Drone and UAV acquisition, policy, and use (Fort Worth Police Department)

Beryl Lipton filed this request with the Fort Worth Police Department of Fort Worth, TX.
Tracking #


Multi Request Drone and UAV acquisition, policy, and use
Est. Completion None
Payment Required

From: Beryl Lipton

All documents created from January 2010 through the date this request is processed related to the agency's use of airborne tools, vehicles, and weapons: aerial drones, remotely piloted vehicles (RPVs), remotely piloted aircraft (RPAs), unmanned aerials (UAs), unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and/or unmanned aerial systems (UASs)(hereinafter “drones”).

Please search specifically records in each of the below document categories. A response to each of the categories and items would be appreciated.

i) requests for proposals (RFPs), proposals/quotes submitted by vendors, contracts, leases, budget requests, project/equipment budgets, cost allocations or reimbursements for the purchase of drone equipment;
ii) Grant applications and award letters for drone equipment purchases;
iii) Insurance contracts for all drone equipment;
iv) Communications (including electronic communications) between the agency head or agency quartermaster (or individual responsible for equipment purchases and maintenance) and drone vendors, manufacturers or retailers;
v) Communications (including electronic communications) between the agency head and agency quartermaster (or individual responsible for equipment purchases and maintenance) regarding acquisition, lease or use of drone equipment;
vi) Communications (including electronic communications) between the agency head and the governor, mayor and city/town manager regarding the acquisition of drones;

vii) Applications (including all components and support documentation) for Certificates of Waiver/Authorization (COA) from the Federal Aviation Administration, as well as COA grant notifications and final agreement;
viii) Contracts for services related to drones, such as data storage, data analysis, image storage, image analysis, video storage, video analysis, operation, maintenance;

i) Inventories/logs/lists/databases of all drones owned, leased or operated by or for the agency;
ii) Maintenance logs for all drones owned, leased or otherwise operated by or for the agency;
iii) records and logs related to any attachments or additional equipment used or designed to be used with the drones, including all license plate readers, video cameras, thermal cameras, data storage, Stingrays or cell phone simulators, etc.

i) Policies, guidelines, protocols, manuals and/or instructions on the use/operation of drones and usage of data, images and video obtained from drone flights;
ii) Communications from the agency head, quartermaster (or individual responsible for overseeing equipment purchases and maintenance) on approved uses for drones;
iii) Memorandums of understanding (MOUs), memorandums of agreement (MOAs) or any other agreements or contracts with other government agencies, private corporations, organizations or individuals to share drone equipment, data, images or video or to operate drones on behalf of the agency;

i) Curriculum used to train drone operators and observers;
ii) Training log for all drone operators and observers;
iii) Certifications of training completion for all drone operators and observers;
iv) Contracts, purchase orders, budget requests or reimbursement orders for training sessions for all drone operators and observers;

i) Flight logs for all drone flights, including training flights;
ii) Flight logs transmitted to the Federal Aviation Administration pursuant to Certificate of Waiver/Authorization (COA) requirements;
iii) Reprimands relating to drones, including misuse of equipment and failure to properly maintain equipment.

This request is being made by a reporter as part of a journalistic investigation. It is being submitted to your agency at the suggestion of a MuckRock reader from your community, part of a project to better understand uses of police force nationwide. This has been of public interest for many years and is of particular interest to the public following the widely-seen death of George Floyd and subsequent First Amendment-protected demonstrations and public discussion. There is no commercial interest in making this request or in receiving responsive records.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter.

I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 10 business days, as the statute requires.


Beryl Lipton

From: Fort Worth Police Department

Dear Beryl Lipton:
As part of the unprecedented response to coronavirus in Texas, and in light of the Governor’s disaster declaration, most of the administrative departments of the City of Fort Worth are now either closed or are minimally staffed by a skeleton crew, while remaining staff is working remotely or involved directly in the public health or epidemic response. The City is unable to access its records to respond to public information requests at this time.   This notice has been posted on the City’s website. During the period this notice is posted, the City of Fort Worth is not considered to be open for business for purposes of the time deadlines under the Texas Public Information Act.
In accordance with the guidance issued by the Office of the Texas Attorney General, this is not a “business day” for purposes of Chapter 552 of Texas Government Code, the Public Information Act, and all PIA related processes are currently paused. On the date that the City resumes “business days” under more normal operations, all previously received requests will resume processing and any requests submitted during the skeleton crew day period will be officially noted as being received and begin being processed. Thank you for your interest in public records of the City of Fort Worth, Texas. Your request has been received and is being processed in accordance with Chapter 552 of Texas Government Code, the Public Information Act. Your request was received in this office and given the log number W104732-081120 for tracking purposes.
Your request will be forwarded to the relevant City department(s) to locate the information you seek and to determine the volume and any costs associated with satisfying your request. You will be contacted about the availability and/or provided with copies of the records in question. PLEASE NOTE: The Texas Public Information Act does not require a governmental body to create new information, to do legal research, or to answer questions.
You can monitor the progress of your request under "My Requests" Again, thank you for using the Open Records Center, Public Information Administrator
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From: Fort Worth Police Department

