ADL's involvement in Houston CVE Programs (Mayor's Office)

Jonathan Brown filed this request with the Mayor's Office of Houston, TX.
Tracking #


Multi Request ADL's involvement in Houston CVE Programs


From: Jonathan Brown

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Texas Public Information Act, I hereby request the following records:

Background: reports by the Brennan Center and RAND Corporation both list the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) as an official partner* in two Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) programs developed and implemented in Houston, TX, also known as "Community Collaborative to Counter Violent Extremism" and "Countering Violent Extremism Training and Engagement Initiative." Also listed as partners in these programs are numerous public entities beholden to state and national public records laws, including FEMA, the Houston Police Department, Harris County Sheriff, Houston Independent School District, the Mayor's Office of Houston, the University of Houston, and the Houston Regional Intelligence Center. I request records detailing the nature, extent, and results of ADL's involvement in regards to these programs and any and all other similar ones, as follows:


1) Any and all records or documents created with/by, mentioning, provided by/to, or otherwise involving the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) including but not limited to grants, scholarships, fellowships, contracts, MOUs, reports, emails (to, from, cc’ing, or bcc’ing email addresses with the domain “” including but not limited to “” and “”), presentations, slides, transactions, training materials, consultations, curricula, etc., for the sake of preventing:
-“violent extremism”
-“hate speech”
-“hate crimes” etc.
[from January 1st, 2016 to August 5th, 2020 (or most current date of record fulfillment)]

2) Any and all records or documents created with/by, mentioning, provided by/to, or otherwise involving the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) including but not limited to grants, scholarships, fellowships, contracts, MOUs, reports, emails (to, from, cc’ing, or bcc’ing email addresses with the domain “” including but not limited to “” and “”), presentations, slides, transactions, training materials, consultations, curricula, etc., regarding any and all of the following programs:
-“Countering Violent Extremism” (CVE)
-“Preventing Violent Extremism” (PVE)
-“Black Identity Extremism” (BIE)
-“CVE Training and Engagement Initiative”
-“Urban Area Security Initiative” (UASI)
-“Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention” (TVTP)
-“Community Collaborative to Counter Violent Extremism”
-“ACT: NOW Hotline” (or “ACTNOW”)
-“Three Cities”
-“Empowered Parents”
[from January 1st, 2016 to August 5th, 2020 (or most current date of record fulfillment)]

3) Any and all records or documents created with/by, mentioning, provided by/to, or otherwise involving the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) including but not limited to grants, scholarships, fellowships, contracts, MOUs, reports, emails (to, from, cc’ing, or bcc’ing email addresses with the domain “” including but not limited to “” and “”), presentations, slides, transactions, training materials, consultations, curricula, etc., regarding the PLANNING FOR and/or DEVELOPMENT of any and all of the following programs:
-“Countering Violent Extremism” (CVE)
-“Preventing Violent Extremism” (PVE)
-“Black Identity Extremism” (BIE)
-“CVE Training and Engagement Initiative”
-“Urban Area Security Initiative” (UASI)
-“Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention” (TVTP)
-“Community Collaborative to Counter Violent Extremism”
-“ACT: NOW Hotline” (or “ACTNOW”)
-“Three Cities”
-“Empowered Parents”
[from January 1st, 2014 to December 31st, 2017]

4) Any and all correspondences with the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) (email addresses with the domain “” including but not limited to “” and “”) also addressed to, or mentioning, cc’ing, or bcc’ing any and all of the following INDIVIDUALS or ORGANIZATIONS:
“Alliance for Compassion and Tolerance”; “Crisis Intervention of Houston, Inc.”; “Islamic Society of Greater Houston”; “Interfaith Ministries for Greater Houston”; “Outreach Strategists”; “Thrive Productions”; “American Civil Liberties Union” (ACLU); “Rice University”; “United Way”; “Houston Regional CVE Steering Committee”; “Shifa Clinic”; “Organization of Pakistani Entrepreneurs”; “River Oaks Islamic Center”; “EMERGE USA Houston”; “Salaam Reentry Program”; “WISE”; “Muslim Professional Association”; “Amaanah Refugee Services”; ‘World Affairs Council of Houston”; “A.T. Still University”; “Indus Arts Council”; “Islamic Arts Society & Muslim Artists of Houston”; “Intersections International”; Mustafa Tameez; Wardah Khalid; Naomi Madrid; Baber Mohammed; Julie Doyle (or “Julie Doyle-Madrid”) Kimberly House; Melanie Bartis; Dennis Storemski
[from January 1st, 2016 to August 5th, 2020 (or most current date of record fulfillment)]

