GORA Request: Flock Safety

e filed this request with the Georgia Department of Transportation of Georgia.

It is a clone of this request.

Tracking #




From: e

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Georgia Open Records Act, I hereby request the following records:

All contracts, licenses, MOUs, MOAs, data agreements, letters of intent, State of Work documents, Scope of Work documents, and other agreement documents with Flock Safety.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 3 business days, as the statute requires.



From: Georgia Department of Transportation

Via Email

MuckRock News
Email: requests@muckrock.com<mailto:requests@muckrock.com>
Re: Open Records Request 16277
Good Afternoon,

In reference to your open records request, I have forwarded your request to the appropriate office(s) of the Department and we are researching information that is responsive to your request. Please allow up to 10 additional business days to locate and review the document(s) requested. I will notify you as soon as they are available.

In order to respond to your request, it may be necessary for the Department to determine if the records requested fall within the exceptions from disclosure set forth in O.C.G.A. § 50-18-72, or are otherwise exempted from disclosure by law or court order. For example, the Department is not required to make available to you records protected by the attorney-client privilege or attorney's work product privilege O.C.G.A. § 50-18-72(a)(41) and O.C.G.A. § 50-18-72(a)(42). To the extent the records are exempt from disclosure or contain such protected information, the records or protected portions thereof will not be made available.

Kind regards,

Jonique Hale
Legal Analysis Specialist


Office of Legal Services
One Georgia Center
600 West Peachtree Street NW, Suite 2300
Atlanta, GA 30308
Office: 404.631.1479


Human trafficking impacts every corner of the globe, including our state and local communities. Georgia DOT is committed to end human trafficking in Georgia through education enabling its employees and the public to recognize the signs of human trafficking and how to react in order to help make a change. To learn more about the warning signs of human trafficking, visit https://doas.ga.gov/human-resources-administration/human-trafficking-awareness/trafficking-in-georgia. To report any suspicious activity, call the Georgia Human Trafficking Hotline at 866-363-4842. Let's band together to end human trafficking in Georgia.

From: Georgia Department of Transportation

Via Email

MuckRock News
Email: requests@muckrock.com<mailto:requests@muckrock.com>
Re: Open Records Request 16277 (Part 1 of 2)
Good Afternoon,

The Georgia Department of Transportation received your open records request in the Office of Legal Services on January 8, 2024. After reviewing and researching your request we have made available the attached documents believed to be responsive to your request.

Disclaimer: These electronic CAD files are being provided at the request of developer/contractor. The files are working files and may not contain all the final engineering and design elements related to the project. CAD drawings related to right-of-way, easements, and/or property lines are estimates only and should not be used to represent legal property corners, boundaries, or descriptions.

All data and products are provided "as is" and represents the information available within the Georgia Department of Transportation at the date of issue. Every effort is made to provide accurate and reliable information, but it is still possible that errors exist. No warranties or guaranties are expressed or implied with respect to the use of data or products received from the Georgia Department of Transportation, including (without limitation) any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. In no event will the Georgia Department of Transportation be liable to you or to any third party for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special or exemplary damages or lost profit resulting from any use or misuse of this data. Use of this data or product by the recipient(s) is solely at the risk of the recipient(s).

The Georgia Department of Transportation shall be cited for providing the data or products used in the creation of reports, studies, proposals and any similar documents. The data and products, including maps, provided by the Georgia Department of Transportation remain the sole property of the State of Georgia and may not be altered or transformed without written consent from the Georgia Department of Transportation. Under no circumstances may the data or products provided by the Georgia Department of Transportation be sold to anyone or any entity.

All fees associated with responding to the request have been waived.

Please feel free to contact me if you need additional assistance.

Kind regards,

Jonique Hale
Legal Analysis Specialist


Office of Legal Services
One Georgia Center
600 West Peachtree Street NW, Suite 2300
Atlanta, GA 30308
Office: 404.631.1479


Human trafficking impacts every corner of the globe, including our state and local communities. Georgia DOT is committed to end human trafficking in Georgia through education enabling its employees and the public to recognize the signs of human trafficking and how to react in order to help make a change. To learn more about the warning signs of human trafficking, visit https://doas.ga.gov/human-resources-administration/human-trafficking-awareness/trafficking-in-georgia. To report any suspicious activity, call the Georgia Human Trafficking Hotline at 866-363-4842. Let's band together to end human trafficking in Georgia.

From: Georgia Department of Transportation

Via Email

MuckRock News
Email: requests@muckrock.com<mailto:requests@muckrock.com>
Re: Open Records Request 16277 (Part 2 of 2)
Good Afternoon,

The Georgia Department of Transportation received your open records request in the Office of Legal Services on January 8, 2024. After reviewing and researching your request we have made available the attached documents believed to be responsive to your request.

Disclaimer: These electronic CAD files are being provided at the request of developer/contractor. The files are working files and may not contain all the final engineering and design elements related to the project. CAD drawings related to right-of-way, easements, and/or property lines are estimates only and should not be used to represent legal property corners, boundaries, or descriptions.

All data and products are provided "as is" and represents the information available within the Georgia Department of Transportation at the date of issue. Every effort is made to provide accurate and reliable information, but it is still possible that errors exist. No warranties or guaranties are expressed or implied with respect to the use of data or products received from the Georgia Department of Transportation, including (without limitation) any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. In no event will the Georgia Department of Transportation be liable to you or to any third party for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special or exemplary damages or lost profit resulting from any use or misuse of this data. Use of this data or product by the recipient(s) is solely at the risk of the recipient(s).

The Georgia Department of Transportation shall be cited for providing the data or products used in the creation of reports, studies, proposals and any similar documents. The data and products, including maps, provided by the Georgia Department of Transportation remain the sole property of the State of Georgia and may not be altered or transformed without written consent from the Georgia Department of Transportation. Under no circumstances may the data or products provided by the Georgia Department of Transportation be sold to anyone or any entity.

All fees associated with responding to the request have been waived.

Please feel free to contact me if you need additional assistance.

Kind regards,

Jonique Hale
Legal Analysis Specialist


Office of Legal Services
One Georgia Center
600 West Peachtree Street NW, Suite 2300
Atlanta, GA 30308
Office: 404.631.1479


Human trafficking impacts every corner of the globe, including our state and local communities. Georgia DOT is committed to end human trafficking in Georgia through education enabling its employees and the public to recognize the signs of human trafficking and how to react in order to help make a change. To learn more about the warning signs of human trafficking, visit https://doas.ga.gov/human-resources-administration/human-trafficking-awareness/trafficking-in-georgia. To report any suspicious activity, call the Georgia Human Trafficking Hotline at 866-363-4842. Let's band together to end human trafficking in Georgia.
