Cytilife documents (Georgia Tech)

Todd Feathers filed this request with the Georgia Tech of Georgia.
Multi Request Cytilife documents


From: Todd Feathers

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Georgia Open Records Act, I hereby request the following records:

1) All contracts and invoices between the university and Cytilife (

2) All statements of work (SoWs), project proposals, or comparable documents describing the details of the services/products Cytilife was contracted to perform or deliver.

3) All agreements between the university and Cytilife governing use, retention, and sharing of data--including aggregate data--collected by Cytilife's system(s).

I ask that all fees be waived as I am a journalist and I intend to use the requested records to publish articles in the public interest and not for any commercial purpose.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter.

I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 3 business days, as the statute requires.


Todd Feathers

From: Georgia Tech

Good afternoon,

The Office of Institute Communications of the Georgia Institute of Technology acknowledges your Open Records Act request, dated August 11, 2020, appearing below.

Please be advised that I am currently attempting to determine which area of the Institute has the information that you are seeking. As soon as the records custodian is identified, I will let you know, and provide you with a cost estimate, if applicable.

Thank you for your patience.

Jamila Hudson-Allen, Esq.
Open Records Officer
Institute Communications
Georgia Institute of Technology
Office: 404.385.5427
Cell: 404.632.5764


From: Georgia Tech

Good evening,

As an update to your request, please be advised that I am still attempting to locate the custodian of the records you are seeking. I will be sure to keep you posted on when the records custodian has been located.

I appreciate your patience.

Jamila Hudson-Allen, Esq.
Open Records Officer
Institute Communications
Georgia Institute of Technology
Office: 404.385.5427
Cell: 404.632.5764


From: Georgia Tech

Good morning Mr. Feathers,

Please be advised that Georgia Tech did work on a pilot program with Cytilife in the Fall Semester of 2016; however, there was no contract because no money was exchanged from either party.

This email is to advise that no records have been identified as responsive to your request. The Office of Institute Communications considers this request closed.

Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you.

Jamila Hudson-Allen, Esq.
Open Records Officer
Institute Communications
Georgia Institute of Technology
Office: 404.385.5427
Cell: 404.632.5764


From: Georgia Tech

Good afternoon Mr. Feathers,

Upon further review, the records custodian located the attached Smart Campus Case Study that was produced as a result of Georgia Tech's relationship with Cytilife, which began in March of 2017 instead of the Fall Semester of 2016 as was previously stated. Again, please note that there is no contract.

I apologize for the previous misinformation. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you.

Jamila Hudson-Allen, Esq.
Open Records Officer
Institute Communications
Georgia Institute of Technology
Office: 404.385.5427
Cell: 404.632.5764



