therefore, the contents of this email, including personal email addresses, may be subject to disclosure in the event a request is made.



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