Mr. Lipton,

Please find attached the documents that we have in response to the Public Information Act request W104732-081120.

From: Fort Worth Police Department


This letter responds to your request for information to the City of Fort Worth, dated and received in our office on 8/11/2020.

Information Requested: I'm Not Sure - All documents created from January 2010 through the date this request is processed related to the agency's use of airborne tools, vehicles, and weapons: aerial drones, remotely piloted vehicles (RPVs), remotely piloted aircraft (RPAs), unmanned aerials (UAs), unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and/or unmanned aerial systems (UASs)(hereinafter "drones").

The City of Fort Worth has reviewed its files and has located the enclosed documents that are responsive to your request. Although the Public Information Act allows a governmental body to charge for copying documents, the enclosed is being provided to you at no charge.


Bryan N. Bice 2813
Legal Liaison Officer
Internal Affairs Section
Fort Worth Police Department
505 W. Felix St., Fort Worth, TX 76115


From: Fort Worth Police Department

UAS_AR_(Signed).pdf (https://u8387795.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=nZGH0ylxadMp5hTpNkeAFpMrOvuQEnkuHSwhZGH-2BPHnWyIKNAnOt8XIE65i-2FqEbQPCXwE3jXY1BCj7Do8ft3rEUBCVkiC55Fh0N2Fqhp9UF3WcMWOCtRN-2BHQm3AltMdHyOgDQ7Vqll4smZM0vbIr0t-2BW7lmEUzX7X3NokpEOE3cbIefbeW15a6wzhIvqzlKn0xbPpWrKlc68HX0HnfMJfapYvZIrT-2B6PK1HVIXNAFK4-3Dlpil_G8M5xzVEF6LHWjKLqZVyEfCHqa4rDRVPTDWbYVh1zSfGp5p2F1j-2BRwHWP7gkaYZ2LmMfSeJalewa5ECs7ZCQJ8-2B-2BIteoEH1VVUapaAU0QgLc2Hd0jDeWOiAMDlv0Tu1zdp-2BelNgVMDNNmijdcd2-2BSSvyeneYcbNVFrc5IcR1RwtllPYnkDb5Q4iZER3m6xX3F-2BfBL2c4uqOF8YrEn-2F5S7freQGxRX-2FjldFKvg-2F7Y-2BdFhR6NvQuVHnurFHGPHsiJwa1K7LRL5HbXKlRi3vokW-2BCJKNqVaG1-2BKTEqyXt57oaEnfUdbApw1GH5rJVOZ5hikb7VN4JX7ObxsnIs-2BHlSuvYio77elZRVTb46mpdgUhsVdB9VQCyK2M-2BDeKNl5koNp5tDWzbGjcbQmBr4OTpgWyw-3D-3D)


Beryl Lipton
MuckRock News DEPT MR 99940
Somerville, MA 02144

RE: Public Information Request W104732-081120

Dear Beryl Lipton,

This letter responds to your request for information to the City of Fort Worth, dated and received in our office on 8/11/2020 3:06:36 AM.

Information Requested: I'm Not Sure - All documents created from January 2010 through the date this request is processed related to the agency's use of airborne tools, vehicles, and weapons: aerial drones, remotely piloted vehicles (RPVs), remotely piloted aircraft (RPAs), unmanned aerials (UAs), unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and/or unmanned aerial systems (UASs)(hereinafter “drones”).