5) Any and all records or documents created with/by, mentioning, provided by/to, or otherwise involving the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) including but not limited to grants, scholarships, fellowships, contracts, MOUs, reports, emails (to, from, cc’ing, or bcc’ing email addresses with the domain “” including but not limited to “” and “”), presentations, slides, transactions, training materials, consultations, curricula, etc., regarding DATA or INFORMATION SHARING, including but not limited to data or information about:
-“hate speech”
-“hate crimes”
-“violent extremism”
-“incitement”, etc.
[from January 1st, 2016 to August 5th, 2020 (or most current date of record fulfillment)]

6) Any and all correspondences with the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) (email addresses with the domain “” including but not limited to “” and “”) with any and all of the following KEYWORDS/SEARCH TERMS:
“violent extremism”; “Israel”; “Israel/Palestine”; “Palestine”; "Palestinian"; “radicalization”; “deradicalization”; “Preventing Violent Extremism”; “PVE”; “Countering Violent Extremism”; “CVE”; “BDS"; ; “lone wolf”; “hate speech”; “hate crime”; “parental engagement”; “risk factor”; “indicator”; “interfaith”; "curriculum"; “incitement”; "curricula"; “Three Cities”; “Empowered Parents”; “threat analysis”; "threat assessment"; “risk assessment”; “intervention”; "prevention; “Islam”; “Muslim”; “gang”; “anti-gang”; “scenario-based”; “community resilience”; “CVE Training and Engagement Initiative”; “refugee”; “violence prevention”; “convert”; “trusted community partners”; “mental health”; “substance abuse”; "trafficking"; "sex trafficking"; “suicide”; “bullying”; “radical views”; “extremist”; “extremism”; “violent extremist”; “safe spaces”; “dialog promotion”; “aggression”; “new Muslim”; “prison”; “reentry”; “re-entry”; “counseling”; “counselor”; "counsel”; “clinic”; “mentor”; “mentorship”; “terrorism”; “terrorist”; “crisis intervention”; “counter-narrative”; “jihad”; “jihadi”; “jihadist”; “anti-Semitism”; “antisemitism”; “Zionism”; “Zionist”; “anti-Zionism”; "anti-Zionist”; “anti-Israel”; “Incidence Response”; “Incident Response”; “prison dawah”; “terrorism ideologies”; “warning signs”; “Salaam Shalom Institute”; “civil rights”; “civil liberties”; “community education”; “train-the-trainer”; “ISIS”; “Islamic State”; “al-Qaeda”; “Islamist”; “steering committee”; “Crisis Intervention of Houston”; “cartel”; “migrant”; “community expert”; “material support”; “recruitment”; “harassment”; “hotline”; “anti-bullying”; “online safety”; “early prevention”
[from January 1st, 2016 to August 5th, 2020 (or most current date of record fulfillment)]

For the purposes of this request, “records” includes but is not limited to any paper or electronic information, reports, evaluations, memoranda, correspondence, letters, emails, charts, graphs, flyers, meeting agendas and minutes, training materials, diagrams, forms, DVDs, tapes, CDs, notes or other similar materials. If the requested records are stored in electronic format, we ask that they be produced in electronic format.

For the purposes of this request, “correspondences” includes but is not limited to any and all letters, emails, call transcriptions, meeting notes, and any and all other forms of paper and electronic communications sent to, received from, cc’ing and bcc’ing the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and any member of the Anti-Defamation League. If the requested records are stored in electronic format, we ask that they be produced in electronic format.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 10 business days, as the statute requires.


Jonathan Brown

From: Mayor's Office

Dear Mr. Brown:

Please see the attached letter pertaining to your request.


General Counsel Section
City of Houston Legal Department<>

From: Mayor's Office

Hello Mr. Brown,
In your request for email search, you include "etc." as part of your keywords. Please specify as we do not know what other words you are looking for.

thank you.

From: Jonathan Brown

Dear Mayor's Office,

Here is the revised version with the "etc.'s" removed and the keywords specified. Thank you.

