Title |
all information, documents, records, and communications within the FBI/DOJ regarding two "unsolved" murders of Professor Ismail Al-Faruqi (1986) and Columbia University security guard Garry Germain (1988)
Completed |
User | omar scott antar |
Agency | Federal Bureau of Investigation |
Jurisdiction | United States of America |
Updated | 12/07/2021 |
Submitted | 06/18/2016 |
Title |
all information, documents, records, and communications within the FBI/DOJ surrounding a lecture by Noam Chomsky lecture on 5/25/2002 at Montefiore Hospital, Bronx, NY, an affiliate of Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Completed |
User | omar scott antar |
Agency | Federal Bureau of Investigation |
Jurisdiction | United States of America |
Updated | 10/08/2021 |
Submitted | 06/17/2016 |
Title |
all information, documents, records, and communications within the White House regarding all NYPD's Intelligence Division and CIA's operations against (but not limited to) Muslims and left-wing activists, as per the Associated Press series
Completed |
User | omar scott antar |
Agency | Office of National Drug Control Policy |
Jurisdiction | United States of America |
Updated | 06/04/2018 |
Submitted | 12/16/2016 |
Title |
all information, documents, records, and communications within the White House regarding all NYPD's Intelligence Division and CIA's operations against (but not limited to) Muslims and left-wing activists, as per the Associated Press series
Completed |
User | omar scott antar |
Agency | Office of National Drug Control Policy |
Jurisdiction | United States of America |
Updated | 05/29/2018 |
Submitted | 12/14/2016 |
Title |
all information, documents, records, and communications within the White House regarding the NYPD's Intelligence Division and CIA's operations against Muslims and left-wing activists, as per the Associated Press series
Completed |
User | omar scott antar |
Agency | Office of National Drug Control Policy |
Jurisdiction | United States of America |
Updated | 05/25/2018 |
Submitted | 04/12/2016 |
Title |
all information, documents, records, and communications within the CIA regarding el-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz (a.k.a. Malcolm X, born Malcolm Little on May 19, 1925), assassinated on February 21, 1965 in the Audubon Ballroom in Harlem, NYC
Completed |
User | omar scott antar |
Agency | Central Intelligence Agency |
Jurisdiction | United States of America |
Updated | 05/24/2017 |
Submitted | 12/19/2016 |
Title |
All information, documents, records, and communications within the NYPD regarding el-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz (a.k.a. Malcolm X, born Malcolm Little on May 19, 1925), assassinated on February 21, 1965 in the Audubon Ballroom in Harlem, NYC
Completed |
User | omar scott antar |
Agency | New York City Police Department |
Jurisdiction | New York City, NY |
Updated | 05/14/2017 |
Submitted | 12/20/2016 |
Title |
all information, documents, records, and communications within the FBI/DOJ regarding el-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz (a.k.a. Malcolm X, born Malcolm Little on May 19, 1925), assassinated on February 21, 1965 in the Audubon Ballroom in Harlem, NYC
Completed |
User | omar scott antar |
Agency | Federal Bureau of Investigation |
Jurisdiction | United States of America |
Updated | 12/21/2016 |
Submitted | 12/11/2016 |