Facial Recognition - Henderson (NV)

Freddy Martinez filed this request with the Henderson Police of Henderson, NV.


From: Freddy Martinez

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Nevada Public Records Act, I hereby request the following records:

Records and materials related to the solicitation, acquisition, and use of face recognition technology and related software and services.
This software or services may be provided by Rekognition, Face++, and FaceFirst; this request is applicable to these and any other company providing facial recognition services under consideration or contract with this agency.

Responsive materials include but are not limited to:

• Agreements: contracts (including non-disclosure agreements), licensing agreements, nondisclosure agreements
• Bid records: Requests For Proposal (or equivalent calls for bids), sole source or limited source justification and approval documentation, documentation of selection, and other materials generated in the consideration and selection of the technology in question
• Company relations and communications: records related to meetings or follow-up actions with any vendors, companies, or other private entities marketing face recognition to this agency for immigration, intelligence, law enforcement, or other use.
• Financial records: purchase orders, invoices, and other memoranda and documentation.
• Marketing records: All marketing materials - unsolicited, requested, or otherwise - acquired from vendors of face recognition technology
• Policy records: any policy directives, guidance documents, memoranda, training materials, or similar records governing the use of face recognition technology for immigration, law enforcement, or other purposes. Any memoranda of understanding between this agency and other agencies to share data, access remote systems or other forms of information sharing with external agencies.
• Training records: training material governing the use, sharing, or access to any related data related to or collected by the face recognition software/technology, including the legal standard that is required before using the technology. Documents, should they exist, about training for bias in the use of facial recognition technology.
• Use and function records: Materials that describe the function of the software considered or in use by this agency, including emails, handouts, PowerPoint presentations, advertisements, or specification documents.
• Validation and accuracy: Records, reports, audits, and other documents sufficient to describe validation, accuracy, reliability, and policy compliance of the system.

Please limit the search to records produced from January 1, 2017 – present. Please include in your search as responsive records: communications, memorandums, background papers, meeting minutes, email exchanges, or presentation materials. If your office has questions about this request, please feel free to direct them to the address associated with this request or call the MuckRock office at 617-299-1832.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 5 business days, as the statute requires.


Freddy Martinez

From: Henderson Police

Dear Freddy Martinez,
Thank you very much for becoming a member of Contact Henderson. You can use your username and password any time you would like to send additional requests to Contact Henderson through our web site, http://www.cityofhenderson.com/.
In order to login use the following information:
Username: requests@muckrock.com
Password: darkgreen1693
You can use our website 24 hours a day, seven days a week to track the status of your letter and any replies issued.
https://clients.comcate.com/login.php?id=90&destination=%2Fmyfeedback.php CSC

From: Henderson Police

Your request has been received.
Please be advised after research and review, the requested records/information should be available in three weeks, (July 29, 2019).
Should the requested records/information be available sooner, they will be emailed per your request.
Office of Public Information
Henderson Police Department

From: Henderson Police

Greetings, Please find the following requestedrecords attached: Requisition form, Purchase order,Invoice, and Agreement/Contract. Due to this item being software and under$50,000, there was NO bidding requirement. There are NO records for company relationsand communication, marketing materials, and the training completed was throughlive demonstrations. It should be noted that although theprogram/software under Vigilant does have a section for facial recognitiontechnology, the Henderson Police Department does not contribute images to theprogram, and that portion of the program has limited use by our agency. With the aforementionedrecords/information provided, this request will be closed as resolved. Respectfully, Office of Public Information Henderson Police Department

>>>> Attachments <<<<
Requested Records Download (https://clients.comcate.com/viewAttachment.php?id=RjJVMFFHVUNxYkxhU3FVTzJvY1BxZGJHaWdxeklsdUNBbUtLbEhmWVkwVT0=)