1) Any and all records or documents created with/by, mentioning, provided by/to, or otherwise involving the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) including but not limited to grants, scholarships, fellowships, contracts, MOUs, reports, emails (to, from, cc’ing, or bcc’ing email addresses with the domain “” including but not limited to “” and “”), presentations, slides, transactions, training materials, consultations, curricula, evaluations, memoranda, correspondence, letters, charts, graphs, flyers, meeting agendas and minutes, diagrams, forms, DVDs, tapes, CDs, notes, for the sake of preventing:
-“violent extremism”
-“hate speech”
-“hate crimes”
[from January 1st, 2016 to August 5th, 2020 (or most current date of record fulfillment)]

2) Any and all records or documents created with/by, mentioning, provided by/to, or otherwise involving the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) including but not limited to grants, scholarships, fellowships, contracts, MOUs, reports, emails (to, from, cc’ing, or bcc’ing email addresses with the domain “” including but not limited to “” and “”), presentations, slides, transactions, training materials, consultations, curricula, evaluations, memoranda, correspondence, letters, charts, graphs, flyers, meeting agendas and minutes, diagrams, forms, DVDs, tapes, CDs, notes, regarding any and all of the following programs:
-“Countering Violent Extremism” (CVE)
-“Preventing Violent Extremism” (PVE)
-“Black Identity Extremism” (BIE)
-“CVE Training and Engagement Initiative”
-“Urban Area Security Initiative” (UASI)
-“Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention” (TVTP)
-“Community Collaborative to Counter Violent Extremism”
-“ACT: NOW Hotline” (or “ACTNOW”)
-“Three Cities”
-“Empowered Parents”
[from January 1st, 2016 to August 5th, 2020 (or most current date of record fulfillment)]

3) Any and all records or documents created with/by, mentioning, provided by/to, or otherwise involving the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) including but not limited to grants, scholarships, fellowships, contracts, MOUs, reports, emails (to, from, cc’ing, or bcc’ing email addresses with the domain “” including but not limited to “” and “”), presentations, slides, transactions, training materials, consultations, curricula, evaluations, memoranda, correspondence, letters, charts, graphs, flyers, meeting agendas and minutes, diagrams, forms, DVDs, tapes, CDs, notes, regarding the PLANNING FOR and/or DEVELOPMENT of any and all of the following programs:
-“Countering Violent Extremism” (CVE)
-“Preventing Violent Extremism” (PVE)
-“Black Identity Extremism” (BIE)
-“CVE Training and Engagement Initiative”
-“Urban Area Security Initiative” (UASI)
-“Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention” (TVTP)
-“Community Collaborative to Counter Violent Extremism”
-“ACT: NOW Hotline” (or “ACTNOW”)
-“Three Cities”
-“Empowered Parents”
[from January 1st, 2014 to December 31st, 2017]

4) Any and all correspondences with the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) (email addresses with the domain “” including but not limited to “” and “”) also addressed to, or mentioning, cc’ing, or bcc’ing any and all of the following INDIVIDUALS or ORGANIZATIONS:
“Alliance for Compassion and Tolerance”; “Crisis Intervention of Houston, Inc.”; “Islamic Society of Greater Houston”; “Interfaith Ministries for Greater Houston”; “Outreach Strategists”; “Thrive Productions”; “American Civil Liberties Union” (ACLU); “Rice University”; “United Way”; “Houston Regional CVE Steering Committee”; “Shifa Clinic”; “Organization of Pakistani Entrepreneurs”; “River Oaks Islamic Center”; “EMERGE USA Houston”; “Salaam Reentry Program”; “WISE”; “Muslim Professional Association”; “Amaanah Refugee Services”; ‘World Affairs Council of Houston”; “A.T. Still University”; “Indus Arts Council”; “Islamic Arts Society & Muslim Artists of Houston”; “Intersections International”; Mustafa Tameez; Wardah Khalid; Naomi Madrid; Baber Mohammed; Julie Doyle (or “Julie Doyle-Madrid”) Kimberly House; Melanie Bartis; Dennis Storemski
[from January 1st, 2016 to August 5th, 2020 (or most current date of record fulfillment)]

