Hawaii air polution permit request for names and permits from 2009-2019

Codefore Publishing filed this request with the Hawaii Department Of Health, Clean Air Branch of Honolulu, HI.
Est. Completion None


From: Codefore Publishing

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Hawaii Uniform Information Practices Act, I hereby request the following records:

RE: Hawaii 'Request to Access a Government Record' attached.
1. List of all persons/entities that have been issued an air permit to include entity addresses and property locations
2. List inclusive from 01/01/2009 to 12/31/2019
3. List of air quality failures on the above list and the reason for failure
Pursuant to the instructions on your form, We request a Waiver of Fees in the public Interest for the following reasons.
1. The requested records pertain to the operations of the Hawaii Department of Health-Clean Air Branch
2. This request is pursuant to an email to HDOH requesting instructions as to how to obtain copies of these records. It is assumed that these records are available to the public pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act.
3. Codefore Publishing is a recognized cyber news outlet via Alpha News/ codeforeblog.com. These records are necessary to complete a study that compares air quality with the increase or decrease in population. This study will be widely disseminated to interested persons.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 10 business days, as the statute requires.


Codefore Publishing

From: Codefore Publishing

Please advise the status of my request dated May 30, 2019

From: Hawaii Department Of Health, Clean Air Branch


Can someone please give me a call regarding this request? We need some clarification. My number is 808-586-4200.

Lisa Young
Clean Air Branch

From: Hawaii Department Of Health, Clean Air Branch

This message is in regard to your May 30, 2019 record request that includes the following:
1. List of all persons/entities that have been issued an air permit to include entity addresses and property locations
2. List inclusive from 01/01/2009 to 12/31/2019
3. List of air quality failures on the above list and the reason for failure

For item #1 &2, please find attached an Excel list of persons/entities that currently have an air pollution control permit with us.
Note that we do not project who might receive a permit by the end of this year.

For item #3, could you please define "air quality failures?"
This will help us find the records you need and correctly determine any fees/costs that may apply.

If you have any questions, please reply to this email or call.

Barry Ching
Clean Air Branch
Hawaii Department of Health
(808) 586-4200

From: Hawaii Department Of Health, Clean Air Branch


Please see the attached notice on your record request.
Please let me know if you have any questions or wish to clarify or narrow down your request.

Barry Ching
Clean Air Branch
Hawaii Department of Health
(808) 586-4200

From: Codefore Publishing

Thank you for the quick response. I did not access this prior to today because I was out of the country. I was not aware of the costs of providing this information prior to receiving the excel file. Please take note that my request for this information included a request for a waver of fees and disregard the request for failures. Also I understand that a person who represents Mr. Dunster was given my name. Be advised that the information you have provided is going to be included in a previous request for a US Inspector General investigation into Dunster's Carbon program. For this reason I'm requesting that you wave any fees incurred to this point.

Also could you verify that an air permit is required prior to selling Carbon units on a particular piece of property.

Please provide the name of the Dunster representative who was given my name and the circumstances surrounding the release of this information.

Thank You


From: Hawaii Department Of Health, Clean Air Branch

Dear J:

The Notice of July 8, 2019 provided a waiver of $60 for public interest use of the information per your request. This is twice the amount of a regular waiver. No other waiver is allowed.

The Clean Air Branch does not regulate the selling of carbon credits. The selling of carbon credits is not part of an Air Pollution Control Permit.

Your name was never given to anyone, including to a "Dunster representative."

Please let me know if you have any other questions.

Barry Ching
Clean Air Branch
Hawaii Department of Health
(808) 586-4200

From: Codefore Publishing

Mr. Ching,
On legal advice it appears that you have improperly sent the invoice without prior notification of the amount due for all services as requested. Additionally the only document that was sent did not refer to any invoice or amounts due for the document.. Therefore we will not be paying your invoice. Additionally had you sent even an estimate for fulfilling the total request for documents we would have declined. We will consider this matter closed.


Codefore Publishing.