Please search specifically records in each of the below document categories. A response to each of the categories and items would be appreciated.

i) requests for proposals (RFPs), proposals/quotes submitted by vendors, contracts, leases, budget requests, project/equipment budgets, cost allocations or reimbursements for the purchase of drone equipment;
ii) Grant applications and award letters for drone equipment purchases;
iii) Insurance contracts for all drone equipment;
iv) Communications (including electronic communications) between the agency head or agency quartermaster (or individual responsible for equipment purchases and maintenance) and drone vendors, manufacturers or retailers;
v) Communications (including electronic communications) between the agency head and agency quartermaster (or individual responsible for equipment purchases and maintenance) regarding acquisition, lease or use of drone equipment;
vi) Communications (including electronic communications) between the agency head and the governor, mayor and city/town manager regarding the acquisition of drones;

vii) Applications (including all components and support documentation) for Certificates of Waiver/Authorization (COA) from the Federal Aviation Administration, as well as COA grant notifications and final agreement;
viii) Contracts for services related to drones, such as data storage, data analysis, image storage, image analysis, video storage, video analysis, operation, maintenance;

i) Inventories/logs/lists/databases of all drones owned, leased or operated by or for the agency;
ii) Maintenance logs for all drones owned, leased or otherwise operated by or for the agency;
iii) records and logs related to any attachments or additional equipment used or designed to be used with the drones, including all license plate readers, video cameras, thermal cameras, data storage, Stingrays or cell phone simulators, etc.

i) Policies, guidelines, protocols, manuals and/or instructions on the use/operation of drones and usage of data, images and video obtained from drone flights;
ii) Communications from the agency head, quartermaster (or individual responsible for overseeing equipment purchases and maintenance) on approved uses for drones;
iii) Memorandums of understanding (MOUs), memorandums of agreement (MOAs) or any other agreements or contracts with other government agencies, private corporations, organizations or individuals to share drone equipment, data, images or video or to operate drones on behalf of the agency;

i) Curriculum used to train drone operators and observers;
ii) Training log for all drone operators and observers;
iii) Certifications of training completion for all drone operators and observers;
iv) Contracts, purchase orders, budget requests or reimbursement orders for training sessions for all drone operators and observers;

i) Flight logs for all drone flights, including training flights;
ii) Flight logs transmitted to the Federal Aviation Administration pursuant to Certificate of Waiver/Authorization (COA) requirements;
iii) Reprimands relating to drones, including misuse of equipment and failure to properly maintain equipment.

This request is being made by a reporter as part of a journalistic investigation. It is being submitted to your agency at the suggestion of a MuckRock reader from your community, part of a project to better understand uses of police force nationwide. This has been of public interest for many years and is of particular interest to the public following the widely-seen death of George Floyd and subsequent First Amendment-protected demonstrations and public discussion. There is no commercial interest in making this request or in receiving responsive records.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter.

I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 10 business days, as the statute requires.


Beryl Lipton

Upload documents directly: https://https://www.muckrock.comhttps://accounts.muckrock.com/accounts/login/?url_auth_token=AAAe-nPloqqUFg_j3hOlwh-odNw%3A1k5PA5%3ANKn7i3MqPxxiJG01B_6r_kf3WAU&next=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.muckrock.com%2Faccounts%2Flogin%2F%3Fnext%3D%252Faccounts%252Fagency_login%252Ffort-worth-police-department-664%252Fdrone-and-uav-acquisition-policy-and-use-fort-worth-police-department-99940%252F%253Femail%253Dpublicinformation%252540fortworthtexas.gov

The City of Fort Worth has reviewed its files and has located the enclosed documents that are responsive to your request. Although the Public Information Act allows a governmental body to charge for copying documents, the enclosed is being provided to you at no charge.

If you have any questions, or wish to discuss this further, you may contact me at (817) 392-5400.


Ricardo Barceló
Aviation Department

This is an auto-generated email and has originated from an unmonitored email account. Please DO NOT REPLY

From: Fort Worth Police Department

The City of Fort Worth Water Department has reviewed its files and has located documents that are responsive to your request. Please be advised, there are labor charges in the amount of that apply for locating, compiling, manipulating, and reproducing data.  Payment will need to be received in full before we are able to release these records.  Please submit your check or money order payable to the City of Fort Worth to: $37.50 City of Fort Worth - City Hall Water Administration - 2nd floor Attn: Hollie Arnold/Re: PIR 104732 200 Texas Street Fort Worth, TX  76102 Pay by Phone: If you prefer to pay by phone with a credit card please send us an email with a direct contact phone number where you can be reached and reference to your Public Information Request number. Once your information is received, the City's Revenue office will call you to process your payment. Additionally, Section 552.228 of the Public Information Act does not require a governmental agency to analyze the data or to purchase any software or hardware to accommodate the request. If you have any questions, or wish to discuss this further, you may contact me at (817) 392-8243. Please note that I am currently working remotely and do not have immediate access to voice mail. Email is preferred method of communication.

