Police Data Collection Request (2022)

Samuel Sinyangwe filed this request with the Kansas City Kansas Police Department of Kansas City, KS.
Tracking #



From: Samuel Sinyangwe

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the The Kansas Open Records Act, I hereby request the following records:

1. the total number of use of force incidents in 2022.

2. the total number of use of force incidents, separated by type of force, in 2022 (for example, information that specifies the number of taser incidents in 2022, baton incidents in 2022, etc.)

3. the total number of civilian complaints against law enforcement that were reported and the total number sustained for 2022.

4. the total number of civilian complaints alleging law enforcement use of excessive force that were reported and the total number sustained for 2022.

5. the total number of civilian complaints alleging biased policing or racial profiling that were reported and the total number sustained for 2022.

6. the total number of civilian complaints alleging criminal conduct that were reported and the total number sustained for 2022.

7. the total number of officer-involved shootings in 2022, both fatal and non-fatal.

8. the total number of people who police used force against, broken down by race/ethnicity, in 2022.

When available, I would appreciate being sent individualized data in this request in spreadsheet format. If individualized data are unavailable, please send information that includes aggregate statistics for the item instead.

Note that my requests for civilian complaints are specifically for civilian complaints, please do not include complaints filed by one officer/the department against another officer.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 3 business days, as the statute requires.


Samuel Sinyangwe

From: Kansas City Kansas Police Department

Unified Government of WYCO/KCK


Your record request #23-2303 has been submitted successfully.

Reply to this email or sign in to contact Unified Government of WYCO/KCK.<br><br>
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From: Kansas City Kansas Police Department

Unified Government of WYCO/KCK


A message was sent to you regarding record request #23-2303:

The Unified Government of Wyandotte County has received your Kansas Open Records Request. At this time, we estimate that it will take approximately 1 week to complete this request. We will let you know as soon as possible if there will be any cost associated with compiling this data.

Your patience is appreciated.

<em>Questions about your request?</em> Reply to this email or sign in to contact staff at Unified Government of WYCO/KCK.<br><em>Technical support:</em> See our <a href="https://www.nextrequest.civicplus.help/hc/en-us/sections/11652151127447-Requester-Resources">help page</a>

From: Kansas City Kansas Police Department

Unified Government of WYCO/KCK


The due date for record request #23-2303 has been changed to:

August 21, 2023

<em>Questions about your request?</em> Reply to this email or sign in to contact staff at Unified Government of WYCO/KCK.<br><em>Technical support:</em> See our <a href="https://www.nextrequest.civicplus.help/hc/en-us/sections/11652151127447-Requester-Resources">help page</a>

From: Kansas City Kansas Police Department

Unified Government of WYCO/KCK


The due date for record request #23-2303 has been changed to:

August 30, 2023

<em>Questions about your request?</em> Reply to this email or sign in to contact staff at Unified Government of WYCO/KCK.<br><em>Technical support:</em> See our <a href="https://www.nextrequest.civicplus.help/hc/en-us/sections/11652151127447-Requester-Resources">help page</a>

From: Kansas City Kansas Police Department

Unified Government of WYCO/KCK


An invoice has been created for record request #23-2303. Please pay by visiting Request #23-2303.

Charges associated with fulfilling this request are $74.49. Once we have received your payment, the data file(s) will be released to you.


This site allows you to pay for charges associated with your Kansas Open Request Act requests online using a Debit or Credit Card, which is the preferred method.


Payment can also be made by check or money order payable to: Unified Government Treasury. Checks are required to have the Name, Address, and Phone Number printed on the check. The driver’s license number and date of birth may also be required.

The check should be mailed to: 


UG of WYCO / Clerks Office

Attn: KORA #23-2303

701 N 7th St Rm. 323

Kansas City, KS 66101


Please contact us at 913-573-5260 if there are additional questions.