5) Any and all records or documents created with/by, mentioning, provided by/to, or otherwise involving the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) including but not limited to grants, scholarships, fellowships, contracts, MOUs, reports, emails (to, from, cc’ing, or bcc’ing email addresses with the domain “” including but not limited to “” and “”), presentations, slides, transactions, training materials, consultations, curricula, evaluations, memoranda, correspondence, letters, charts, graphs, flyers, meeting agendas and minutes, diagrams, forms, DVDs, tapes, CDs, notes, regarding DATA or INFORMATION SHARING, including but not limited to data or information about:
-“hate speech”
-“hate crimes”
-“violent extremism”
[from January 1st, 2016 to August 5th, 2020 (or most current date of record fulfillment)]

6) Any and all correspondences with the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) (email addresses with the domain “” including but not limited to “” and “”) with any and all of the following KEYWORDS/SEARCH TERMS:
“violent extremism”; “Israel”; “Israel/Palestine”; “Palestine”; "Palestinian"; “radicalization”; “deradicalization”; “Preventing Violent Extremism”; “PVE”; “Countering Violent Extremism”; “CVE”; “BDS"; ; “lone wolf”; “hate speech”; “hate crime”; “parental engagement”; “risk factor”; “indicator”; “interfaith”; "curriculum"; “incitement”; "curricula"; “Three Cities”; “Empowered Parents”; “threat analysis”; "threat assessment"; “risk assessment”; “intervention”; "prevention; “Islam”; “Muslim”; “gang”; “anti-gang”; “scenario-based”; “community resilience”; “CVE Training and Engagement Initiative”; “refugee”; “violence prevention”; “convert”; “trusted community partners”; “mental health”; “substance abuse”; "trafficking"; "sex trafficking"; “suicide”; “bullying”; “radical views”; “extremist”; “extremism”; “violent extremist”; “safe spaces”; “dialog promotion”; “aggression”; “new Muslim”; “prison”; “reentry”; “re-entry”; “counseling”; “counselor”; "counsel”; “clinic”; “mentor”; “mentorship”; “terrorism”; “terrorist”; “crisis intervention”; “counter-narrative”; “jihad”; “jihadi”; “jihadist”; “anti-Semitism”; “antisemitism”; “Zionism”; “Zionist”; “anti-Zionism”; "anti-Zionist”; “anti-Israel”; “Incidence Response”; “Incident Response”; “prison dawah”; “terrorism ideologies”; “warning signs”; “Salaam Shalom Institute”; “civil rights”; “civil liberties”; “community education”; “train-the-trainer”; “ISIS”; “Islamic State”; “al-Qaeda”; “Islamist”; “steering committee”; “Crisis Intervention of Houston”; “cartel”; “migrant”; “community expert”; “material support”; “recruitment”; “harassment”; “hotline”; “anti-bullying”; “online safety”; “early prevention”
[from January 1st, 2016 to August 5th, 2020 (or most current date of record fulfillment)]

From: Mayor's Office

Dear Mr. Brown:

Please see the attached letter pertaining to your request.


General Counsel Section
City of Houston Legal Department<>

From: Mayor's Office

The request has been forwarded from one agency to another agency or department for further review or follow up.

From: Mayor's Office

Attached is the document the Attorney General’s office ruled to release with redactions.

From: Mayor's Office

Dear Mr. Brown:

Please see the attached letters pertaining to your request.


General Counsel Section
City of Houston Legal Department

From: Jonathan Brown

Dear Tejal Patel,

I'm writing to confirm that following the ruling, I'm still to expect any and all responsive documents and records from the Houston Mayor's Office for request 26872. So far, I've only received one heavily redacted document, and the letter "Brown WH ltr 26872" from Jill Bradford in the previous message states that "we are requesting that the Mayor’s Office provide the responsive documents to you in accordance with the Attorney General’s ruling."

Please comply by sending any and all responsive documents and records. Thank you. I will send this message directly to the mayor's office as well.

From: Jonathan Brown

Dear Mayor's Office,

I'm writing to confirm that following the ruling, I'm still to expect any and all responsive documents and records from the Houston Mayor's Office for request 26872. So far, I've only received one heavily redacted document, and the letter "Brown WH ltr 26872" from Jill Bradford in the previous message states that "we are requesting that the Mayor’s Office provide the responsive documents to you in accordance with the Attorney General’s ruling."

Please comply by sending any and all responsive documents and records. Thank you.

From: Mayor's Office

Apologies. I thought I had previously sent the documents. You’ll find the documents at this link