Hollie Arnold City of Fort Worth Water Department 200 Texas Street Fort Worth, TX 76102

Please access your Fort Worth Open Records account online to respond to this message. (https://u8387795.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=1lUeg-2FoS9pT-2BukqHMnK9CzbNagNz955uwwzjxNV-2FxE-2BvsjrmYOC-2BbTuWAnEne-2Fu1IUiY_G8M5xzVEF6LHWjKLqZVyEfCHqa4rDRVPTDWbYVh1zSfGp5p2F1j-2BRwHWP7gkaYZ2LmMfSeJalewa5ECs7ZCQJ9CMP7zSJYE22QJrPVJqF-2B5CW7r-2BkpJLkg-2Fya7dp1l4iIIKsnxHucjQJfUjdqurUQoPOO-2BZIA24bh-2BglhnB0vP3pscgLHFRmmntI5AlU2uVslH0W6IpUmvrkM2KNh272NWjzNuFrin-2FwgpTMupsqfJt4QnNmMNs4fnCdq1Caq7-2BLx2oICNlKfHC5r-2Bz4TNPylHB9WtNabEQWOs3RTUTVJl6hoYH8pNreg38wgzL6deOZNXVTEfrKioz2PWmYoKN6BtbRlUaaaEBT6b9MELCbBqyIUFi6tghsCMJRA-2FhBMOSlhBSzbMHzd4YlCcnvCqzAQQ-3D-3D)
This is an auto-generated email and has originated from an unmonitored email account. Please DO NOT REPLY

From: Fort Worth Police Department

Cost_Estimate_104732-081120_Lipton.pdf (https://u8387795.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=nZGH0ylxadMp5hTpNkeAFpMrOvuQEnkuHSwhZGH-2BPHnWyIKNAnOt8XIE65i-2FqEbQPCXwE3jXY1BCj7Do8ft3rEUBCVkiC55Fh0N2Fqhp9UF3WcMWOCtRN-2BHQm3AltMdHL918DPGiUd6GTDiWuTuPphW5vNLKNcZ2vI53fl91WR4f6ZApeswUp1XG3I-2FPs2KEwOPeM6BTfvpp0tMvX03HGA-3D-3D0VH__G8M5xzVEF6LHWjKLqZVyEfCHqa4rDRVPTDWbYVh1zSfGp5p2F1j-2BRwHWP7gkaYZ2LmMfSeJalewa5ECs7ZCQJ-2FnQ1O3JoCGf-2FQ3gH4r4JjCJVPt362NnKuR8HXx-2F1UdQcD9Me09PMyNshyvs-2F716vESClnsHhHd3eWu4LldGGxV3Q-2BjYJUkhQwiD6CW4xb8OytImXQ2OIC3-2BFg7JMVhDVvt7BseyfRCdvOyjmSeVfix2Y2hRdnLZRnn5HY5j0GEoWNrnoBiCyGvSwFtaLUmYrML73e8ZGlyXmls7WIgqAX1GfxhScxWq039ylbmPs6-2Fjzza78QMos3V8xwJvYoonb8dz0sxbJRweePdc1wygZK4-2FsSc-2B58xZjoKhlZ7TXh4I0pxNv2WOaRlERb-2FMge9XGQ-3D-3D)

Dear Ms. Lipton
Please find attached the cost estimate letter associated with your public information request.   Please select the option that you would like us to proceed with, sign and return it to us so that we may continue processing your request. If you would like to narrow or have a discussion of narrowing of scope to reduce the charges associated with processing your request, please let me know. You may remit payment by mail, in person or by credit/debit card by phone (by providing a good contact telephone number for us to contact you to process your payment). Thank you and please let me know if you have any questions or need further assistance. Sincerely,
Tammi Castillo
Administrative Technician
City Secretary's Office
200 Texas Street, 3rd Floor
Fort Worth, Texas 76102
Phone: (817) 392-8184

Please access your Fort Worth Open Records account online to respond to this message.
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