<em>Questions about your request?</em> Reply to this email or sign in to contact staff at Unified Government of WYCO/KCK.<br><em>Technical support:</em> See our <a href="https://www.nextrequest.civicplus.help/hc/en-us/sections/11652151127447-Requester-Resources">help page</a>

From: Kansas City Kansas Police Department

Unified Government of WYCO/KCK


The due date for record request #23-2303 has been changed to:

September 27, 2023

<em>Questions about your request?</em> Reply to this email or sign in to contact staff at Unified Government of WYCO/KCK.<br><em>Technical support:</em> See our <a href="https://www.nextrequest.civicplus.help/hc/en-us/sections/11652151127447-Requester-Resources">help page</a>

From: Samuel Sinyangwe

To Whom It May Concern:

Please find enclosed a check for $74.49 to satisfy the fee associated with the attached public records request.

Thank you.

Check sent by Muckrock Staff

Pay to the order of:

Unified Government Treasury
UG of WYCO / Clerks Office
701 N 7th St Rm. 318
Kansas City, KS 66101

Amount of: $74.49
  • Created — 08/30/2023
  • In Transit — 09/02/2023
  • In Local Area — 09/04/2023
  • Processed For Delivery — 09/05/2023
  • Deposited — 09/11/2023

From: Kansas City Kansas Police Department

Unified Government of WYCO/KCK


Your invoice for record request #23-2303 has been paid.

<em>Questions about your request?</em> Reply to this email or sign in to contact staff at Unified Government of WYCO/KCK.<br><em>Technical support:</em> See our <a href="https://www.nextrequest.civicplus.help/hc/en-us/sections/11652151127447-Requester-Resources">help page</a>

From: Kansas City Kansas Police Department

Unified Government of WYCO/KCK


A document has been released for record request #23-2303 along with the following message:

Payment was received today. The Sheriff's Office totals are being released to you. The KCKPD totals will be released separately.

* use of force totals 2022.doc

<em>Questions about your request?</em> Reply to this email or sign in to contact staff at Unified Government of WYCO/KCK.<br><em>Technical support:</em> See our <a href="https://www.nextrequest.civicplus.help/hc/en-us/sections/11652151127447-Requester-Resources">help page</a>

From: Kansas City Kansas Police Department

Unified Government of WYCO/KCK


Record request #23-2303 has been closed. The closure reason supplied was:

With our delivery of the requested data, your Kansas Open Records Request is being closed. Please let us know if we can be of further assistance.

Thank you.

<em>Questions about your request?</em> Reply to this email or sign in to contact staff at Unified Government of WYCO/KCK.<br><em>Technical support:</em> See our <a href="https://www.nextrequest.civicplus.help/hc/en-us/sections/11652151127447-Requester-Resources">help page</a>

From: Kansas City Kansas Police Department

Unified Government of WYCO/KCK


A document has been released for record request #23-2303 along with the following message:

The Documents are being released to requester

* 2022 Use of Force Report_Redacted.pdf

<em>Questions about your request?</em> Reply to this email or sign in to contact staff at Unified Government of WYCO/KCK.<br><em>Technical support:</em> See our <a href="https://www.nextrequest.civicplus.help/hc/en-us/sections/11652151127447-Requester-Resources">help page</a>

From: Kansas City Kansas Police Department

Unified Government of WYCO/KCK


A message was sent to you regarding record request #23-2303:

On behalf of KCKPD, here are the responses for your questions that were not answered in the report:

3. We had 2 formal investigations resulting from civilian complaints. One of them was sustained. We had 25 complaints from civilians which were sent out into the field of operations for review. 7 of those were sustained.

4. We had a total of 4 civilian complaints of excessive force. One of them was sustained.

5. We had one Biased based complaint in 2022. It was not sustained.

6. We had three criminal complaints from civilians which turned into investigations. One of them was inactivated after the victim stopped cooperating. The other two were charged and are awaiting court proceedings.

<em>Questions about your request?</em> Reply to this email or sign in to contact staff at Unified Government of WYCO/KCK.<br><em>Technical support:</em> See our <a href="https://www.nextrequest.civicplus.help/hc/en-us/sections/11652151127447-Requester-Resources">help page</a>